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1、托福阅读高分经验一览 托福阅读高分经验一览, 这4点大家备考要做到,今天给大家带来了托福阅读高分经验一览,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读高分经验一览 这4点大家备考要做到提前准备词汇书不可缺如果基础一般的同学,想要参加托福考试,最好提前3-4个月准备起来。一本好的词汇书是必不可少的。其实背哪一本词汇书不是重点所在,重要的是能够持之以恒,每天对所背的词汇进行复习和总结。因为你在做词汇题时如果能遇到你熟悉的词,可以节省你会到*中去看上下文猜词的时间。虽然不能保证背到就一定能考到,但是单词可以帮助你更好的理解*。曾经有一名语言专家这样说过:“Without gramma

2、r, little can be conveyed and without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.”足以说明词汇的重要性。先理解结构再理解*然后大家要从理解*的结构开始理解*。我们要明白,托福考试的阅读*都是北美校园基础课程的*,基本没有做过改动。所以*的结构就是完全按照美式作文的五段法,我们的考生只要用这样的方式去分析每一篇*,就会发现他们的结构是大同小异的。积累背景知识相当重要积累背景知识对我们来说相当的重要,因此我们在做新托福阅读的题目的同时,也应该在空余的时候多阅读课外读物,原版杂志。譬如,国家地理,自然,今日美国等一些著名的原版杂志,

3、这不仅可以扩充我们的背景知识,同时也可以补充我们在词汇量上的不足。最后阶段必须做模考题在复习的最后阶段,做做模拟练习题是必不可少的。如果有条件的话,最好做一下模考软件。因为这样可以模仿新托福机考的真实场景。比较推荐的模考软件有Barron, Kaplan以及一些比较权威的模考网站。当然在你报名时托福官方网站提供给你的那一套不完整的模考题也是很有参考价值的。托福阅读考题中常考的词汇enroll to one = combinecomplement = supplement = add tosubstitute = replaceso far = until present = up to now

4、rooted in = based onmake their way = travelvulnerable-open to break-open to attack - weak -susceptibleperishable 容易腐烂的= easy to spoilSeething 沸腾的 - overflowing/excited/activefloat = stay on the topbe consistent with = be compatible withproperty 财产,特征 = characteristic = attribute (名词意为特征,属性)simulated

5、 - artificialsort - type - kindstaggering摇晃的; 犹豫的; 压倒的(多数) =overwhelmingstring线, 绳子; 一行, 一系列 =seriesswell - enlargement - expandtract- area - terrainsymmetric 对称的,均衡的 - balancetaper 逐渐变小 - diminish - 收缩tenet - principle/beliefturn = changevast - immense - extensivewith the ordinary citizens pocketbo

6、ok = affordableadvent = arrivalaffair = matterchronic - constant - confirmed 慢性的;证实的consequence = result/importancecounter = opposecountervail 补偿,抵消; 对抗 = compensate/opposedistinction = differentiation/excellence/honordistribution = dispersion = dispersalembed = implanteuphoric = extremely happyflak

7、e = fragmenthinder 阻碍,打扰= interfere withladings 船货= cargos shipmentmandatory = required, obligatorymundane 世俗的,平凡的= ordinary托福阅读考题中常考的词prerequisite = something required (something needed to happen)rather = instead 相反地/ in some degree在tainsank (sink的过去式)= descended; dropped to the bottomscant = minim

8、umsited = locatedsophisticated = refined /elaborated /complexubiquitous 到处存在的 = commonunanimity = total agreementspectator = viewersporadic = intermittent /irregularstylus 铁笔,针状物 = penunconceivable = unimaginableuniformly = evenly/ without variation/consistentlyunique = sole/ distinctwarranted = aut

9、horized 授权的/justifiedassume=take on 呈现/ suppose, posit 假设foster=promote ,encouragePlumage羽毛=featherComposition作文,成分,混合物=mixturerelatively=comparativelysubstitute=replacementpremise= assumptionwithin= insidehave nothing to do = in no relation tovigorous= strongscope=extentextraordinary非凡的,特别的= except

10、ional 异常的,例外的uneasy心神不安的,不稳定的=unstablebulk大小,体积,大多数=majorspeed 加速 = increase the rate ofspread=distribute 散布,分布endeavor 努力= enterprise 进取心,干事业proximity 接近= nearnessrotate=turn 转动,旋转assertion主张,断言 = strongly statementevidence = proofpreeminent卓越的 =foremost 最重要的barrier障碍物=obstacleprimitive = earlysort

11、 = typerudiment=basicintact未被碰过的=unaffected托福阅读考题中常考的词汇prize珍视 = valuelucrative 有利可图的= profitableineffectively=with out any resultmisleading =inaccuracyarchitecture =structure 结构,建筑物accomplished完成的,熟练的=skilled,embedded内含的,嵌入的=enclosed 被附上的collaboration协作=joint effectsidentical=the sameallow=enabledi

12、spersal 分散,散布= distributionhampering妨碍,牵制 = restrictingcherished珍爱的=valuableprecision = accuracybroadly = extensivelyyearly = annualtracking = followingtolerant = endurerather than = instead oftransformation = conversionsample=examplecrawl爬行=movehobby业余爱好 = pastime 消遣,娱乐inherent in = characteristic

13、ofrecharge再充电=refill再装满devise设计,发明=createattest to证明-confirm,replicas复制品-copies,extant 现存的=not extinctbe closer resemblance to=. be more likeindicate =demonstratethrive=flourishfluctuating=changingmirror反映=reflectprocure获得=obtainparadoxically=seemingly contradictorycounsel劝告,忠告=advice.mock嘲弄,模仿 = pr

14、etendspectacular引人入胜的 = impressive 印象深刻的mimic模仿,仿制品=copyroutinely = commonlyactually = in fact = virtuallyrevolutionize = dramatic changeinitially = originallysource = origin托福阅读考题中常考的词confederacyA union of persons, parties, or states; a league联盟=ally One that is allied with another, especially by t

15、reaty同盟者concealTo keep from being seen, found, observed, or discovered; hide隐藏=hidedramaticallyArresting or forceful in appearance or effect引人注目的=strikingdurableLasting; stable持久的;稳定的=lastingdomains计域=fieldsdomesticTame or domesticated. Used of animals驯养的=tamedominateTo enjoy a commanding, controlli

16、ng position in占支配地位=be prevalent indivergenceDifference, as of opinion意见分歧differencediverseMade up of distinct characteristics, qualities, or elements多种多样的=variousdogmaAn authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true信条=beliefdistin

17、ctionThe condition or fact of being dissimilar or distinct; difference差别=differencedistinctReadily distinguishable from all others; discrete有区别的,不同的=different, separate, definitedisputeTo argue about; debate就进行争论=argument, disagreementdisseminateTo spread abroad; promulgate散布=spread, distributedispo

18、salThe act or process of getting rid of something除掉=get rid ofdiscreteConstituting a separate thing; distinct分离的=separate Existing as an independent entity单独的discardTo throw away; reject丢弃,抛弃=get rid ofdiffuseTo become widely dispersed; spread out散布=travel To be transmitted, as light or sound; move

19、or pass传送differentiateTo constitute the distinction between区分=distinguish To perceive as being different or distinct区分dictateTo prescribe with authority; impose命令;To issue orders or commands命令=determine To reach a decision; resolve解决,决定,=prescribe To set down as a rule or guide; enjoin指定,规定devastate

20、To lay waste; destroy变成废墟,荒芜;破坏=ruindeviceA contrivance or an invention serving a particular purpose, especially a machine used to perform one or more relatively simple tasks机器=instrument A device for recording, measuring, or controlling, especially such a device functioning as part of a control sys

21、tem仪表devoid of free of无的,免于的;摆脱了的destructionThe act of destroying毁灭=demolition The act or process of wrecking or destroying, especially destruction by explosives.摧毁破坏detectTo discover or ascertain the existence, presence, or fact of查明;发现=discover, sense To become aware of; perceive感觉意识到detectableCan

22、 be discovered or ascertained the existence, presence, or fact可查明;可发现apparent, measurable,sizablederiveTo obtain or receive from a source得到=obtain,To issue from a source; originate起源于=stem fromdepressionAn area that is sunk below its surroundings; a hollow下陷处=lowdepressedLow in spirits; dejected情绪低落的;沮丧的=saddeneddepositTo put or set down; place放置=place, laydepleteTo decrease the fullness of; use up or empty out消灭,用完或用光=exhaust, run outdenseHard to penetrate; thick浓厚的=thick, heavy


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