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1、形容词adj.,用来描述、修饰名词或代词的一类词。,1. This ia a new book.2. He is a good student.3. -Which cup do you want? -I want the big one.,形容词adj.用来描述、修饰名词或代词的一类词。1. Thi,形容词的位置,1. 放在所修饰词的前面。,She is a pretty ( 漂亮的)girl.He is an old man.,2. 放在系动词后面(做表语)。,The girl is pretty ( 漂亮的).The man is old.You look(看起来) young.,形容词的

2、位置1. 放在所修饰词的前面。She is a pr,3. 放在复合不定代词后面。,There is something wrong with my bike.我的自行车出了点毛病。,There is nothing serious(严重的).没什么大不了的。,3. 放在复合不定代词后面。There is somethi,当几个形容词同时修饰一个名词时,应按照正确的顺序排列:品质、大小、颜色、国家、材质。,Eg: a little white wooden house. a handsome Chinese boy.,当几个形容词同时修饰一个名词时,应按照正确的顺序排列:品质、,翻译,1. 一

3、张黄色的小木桌。,a little yellow wooden table,2. 一件漂亮的粉色裙子,a beautiful pink dress,翻译1. 一张黄色的小木桌。a little yellow,形容词的比较等级,形容词的比较等级,小学体育课教学及反思篇一:时间过的太快了,不知不觉已经在小学体育教学有4年了,我觉得教学真的不简单,所要面对的事情太多了,但从中也学到一些东西和一些经验,借此机会和大家分享一下。一、利用游戏比赛形式培养健康心态游戏比赛在小学体育教材中占有相当的份量,通过游戏教学能培养学生的创新精神、竞争意识、团结合作、热爱集体和遵纪守法等优良品质。而这些优良品质正是一个


5、休息。最终使学生化“沮丧”为“振奋,1.89m,Liu Xiang is tall.,小学体育课教学及反思1.89mLiu Xiang is ta,2.23m,Yao Ming is taller than Liu Xiang.,2.23mYao Ming is taller than L,2.36m,Bao Xishun is the tallest man in China.,2.36mBao Xishun is the tallest,The boy is fat.The cook is fatter than the boy.,The boy is fat.,He is the fat

6、test man I have ever seen.,我曾经见到的,He is the fattest man I have e,比较级: 用于两者之间的比较,常和than连用。最高级: 用于三者或三者以上的比较,前有定 冠词the,后面常伴有一个表示范围的 短语或从句。,形容词的比较级和最高级:,比较级: 用于两者之间的比较,常和than连用。形容词的比较,1.一般+er/est.,tall-taller-tallestcold-colder-coldestcool-cooler-coolestold-older-oldest .,比较级与最高级的变化规则:,1.一般+er/est.tall

7、-taller-talles,2.以不发音e结尾,+r/st.,large-larger-largestnice-nicer-nicestlate-later-latest .,2.以不发音e结尾,+r/st.large-larger-l,3.重读闭音节,元+辅,双写辅音+er/est.,hot-hotter-hottestbig-bigger-biggestfat-fatter-fattestthin-thinner-thinnestwet-wetter-wettest .,3.重读闭音节,元+辅,双写辅音+er/est.hot-h,4.辅+y结尾,把y变i, +er/est.,heavy-

8、heavier-heaviestlazy-lazier-laziestlucky-luckier-luckiesteasy-easier-easiest .,4.辅+y结尾,把y变i, +er/est.heavy-he,5.不规则变化,good-better-bestmany-more-mostbad-worse-worst,5.不规则变化good-better-best,不规则变化表,不规则变化表,请写出以下词的比较级和最高级,1. small 2. big3. early 4. fat 5. large6. many,请写出以下词的比较级和最高级1. small,单选,1. This ro

9、om is big, but that room is _ than this room. A .big B. biger C. bigger2. - Whats the weather like this summer? - Its _ than last summer. A. hot B. too hot C. the hottest D. hotter3. She is a careful(细心的) girl. She is the _in her class. A. more careful B. most careful C. the most careful,C,D,B,单选1.

10、This room is big, but tha,Test (小测)1+1=?,This test is easy.,Test No.1123X456=?,This test is difficult.,Test (小测)This test is easy.Tes,Test No.21,234X5,678=?,This test is more difficult.,Test No.2This test is more dif,Test No.312,345X67,890=?,This is the most difficult test I have ever done.,Test No.

11、3This is the most diff,Test No.1123X456=?,Test No.21,234X5,678=?,Test No.312,345X67,890=?,This test is difficult.,This test is more difficult.,This is the most difficult test I have ever done.,Test No.1Test No.2Test No.3Thi,多音节词前加more/most构成比较级和最高级,interesting-more interesting-the most interestingex

12、pensive-more expensive-the most expensiveintelligent-more intelligent-the most intelligentcomfortable-more comfortable-the most comfortable,多音节词前加more/most构成比较级和最高级intere,This book is interesting.,This book is interesting.,This book is less interesting.,This book is less interesting.,This is the lea

13、st interesting book I have ever read.,This is the least interesting,较低比较:,1.This book is interesting.2.This book is less interesting.3.This is the least interesting book I have ever read.,较低比较:1.This book is interestin,The red apple is as sweet as the green apple.,The red apple is as sweet as t,The

14、boy is as old as the girl.,old,old,The boy is as old as the girl.,The blue car is as clean as the red car.,clean,The blue car is as clean as th,同级比较:asas (像一样),The red apple is as sweet as the green apple.The boy is as old as the girl.The blue car is as clean as the red car.,The blue car is not as clean as the red car.,not asas (不像一样),同级比较:asas (像一样)The red appl,


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