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1、绝 密2006年04月数通产品线/部门技术大比武试题考试科目: 数通注意事项:1、 本试卷为2006年04月全球技术服务部员工技术大比武试题,考试时间为240分钟,闭卷考试。2、 应考人员在答题前,请将姓名、工号、所在具体部门、职务认真准确地填写在答题纸的折线内,不得在试卷上答题,所有答题在答题纸上完成。3、 应考人员应严格遵守考场纪律,服从监考人员的监督和管理,凡考场舞弊不听劝阻或警告者,监考人员有权终止其考试资格,没收试卷,以0分处理,并报相关部门予以处分。4、 考试结束,应考人员应停止答卷,离开考场。监考人员收卷后,对答卷进行装订、密封,送交有关部门进行评判,试卷、答题纸不得带离考场。特

2、别说明:1、所有参加考试人员(除办事处中低端团队成员):考试时间4小时,总分500分。办事处中低端团队成员:考试时间3小时,总分500分。2、所有参加考试人员(除办事处中低端团队成员):流程规范、英语能力测试、公共知识、华为产品、OEM产品、网络规划等题目都是必答内容。3、办事处中低端团队成员:流程规范、英语能力测试、公共知识、OEM产品、网络规划等题目都是必答内容,华为产品题目不用答,答了也不计入总分。第一部分:服务规范一、填空题(每空1分,共计13分)1. 工程督导在安装过程中如果遇到自己无法解决的技术问题,将问题录入 客户问题管理系统 。2. 设备初验通过后,工程督导根据需要配合客户一起

3、制定详细的割接方案,进行设备割接。并注意以下方面:a.明确双方责任人、分工;b. 和客户协商考虑如何保证设备顺利割接,同时考虑割接失败的补救措施c. 安排落实人员观察设备运行情况 。3. 项目管理就是将各种知识 、技能 、工具和 技术 应用于项目中,以达到项目的要求。4. 合作方根据工程委托书 实施服务交付,保证按时完成工程交付。5. 项目管理的五个过程组: 启动 、计划、实施、 控制 、 收尾。6. WBS的含义是: 工作分解结构 。7. 勘测工程师根据合同信息和 勘测通知单 的要求完成现场工程勘测任务。8. 对于勘测过程中发现的合同问题及时填写 合同问题反馈单 ,并发给合同管理专员和销售人

4、员。9. 对于重大版本升级,需要将 升级方案 根据重大升级方案审核流程提交审核;10. 技术支持工程师在维护中,对故障物料需要填写 故障物料返修卡 完整填写局点、故障现象等。每个故障物料均需填写一单,粘贴于返修物料的防静电包装袋上。11. 变革管理八大要素包括:变革准备、团队建设、 关键人物的支持 、沟通、 组织体系调整、组织/职位重设计、再教育培训以及绩效管理等。12. 在产品工艺中经常提到的“三防”是指防盐雾、防潮湿和 防霉菌 。13. 在维保巡检指导书中要求每一个局点巡检结束后,都要求服务交付工程师编写 巡检报告 ,并当面提交给当地客户运维主管,汇报巡检情况。二、判断题(正确的打“T”,

5、错误的打“F”。每题1分,共计14分)1. 初验中的每一个测试项目都必须有客户签字。( T )。2. 若工程中有扩容部分,工程督导应查阅原客户问题管理系统,以便掌握已运行设备的信息. ( F )。3. 对需合作安装的工程,产品工程部区域管理工程师的,向合作单位发放工程委托书/PO单( F )。4. 项目管理中常用的CPI的含义是进度绩效指数( F )。5. 投标方在购买标书的时候,同时需向业主递交履约保函。( F )。6. 技术服务负责对招标书中工程与服务部分进行分析( T )。7. 工程质量问题整改的责任人是工程督导,问题闭环期限为20天。( F )。8. TL9000是针对通信行业的质量管

6、理体系标准。( T )。9. 可以从EPMS系统获取装箱单和勘测报告等工程信息 ( T )。10. 目前公司有800集中受理,办事处工程师受理的客户问题可以不处理,告知客户直接打公司的800号码。( F )11. 在IPD Metrics指标体系中,TPM的中文含义是变革进展衡量指标,它是用来衡量整个IPD项目在公司的推行程度。( T )12. UCD的产品设计理念只适合与像手机这样的终端消费类产品,对我司生产的通信网络类产品不合适。( F )13. 研发在现场更改后的版本必须经过版本发行评审才能上网运行。( T )14. 公司在工时系统中对办事处进行专业服务交付派单的任务单的管理者是相应产品

7、经理。( T )三、单选题(每题1分,共计12分)1. 一般来说,项目经理最重要的素质是:( C ) A、技术背景;B、管理经验;C、与人有效合作的能力;D、谈判技巧。2. 关于招投标的顺序应该是( C )A、发标 截标评标开标 B、开标-截标-发标决标C、发标-截标-评标决标 D、发标-评标-截标决标3. 工程师在系统调测过程中,严格按各产品数据设定规范和( A )进行操作 A、开局调测指导书 B、软件质量检查标准 C、客户要求4. 开箱验货完毕后,由客户根据验货情况在装箱单上签字,货物正式移交给客户,货物的保管责任为( B )A、工程督导 B、客户 C、工程督导和客户 5. ( A )负责

8、工程文档的规范性、完整性审核和文档归档工作。A、文档信息管理员 B、工程经理 C、工程督导 D、项目经理6. 工程督导在提交工程文档时要满足( C )。A、完整性、规范性、准确性、可用性B、规范性、及时性、准确性、可用性 C、完整性、规范性、及时性、准确性D、规范性、及时性、准确性、可用性7. 在CEAS(设备档案)系统中,档案的建档单位是:( B )A、合同B、独立网络 C、工程 D、网管的管理域8. 工程完工时,设备安装报告、初验证书等关键文档的扫描件必须上载到( C )系统。A、CEAS B、EDAS C、EPMS D、CIS9. 在PDCP通过后,IPMT和PDT签订合同的主要目的是:

9、( B )A、考核PDT团队计划B、明确项目目标并承诺资源C、进行项目管理的依据D、对于公司内部仅仅是走形式而已10. 办事处工程师直接收到客户的重大故障类问题申告后,最长在( B )内必须通报至800和当地办事处技术支持经理,并立即响应客户,指导客户恢复故障。A:15分钟 B:30分钟 C:60分钟 D:120分钟11. 对华为技术支持网站平台的应用,以下说法错误的是:( C )A、2005年7月1日新技术支持网站上线后,案例的审核、发布全部在support网站上进行。B、对于华为工程师来说,的登录账号与密码和相同。C、技术支持网站可以下载产品版本软件、产品手册、技术案例、客户设备档案等内容

10、。D、由于在技术支持网站上的文档通常有三种格式:HTML、PDF和WORD,所以,使用全网站搜索功能时可能会出现重复的搜索记录,如果影响到阅读效果可点击“去除相似记录”按钮。12. “输出专业服务交付计划书”任务单必需在( C )完成A、3个工作日; B、7个工作日; C、10个工作日; D、14个工作日;E、20个工作日。四、多项选择题(每题2分,共6分)1升级后必须给用户提供的升级物料有:( ACD )A、 新的软件安装盘B、 升级方案C、 版本说明书D、备件升级所需的物料2从可服务性角度来看,下面描述正确的有:( ABC )A、开关按扭要有保护设计,防止意外启闭电;B、机柜、部件、零件的

11、外露部位、拐角、边缘如应设计成圆形倒角或采用其它相应设计;C、无论是零部件,还是机柜,如果存在ESSD(静电敏感元件),都要在明显位置标明ESD标识;D、 工具设计时只要考虑尽量采用标准工具就可以了3关于维保服务指南下列说法正确的是 ( ABC )A、为确保客户基层维护人员了解维保合同的相关服务内容,规范客户与我司的相关权利及义务。对于重大维保服务交付项目,要求项目经理根据服务交付计划并参照模版负责制作维保服务指南向客户发放。B、项目经理将制作好的维保服务指南交服务交付管理部审核后统一印刷成册。C、项目经理负责将印制好的维保服务指南发放到基层维护人员手中,并进行相关宣传。D、以上都不正确五、简

12、答题(1题,每题5分)1请分别简述通用版本、受控版本、非法版本的定义。答:通用版本:经过研发、全球技术服务部、质量部等版本发行评审后,可以大面积使用的版本;受控版本:可能存在缺陷或只能在特定环境下使用,不能大面积推广,在版本发布电子流中明确全球技术服务部使用范围是受限的版本;非法版本:未经过版本发布流程而在客户网上设备上使用的版本,如一些调测版本、比拼测试版本、演示版本等。English Proficiency TestYou may NOT use a dictionary.Answer all the questions on the answer sheet.The time allow

13、ed for this examination is 30 minutes.Part I. Multiple-choice (10 points) Direction: There are ten sentences in this Section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or expressions marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.1. She did her work _A_her manager

14、had instructed. A. as B. until C. when D. though2. The experiment requires more money than _B_. A. have been put in B. being put in C. has been put in D. to be put in3. Have you ever been in a situation _C_ you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree with him? A. by which B. in where C.

15、that D. where4. _A_for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam. A. Had it not been B. Hadnt it been C. Was it not D. Were it not5. “What courses are you going to do next semester?” “ I dont know. But its about time _D_ on something.” A. Id decide B. Im deciding C. I decide D.

16、 I decided6. The police have offered a large _D_for information leading to the robbers arrest. A. award B. compensation C. prize D. reward 7. In spite of the _C_economic forecast, manufacturing output has risen slightly. A. faint B. dizzy C. gloomy D. opaque8. Fiber optic cables can carry hundreds o

17、f telephone conversations _A_ A. simultaneously B. spontaneously C.homogeneously D. ingeniously9. My boss has failed me so many times that I no longer place any _C_ on what he promises. A. assurance B. probability C. reliance D. conformity10. If businessmen are taxed too much, they will no longer be

18、_B_ to work hard, with the result that tax revenues might actually shrink. A. cultivated B. motivated C. licensed D. innovatedPart II. Fill in the Blanks (20 points)Section One (10 points) Direction: There are five abbreviations of Huawei Terminologies in this Section. Write down the full name of ea

19、ch abbreviation.Example: LCD Liquid Crystal Display 11. LAN_ Local Area Network _12. HR_ Human Resource _13. PM_ Project Management _14. SLA_ Service Level Agreement _15. IP_ Internet Protocol _Section Two (10 points) Direction: There are ten words/abbreviations beneath, choose the best one to fill

20、in the blank of the five sentences in this Section, and write down the Number on the answer sheet.R&DASICservicesADSLAccessCDMA2000opticalGenerationGSMpopulationExample: China has the largest _ in the world. 16. Huawei is committed to providing innovative and customized products, _ and solutions to

21、create long-term value and potential growth for its customers.17. Up till now, we have designed nearly 100 types of _chips, including 3G core chips.18. Huawei end-to-end Next _ Network solution is currently the leading option for different carriers all around the world. 19. The iManager M2000 is the

22、 wireless network management system used to manage Huawei WCDMA, _and GSM mobile communication networks.20. Huawei optical solution includes a full set of NMS and four series products: DWDM solution, MSTP solution, intelligent _transmission solution and SONET solution.Part III. Fast Reading (20 poin

23、ts) Text A21. How many main service systems are there in Huawei? CA. two B. threeC. four D. five 22. What service did Huawei provide in professional services? D A. System integration B. system securityC. data storage & backup D. all of above Now, go through TEXT A quickly and answer Questions 21 and

24、 22.In Huaweis service systems, we emphasize customers demands. It is the foundation of service development, marketing and delivery platform. During the long-term serving for our customer, Huawei focused on the changes of customer demands constantly and generated new service solutions continually. T

25、here are four main service systems: O&M support, professional services, training and outsourcing. In professional services, we provide system integration, system security and data storage & backup.Text B23. If you want to travel to Shanghai on Air France on a Saturday, which flight would youtake? D

26、A. AFl29 B. AFl28 C. AFlll D. AFll224. Does Lufthansa operate a flight between Beijing and Frankfurt every day? B A. No. B. Yes. C. Yes, except on Saturdays. D. No, only three days a week.Now, go through TEXT B quickly and answer Questions 23 and 24.Flight ScheduleAir FranceDayFromToFlightDepartureA

27、rrival1 7BeijingParisAF12909:4014:151 7ParisBeijingAF12815:5507:402,4,7ShanghaiParisAF11110:5517:051,3,6ParisShanghaiAF11215:5509:05LufthansaDayFromToFlightDepartureArrival1 7BeijingFrankfurtLH72110:3014:251 7FrankfurtBeijingLH72017:2508:301,2,3,4,5,7ShanghaiFrankfurtLH72911:1516:301,2,3,4,5,7Frankf

28、urtShanghaiLH72817:1009:25Text C25. The main purpose of the passage is to _A_-A. warn people of pickpockets. B. tell people what to wear.C. describe how to catch thieves. D. explain how to contact the police.26. How to keep your wallet safe? D A. put in inside pocket B. hold in hand tightly C. co-op

29、erate with police D. A & CNow, go through TEXT C quickly and answer Question 25 and 26.Pickpockets operate in crowded places in the hope of getting easy pickings. Dont make it easy for them. Keep wallets, purses and other valuables out of sight. If wearing a jacket, an inside pocket is the best plac

30、e to use. If not, your possessions are safest in a pocket with a button-down flap.Please co-operate with the police by reporting any crime or suspicious activity immediately, either by dialing 110 or calling at your nearest police station.Text D27. How many subscribers is Huawei GSM serving for? D A

31、. 60, 000,000 B. 10,000,000 C. 600,000,000 D. 100,000,000 28. What value can EnerG GSM Solution bring to customers? C A. cut down R&D cost B. upgrade customers hardware C. upgrade networks to 3G D. partly 3G-oriented Now, go through TEXT D quickly and answer Questions 27 and 28.Huawei GSM has been d

32、eployed in over 60 countries, serving more than 100 million subscribers. Based on the 3G technology, Huawei launched the new GSM solution, EnerG GSM Solution. During the exhibition, Huawei has, for the first time, laid out the new base station and BSC of EnerG GSM Solution. The EnerG GSM Solution no

33、t only focuses on cutting down the network infrastructure and maintenance cost for the customers, but is fully 3G-oriented and cost-effective. Using Huaweis EnerG GSM Solution, the operators can upgrade their networks to 3G and make profits even with low ARPU.Text E29. What are the multiple layers o

34、f Huaweis 3G service solution? CA. access and terminal layer, service capability layerB. access and terminal layer, service support layerC. access and terminal layer, service network above core network.D. application/content layer, service support layer 30. How many layers are there in Service netwo

35、rk above core network? B A.four B. five C. six D. seven Now, go through TEXT E quickly and answer Questions 29 and 30.Huaweis 3G service solution helps the operator and the CP/SP develop and deploy services quickly, and, through the unified mechanism of various support capabilities, it helps impleme

36、nt integrated services of data, voice and IMS domain services. The sharing of common capabilities reduces service deployment and construction costs, provides abundant personalized service experience for users, and supports multiple user access modes, including access via PC, PDA and mobile terminal.

37、 Huaweis 3G service solution can be divided into multiple layers: access and terminal layer, and service network above core network. The service network can be subdivided into: service capability layer, application integration layer, application/content layer, service support layer, and management l

38、ayer. The operation support management layer provides support for the public capabilities on other layers. 第三部分:公共知识(共计100分)一、单选题(每题1分,共计40分)1. 在以下哪种情形下,数据报文的源IP和目的IP地址是确定的主机地址( C )A、广播(Broadcast);B、组播(Multicast);C、单播(Unicast);D、细播(slivercast)。2. 下面是某工程师现场抓取的以太网报文,请问该报文是什么报文( C )ff ff ff ff ff ff 00

39、 e0 fc 5c 9f d2 81 00 00 0208 06 00 01 08 00 06 04 00 01 00 e0 fc 5c 9f d20a 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 64 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00A、TCP;B、ICMP;C、ARP;D、UDP。3. PC机是通过什么协议将VRRP组中的IP地址映射为MAC地址( D )A、VRRP;B、Proxy ARP;C、Gratuitous ARP;D、ARP。4. 在下面的描述中,属于ppp协商阶段的正确的顺序描

40、述是( C )A、deadestablishnetworkauthenticateterminate;B、lcpauthenticate terminate;C、deadestablishauthenticatenetworkterminate;D、deadlcpestablishncp。5. 下列不属于链路层协议的是( B )A、HDLC; B、ethernetII; C、SLIP; D、LAPB。6. 下列关于帧中继的说法正确的是( B )A、帧中继网络用户接口上最多可支持1024条虚电路,其中用户可用的DLCI范围是11024;B、帧中继的地址映射表可以由手工配置,也可以由Inverse

41、 ARP协议动态维护;C、帧中继的子接口不支持点到多点(multipoint)子接口;D、配置帧中继的链路,ospf网络类型一定是属于NBMA的。7. 下列关于PPPoE的说法正确的是( C )A、PPPoE协议将以太网帧封装在ppp报文之内,提供点对点的连接;B、PPPoE协议分为三个不同阶段:Discovery阶段、Offer阶段和PPP Session阶段;C、PPPoE与PPP协议不同的是,PPPoE的Discovery阶段建立的是一种Client/Server关系,而PPP建立的是一种对等关系。通过Discovery阶段,一个主机(Client)可以发现一个接入集中器(Server)

42、,在Discovery阶段正常结束后,主机和接入集中器就可以通过MAC地址和会话标识来建立PPPoE会话;D、PPPoE和PPP的协商过程完全不同。8. 下列关于MP的说法正确的是( D )A、MP的协商过程是一端首先和对端进行LCP协商,协商过程中,除了协商一般的LCP参数外,还验证对端接口是否也工作在MP方式下。如果对端不工作在MP方式下,则不再继续进行NCP协商步骤,不进行MP捆绑;B、PPP接口被捆绑至虚模板接口之后,将根据物理接口的各项NCP参数(如IP地址等)进行NCP协商,虚模板接口配置的NCP参数不起作用;C、MP捆绑只能根据用户名或终端标识符进行捆绑,否则无法捆绑成功;D、MP的


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