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1、Whats your name?How old are you?Which grade are you in?Whats your hobby?,接招!,1,Whats your name?接招!1,Duang冬天到了,这四不四你啊,2,Duang冬天到了,这四不四你啊2,想象中的冬天是这样的,实际是这样的,OK,Im fine.,3,想象中的冬天是这样的实际是这样的OK,Im fine.,I always think that winter is beautiful .In winter, I always make snowmen outside my house. And I like

2、taking pictures.However,in this winter, I just sleep all the day. I usually get up at 11am in the morning,and I take a shower once a month.You may think Im a lazy boy,but actually, I just cant stand the cold weather.,4,I always think that winter is,一般现在时,5,一般现在时5,I am a cute girl ,and I am pretty.,W

3、e are twins. We like each other. And we always wear the same clothes.,6,I am a cute girl ,and I am pre,I usually go to the cinema with my friends.,7,I usually go to the cinema wit,自我介绍:嗨,大家好。我是一般现在时,今天有幸站在这里同大家做个自我介绍。首先,我一般出现在三种场合。哪三种呢?对了,“目前的事实或状态、不变的真理或格言、习惯性的反复性的动作”,嗯哼,就是它们了。另外,我有两张脸哦,欸,是不是很好奇我有哪

4、两张脸啊?最后,再告诉你们一个秘密,有时我的出现需要靠你们的火眼金睛来分辨,有时呢,我的出现是有前兆的,至于具体是什么,那就请大家认真看好了。,8,自我介绍:8,am is are动词原形、动词的三单形式,9,am is are9,动词三单式,10,put-,like-,eat-,miss-,wash-,watch-,fix-,go-,study-,cry-,1. 一般情况词尾+s,2. s(随) sh (时) ch (出) x(现) o(哦)结尾的动词,后+es,3.以辅音字母+y结尾的词 ,先变y为i, 再+es,动词三单式10put- like-eat-miss,看见它们你能想到啥?,1

5、1,看见它们你能想到啥?11,三标志 symbol,频率副词或短语:时间短语:,always ; usually ; often ; sometimes ; seldom ; hardly ; never ;once a week;three times a day.,in the morning/afternoon/evening ; every day ; on Sundays,12,三标志 symbol频率副词always ; usual,火眼金睛,I always get up at 6 oclock.He sometimes goes to work by bus.I do my h

6、omework every day.She visits her grandma once a week.,13,火眼金睛I always get up at 6 oclo,1)Knowledge _is_(be) power.2)It _is_(be) never too old to learn.,My teacher told us that light_travels_(travel) faster than sound .,The earth _goes_(go) around the sun.,The sun_rises_(rise) in the east.,14,My teac

7、her told us that light_,一般现在时,定义,构成,标志,用法,1.主语+be动词+其他2.主语+实义动词+其他,1 频率副词或短语2 时间短语,1 表示习惯性,经常性的动作2 表示性格,特点,能力或现在的状态3 谚语格言,客观真理永一现,15,一般现在时定义构成 标志用法1.主语+be动词+其,2. She and I _take_(take) a walk together every evening.,3.Ill tell him the truth as soon as he _gets_ (get)home.4. He said the sun _rises_ (

8、rise)in the east and _sets_ (set)in the west.5.Shanghai _lies_ (lie) in the east of China.,1.The plane _takes_(take) off at 9:00 tonight.,16,2. She and I _take_(take,6. Jenny _works_ (work)in an office. Her parents _work_(work)in a hospital.7. We often_play_(play) in the playgound.8. There _is_(be) some water in the bottle.9. He often _has_(have) dinner at home.10. Mike sometimes _goes_ (go)to the park with his sister.,17,6. Jenny _works_ (work)in an,Thanks,18,Thanks18,


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