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1、托福阅读直接信息题实例解析分享 托福阅读直接信息题又叫事实信息题,顾名思义考察的是考生对阅读*中直接给出的事实信息的理解能力,下面就和大家分享托福阅读直接信息题实例解析 ,希望能够帮助到大家,快来学习一下吧。托福阅读直接信息题实例解析一般能来说,托福阅读直接信息题的解题需要遵循三步:1.从题干中找到定位关键词 2.通过定位关键词找到对应原文,得出原文答案 3.将四个选项跟原文答案进行对照,看哪个选项是对原文答案的同义改写。这个过程中最重要的主要有两种能力:关键词定位与同义改写。首先我们来看看“定位关键词”。,按照“识别度高低”排序可以有如下这些帮助我们回到原文定位的关键词:(1) 数字、大写、

2、符号(引号、破折号、连字符、斜体.)(2) 名词(以具体名词为主、抽象名词为辅,因为前者更不容易被改写)(3) 比较级、最高级(4) 动词、形容词、副词在关键词定位的过程中我们要对题干中诸如when、where 、how 、why等特殊疑问词敏感,这些单词可以帮我们更好地判断题目的考查方向,让我们知道最终要找到什么。另外*标题词不可作为定位关键词,因为高频词没有定位价值。关于Step 2“原文答案”,这是指的是如果题目没有四个选项、只有题干的话,这道题就类似一道简答题,那么这个“原文答案”就是该简答题的答案。最后关于Step 3“同义改写”,这也是托福考试最广泛考察的能力之一了,指同义词或近义

3、词的替换。接下来我们运用这个三步走的策略来解答下面两道题:例题1Though it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective, a strain of critical opinion in the 1920s predicted that sound film would be a technical novelty that would soon fade from sight, just as had many previous attempts, dating well back before the First Worl

4、d War, to link images with recorded sound. These critics were making a common assumption-that the technological inadequacies of earlier efforts (poor synchronization, weak sound amplification, fragile sound recordings) would invariably occur again. To be sure, their evaluation of the technical flaws

5、 in 1920s sound experiments was not so far off the mark, yet they neglected to take into account important new forces in the motion picture field that, in a sense, would not take no for an answer.Which of the following is true about the technical problems of early sound films?(A) Linking images with

6、 recorded sound was a larger obstacle than weak sound amplification or fragile sound recordings.(B) Sound films in the 1920s were unable to solve the technical flaws found in sound films before the First World War.(C) Technical inadequacies occurred less frequently in early sound films than critics

7、suggested.(D) Critics assumed that it would be impossible to overcome the technical difficulties experienced with earlier sound films.解析:Step1题干: 找出题干的定位关键词,是technical problems of early sound films。这段所有句子就是围绕early sound films展开的,所以early sound films没有定位价值,所以需要通过technical problems来定位;technical problem

8、s是抽象词,一般会发生改写。Step2原文: 我们发现原文中有两个短语都跟technical problems同义改写,分别是倒数第二句的technological inadequacies和倒数第一句的technical flaws。Step3选项: 纵观四个选项,我们发现D选项跟倒数第二句同义改写,其中impossible to overcome跟原文中would invariably occur again是同义改写,technical difficulties跟题干关键词是同义改写。例题2Statues were normally made of stone, wood, or met

9、al. Stone statues were worked from single rectangular blocks of material and retained the compactness of the original shape. The stone between the arms and the body and between the legs in standing figures or the legs and the seat in seated ones was not normally cut away. From a practical aspect thi

10、s protected the figures against breakage and psychologically gives the images a sense of strength and power, usually enhanced by a supporting back pillar. By contrast, wooden statues were carved from several pieces of wood that were pegged together to form the finished work, and metal statues were e

11、ither made by wrapping sheet metal around a wooden core or cast by the lost wax process. The arms could be held away from the body and carry separate items in their hands; there is no back pillar. The effect is altogether lighter and freer than that achieved in stone, but because both perform the sa

12、me function, formal wooden and metal statues still display frontality.Which of the following statements about wooden statues is true?(A) Wooden statues were usually larger than stone statues.(B) Wooden statues were made from a single piece of wood.(C) Wooden statues contained pieces of metal or ston

13、e attached to the front.(D) Wooden statues had a different effect on the viewer than stone statues.解析:Step1题干: 找出题干的定位关键词,是wooden statues;这是具体名词,一般不会改写。Step2原文:根据wooden statues定位至倒数第三句(以By contrast开头),我们发现之后两句话也都是关于wooden statues的信息;那么原文答案就是最后三句话。Step3选项: 纵观四个选项,我们发现D选项跟原文最后一句话but之前的信息同义改写,所以答案是D。综上



16、要大致认识或是能推出文中词汇的大致方向就算过关,并且要以动词为主,因为动词决定句意和名词关系,而形容词和副词只是情感词,托福阅读一般来说又不考察作者的情感色彩,所以我们就要做到:1. 找一本适合的词汇书,同时因为你词汇量比较小,而且背单词比较枯燥,需要联想记忆,包括故事,语音和词根词缀。2. 同时也建议你在背单词书的同时,大量的精读托福阅读*。因为我们获得单词是从两个方面获得的,一方面是机械地获得这个词汇,另一方面是来自阅读的*中,在阅读中背单词是特别快,而且不容易忘记。所以建议两方面结合,个是背一本单词书;第二个是大量阅读新托福的*,包括老的托福的*也是特别有意义的*,同时把里面的单词全部都

17、背下来是非常有利的。为什么这么强调单词呢?就在于新托福的阅读中有1/4的题目全部在于词汇上。二、理清句子结构,获得句子主干。可以用下面句子自测:A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century, including the introduction of pedals to sustain tone or to soften it, the perfection of a metal frame and steel wire of the finest quality,finally

18、produced an instrument capable of myriad tonal effects from the most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral fullness of sound,from a liquid,singing tone to a sharp, percussive brilliance. (介词结构fromto作定语) 持续到19世纪的一系列机械上的改进,包括引入踏板以维持音调或使其柔和,改善金属框架,以及使用性能的钢丝,终产生了一种具备无数音调效果的乐器这些效果涵盖了从精致的和声到几乎全部的管弦乐音

19、响,从明快流畅的吟唱音调到尖锐的打击乐器的恢弘气氛。分句1:A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century分句2:including the introduction of pedals to sustain tone or to soften it分句3:the perfection of a metal frame and steel wire of the finest quality分句4:finally produced an instrument capable of m

20、yriad tonal effects分句5:from the most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral fullness of sound分句6:from a liquid,singing tone to a sharp, percussive brilliance本句真正的主句结构其实是由分句1和分句4构成,即A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century finally produced an instrument capa

21、ble of myriad tonal effects,分句2和分句3并列修饰说明分句1中的A series of mechanical improvements,而分句5和分句6并列,修饰说明了 分句4中的an instrument capable of myriad tonal effects。三、必要的背景知识。很多同学读地质、天文类的*简直就是雾里看花,水中望月,因为我们对板块的形成运动,太阳系及宇宙黑洞,又或者是火山地震和冰川的了解太少了,而这类*的描述又特别细致,所以建议同学们看看Discovery或是学习自然科学,熟悉词汇,对常见的自然现象做深入了解。四、科学的做题方法和练习。当

22、万事俱备时,就是我们刷题之时。刷题并不意味着一味的做题,要掌握每种题型的做题方法,保证思考方向的正确性。其次就是计时练习,如果做题没有紧张感,一是造成阅读速度一直无法提高,二是考试的时候紧张有可能做不完题或是读*不走心,需要重复读,浪费时间,还容易出错,所以必须严格控制答题时间。托福阅读长难句:恐龙灭绝的原因Others have blamed extinction on competition from the mammals, which allegedly ate all the dinosaur eggs-except that mammals and dinosaurs appear

23、ed at the same time in the Late Triassic, about 190 million years ago, and there is no reason to believe that mammals suddenly acquired a taste for dinosaur eggs after 120 million years of coexistence. (TPO42, 56)allegedly/?led?idli/ adv.据称,据传闻分析:这个句子的主干就是:Others have blamed extinction on competitio

24、n from the mammals修饰一:(which allegedly ate all the dinosaur eggs),从句中文:据说它们吃掉了所有的恐龙蛋修饰二:(that mammals and dinosaurs appeared at the same time in the Late Triassic, about 190 million years ago,and there is no reason to believe that mammals suddenly acquired a taste for dinosaur eggs after 120 million

25、 years of coexistence.) ,从句注意这个从句里面还有一个从句:(that mammals suddenly acquired a taste for dinosaur eggs after 120 million years of coexistence)中文:哺乳动物和恐龙同时出现在约190万年前的晚三叠世,没理由认为哺乳动物在和恐龙共同生活了120万年之后,忽然爱吃恐龙蛋了。参考翻译:其他科学家将(恐龙的)灭绝归咎于哺乳动物的竞争,据说它们吃掉了所有的恐龙蛋只是,哺乳动物和恐龙同时出现在约190万年前的晚三叠世,没理由认为哺乳动物在和恐龙共同生活了120万年之后,忽然爱吃恐龙蛋了。托福阅读直接信息题实例解析


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