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1、Book 5B知识点归纳,Unit 1 This is my dayUnit 2 My Favourite SeasonUnit 3 My BirthdayUnit 4 What are you doingUnit 5 Look at the monkeysUnit 6 A Field Trip,Time,Unit 1 This is my day,When,morning,noon,afternoon,evening,night,Activities,get up do morning exercise have English class play sports climb mountai

2、ns go shopping play the piano visit grandparents go hiking eat breakfast eat dinner,频率词,always 总是 usually 通常often 经常sometimes 有时seldom 很少never 从不,频率程度依次递减,重点句型,1. 询问某人的生活,学习规律 -When do you ? 你什么时间 ? -I usually at 我通常在做。 e.g.: -When do you get up every day ? - I usually get up at 6 oclock. Sometimes

3、I get up at 6:20.,2. 介绍自己的生活,学习习惯 Every weekend I climb mountains. I go to work at 9:00 in the evening. I go home at 5:00 in the morning. I usually go to visit my grandparents on the weekend. He never go to swim in the lake in summer. Sometimes she go hiking with her mother.,3. 询问某人的生活,学习等习惯- What d

4、o you do on the weekend? 周末你做什么? - I . 我 。 e.g.: -What do you do on the weekend? -I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking.,4.询问某人的职业 - What do you do ? 您的职业是什么? - I am . 我是。 e.g.: -What does your father do ? -He is a doctor.,医生,5. thank you for doing sth 谢谢您 e.g.: Thank you for telling me about

5、 your day! 谢谢您告诉我您一天安排。 Thank you for taking me home. 谢谢您带我回家。 Thank you for telling me the story. 谢谢您告诉我这个故事。,原因,6. Lets do sth 让我们 e.g.: Lets go hiking together next Sunday. Lets watch TV together. Lets fly kites together this afternoon.,Exercises For Unit 1,1. 根据格局意思及所给首字母,在空格写单词。 Miss Green can

6、speak C_. We often visit our g_on Sundays. In the morning, the students do m_ e_at school. What do you do on W_ afternoon?W_ do you do on Saturdays? I u_go swimming. S_ I c_ m_. What do you do on the w_? I o_ play the computer games. When do you eat b_ in the morning.,hinese,randparents,orning,xerci

7、ses,ednesday,hat,sually,ometimes,limb,ountains,eekend,ften,reakfast,2. 用括号里的词的正确形式填空。Does she _(work) in a school?She _(not can ) sing and dance. They _(not like ) the milk. Lets _ (go ) and _ (ask) _(they). When do you _(study)?_ (be ) your parents workers?Thank you for _ (give) me a book.Mr. Li of

8、ten _(help) the students.,work,cant,dont like,go,ask,them,study,Are,giving,helps,3. 选词填空A: Do you _ at seven in the morning? B: Yes, I go to work by bike. Its ten oclock now. Please_. We often _ at twelve at noon. The students _ at five in the afternoon.,sweep the floor go to bed go to work eat dinn

9、er,sweep the floor,go to work,go to bed,eat dinner,4. 根据问句写答句,或根据答句写问句:_ I get up at 6:00 in the morning. _Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I go hiking on the weekend. _ I am a student. _ ? He is a policeman.,When do you get up in the morning ?,What do you do on the weekend?,What do you

10、 do ?,What does he do ?,season,Which,Unit 2 My Favourite Season,spring summer fallwinter,windy and warm sunny and hotwindy and coolwindy and cold,Which season do you like best?,Halloween Thanksgiving,Activities,swim skate sleep fly kitesplant trees make a snowman play with snow,up north 向北方,至北方leaf

11、叶子 ( pl. leaves ),1. 询问喜欢的季节 -Whats your favouite season? -Spring / Summer/ Fall/ Winter is (my favourite season ). -Which season do you like best? - I like spring/ summer/ fall/ winter best.,重点句型,2. 询问、说明原因-Why do you like winter ? - Because I can play with snow. I dont like winter. Its too cold. I

12、 like summer best. I like to swim in the sea.,3. but 但是 Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season. The toffee(太妃糖) is good, but the mints(薄荷糖) is my favourite candy. The apple is good, but the banana is my favourite fruit. The cat is cute, but the dog is my favourite animal.,4.对四季的描述,My favour

13、ite season is spring. The weather is warm. I can wear my sweater. I can fly kites. I can plant trees, too. The trees are green. The flowers are colourful.,Spring,Summer,My favourite season is summer. The weather is hot and sunny. I can wear my T-shirt. I can swim in the sea. I can eat ice-cream. The

14、 sky is blue. The clouds are white.,Fall,My favourite season is fall. The weather is cool. I can wear my shirt. I can climb mountains. I can go hiking, too.I can eat many many fruits.The trees are yellow.,Winter,My favourite season is winter. The weather is very cold. I can wear my sweater. I can sk

15、ate. I can make a snowman, too. I can sleep a long time.,Exercises For Unit 2,1. 短语互译 play with _ go up north _ 种 树 _ 堆 雪 人 _ 放风筝 _ 滑 冰 _,与一起玩,去北方,plant trees,make a snowman,fly kites,skate,2.选择填空- _ season do you like best? -Spring. A. Whats B. Which C. What Summer is _ and the days are _. A. hot ,

16、long B.white ,long C. golden,short I wear my T-shirt now. Which season is it? A. Spring. B. Summer C. Fall In winter, I can play with _. . A. water B. snow C. ice-cream,B,A,B,B,3. 根据中文完成句子你最喜欢哪个季节?夏天。 - _ season _ _ _ _? - _. 为什么你喜欢夏天?因为我可以在河里游泳。 - _ _ you _ _? - _ I _ _ _ _ river. 你喜欢秋天吗?是的,我可以放风筝。

17、 - _ you _ _? - _, I _ _ _.,Summer,4. 完成对话 A: _ _ do you like best? B: Fall. _ always sunny and cool. What about _? A: Winter. I can _ _ snow. B: I _ like winter. Its too _.,Which season,play with,A: _ your favourite season? B: _. A: _ do you like spring? B: Because I _ plant _. _ season do you like

18、? A: Winter. B: Why do yo like _ best? A: _ I can skate.,Whats,Spring,Why,can trees,Which,winter,Because,date,month,Unit 3 My Birthday,Dec. December Jan. January Feb. February Mar. March Apr. April May,June July Aug. August Sept. September Oct. October Nov. November,When is your birthday?,ordinal nu

19、mber 序数词,first second third fourth fifthsixthseventheighthninthtenthtwelfth twentieth,基变序,有规律,词尾加上th,(fourth,sixth)一,二,三,特殊记,结尾字母t,d,d;(first,second,third)八去t,九去e,(eighth,ninth)ve要用f替;(fifth,twelfth)单词ty做结尾,直接把y变i,然后再加eth。若要碰到几十几,只变个位就可以。,亲属: uncle aunt cousin,重点句型,1. 询问生日 - When is your birthday? -

20、 My birthday is in June. - Is her birthday in July? - Yes , it is. P.S.:月份前面用in.,2. 询问日期 - Whats the date today? / What date is it today? - Its June 1st. 区分:- What day is it today? - Its Sunday.,3. 节日的名词 National Day 国庆节 Childrens Day 儿童节 Womens Day 妇女节 Teachers Day 教师节 Army Day 建军节 New Years Day 新年

21、,语法名词所有格,含义:名词所有格表示所属关系,就是 “的” 的表达方式。 e.g.: Marys son 玛丽的儿子 . the gate of the school 学校的大门,表达方式:,名词后加s, 如:Johns bag your fathers book以s结尾的名词加, 如:the twins brother the teachers office“of+名词”的结构, 如:the door of the classroom 教室的门,1、这个女孩的爷爷2、杰姆的房间3、我奶奶的椅子4、那些学生的书 5、这些工人的帽子 6、那个男人的钢笔 7、那些老师的书桌 8、那间教室的窗户

22、9、海伦的同学 10、那些警察的鞋子,the girls grandpa Jims room my grandmas chairthose students books these workers hatsthe mans penthose teachers desksthe windows of that classroom Helens classmatesthose policemens shoes,Exercises For Unit 3,1.选择适当的词填空There are four _ in a year . Spring begins first . Summer is aft

23、er spring. Then its _ . Winter is the _ season in a year .There are twelve months in a year . There are three months in a _ . I like _ best. Because its my birthday . Its the last month of a year. Its _ cold . It often _. We can go_ and _ a snowman . That is _.,last , seasons, skating, fall , Decemb

24、er season , very, snows, funny, make,seasons,fall,last,season,December,very,snows,skating,make,funny,2. 根据所给的信息回答问题(句子要求完整)。When is your mothers birthday? ( 九月)_Whats the date? (一月三十号)_What day is it tohday?(星期三) _Which month do you like best? (六月) _,My birthday is in September.,Its January 30th.,It

25、s Wednesday.,I like June best.,Is your fathers birthday in January? (否定回答)_What class do you have on Tuesday?(语文,数学,音乐)_Whose birthday is in May? ( Mike的) _What is the weather like in summer? (根据实际情况回答) _,WehaveChinese, math andmusic on Tuesday.,No, it isnt.,Mikes birthday is in May.,Its sunny and h

26、ot.,3. 根据上下文意思,把句子补充完整。 A: Hi. _? B: Fine, _. A: _? B: That boy is my friend, John. A: _? B: He is fourteen. A: _? B: His birthday is in June. A: _? B: Today is June 6th . A: Lets go and play with him . B: _.,How are you,thank you,Who is that boy,How old is he,When is his birthday,Whats the date tod

27、ay,What date is it today?,OK. Lets go.,Activities,What are you doing?,Unit 4 What are you doing,draw pictures cook dinnerread a book answer the phonelisten to music clean the room write a letter write an e-mail,重点句型,电话用语This is speaking. Whos that ? Hello. This is . Can I speak to , please?Please ho

28、ld on.,语法现在进行时,含义:表示说话时正在发生的动作或一段时间以来一直在进行的动作,常和时间状语now连用。 e.g.: Im listening to music now. He is cleaning his bedroom now. My mother is washing clothes in the balcony.,句型 陈述句: 主语+be动词+ V-ing +其他. 如: Jim is playing football.否定句: 主语+be动词+not +V-ing +其他. 如: Jim is not playing football.一般疑问句: Be动词+主语+V

29、-ing +其他? 如: Is Jim playing football? P.S.: 在疑问句中,Im常改成Are you.,特殊疑问句: 疑问词( What / Where/ Who) + be动词+ 主语+ Ving+其他? e.g.: I am drawing pictures in the bedroom. 对 I 进行提问 Who is drawing pictures in the bedroom? 对 draw pictures 进行提问 What are you doing in the bedroom? 对 in the room 进行提问 Where are you dr

30、awing pictures ?,Exercises For Unit 4,1. 写出下列动词的 ing 形式 dance _ swim _ do _ run _ play _ clean _ ride _ wash _ study _ plant _ watch _ go _,dancing swimming,doing running,playing cleaning,riding washing,studying planting,washing going,2. 找出下列句子在有错误的一项( ) We have three potatos for lunch. ( ) Sarah is

31、 write a letter. ( ) We is watching TV in living room. ( ) Kate is swiming in a lake,A,B,C,A,B,C,A,B,C,A,B,C,B,B,A,B,potatoes,writing,are,swimming,3.完成下列对话Chen: Hello.Nina: Hello. _ _Nina. Can I _ _ your mom, please?Chen: Shes not here . Please _ _.Nina: Thank you.Chen: Mom, there is a call _ you.,T

32、his is speak to,hold on,for,Mom: Thank you. Hi, Nina. _ _ _?Nina : Fine, thank you. _ _ _ _?Mom: I am cooking dinner. Nina: _ ?Mom: Yes, I am going to the supermarket tomorrow . Lets go together.Nina: _ . See you tomorrow.Mom: _.,How are you,What are you doing,Are you going to the supermarket tomorr

33、ow,OK,See you tomorrow,4. 句型转换The kangaroo can swim. ( 改为否定句) _.Id like some bread and milk.( 就划线部分提问) _ ?There are twelve oranges on the tree. (就划线部分提问) _ ?The lions are fighting. (就划线部分提问) _ ?Is the tiger sleeping? ( 作肯定回答) _ .,The kangaroo can not swim,What would you like,How many oranges are ( t

34、here ) on the tree,What are the lions doing,Yes, it is.,5. 用方框里所给的单词填空 This is a picture _ my family. My father _ reading a newspaper and my mother is washing _. There _ many toys_ the floor. My sister is playing _ the toys. Oh, _ my little brother? _ ! Hes _ the table. Hes really _.,under , of , ar

35、e , is , Wheres , on , with, clothes, Look, funny,of is,clothes,are on,with Wheres,Look under,funny,Activities,What is it doing?,Unit 5 Look at the monkeys,fly jumpwalkrunswimsleep climb figh swing drink,flying jumpingwalkingrnnningswimmingsleeping climbing fighting swinging drinking,重点句型,1. 询问别人看到了

36、什么 -What do you see? -I see . e.g.: -What do you see? - I see two elephants and one monkey.,-Do you see any ? -Yes, I do. / No, I dont. e.g.: -Do you see any horse? - No, I dont. -Do you see any panda? -Yes, I do. I see two pandas.They are climbing.,2. 询问动物正在干什么 - What is doing? - It is / Its . e.g.

37、: -What is the mother elephant doing? -It is drinking water with its trunk.,- What are doing? - They are . e.g.: -What are the tigers doing? - They are swimming.,3. 描述某种动物在干什么 The is The (s) are e.g.: The little panda is sleeping. The two birds are flying in the sky.,Exercises For Unit 5,1. 根据各句意思及所

38、给首字母,在空格写单词。There are many big e_at the zoo. The little monkey is e_ bananas. Whats your m_ doing now?An elephants has a long t_. P_ like eating bamboo. K_ live in Australia. They are good jumpers. Look! The bird is m_ a nest in the tree. What about the b_ m_? It is swinging in the tree.,lephants,at

39、ing,other,runk,andans,angaroos,aking,aby onkey,2. 用所给的词的适当形式填空swim A fish can _ in the water. It likes _ very much. Every day the little fish _ in pool. It is so happy. fly Look at the birds in the sky, they are _ . They enjoy _. They always _ in the sky. run Jack is a good _. He always _ in the aft

40、ernoon. But today, he doesnt like to _.,3. 根据问句写答句或根据答句写问句_? I can see a mother with her baby. _? I am looking at the mother with her baby. Are the lions sleeping in the wood? _._? I am watching a play about a mother with her baby. Can the tigers swim? _.,What can you see,What are you doing / What a

41、re you looking at,Yes, they are / No, theyre not,What are you doing / What are you watching,Yes, they can,Activities,What are you doing?,Unit 6 A Field Trip,take pictures watch insects pick up leaves count insects do an experiment catch butterflies have a lookcollect leaves write a report play chess

42、 have a picnic,重点句型,What are you doing ? Im watching my classmates. 。 Are they catching butterflies? No, they arent . They are picking up leaves.,重点句型,What are you doing ? Im watching my classmates. 。 Are they catching butterflies? No, they arent . They are picking up leaves.,语法现在进行时,含义:表示此时此刻正在做的事情

43、。 常与now. look .listen 等词连用。 如: I am listening to music now. Look! Our classmates are counting insects. Listen! Our English teacher is singing .,Exercises For Unit 6,1选词填空( ) 1. We are doing experiment. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 2. Kate is to the woods. A. runing B. runs C. running ( ) 3. What Lucy and B

44、en ? A. is , doing B. are ,doing C. are ,do ( ) 4. Mary is .A.playing the chess B.playing the basketball C.playing chess( ) 5. your cousin singing ? Yes, . A. Are , I am B. Is, he is C. Are, he is,B,C,B,C,B,2. 连词成句sweet, like ,they, food. They like sweet food. ants, come , have ,and, a , at , the ,

45、look. Come and have a look at the ants. doing , are , an, we, experiment. We are doing an experiment. counting, she, apples , the, is? Is she couting the apples? John, is , chess, too, playing? Is John playing chess too?,3. 根据上下文,补全对话 A: Hello,John! B: Hello,Sarah! A: ? B: Im watching insects. What

46、about you ? A: Im taking pictures. It is very instering . Do you see Mary and Kate? B: , . They are under the big tree. A: ? B: I think they are picking up leaves. A: Oh, its time to do. Good-bye! B:,What are you doing,Yes I do,What are they doing,Bye-bye!,4. 阅读理解 Today is October 1st . The children

47、 dont go to school. They are doing different things. Kate is going to Shenzhen with her parents. She is visiting her uncle there . Tom is climbing mountains with his brother Jim. Betty doesnt go out .She is watching TV at home. But her good friends Jane and Nick are in the park. They are drawing pic

48、tures.1. Today is ( ) . A. Saturday B. Sunday C. National Day2. Kate is visiting her ( ). A. grandma B. uncle C.aunt 3. Jim is Toms ( ). A. classmate B. good friend C. brother 4. Betty is ( ). A. at home B. at school C. in the park5. Jane and Nick ( ). A. is watching insects B. are drawing pictures C. are doing an experiment,C,B,C,A,B,


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