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1、n更多企业学院: 中小企业管理全能版一八3套讲座+89700份资料总经理、高层管理49套讲座+16388份资料中层管理学院46套讲座+6020份资料国学智慧、易经46套讲座人力资源学院56套讲座+27123份资料各阶段员工培训学院77套讲座+ 324份资料员工管理企业学院67套讲座+ 8720份资料工厂生产管理学院52套讲座+ 一三920份资料财务管理学院53套讲座+ 17945份资料销售经理学院56套讲座+ 14350份资料销售人员培训学院72套讲座+ 4879份资料1. Sales and Distribution Questionnaire销售和分销调研1.1. Environment环

2、境1.1.1. Which module does the customer want to implement?贵公司想要实施哪个模块?1.1.2. Describe the company organizational structure(client, company code, plants, warehouses)请描述贵公司的组织结构?(集团,公司代码,工厂,仓库)1.1.3. Describe the sales and distribution organizational structure (sales departments, persons responsible, f

3、ield service employees)?请描述贵公司销售和分销的组织结构?(销售部门,负责人,服务领域的雇员)。1.1.4. If not already mentioned in the functional specifications, describe the quantity structure (material, customer orders, and deliveries)?先不考量功能层次,请描述贵公司的部分总量结构组成(物料,客户定单,出货量等)。1.1.5. Who are you speaking to and what is their function?与

4、你相关联的部门有哪些,他们的职能分别是什么?1.1.6. How many employees have been definitely set aside for this project? (Former experience/training?)销售部现有多少固定的雇员。(以前的经验/培训)1.1.7. Is the interested party a repetitive manufacturer, a make-to order manufacturer or both? 利益攸关方涉及重复性生产还是按单生产,还是两者都有?1.2. Basic data management基础数

5、据管理1.2.1. Material master data物料主数据1.2.1.1. Are the materials currently maintained centrally or locally (when, by whom)?当前状态下的物料维护是由集团集中性维护还是由各下属单位分性维护(什么时候由谁维护)? What numbering system is currently in use (does it need/have to be retained, is internal number assignment always used when in do

6、ubt)?当前使用的编码系统是如何运作的(物料编码是由人工手工输入还是由系统自动给号,还是二者都有,当前编码原则是否需要保留)? What sales units of measure are used?使用何销售计量单位? Are batches, trading units, ser. no., hazardous goods necessary?是否需要批次管理,交易单位,序列码,危险品管理? Are packaging goods, returnable packaging managed as stick? If so, is the

7、receiver retained (customer, forwarding agent)?商品是否需要包装,是否涉及可回收的包装物管理?如果有涉及,外发包装物的管理方是谁(客户,货代)? What materials are necessary (trading goods, finished products, services)?业务涉及的产品有哪些(贸易商品,产成品销售,服务)? Are bills of material necessary? 销售是否涉及物料BOM? are some materials combined into

8、groups for evaluation/analysis/出于评估和分析的考量,多个物料是否需要集合到特定的群组? Are some materials combined into groups for pricing purposes?出于定价的目的,多个物料是否需要集合到特定的物料组。1.2.2. Customer master data客户主数据1.2.2.1. Are the customers currently maintained centrally or locally (when, by whom)?客户主数据当前是在集团端集中维护还是由本地子部门单独维护

9、(什么时候由谁维护)? What numbering system is currently in use (does it need/have to be retained)?当前客户主数据使用的是何编码原则(原编码原则是否需要保留)? Are there one-time customers?是否需要维护一次性客户? Are there customer-specific forms?是否需要维护特定客户格式? Are customers assigned to internal organizations (business

10、 area, assignment of representatives, persons responsible)?客户主数据是否需要与企业内部组织结构建立关联(业务范围,代理人,责任人)? Are customers assigned to groups (for evaluation/analysis or pricing)?出于评估/分析或定价的考量,多个客户主数据是否需要集合到特定群组? Does the person responsible have customer-specific attributes available in the head

11、er (texts, copy functions)?每个责任人所对应的客户是否有特殊属性需要在文件中维护(文本,复制控制)? Are customer-specific material descriptions retained? Does the customer use these when ordering?是否需要维护客户方面的物料描述?客户下采购定单时是否使用自己的物料描述? Does the customer always refer to a specific pallet of goods (product proposal)?客户是否经常性

12、涉及栅板管理?1.3. Creating inquires/quotations建立询报价1.3.1.1. Are customer inquires/quotations retained?是否需要在系统中涉及询/报价管理? Are these inquiries processed or evaluated according to particular criteria (reason for rejection)?询价处理或评估是否遵循特定的标准(是否需要维护拒绝原因)? Are these inquiries/quotations sent to th

13、e customer (print forms)? 询报价的凭证是否需要发送给客户?1.4. Order processing定单处理1.4.1. Order types定单类型1.4.1.1. What order types are used (standard,rush,cash,third-party,free of charge delivery, scheduling agreement, contracts, repair, service)and how are they processed (short description for most common ones)当前企

14、业使用的定单类型都有哪些,它们分别都是如何被处理的?(标准定单,急单,现金销售,第三方销售,免费品,排程协议,合同,维修,服务等)。 Is customer consignment carried out?是否针对客户实施寄售操作? Is subsequent debit for returnable goods carried out?针对可收回的物料,是否要做请款? Are dangerous goods processing carried out?是否执行危险品处理流程? Customer transactions wit

15、h cost collector?是否使用成本收集器的功能(重复生产)? Is there serial number management (such as RM-INST)?产成品是否需要序列号管理? How are the orders currently numbered?当前的定单号码是如何管理的? What reference is made to the delivery note number?出货单的单号是否有参考文件?1.4.2. Order processing定单处理1.4.2.1. How are the orders

16、placed(fax, telephone, telex, mail, representative, laptop)?如何获取定单?(传真,电话,传真,邮箱,代理人,便携式电脑)? What aids to order entries are currently available (referred order, product proposal)?当前的定单输入有何参照文件?(供参考的定单,产品建议)? Are the orders entered online or on paper first?定单的最初获取是电子档定单(通过网路获取)还是纸档定单?1

17、.4.2.4. What data is necessary during order entry and where does the data come from (stored in prices or notes)?在定单键入的时候,那些信息是必输项?这些信息的信息源来自哪里(已经存在的价格或说明性文件)?1.4.3. Evaluating orders定单评估1.4.3.1. What lists does the person responsible need to carry out order processing (open orders)? When and how oft

18、en?在定单处理过程中,相应的业务负责人需要的报表有哪些(未结定单)?一般什么时候处理这些报表,处理的频度如何? What order statistics do management or controlling need? When and how often?在定单统计方面有哪些管理需求与控制需求?什么时候需要?频度如何?1.5. Shipping processing出货处理1.5.1.1. Are deliveries created individually or as collective deliveries? By whom?出货文件是单独建立还是集中建立?由

19、谁来建立? Are further lists used to aid delivery processing (picking lists, packing lists)?是否使用进一步的相关报表来做出货处理?(拣配单,装箱单)? Is availability checked for the list?是否需要可用性检查报表? Are under deliveries and over deliveries carried out according to firmly defined rules?针对预先定义的规则,是否允许分期交付或超交?

20、 Are items that cannot be delivered subsequently, if not, who decides this and according to what criteria?定单是否存在不能交付的部分(不管何原因)?如果存在这种情况,由谁来做决定?有何参照标准? What papers are included with the delivery?出货的过程中都包括哪些纸档的文件? Is there an interface to the warehouse management system or the

21、external warehouse system that is being used?是否与仓库管理系统有接口?有没有使用外部仓库管理系统? Is the packing function necessary?Packing的功能是否必需? Is processing carried out via forwarding agents, if so ,what forms are used/发货的处理是否有通过货代来操作?如果有的话,采用的是何种形式? Are the individual managed collectively (pac

22、kages)?单独的出货是否采用集中管理的形式(例如集中包装)? Does data need to be transferred to forwarding agents or freight programs/If so, does this involve record layout?是否需要传送数据给货代或相应的运输管理程序?如果有,是否有特定的记录格式?1.6. Billing开立发票1.6.1.1. Is billing currently carried out individually or in collective processing?当前的请款操作是单

23、独处理还是集中处理? Is the billing document enclosed with the goods or sent separately by post/请款发票是随货发过来还是单独出具? Are billing document created for each delivery(collective invoices, invoices list)?请款发票是针对某次出货单独开立还是针对多次出货集中开立? Who gets which copies?发票需开立几份?是否需要针对不同的需求,发票要包括不同的格式或内容(例如不同

24、的客户有不同的要求)? Do some customers receive invoice forms (automobile industry)?是否有客户需要开立Invoice?1.7. Returns/credit memos退货/贷项凭单1.7.1.1. What types of credit memos are used?当前有使用何种类型的贷项凭单? Are these crediting memos based on returned goods deliveries(returns)?这些贷项凭单是否与退货建立关联? Do th

25、ese credit memos need to be authorized anywhere? If so, describe the authorization process.建立贷项凭单是否需要权限管理?如果需要,请描述审批流程。 During returned goods delivery, when is the credit memo created (immediately, after check) and who by?针对退货,什么时候建立贷项凭单(立即建立,经检验后建立)?由谁建立?1.8. Special features特殊特征1.8.1. Pric

26、ing定价1.8.1.1. How are the prices stored currently (individual price, price list, customer-specific price)?当前的价格条款是如何存储的(单独价格条款,价格表,特定客户价格)? Are there any surcharges/discounts? If so ,are they set for a certain period or are they redefined for each order/invoice? By whom?涉及何种额外费用/折扣?如果有涉及,哪些价

27、格条款有时间区间,哪些价格条款单独针对特定的定单/Invoice有效?这些价格条款分别由谁制定? Are these discounts at item or header level?这些折扣是作用于行项目,还是作用于抬头项目(所有的行项目)? Are these discounts made known to the customer?这些折扣是否要通知到客户? Are there any invoices lists conditions?是否需要Invoice lists conditions? 1.8.2. service服务1.8.2

28、.1. Are there field service employees? If so, are they fully employed on a permanent basis?企业是否涉及服务领域?如果有,是否有固定的雇员? How are the order currently forwarded for processing? 服务性的定单是如何处理的? Do the field sales employees only have certain authorizations when accepting orders?服务的销售员在接受定单方面可以获

29、得哪些授权? What evaluations are carried out for these employees ?(District, regional evaluations)对这些服务型的雇员都有哪些评估?(行政区划评估,地区评估)。1.8.3. Freight determination运费管理1.8.3.1. Is freight determination carried out? If so, according to what criteria?是否执行运费自动运算功能?如果需要,有何标准? Does data need to be tra

30、nsferred to an external freight system? If so , does this involve record layout?是否需要将数据传递给外部运输系统?如果有,是否涉及特定的格式? Does the data form the external freight system need to be transferred back and processed further? If so, which data and what for further billing to the customer,further processing

31、in cost accounting?来自外部运输系统的数据是否需要回传做进一步处理?如果有需要,哪些数据需要向供应商请款,需要成本会计做进一步处理?1.8.4. returnable goods processing可回收货品管理1.8.4.1. Is empties and returnable good processing carried out?是否涉及可回收品管理? Can more be returned than was originally delivered (negative stocks not possible in SAP)?可回收品管理是否允许负库

32、存? Are returnable packaging charged to a third party if so, to whom?可回收的包装物管理是否涉及到要向第三方收取费用?如果有,向谁收费?1.8.5. Foreign trade processing境外贸易处理1.8.5.1. Is foreign trade processing currently carried out using data processing techniques?当前是否使用数据处理技术执行境外贸易处理? Show all necessary border papers

33、 and deficits!请展示所有报关文件和缺损!1.8.6. Credit limit check信用额度检查1.8.6.1. Is a credit limit check carried out? If so ,what is it s range and what are the possible outcomes?是否执行信用额度的控制?如果有执行,实施的范围和成果如何?1.8.7. Interface problems接口问题1.8.7.1. from how many systems must data be transferred?(old data, transactio

34、n data transfer one time only)数据传递需在多少个系统间进行(旧数据,一次性导入的交易数据)? are some parts going to remain active and be maintained SAP Start?(permanent interface)是否有启动SAP系统后的仍然保留的其它外部系统接口(固定接口)?1.8.8. Printing forms 打印格式1.8.9. Current weak points当前的瓶颈 1.9. Requirements需求1.9.1.1. from the user department来自于终端用户部门1.9.1.2. from the project employee来自于专案雇员 12.30.202201:1901:19:0922.12.301时19分1时19分9秒12月. 30, 2230 十二月 20221:19:09 上午01:19:092022年12月30日星期五01:19:09


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