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1、,第六讲,语序和倒装,第六讲语序和倒装,语序常态,Normal Word Order,语序常态 Normal Word Order,6.1 英语句子语序常态英语句子主要成分在句子中的顺序是相对稳定的,句子成分按相对稳定的顺序出现,就是英语句子的语序常态(normal word order)英语主要句子成分的常态语序一般遵循主语在前,谓语位于主语之后,如果还需要宾语或表语,它们又在谓语动词之后。,6.1 英语句子语序常态,了解句子语序的常态可以排除生词多、句子结构复杂的干扰,迅速准确地把握句子的大致类别、句子结构的大致走向,信息传递的大致趋势,信息的大致类别;在接受信息时,可以有效地预测交际内容

2、,知道别人下边将会说、写些什么。使用语言时,了解常态语序就可以有个大致遵循的准绳,前面说了什么,后面应该说些什么,做到心中有数,使交际从容不迫地进行,即使在口头交际中需要思考、选择措辞,也不至于语无伦次。,了解句子语序的常态可以排除生词多、句子结构复杂的干扰,迅,倒装结构,Inverted Word Order,倒装结构 Inverted Word Ord,Only in the small town does he feel secure and relaxed.(他才感到安全和放松).The witness was told that under no circumstances shou

3、ld he lie to the court.(他都不应该对法庭说谎).,Only in the small town does,Not until the deadline did he send (out) (直到截止日他才寄出) his application form. The more you explain, the more confused I am (我愈糊涂).,Not until the deadline did he,6.2常态语序的悖逆倒装倘若上述句子成分的语序状态出现悖逆,即主语位于谓语动词或其他成分之后,人们就称其为倒装语序(inverted word order

4、)。倒装语序是一种非常态语序,是语言使用者为了达到特定的交际目的所使用的特殊的语言形式。,6.2常态语序的悖逆倒装,从形式上分,倒装分为全部倒装和部分倒装。从使用目的上分,倒装可分为语法倒装和修辞倒装。语法倒装指的是语法规则要求的倒装,修辞倒装指的是出于加强语气或强调某个成分的需要而使用的倒装手段。,从形式上分,倒装分为全部倒装和部分倒装。,6.2.1 完全倒装完全倒装是指整个谓语动词部分都置于主语之前的倒装。完全倒装往往用在谓语词为be 动词的疑问句中,或为了达到某种特定的交际目的将副词词组、分词词组以及介词词组置于句首使用的倒装,6.2.1 完全倒装,用全部倒装的情况 1.状语位于句首时所

5、引起的倒装1)当位于句首的状语是一些表示地点的介词短语或表示方向的副词(如away, back, down, in, off, out, up)时,常常引起倒装(主语为人称代词除外),其形式为全部倒装: 如:,用全部倒装的情况 1.状语位于句首时所引起的倒装,Beneath the streets of a modern city exists the network of walls, columns, cables, pipes, and tunnels. 在现代城市的街道下面,有着由墙、支柱、电缆、管道和地沟组成的网络。 Out rushed the children.(比较:Out t

6、hey rushed.) 孩子们一下子冲了进来。 Away went the car like whirlwind. 汽车旋风般地开走了。,Beneath the streets of a mod,At the South Pole _ ,the coldest and most desolate region on earth.(托福题) A. Antarctica lies there B. where Antarctica lies C. Antarctica lies D. lies Antarctica,At the South Pole _ ,the co,答案:D译文“南极洲位于

7、南极,它是地球上最寒冷和最荒凉的地区。”,答案:D,2)以here, there, next, then 等开头的句子常常为倒装句(主语为人称代词时除外),其形式为全部倒装,如:Here comes Peter!(比较:Here he comes!) 彼得来了。 There stood the piano against the wall. 靠墙放着一架钢琴。 Next comes the question of pay. 其次是工资问题。 Then came the war. 接着就爆发了战争。,2.表语位于句首时所引起的倒装 当作表语的形容词、副词、介词短语等位于句首时,常常引起倒装,其形

8、式为完全倒装,如: Lively and interesting are the pictures of the past in this book. 这本书里的老照片生动而有趣。 Below is a famous hotel. 下面是一家著名的旅馆。 Among those present were Prof. Sharp and some of his students. 在出席的人当中,有夏普教授和他的学生。,2.表语位于句首时所引起的倒装,3.谓语的一部分位于句首时所引起的倒装 谓语的一部分的不定式、现在分词或过去分词位于句首时,便引起句子的倒装,其形式为完全倒装,如: To be

9、closely followed are the directions given to us in his letter. 要严格遵循他在信中给我们的指示。 Standing in front of me was a little boy who lived nearby. 站在我面前的男孩住在附近。 Written on a sheet of paper was their suggestion on how to render after-sales service. 在一张纸上写着他们关于如何提供售后服务的建议。,3.谓语的一部分位于句首时所引起的倒装,6.2.2部分倒装 部分倒装是指

10、谓语动词的一部分(往往是谓语部分中的第一个主助动词或情态助动词)置于主语之前,谓语动词的其余部分仍至于主语之后的倒装句。部分倒装常见于谓语动词包含了两个或两个以上部分的疑问句,否定词或准否定词位于句首的句子,有时也见于表示让步意义的句子。后两种句子的谓语部分若没有情态助动词或主助动词,需要添加主助动词再将主助动词置于主语之前,6.2.2部分倒装 部分倒装是指谓语动词的一部分(往往,1下列否定词及含有否定意义的词组修饰状语时,若置于句首,句子的主谓要部分倒装: never, no, neither, not only, hardly, scarcely, little, seldom, rare

11、ly, not until, nowhere, at no time, on no account, in no respect, in no sense, by no means, in vain, still less。,1下列否定词及含有否定意义的词组修饰状语时,若置于,如: Not only is its direct attack on their discipline, it bypasses the essence of what sociologists focus on. Under no circumstances should we do anything that wi

12、ll benefit ourselves but harm the interests of the state.,如: Not only is its direct a,注:1)如果谓语动词是单个实义动词,倒装时需根据人称和时态加助动词dodoesdid。如: Little did we expect that he would fulfill his task so rapidly.,注:1)如果谓语动词是单个实义动词,倒装时需根据人称和时,2)要广义理解“句首”的概念,注意从句的句首和并列分句的句首均为句首。如: Suddenly, Gallups name was on everyon

13、es lips; not only was he the prophet of the moment, but it was generally believed that he had founded a new and most important method of prediction.,2)要广义理解“句首”的概念,注意从句的句首和并列分,2以only修饰状语(副词,介词短语,状语从句)开头的句子,句子的主谓要部分倒装: only then, only at that time, only once, only in this way, only with, only through

14、, only by, only when, only after, only because.,2以only修饰状语(副词,介词短语,状语从句)开,Only then did I notice the change in his attitude. 只是在那时我才注意到他态度的变化。 Only outside the Earths atmosphere is it safe for a space vessel to attain extremely high velocity. 只有在地球大气层之外,宇宙飞船达到极高的速度才是安全的。 Only after you have paid a $

15、15 mailing fee will application materials be mailed to you . 只有你付了15元的邮寄费之后,才会给你邮寄申请材料。 Only one more point will I make. 我只再说一点。,Only then did I notice th,3以下列副词或短语开头的句子,句子的主谓要部分倒装: often, so, well, to such a degree, to such an extent, to such extremes, to such a point, many a time. 如:,3以下列副词或短语开头的句

16、子,句子的主谓要部分倒装:,So involved with their computers _ that leaders at summer computer camps often have to force them to break for sports and games. A. became the children B. become the children C. had the children become D. do the children become,So involved with their co,答案:D译文:这些孩子如此痴迷于计算机,以致计算机夏令营的领导们

17、往往不得不强迫他们停下来参加些体育活动和游戏。So that 位于句首所引起的倒装句为部分倒装形式,如果谓语动词为be 的一般现在时或一般过去时,则为完全倒装形式。,答案:D,4比较从句的倒装: as, than引导的比较从句中,如果主语是名词短语且较长,经常采用倒装结构(不倒装也可以)。注意:这种结构主语一般为名词,如果是代词则不倒装,4比较从句的倒装: as, than引导的比较从句中,如: Reading is to the mind as is exercise to the body.,如: Reading is to the mind,5用于前面所说的情况也适用于另一人(物)的肯定

18、句或否定句中的倒装 1) 肯定重复倒装用:so They have got up, and so has Jack 2) 否定重复倒装用:nor, neither, no more If you dont agree to our plan, neither will they,5用于前面所说的情况也适用于另一人(物)的肯定句或否定,6“not onlybut also”结构时,如果not only 放在句首,则前半句倒装,but (also)句子后面不倒装 如:Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to bein

19、g broke.,6“not onlybut also”结构时,如果,6.2.3 倒装句的交际功能按交际功能划分,英语倒装句可分为语法倒装和修辞倒装两个类别,每类又可分为若干个小类。,6.2.3 倒装句的交际功能,1.语法倒装语法倒装是指为适应表达某种特定的语法功能的需要而使用的形式较为固定的倒装句式,语法倒装常见于疑问句、让步从句、存现句、省略if的虚拟条件从句,部分特殊的感叹句以及由so、nor 引导的表示相似情况的某些句子。,1.语法倒装,1)疑问倒装Why do you always argue against me?你为何和我唱反调?How would you attack the

20、unemployment problem?Did you catch my point?你懂我的意思了吗?,1)疑问倒装,2)让步倒装以as引导的让步状语从句将句子表语或者主动词置于句首时,从句的主语如为名词词组,需要使用主谓倒装语序,主语如为代词,则使用常态语序。英语中还有一种中古英语残余的be+主语+(ever)+表语的倒装句式,表达的也是让步意义,如:,2)让步倒装,Strange as it may seem, nobody was injured in the accident.虽然这显得有点不可思议,事故中却没有人受伤。Much as I would like to help, I

21、 have a lot to do.虽然我很想帮忙,但我有很多事情要做。,Strange as it may seem, nobod,Object as you may, Ill go.纵使你反对,我也要去。Dream like as was the story, it was true.尽管这故事象梦幻一样,但它确实是真实的。Try as you may, you will never succeed.不管你怎么努力,都不会成功。,Object as you may, Ill go.,Home is home, be it ever so homely.家纵简陋,总归是家。Happen wh

22、at may, we shall not change our mind.不管发生什么事,我们都不改初衷。Be it rainy or sunny, the match will be played as scheduled.无论阴晴,比赛都将如期举行。,Home is home, be it ever so h,Be the boy ever so tall, he is only 10.这男孩个子尽管很高,他仅仅只有十岁。Be he ever so clever, he became the victim of his own cleverness.尽管他绝顶聪明,结果聪明反被聪明误。,B

23、e the boy ever so tall, he i,3)虚拟倒装虚拟条件句省略掉引导词if后,从句需要使用倒装语序。此外,一些表示祝愿意义的虚拟句也需要使用倒装语序,如:,3)虚拟倒装,Should he change his mind, no one would blame him.如果他改变主意,也不见得会有人责怪他。Had it not been for his kind help, I could not have got such gigantic achievement.倘若不是他善意相助,我不可能取得如此巨大的成绩。Were I to do that what would

24、you say?假如我那样做,你会怎么说?,Should he change his mind, no,May you live long.祝你长寿!May you succeed.祝你成功!May he never set foot in this house again!但愿他永远不再走进这幢房子。Long live the great unity of the people of the world!全世界人民大团结万岁!,May you live long.祝你长寿!,4)存现/认同/引语倒装以there引导的表示存现意义的句子以so, nor 等引导的表示上下文情况也同样适合的意义的

25、句子直接引用某人所说的话以后再加说话人表示语言、思维动作动词的句子中,4)存现/认同/引语倒装,There appears growing evidence to the contrary.越来越多的反证显现了。There remained just a little money. What was to be done?只剩下一点点钱了,怎么办呢?There existed different opinions on this questions.对这个问题曾有人有过不同的看法。,There appears growing evidenc,You are clever and so is y

26、our brother.He quickened his pace and so did I .If he is allowed to leave, so should I .The day was bright, nor were there clouds above.,You are clever and so is your,“I have something to tell you, said Mary.“Thats just what I am afraid of, thought Johnny, but did not say so.,“I have something to te

27、ll you,2.修辞倒装修辞倒装是指说话人为了达到某种特定的修辞效果或为了传输某种特定的信息而使用的倒装语序。,2.修辞倒装,1)表示感慨意义的倒装有时候,说话人为了表示感慨、喟叹的意义,可能将某些形容词或形容词连用so等副词或否定词置于句首,这时,句子需要用倒装语序,如:,1)表示感慨意义的倒装,So absurd is the idea that number 13 brings bad luck.认为十三这个数字不吉利的想法何其荒谬。So absolutely preposterous is this comment.这种评论真是荒谬绝伦。Strange creatures were

28、women!女人真是奇怪的生物!,So absurd is the idea that nu,Never have I seen such a mess!我还从没见过如此凌乱的场面!So bleak and desolate was the scenery that she could not keep tears from trickling down her cheeks.景色十分荒凉,她禁不住潸然泪下。Great was the labor, priceless the road.工作何其艰辛。道路弥足珍贵。,Never have I seen such a mess,2)表现凸显意义的

29、倒装句倒装句有时将句子中的某种部分置于句首,可以达到凸显、强调该部分的修辞效果,如:,2)表现凸显意义的倒装句,(For a long time, he refused to talk to his wife and kept her in ignorance of his trouble.)Equally strange was his behavior to his son.(他在很长时间内都不肯与妻子谈及这件事,不让她知道自己的烦恼。)在儿子眼里,他的行为也同样显得十分古怪。,(For a long time, he refused,3)行使衔接功能的倒装句有时一个句子需要倒装才能使某个

30、句子成分与上下文衔接紧密。如:,3)行使衔接功能的倒装句,Later someone told me that the story appeared in a magazine shortly before the First World War. That magazine story, and the person who wrote it, I have never been able to track down.倘若上例中后边一句不将宾语置于句首,突然出的找故事的话题会让读者感到生硬、突然。,Later someone told me that th,4)表示委婉请求意义的倒装句有时,

31、一个使用倒装语序的句子可以表达请求的含义,当然,这种请求是隐含的意义,就象说“某处有某事需要做”即隐含有请受话人去做的意义一样,如:,4)表示委婉请求意义的倒装句,Up in the office are so many affairs that have to be handled within 12 hours.Up in your room is so much homework that needs to be done before you go to bed.Out in the fields is so much work to be finished before dark.,

32、Up in the office are so many,5)表示描绘意义的倒装句这类倒装句往往将表示动作方位意义的副词置于句首,获得强烈的动感及生动形象的描绘效果,主语如为名词词组,句子后边部分需要倒装,如为代词,则主谓用常态语序,如:,5)表示描绘意义的倒装句,Away went the car like a whirlwind.汽车风驰电掣般地开走了。Out rushed a group of noisy boys.一群吵吵嚷嚷的男孩子一下子涌了出来。,Away went the car like a whir,6.3.2分词前置倒装置于句首的可以是现在分词也可以是过去分词,现在分词词组

33、置于句首时往往有动态含义,过去分词词组置于句首则往往具有状态意义,如:,6.3.2分词前置倒装,Hidden in the cellar were several barrels of wine.地窖里藏了有几桶酒。Concealed from the road by a small wood was a dilapidated old cottage.隐没在一个小树林里的是一座破败的旧屋,旧屋从路上看不见。,Hidden in the cellar were sev,Caught in the rush was a blue-eyed girl.挤在人流中动弹不得的是一位蓝眼睛的姑娘。Squ

34、eezed into the suitcase were his articles for daily use.塞进手提箱里的是他的一些日常生活用品。Buried in the sands was an ancient village.掩埋在沙漠里的是一座古代的村落。,Caught in the rush was a blue,Marching at the head of the procession was Mr. Wang, the organizer of the incident. 走在队伍前边的是此次事件的组织者王先生。Flowing quietly in the deep val

35、ley was a clear little stream. 在深谷中静静流淌的是一条清澈的小溪。Scattering in the vast South Sea are numerous peal-like isles. 星星点点在散布在广袤无垠的南海上是许多明珠似的小岛。,Marching at the head of the p,6.3.3副词前置倒装Then came the exciting moment.这时激动人心的时刻到来了。Now comes his opportunity to display his talents.他大显身手的时机到了。There appear to b

36、e several reasons for changing their plans.他们之所以改变计划看来有好几条理由。Up jumped Peter with an angry look on his face.彼得满脸怒容地一下子站了起来。,6.3.3副词前置倒装,6.3.4介词词组前置倒装at last was there a man who knew his own mind.终于有了一个了解他心思的人。In the garden stands an elm tree.院子里矗立着一棵榆树。At the top of the hill stood an ancient temple.

37、小山顶上矗立着一座古庙。Above the horizon rose the emerging sun with all its shimmering rays.地平线上一轮红日喷薄欲出。,6.3.4介词词组前置倒装,6.3.5形容词词组前置倒装Great was the labor; priceless the road!工作何其艰辛,道路弥足珍贵!Strange were his behaviors even to his friends!即使在他的朋友看来,他的行为也十分古怪的。Peculiar is language to mankind.语言乃人类所特有。,6.3.5形容词词组前置倒

38、装,6.3.6名词词组前置倒装Many a day have I spent in his home.我在他家先后住过好几天。Many a time have I visited that scenic spot.那一风景区我已多次光临。Many a bitter tear had she shed secretly.暗地里她不知流过多少伤心之泪。,6.3.6名词词组前置倒装,Not a hint did they drop as to how to carry out the plan.关于如何实施计划他们一点口风也不露。Not a single man was killed and onl

39、y 3 wounded.无一人死亡,只有三人受伤。Not a penny of the money did he spend.那笔钱他一个子儿也没花。,Not a hint did they drop as t,6. 4特殊的倒装结构 特殊形式的倒装结构是指句子虽然是倒装结构,但不是主谓倒装,而往往是出于强调的需要,把强调部分移到句首,而其它部分顺序不需要改变,句子主谓不需要倒装。出现这样的情况有以下几种可能:,6. 4特殊的倒装结构 特殊形式的倒装结构是指句子虽然,The business of each day _ selling goods or shipping them, went

40、quite smoothly. A it being B be it C was it D it was (答案为B),The business of each day _ s,3) no matter how (who);however引导的让步状语从句必须采用倒装结构,但不是主谓倒装,而是将被强调的内容置于句首。如: No matter how busy he is , he has to attend the meeting. However cold it is , he always goes swimming.,3) no matter how (who);howe,3.比例状语从

41、句中的主句中的倒装 在以the,the引导的比例状语从句中,如果 主句的主语较长,可将谓语动词置于主语之前,形成完全倒装:,3.比例状语从句中的主句中的倒装,The greater resistance a substance has, the less is its conductivity. 物质的电阻越大,其导电率就越小。 The older I grow, the more inclined am I to be lazy. 我年纪越大越想偷懒。,The greater resistance a sub,Exercise Six,1.Hardly _ the helicopter _

42、when the waiting crowded ran towards it. A. had landed B. has landed C. did land D. was landing,Exercise Six1.Hardly _ the he,2.We have been told that under no circumstances_ the telephone in the office for personal affairs. A. may we use B. we may use C. we could use D. did we use,2.We have been to

43、ld that unde,3. Not until the game had begun _ at the sports ground. A. had he arrived B. would he have arrived C. did he arrive D. should he have arrived,3. Not until the game had beg,4. _ for the timely investment from the general public ,our company would not be so thriving. A. Had it not been B.

44、 Were it not C. Be it not D. Should it not be,4. _ for the timely inves,答案,1. A译文:直升飞机刚刚着陆,等候的人群就朝它跑去。 hardly/scarcely/barelywhen 或 no soonerthan 位于句首所引起的倒装为部分倒装形式,如果谓语动词为be 的一般现在时或一般过去时,则为完全倒装。,答案1. A,2. A 译文:我们被告知,绝不可用办公室的电话办私事。In/under no circumstances(无论如何不),by no means(绝不),in no case(无论如何不),in

45、no way(绝不),on no account(绝不可),on no condition(绝不)等短语位于句首时所引起的倒装句通常为部分倒装,如果谓语动词为be 的一般现在时或一般过去时,则为完全倒装形式,2. A,3. C 译文:直到比赛已经开始了他才到达体育场。 not until (直到才),not a(一个也没有),not in the least (一点儿也不),not for a minute/moment (一点儿也不)等位于句首时,通常引起倒装(not a 之后的名词作主语时除外),其形式通常为部分倒装形式,如果谓语动词为be 的一般现在时或一般过去时,则为完全倒装形式。,3. C,4. A译文: 要不是当初普通民众的及时投资,我们的公司不会这么兴旺。此处考察省略if 的非真实条件状语从句的倒装。,4. A,


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