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1、Word and phrase1. core; mantle; crust 地核;地幔;地壳4. continental crust 大陆地壳5. granite; basalt 花岗岩;玄武岩6. sial; sima 硅铝层;硅镁层7. surface waves; body . 面波;体波8. epicentre; focus 震中;震源9. lithosphere 岩石圈10. tectonic plate 构造板块,11. continetal drift 大陆漂移12. asthenosphere 软流层13. ocean ridge 洋脊14. ocean trench 海沟15

2、. subduction 俯冲作用16. volcanism 火山作用17. fold mountain 褶皱山脉18. fold; fault 褶皱;断层19. sedimentary rocks 沉积岩,20. vent 火山口21. lava 熔岩22.volcanic cones 火山锥23. parasitic cone 寄生火山锥24. plug 岩颈25. volcanic ash 火山灰26. mechanical weathering 机械风化27. chemical weathering 化学风化28. freeze-thaw 冻融,29. pressure release

3、 卸荷释重30.limestone 石灰岩31. hydrolysis 水解作用32. quartz 石英33. hydration 水合作用34. oxidation 氧化作用35. alluvium 冲击层36. gravel 砂砾37. denudation 剥蚀作用,38. precipitation 降水39. climatic zone 气候带40. mid-latitude 中纬度41. semi-arid 半干旱42. tropical wet-dry 热带干湿季气候43. watershed 分水岭44. drainage basin 流域45. regolith 风化层46

4、. soil creep 土壤蠕动,47. mass movement 块体运动48. strata 地层49. overland runoff 地表径流50. sheet wash 片状冲刷51. pediment 山前侵蚀平原(山足面)52. rockfall 山崩53. landslide 滑坡54. interception 截流55. evapotranspiration 蒸发和蒸腾总量,56. capillary rise 毛管上升57. aeration zone 包气带58. overland flow ; interflow ; base flow 地表径流;壤中流;地下径流

5、59. water table 潜水面(水位)60. basin length; area 流域长度;流域面积61. tributary 支流;62. trunk stream 干流63. drainage density 河网密度,64. flood plain 泛滥平原 65. coniferous tree 松树67. inselberg 岛状山68. equator 赤道69. monsoon 季风70. storm hydrograph 暴雨水文曲线71. discharge 流量72. peak flow 洪峰流量,73. rainfall peak 降水峰值74. precipi

6、tation intensity 降水强度75. land use 土地利用76. water-born waste 水成废弃物77. heavy metal 重金属78. climatology 气候学79. urban heat island 城市热岛80. deciduous trees 落叶树,81. upper ;middle ; lower reach 上中下游82. vertical erosion 下切侵蚀83. headward erosion 溯源侵蚀84. lateral erosion 侧蚀85. pot-hole 壶穴86. meander 曲流87. ox-bow

7、lake 牛轭湖88. delta 三角洲89. lake basin 湖盆,90. levee 天然提91. rill and gully erosion 细沟、冲沟侵蚀92.clay;silt;sand;粘土;粉砂;砂93. suspended sediment 悬浮沉积物94. atmospherical fallout 大气沉降95. laminar flow 层流96. turbulent flow 紊流97. riffle; pool 浅滩;深槽98. channel roughness 河道粗糙度,99. sandbar 沙坝100. thalweg 中泓线101. estuar

8、y 河口102. lagoon 泻湖103. salinity 盐度104. coastline 海岸线105. dune 沙丘106. suspension; saltation; creep 悬移;跃移;蠕移,107. dust storm 尘暴108. windward; leeward 迎风;背风109. prevailing wind 盛行风110. deflation hollow 风蚀凹地111. aridity 干燥度112. tropic of cancer 北回归线113. tropic of capricorn 南回归线114. gobi 戈壁115. continent

9、ality 大陆度,116. cold ocean current 寒流117. plateau 高原118. alluvial fan 冲积扇119. pediplanation 山麓夷平作用120. deflation 风蚀121. moraine 冰碛122. glacial;interglacial 冰期;间冰期123. Recent 全新世124. Quaternary Era 第四纪,125. periglacial period 冰缘期126. nivation 冰蚀127. earth orbit 地球轨道128. plucking 挖蚀129. abrasion 磨蚀130.

10、 pyramidal peak 角峰131. arete 刃脊132. cirque 冰斗133. horn 角峰,134. U-shaped valley (trough) U型谷135. fluvioglacial deposit 冰水沉积136. drumlin 鼓丘137. terminal moraine 终碛138. outwash plain 冰水沉积平原139. kettle hole 锅穴140. wavelength 波长141. crest;trough 波峰;波谷142. wave period 周期,143. wave frequency 波频144. wave he

11、ight 波高145. wave refraction 波浪折射146. tidal range 潮差147. stack 海蚀柱148. arch 海蚀拱桥149. headland 海岬150. troposphere (pause); strato-; meso-; thermo- 对流层(顶)、平流、中间、热成,151. pressure-gradient force 气压梯度力152. isobar 等压线153. sub-tropical anticyclone 副热带高压154. cirrus 卷云155. cumulus 积云156. stratus 层云157. cumulo

12、nimbus 积雨云158. convection rain 对流雨159. thunderstorm 雷雨,160. depression 低气压161. frontal rain 锋面雨162. orographic rain 地形雨163. equatorial trough 赤道低压槽164. front 锋165. temperature inversion 逆温166. soil texture 土壤质地167. loam 壤土168. soil structure 土壤结构,169. soil moisture 土壤水分170. field capacity 田间持水量171.

13、cation exchange capacity 阳离子交换量172. podzol 灰化土173. brown earth 褐土174. sandstone 砂岩175. gley 潜育土176. azonal soil 非地带性土壤177. soil horizon 土层,178. humification 腐殖化作用179. mineralisation 矿化作用180. eluviation 淋溶作用181. calcification 钙化作用182. salinisation 盐化作用183. gleying 潜育化作用184. illuviation 淀积作用185. savan

14、na 热带稀树草原(萨王纳)186. saline soil 盐土,187. biogeography 生物地理学188. biotic ; abiotic element 生物;非生物成分189. autotroph; heterotroph 自养生物;异养生物190. producer; consumer 生产者;消费者191. photosynthesis 光合作用192. herbivore 食草动物193. carnivore 食肉动物194. decomposer 分解者,195. trophic pyramid 营养金字塔196. food web 食物网197. primary

15、 productivity 初级生产力198. gross productivity 总生产力199. net productivity 净生产力200. continental shelf 大陆架201. succession(prisere) 演替202. climax community 顶级群落203. primary (secondary) succession 初级和次级演替,1. Magma chamber2. Bedrock3. Conduit (pipe)4. Base5. Sill6. Branch pipe7. Layers of ash emitted by the volcano8. Flank9. Layers of lava emitted by the volcano10. Throat11. Parasitic cone12. Lava flow13. Vent14. Crater,Perimeter/drive line流域周长/分水线,mouth出口,Basin length流域长度,Basin area流域面积,sandbar,thalweg,riffle,pool,


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