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1、雅思写作要注意些什么 如果你想在雅思写作中取得好成绩,你必须掌握备考的方法和注意事项。下面就和大家分享雅思写作要注意些什么,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作要注意些什么1、雅思考试前两天便别再去写了,这时可以将全部的作文题拿出来,训练自己在2分钟时间里将自己的观点以及三个支持自己观点的例子和论据都想出来。2、雅思写作考试时一定别看了题目以后便去提笔写,如此你会在发现开了头之后,你不清楚要怎么动笔了。3、写之前大概要有一个提纲,如此肯定会写得比较紧凑的,具体的。4、雅思考试时推荐先写大作文,主要是由于TASK2占的分数比较多。5、注意段落的明晰,同时还必须要有一个漂亮的开头和结尾,考试


3、10、后来问了考官,没什么问题。时间到,老外叫停了,这时便一定要停笔了,我身后那位老兄便因为警告了两次而被取消了考试的资格,连雅思口语都不用参加了。雅思G类写作考官范文:写给朋友的感谢信Last month you had a holiday overseas where you stayed with some friends. They have just sent you some photos of your holiday. Write a letter to your friends. In your letter:thank them for the photos and for

4、 the holidayexplain why you didnt write earlier参考范文Dear John and Jane,I hope this letter finds you well. Im just writing to thank you both for the holiday and for the photos you sent.The photos arrived this morning in the post. They reminded me what a great time I had during my stay with you last mo

5、nth. You really were fantastic hosts, and I couldnt have asked for better guides to show me around.Sorry I didnt write to you earlier, but Ive been working flat out since the moment I arrived home. Do you remember I told you I had an assignment to finish? Well, the deadline was two weeks earlier tha

6、n I thought it was!Anyway, Im back to normal now and Ive handed in all of my assignments. In fact, now that Im free, why dont you both come and stay? Theres a spare room here, so youre welcome to use it whenever you like.Hope to see you soon,Peter雅思G类写作考官范文:写给商店经理的投诉信One of your friends has asked yo

7、u to be a partner in his new business. Write a letter to reply to your friends offer. In your lettergive your opinion of your friends business ideatell him whether or not you have decided to accept his offerand explain your reasons for this decision.范文Dear John,I hope youre well. Thanks for giving m

8、e some time to think about your business proposal.First, let me just say that I think it would be a great idea to open a caf on the high street.It definitely makes sense since there are no other cafs in the area.Having said that, Im afraid Im going to have to turn your offer down. Ive thought long a

9、nd hard about this decision, and I just dont think its the right time for me to get involved with a big project like this.To be honest, I would struggle to find enough money to cover my share of the initial investment costs. Also, I dont really want to leave my current job, and I think it would be impossible for me to commit tothe caf project while Im still working full-time.Best of luck with the caf. Im sure youll make a success of it without me!Speak soon雅思写作要注意些什么


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