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1、,Unit 4 Our World,Topic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller.,Section A,Lets talk,What do you often do at weekends?,do the homework,do some shopping,play sports,watch TV,play computer games,Search something about Change ,Do you like doing some shopping on the Internet?,在网上,What can the Internet he

2、lp us to do?,listen to music,send e-mails,chat with friends,find information,What else can we do online?,在互联网上,control spaceships,学习目标1. Learn some new words: cheap, online, language, information, face to face2. Talk about what we can do on the Internet. -What can you do online? -I can find informat

3、ion, send emails, listen to music, watch movies and so on. 3. Learn the structure “S + V + O + OC” ( 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语). 1) let/make sb. do sth. make sb./sth. adj. make sb. n. 2) keep sb./sth adj. 3) see sb. doing/do sth. 4) ask sb. to do sth 5) help sb. (to) do sth. The Internet makes the world smalle

4、r. It also helps us to find information much faster.,预习导纲:1、单词互译与记忆 1) cheap , 2) information , 3) online , 4) language 5) headmaster _2、短语互译与记忆 1) come into being 2) chat with _ 3) what else 4) 面对面 _ 5) 在二十世纪九十年代 6) 越来越重要_ 7) 使世界变得更小 8) 叫某人做某事 _3、句子理解与熟读 1) What else can you do online? 2) The Inter

5、net makes the world smaller. 3) Im sure the Internet will become more and more important to us. 4) It also helps us to find information much faster.,face to face, chat with, come into being, more and more important, else, information1) The club _ in 2010. 2) Who _ did you _ online last night? 3) Im

6、sure the Internet will become _ to us. 4) You can find the _ you need on the Internet. 5) Maybe it will be better to talk with your mother _.,came into being,else,chat with,more and more important,information,face to face,单项选择。( ) 1. -Where _ did you go in the summer holidays? - I also went to Shang

7、hai. A. other B. others C. else D. the other ( ) 2. You can find _ in this guidebook. A. many information B. some information C.some informations D. a lot information( ) 3. My parents dont let me _ out at night. A. to go B. going C. to going D. go( ) 4. The people made Obama _ again in 2013. A. pres

8、ident B. a president C. the president D. to be the president( ) 5. When I passed Jims house, I saw him _ his homework, A. did B. doing C. do D. to do( ) 6. Mr. Bean is so funny that he often makes us _. A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. to laughing,C,B,D,A,B,A,When did the Internet come into being

9、?,形成,Listen to 1a and find out the answer.,1a,Scientists started to study the Internet in the 1960s and made it into use in the 1990s.,录音1a-P97,Listen to 1a and complete the passage.,1b,视频1a-P97,Kangkang and Maria are talking about the Internet. We use the Internet to _ information, _ emails, listen

10、 to music and so on. The Internet is great and makes the world _. It works with a special _ . Scientists started _ the Internet in the 1960s and _ in the 1990s. The Internet will become _to us.,find,send,smaller,language,to study,made it into use,more and more important,1. 在互联网上2. 和聊天3. 面对面4. 形成5. 开

11、始使用,Key points,on the Internet chat with face to face come into being make it into use,Key points,5. The Internet makes the world smaller.,主语,谓语,宾语,宾语补足语,Eg: 这部电影使我们很开心。 这个故事使我们哭了。 我们应该保持教室干净。,宾语补足语: 放在宾语之后,用于补充说明宾 语做某事或宾语怎么样。,The film made us very happy.,This story made us cry.,We should keep our c

12、lassroom clean.,总结:1)make/call+ 宾语+名词。2) make/keep/find+宾语+adj. 3)ask/tell/advise/force-+宾语+to do. 4)let/make/see/hear+ 宾语+do.5)keep/find/see/hear+宾语+doing. 6)leave/put+宾语+地点(介词短语),Look at the pictures and follow the example to make up sentences.,2,make/smaller help/find information,A: The Internet

13、makes the world smaller.B: It also helps us to find information much faster.,形容词,不定式,make/laugh,make/headmaster,The man makes the girl laugh.,They made the man headmaster.,注:头衔、职务前不用冠词,不带to的不定式,名词,not let/watch TV,Mother doesnt let the boy watch TV.,let sb. do sth: 让某人做某事,keep/clean,She keeps the ro

14、om clean.,不定式,形容词,see/play computer games,The man saw the boy playing computer games.,see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事,ask/close the windows,The teacher asks his students to close the window.,现在分词,不定式,Listen to the passage and number the pictures.,3a,录音3a-P98,find new friends,buy a bike,read a book,stud

15、y English,buy a gift,learn to cook,1,2,3,4,5,6,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,3a,录音3a-P98,The Internet has become a _ to find information. _, you can buy a bike or a car online. You can also _ how to study English or cook by _ online. Many people read books or buy gifts _ the Internet. Some pe

16、ople even find new friends online. As you look toward(为做好准备) _ , you can imagine (想象)many more uses for the Internet.,popular way,For example,learn,looking,through,the future,Pair work,Work in pairs. Ask and answer based on the information in 3a.,You may do it this way:A: What can people do through

17、the Internet?B: Well, they can find some information online.,Expressions like “Well”, “You know”, “Let me see” etc. can fill the silence when you want to think about something in a conversation.,3b,What can the Internet do for us in our life?,_. _. We can use Internet to _._. _.What do you think of

18、the Internet? It is _. It can make our life _. But we _spend too much time on the Internet.,send e-mails,chat with friends,find information,wonderful,nicer, easier and more interesting,shouldnt,Try to retell,1. make it into use_.2. let sb. do sth._.3. see sb. doing sth._.,Make sentences with the phr

19、ases below.,Practice,补全对话A:Hello,Peter! What are you doing?B:_.A:Do you often use the Internet?B: _.A:_ ?B:I often chat with my friends and listen to music.A:_ ?B:Yes,but not very often.A:Are you sure the Internet is good for us?B:_.A: But you shouldt spend too much time on the Internet.B: OK.,I am

20、looking for some information online,Yes, I often use it.,What do you often do on the Internet,Do you do some shopping online,Yes.I think so/Im sure of it,Summary,The key phrases of this lesson.,on the Internet chat with face to face come into being make it into use let sb. do sth. see sb. doing sth.,Thank you !,


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