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1、,尖兵专训营 核心考点通关,专训九动词语态,尖兵专训营 核心考点通关专训九动词语态,考题年份考查题型核心考点考查频率核心素养2015-2019单,()1.(2019安徽)The villagers expect that the building of the bridge before the rainy season comes.A.is completedB.was completedC.will be completedD.has been completed,C,()1.(2019安徽)The villagers e,解析句意:这些村民期待,这座桥的建造在雨季来临之前完成。从主句ex

2、pect可知,这座桥的建造还没有完成,应用一般将来时态表达。故选C。,解析句意:这些村民期待,这座桥的建造在雨季来临之前完成。,()2.(2018安徽)The weatherman says a rain showerthis afternoon in the south.A.expectsB.expectedC.is expectedD.was expected,C,()2.(2018安徽)The weatherman,解析句意:天气预报员说,预计今天下午在南方有阵雨。从句意可知,宾语从句的主语a rain shower是动作expect的承受者,应用被动语态,排除A、B;从语境可知,本句说

3、的是现在对未来天气的预测,应用一般现在时态表达。故选C。,解析句意:天气预报员说,预计今天下午在南方有阵雨。从句意,()3.(2017安徽)Mr.Greento sing an English song at the party and he sang well.A.was invitedB.invitedC.is invitedD.invites,A,()3.(2017安徽)Mr.Greento,解析句意:格林先生受邀在这次聚会上唱了首英文歌曲,并且他唱得很好。由句意可知,句子的主语格林先生是动作invite的承受者,应用被动语态表达,排除B、D;从后一分句sang可知,“受邀”的动作发生在

4、这之前,应用一般过去时态表达,排除C。故选A。,解析句意:格林先生受邀在这次聚会上唱了首英文歌曲,并且他,()4.(2016安徽)When the baby dog , it was very hungry. So we gave it some food.A.is found B.was found C.has been found D.will be found,B,()4.(2016安徽)When the baby d,解析句意:这只小狗被发现的时候,它很饿,因此我们给了它一些食物。根据所给选项可以看出都是被动语态,由后句最后的时态可判断,本题用一般过去时的被动语态。故选B。,解析句意:

5、这只小狗被发现的时候,它很饿,因此我们给了它一,一、 语态的分类语态是动词的一种形式,表示句子之中主语和谓语动词的关系。英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的发出者(或执行者)。如:Many people speak English nowadays. (speak的动作是由主语many people来执行的)被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的对象。如:English is spoken by many people nowadays.(主语English是动词speak的承受者),一、 语态的分类,二、常考时态的被动语态结构1. 一般现在时:主语+am /

6、is / are +动词的过去分词Our classroom is cleaned every day.2.般过去时:主语+was/ were+动词的过去分词The clothes were washed two hours ago.3.般将来时:主语+will / shall be +动词的过去分词The meeting will be held in three hours.,二、常考时态的被动语态结构,4. 现在完成时:主语+have / has been+动词的过去分词The movie has been watched three times.5.含有情态动词的被动语态:情态动词+b

7、e+动词的过去分词Before the police arrive, no one could be allowed to leave.,4. 现在完成时:主语+have / has been+动词,三、被动语态的用法1.不知道动作的执行者是谁或没有必要说出动作的执行者是谁。如:The glass was broken just now.2.强调动作的承受者,而不强调动作的执行者。如:Your homework must be finished on time.,三、被动语态的用法,四、主动语态变被动语态的方法Step 1:把主动语态句子的宾语变为被动语态句子的主语Step 2:把主动语态句子

8、的谓语变为“be+动词过去分词”的结构(此处be有时态和单复数的变化)Step 3:主语变为“by+sb.”结构,sb.用宾格(by sb.可省略),四、主动语态变被动语态的方法,五、不用被动语态的情况1.不及物动词不能用于被动语态。如:The sun rises from the east.2.表示开始、结束、运动的动词不用于被动语态。如begin, start, stop, end, shut, run, move。如:The TV program begins at 8 oclock.3.宾语是反身代词、相互代词、同源宾语时,不用于被动语态。如:We should help each o

9、ther.,五、不用被动语态的情况,4.一部分及物动词不用于被动语态,常见的有fit, have, wish, cost, leave, enter, reach, suit, lack, own,等。如:He owns a big house.5.些短语动词不能用于被动语态,如break out, take place, come true, belong to, consist of, succeed in, suffer from, happen to, take part in,等。如:The old woman is suffering from a serious illness

10、these days.,4.一部分及物动词不用于被动语态,常见的有fit, have,6.不定式作定语与所修饰的名词构成动宾关系时,不定式用主动形式。如:I have something interesting to say.7.一部分形容词后接不定式作状语时,不定式用主动形式。常见的形容词有easy, hard,difficult, nice, kind,等。如:The problem is easy to solve.,6.不定式作定语与所修饰的名词构成动宾关系时,不定式用主动形,六、主动形式表示被动意义1.look, sound,feel,smell 等感官动词和 appear, see

11、m, keep, stay, remain等表示状态的系动词后接名词、形容词、介词短语或to be+形容词/名词作表语时,这些动词的主动形式常表示被动意义。如:The scarf feels soft.2.read, write, wash, sell, wear, lock 等动词和well, easily, smoothly等连用时,主动形式表示被动意义。如:This kind of shoes sells well among teenagers.,六、主动形式表示被动意义,3.need, want, require, deserve 等动词以物作主语时,后接动名词的主动形式表示被动意义

12、。如:My bike needs/ wants/ requires repairing.七、被动形式表示主动意义短语be determined, be pleased, be graduated (from), be finished, be prepared (for), be occupied (in), get married 等虽是被动形式, 但表示主动含义。如:He is prepared for an important test.,3.need, want, require, deserve,根据动作的承受者进行判断,考点1三个一般时态的被动语态,被动语态相关的试题主要是让大家能

13、够找出谓语动作的执行者或承受者,这就要根据句子的意思进行判断,然后根据句子中的时间,做出正确的选择。,根据动作的承受者进行判断考点1三个一般时态的被动语态被,(2019芜湖市中考模拟四)At present, one of the best ways to study is working in groups.More chances to students to learn from each other.A.offerB.are offeredC.have offered D.are offering,B,(2019芜湖市中考模拟四)At present, on,剖析句意:现在,学习最好的

14、方法之一就是群组学习。更多的机会提供给学生互相学习。根据句意more chances是动作的承受者作主语,故用被动语态。,剖析句意:现在,学习最好的方法之一就是群组学习。,(2019合肥市中考模拟一)There used to be an old theater here, right?Yes. But it last month.A.pulled downB.will be pulled down C.was pulled down D.pulls down,C,(2019合肥市中考模拟一)There used t,剖析句意:过去有一座老剧院在这里,对吗?是的,但是上个月被拆毁了。it指代o

15、ld theater作主语,是动作的承受者,用被动语态。根据时间状语last month可知用一般过去时的被动语态。,剖析句意:过去有一座老剧院在这里,对吗?是的,但,(2019合肥包河区九年级质量检测一)In recent years, Hefei has developed very fast.Yes. Its said that more schools in a few years.A.are built B.will be built C.were builtD.have been built,B,(2019合肥包河区九年级质量检测一)In recen,剖析句意:在最近几年,合肥发展

16、很快。是的,据说再过几年,更多的学校将被建造。more schools是动作的承受者作主语,用被动语态,根据时间状语in a few years可知用一般将来时的被动语态。,剖析句意:在最近几年,合肥发展很快。是的,据说再,上下文推断法,考点1三个一般时态的被动语态,我们可以根据所给句子的句意,结合上下文找出谓语动词承受者的关系,然后确定语态。,上下文推断法考点1三个一般时态的被动语态我们可以根据所,Quite a few new laws and rules on food safety into use last month.Can you tell me what they are?A.

17、were puttingB.have been putC.were putD.put,C,Quite a few new laws and ru,剖析句意:相当多的关于食品安全的法律和制度上个月付诸实施。你能告诉我是什么吗?由上句中的时间状语last month可知用一般过去时态,再由主语“食品安全的法律和制度”为动词“实施”的承受者可知用被动语态。,剖析句意:相当多的关于食品安全的法律和制度上个月付诸,(2019利辛中学模拟三)Does she like singing English songs?Yes. She to sing English songs in her room.A.of

18、ten doesB.is often heardC.often hearsD.was often heard,B,(2019利辛中学模拟三)Does she like s,剖析句意:她喜欢唱英文歌曲吗?是的,经常听到她在房间里唱英语歌曲。she是动作的承受者作主语,用被动语态,根据句意及提示词often可知用一般现在时的被动语态。,剖析句意:她喜欢唱英文歌曲吗?是的,经常听到她在,句子结构提示法,考点2含情态动词的被动语态,根据所给句子的结构判断是否含有情态动词,然后再根据句意判断句子是否为被动语态,最后做出正确的选择。,句子结构提示法考点2含情态动词的被动语态 根据所给句,The traff

19、ic is too busy. We have to drive slowly.I think more new roads in our city.A.should be built B.should builtC.have buildD.build,A,The traffic is too busy. We h,剖析句意:交通太繁忙了,我们必须慢慢行驶。我认为在我们城市更多的新路应该被建造。根据句意强调应该修路用should,而new roads是动作的承受者,作主语,要用被动语态。,剖析句意:交通太繁忙了,我们必须慢慢行驶。我认为,句意推断法,考点2含情态动词的被动语态,根据句子意思,判

20、断句子应用被动语态,然后根据所含的情态动词,选择最佳答案。,句意推断法考点2含情态动词的被动语态根据句子意思,判断句子,Tom is always careless with his schoolwork. Could you help him?No problem! I think he to think twice before starting.A.should be toldB.can tellC.should tellD.can be telling,A,Tom is always careless with h,剖析句意:汤姆对学业总是粗心的,你能帮助他吗?没问题!我认为他应该被告

21、诉开始学习之前要三思。he是动作承受者作主语,用被动语态,根据句意可知他是“应该被告诉”。,剖析句意:汤姆对学业总是粗心的,你能帮助他吗?没,()1.(2019盐城)In Chinese culture, children born in the Year of the Monkey to be smart.A.sayB.saidC.will be saidD.are said,D,()1.(2019盐城)In Chinese cult,() 2.(2019长沙改编)Perfect photos! Good skills!Thank you. They by my Huawei mobile

22、phone. In fact, I am not skillful at all.A.TookB.were takenC.will be taken D.are taken,B,() 2.(2019长沙改编)Perfect pho,()3.(2019宜昌)Its reported that 31 of the brave young men in a big forest fire in Sichuan.I dont know who they are, but I know who they are for.A.were killing B.were killedC.killedD.had

23、killed,B,()3.(2019宜昌)Its reported,()4.(2019孝感)Im tired of cleaning the house.Sweeping robots more and more widely today. Why not buy one?A.are usedB.were usedC.are using D.used,A,()4.(2019孝感)Im tired of c,()5.(2019襄阳)I enjoy walking on the clean streets in the morning.You know they by the hard-worki

24、ng cleaners every day.A.clean B.are cleaned C.are cleaning D.will clean,B,()5.(2019襄阳)I enjoy walkin,()6.(2019咸宁)The passenger refused to move after taking another ones seat!What a shame! He according to the newly credit system (诚信体系).A.punishB.punishedC.will punishD.will be punished,D,()6.(2019咸宁)T

25、he passenger,()7.(2019河北)These cakes with chocolate. Have one, please. A.fillB.filledC.are filledD.were filled,C,()7.(2019河北)These cakes,()8.(2019广东)It is said that one Greater Bay Area university in Guangdong in the future.A.will be builtB.buildC.will buildD.is built,A,()8.(2019广东)It is said that,(

26、)9.(2019邵阳改编)Waiter! Id like some Shaoyang rice noodles.Sorry, sir. Rice noodles only in the morning.A.serveB.will serveC.are servedD.will be served,C,()9.(2019邵阳改编)Waiter! Id,()10.(2019黄冈)Oh, your room is too dirty, Mike!Sorry, Mum. It yesterday. I forgot to do it.A.didnt cleanB.isnt cleanedC.was c

27、leanedD.wasnt cleaned,D,()10.(2019黄冈)Oh, your room,()11.(2019河南)Where is your book report? Did your dog eat it again?No, it almost , and then my computer just died on me!A.不填; finishesB.不填; finished C.is; finishedD.was; finished,D,()11.(2019河南)Where is your,()12.(2019北京)My advice on how to save pape

28、r by my class last Monday.A.acceptsB.accepted C.was acceptedD.is accepted,C,()12.(2019北京)My advice on h,()13.(2019重庆A卷)His car five years ago, but it looks quite new. A.buysB.boughtC.is boughtD.was bought,D,()13.(2019重庆A卷)His car,()14.(2019天津)The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge in 2018. We are proud o

29、f it. A.is completed B.is completing C.was completedD.completes,C,()14.(2019天津)The Hong Kong-,()15.(2019南充)Lucy, what have you learnt from this history class?Paper first about 2,000 years ago in China.A.is; invented B.was; inventedC.is; inventing D.was; inventing,B,()15.(2019南充)Lucy, what ha,()16.(2

30、019江西)Gina went to the doctors yesterday and she about the importance of good living habits once more. A.told B.is toldC.was toldD.has told,C,()16.(2019江西)Gina went to t,()17.(2019连云港)Its reported the medals for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo from 100% recycled material. A.are makingB.have madeC.is

31、 madeD.will be made,D,()17.(2019连云港)Its reported,()18.(2019达州)Dr. Bethune helped a lot of Chinese in the 1930s. He is a great international soldier.I know, so he still in both China and Canada now.A.has; rememberedB.is; rememberedC.will; rememberD.is; remembering,B,()18.(2019达州)Dr. Bethune h,()19.(2

32、019菏泽改编)Would you like to go shopping with me after lunch?Id love to, but I to go out this afternoon.A.dont allowB.will allowC.wont be allowedD.werent allowed,C,()19.(2019菏泽改编)Would you l,()20.(2019淮北联考)The two buildings in a very traditional style. Many visitors are interested in them.A.builtB.were

33、 built C.are buildingD.will build,B,()20.(2019淮北联考)The two buil,()21.(2019淮南中考模拟)I think students to wear their uniforms at school.A.ask B.askedC.are asking D.should be asked,D,()21.(2019淮南中考模拟)I think st,()22.(2019合肥中考模拟五)I want to know when the meeting . Perhaps two days from now.A.will be heldB.w

34、ill holdC.is heldD.holds,A,()22.(2019合肥中考模拟五)I want t,()23.(2019颍上县大联考)This morning Cathy to water the flowers in the office every day.A.tells B.was toldC.told D.is told,B,()23.(2019颍上县大联考)This morni,()24.(2019河池)Look at the flowers on both sides of the streets. They last month.A.were plantedB.are plantedC.are planting D.were planting,A,()24.(2019河池)Look at the fl,END,感谢观看 下节课再会,END感谢观看 下节课再会,


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