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1、 服务指南SERVICE DIRETORY塔山宾馆欢迎您尊敬的宾客:热忱欢迎阁下来到美丽的浦江并下榻塔山宾馆。我们为您的光临而感到荣幸并将竭诚为您服务。浦江历史悠久、山川秀丽、人文荟萃,素以“书画之乡,水晶之都”闻名。塔山宾馆座落在风光秀美的龙峰山上,巍峨的千年古塔龙峰塔下,同时傍依塔山公园,并与国家4A级景区仙华山遥遥相对。宾馆别墅建筑,园林风格,现代装修,设施齐全。塔山宾馆虽居城市繁华中心,但独享环境幽美之利。为方便您使用本宾馆的各项服务设施,我们特为您准备了这本服务指南,希望您能从中找到所需。若您有其他需求或不明之处,请拨内线“8700”与大堂副理联系。衷心希望浦江塔山宾馆能给您留下一个

2、美好的记忆,并期待着再次为您服务!总经理谨启前厅服务FRONT OFFICE SERVICE前厅服务Front office service请拨/DIAL大堂副理ASSISTANT MANAGER 8700在您下榻期间,如需任何帮助,请与大堂副理联系。Please contact the Assistant Manager in the lobby for any problem during your staying.接待处RECEPTION 8778位于宾馆大堂,负责接待宾客,提供预订、入住登记等服务。For reception, reservation, information, che

3、ck, please contact the Reception in the lobby.问讯处INFORMATION 8778位于宾馆大堂,为宾客提供咨询、留言等服务。Located in the lobby, it offers information and message service etc.预订处ROOM RESERVATION 8778如欲订房或查询,请与宾馆预订处联系。For room reservation or inquiry, please contact the Reservation Center in advance.结帐处CASHER 8788位于宾馆大堂,负

4、责宾客住店帐务、外币兑换及帐务处理。The Cashier in lobby in charge of guest bills and exchange.外币兑换EXCHANGE 8788位于大堂结帐处,请携带护照或有效身份证明办理(只面向住店客人)。This service is available at the Cashier. Please bring your passport or identification document for exchanging ( Only for Hotel Guest).请拨/DIAL信用卡CREDIT CARDS 8788宾馆接受各种信用卡,如长

5、城卡、牡丹卡、龙卡、万事达卡、维萨卡、运通卡、大莱卡等,详情请询问总台收银处。We accept all kinds of cards: Great Wall Card, Peony Card, Dragon Card, Master Card, Visa Card, AE Card and DC Card etc.续住EXTENDING STAY 8778如需续住或延迟退房,请主动前往总台办理有关手续。Please contact the Front Desk for extension or later-check out. 退房时间CHECK-OUT TIME 8788根据惯例,宾客退房

6、时间为中午12:00前,若下午6点前退房,则加收半天房费,下午6点后退房按全天房费计算。The normal check-out time is 12:00 at noon, half day room charge will be charged before 6:00pm, and a full day room charge after 6:00pm.行李服务LUGGAGE SERVICE 8790宾馆为住店宾客提供免费行李服务。如需协助运送或寄存行李,请与礼宾部联系。Please contact the concierge in the lobby for luggage handed

7、 or storaged.出租车服务TAXI SERVICE 8790如需提供出租车服务,请与礼宾部联系。Taxis are readily available, please contact the concierge if required.雨具服务RENTAN UMBRELLA 8790如需寄存或租用雨具,请与礼宾部联系。For storage or rent an umbrella, please contact the concierge.请拨/DIAL信函邮件MAIL SERVICE 8790如有信函邮件,礼宾部将及时通知并转交于您;需邮寄信函、邮件的,请与礼宾部联系。If the

8、re is any mail for you, the concierge will inform you and deliver it to you in time, if you want to mail letter, please contact the concierge.委托代办CONCIERGE 8790如需物品代送及委托代办,请与礼宾部联系。If you have some articles to be sent or you need concierge service, please contact the concierge.店内寻人服务PAGING SERVICE 87

9、90请与礼宾部联系。Please contact the concierge.残障人士服务SERVICE FOR HANDICAPPED GUESTS 8790宾馆备有残障人士专用客房、轮椅及专厕,专为残障人士服务,如需要请与礼宾部联系。Special rooms, wheelchair and special toilets are available for the handicapped guests, please contac the concierge for any requests.客房钥匙ROOM KEY 8778本宾馆使用先进安全的感应磁卡门锁,但请阁下留意,当超过预定时间

10、,门锁将不能打开。若要续住,请到大堂总台办理手续,阁下离店结帐时,请务必把房卡交给总台。The hotel adopts sophisticated and safe Inductive Card, the card can not work over the scheduled time, If you want to extend your staying, please contact the Front Desk in the lobby. When you check out, please return the key to the Front Desk.留言服务MESSAGE 8

11、778/9您可以通过总台、总机留言,我们会尽快把留言送至客人。Please leave your message to the Front Desk or the Operator, we will deliver them to guests as soon as possible.请拨/DIAL宠物PETS所有宠物请勿带入宾馆,不便之处,本宾馆谨表歉意。All the pets are not allowed to stay in the hotel, please forgive us if we take the trouble to you.大堂保管箱SAFE DEPOSIT BOX

12、ES 8778宾馆总台和客房内设有免费保险箱,可寄存贵重物品和现金,对未寄存之个人贵重物品的遗失,宾馆不予负责。Our hotel is not liable for the loss of personal valuables and guests are strongly recommended to make use of the safe Deposit Boxes Service, which is free of charge at the Front Desk and the room.电话亭PHONE BOX 位于宾馆大堂,备有IC卡电话及宾馆内部电话,欢迎使用。Located

13、 in the lobby, it is equipped with IC card phone and hotel interior telephone. Welcome to use it.失物招领LOST AND FOUND 8700如有遗失或拾获物品,请与大堂副理联系。Please contact the Assistant Manager in the lobby for any lost and found service.商务中心BUSINESS CENTER 8791位于宾馆大堂,为宾客提供打字、传真、复印、国内国际直拨电话、上网、票务等服务。营业时间:08:00-22:00T

14、he Business Center in the lobby provides you with Type Service, fax service, copy service, call service, wide Band Internet Service and Ticket Service etc.Business Hour: 8:00-22:00精品商场SHOP 8792位于宾馆大堂,为宾客提供各类生活用品,精美工艺品及当地特产等各类商品。营业时间:08:00-22:00Located in the lobby, There are all kinds of arts and cr

15、atfs articles for daly use and so on.Business Hour: 08:00-22:00客房服务HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE客房服务Housekeeping service本宾馆拥有各类客房135间(套),房型齐全,温馨舒适。配有进口洁具、精美家私、卫星电视、国内国际直拨电话、独立调节温控器及客房小酒吧等,是您理想的家外之家。We have135 guest rooms with complete styles, nobleness and comfort, which is furnished with imported sanitary a

16、pparatus, fine furniture, satellite television, direct dialing, individual temperature controller and mini-bar etc. It is your ideal home while you are out.请拨/DIAL客房中心HOUSEKEEPPING 8866宾馆设有客房中心,24小时为您提供及时有效的服务。The Housekeeping provides prompt and efficient service 24 hours.空调设施AIR-CONDITION 8866宾馆设有

17、中央空调系统,所有房间均安装有独立调节温控装置,以确保房间舒适,如有任何问题,请联系客房中心。The hotel is equipped with the central air conditioning system. All of our guest rooms are equipped with individual temperature control to keep your comfort.电源POWER SUPPLY 8866客房内电压系统为220伏50赫兹,洗手间内设有110伏电源,请勿在客房内随意使用其它功率电源,如需其它电源或使用自备电器,请与客房中心联系。Voltage

18、 in the room is 220V AC 50HZ; 110V is available in the bathroom. Do not casually use other high power equipment in the room. If you need to use your own electric equipment, please contact the Housekeeping.电源开关POWER SWITCH宾馆客房配有电源开关控制系统。Each room is equipped with a master lighting control. Please ins

19、ert the room key into slot beside the door and the power will be on. Please remove the key while you are leaving, the power will shut down.请拨/DIAL私人空间PRIVACY 9如果您不想被打扰,请按“请勿打扰”开关或外挂“请勿打扰”牌,并可拨“9”通知总机接线员不要转接外线电话到客房或设置免打扰功能。Press the DO NOT DISTURB button or hang the DND tag on the knob of the door ou

20、tside. If you do not wish to be disturbed, you could inform the Operator by dialing 9.叫醒服务WAKE-UP SERVICE 9宾馆为宾客提供叫醒服务。如有需要,请与总机接线员联系,并告知被叫醒时间。Please contact the Hotel Operator by dialing 9 for waking-up call, and tell the time.天气预报WEATHER FORECAST 9请联系总机取得当天的天气信息或参阅床头柜上的天气预报卡。For weather informatio

21、n of the city, please contact the Operator or read the weather forecast card on the night table.客房小酒吧MINI-BAR 8866客房小酒吧提供常用酒水、饮料、小食品,按房内迷你吧价目表向住客计帐收费。如需添加请与客房中心联系。Drinks and refreshments are available in your room, which will be charged. Please contact the Housekeeping for refilling the some thing i

22、n the Mini-bar.客房电视ROOM TV SET 宾馆设有有线电视及卫星电视接收系统,具体节目请查阅客房内电视节目单。Each room is equipped with cable and satellite TV receiving system, for the detail program, please refer to the TV program list in your room.饮用水DRINKING WATER 自来水为非饮用水,电水壶内的水请烧开后饮用,水源可直接从卫生间取得。The water supply can not drinking directly

23、. Please bill the water from the washing room before drinking with electric heating.请拨/DIAL缝补服务SEWING 8866房间内备有针线包,客房部也可提供有限的缝补服务,如有需要,请联系客房中心。Sewing kit is prepared in the room, Minor sewing services and alterations are available from Housekeeping. Please call them for further information.加被服务EXTRA

24、 QUILT SERVICE 8866如果您需要此项服务,请直接与客房中心联系。If you need the extra quilt service, please contact the Housekeeping.衣架HANGER客房衣橱内备有衣架,供宾客使用。Clothes hanger is available in each wardrobe for guests.睡衣GOWN衣橱内备有穿着舒适的睡衣,使您有家的感觉。The gowns in the wardrobe are well fit and make you feel home.晾衣绳CLOTHES LINE如果您需要晾衣

25、,可利用洗手间的伸缩晾衣绳。Each bathroom is equipped with a retractable clothesline for personal washing.洗衣服务LAUNDRY SERVICE 8866宾馆为您提供各类衣物干洗、熨烫服务。详情请参阅洗衣服务单或向客房中心咨询。We offer dry-cleaning, ironing service. Please skim over the laundry list or contact the Housekeeping for further information.一次性用品ONE-OFF BOX 8866

26、洗手间备有一次性用品,有牙刷牙膏、梳子、沐浴液、香皂、洗发液、浴帽、针线包等一次性旅游用品,可供您免费使用,但一次性用品的过度使用会导致环境污染和浪费,因此请您尽量节省使用,在未使用完之前,我们将不再添加,您需要时请与客房中心联系。We provide you a one-off articles free of charge in the bathroom. It contains one-off articles for traveling use, such as toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, bath lotion, soap, shampoo, bath

27、 cap and sewing kit. For overuse of one-off articles resulting in environmental pollution and resource waste, please try to minimize the usage of them, we will not replenish them before they are finished. Please contact the Housekeeping if anything required.请拨/DIAL免费擦鞋服务FREE SHOE POLISH SERVICE 8866

28、您如果需要擦鞋服务,请与客房中心联系。If you need shoe polish service, please contact the Housekeeping.吹风机HAIR DRIER 房间备有吹风机,可方便您的旅居生活。There is a hair drier in the room for drying your hair and skin.床单更换SHEET CHANGE洗涤剂的过多使用将会污染环境,为创建绿色饭店,本宾馆执行床上用品一客一换制度,如果您认为今天的床单需要更换,请将床头柜上的环保卡放在枕头上。 感谢您对宾馆环保活动的支持与配合。Please put the e

29、nvironmental protection card from the night table on the pillow for sheet change. Thank you for your supporting our environmental protection campaigns. 毛巾更换TOWEL CHANGE为了减少洗涤剂的过多使用,宾馆实行毛巾重复使用计划,请将不需要更换的毛巾挂在毛巾架上,需要更换的放在毛巾篓里,服务员将及时更换您的房间内的毛巾。感谢您对宾馆环保活动的支持与配合。Please put the towel into the basket in the

30、 bathroom for changing. Thank you for you supporting our environmental protection campaigns.体重称SCALE房间内备有体重称,供您使用。There is a scale in the bathroom for your using.请拨/DIAL文件夹FILE FOLDER内备有信封、信纸、房价表、宾客意见书等。In the file folder, you can find envelopes, letter, room rate list, and guestionary.冰块ICE CUBES 8

31、866如果您需要冰块,请与客房中心联系。Please contact Housekeeping for the ice.赠饮FREE DRINKS 客房内备有茶叶、咖啡,供客人无偿使用。The tea and coffee are free for drinking.客房上网ROOM INTERNET SERVICE宾馆所有房间都配备网线接口,您足不出户便可上网冲浪、收发邮件、联系业务、搜集资料等。Free using the Internet in the room.房间清理ROOM CLEANING 8866如您需要整理房间,请将“请速打扫”牌挂在房门外或与客房中心联系。If room c

32、leaning is required, please hang the MAKE-UP CLEAN tag on the outside doorknob or contacting the Housekeeping.客房电话ROOM CALL SERVICE客房床头柜、卫生间或书桌有多部同线电话供您使用,可拨打宾馆内线、市内电话、国内及国际长途。There are two parallels phones at the night table and bathroom for your using. You can dial either of them for extension pho

33、ne number, local phone call, domestic call and international call.客房用品ROOM ATICLES为维护客房的设施,使您有一个舒适方便的起居环境,我们特为您配备了日常洗漱用品,除此之外,您若喜欢客房内的日用品,欢迎购买。同时,特请您谨慎使用宾馆用品,请勿在床上吸烟,勿乱扔烟蒂,以免发生火灾或出现不测;请勿随地乱扔瓜果壳及其它杂物,以保持地毯的清洁;请勿移动房内的固定设施,以免造成损坏。凡因您使用不慎或其它人为因素使宾馆设施损坏造成损失的,宾馆将视情要求您负责赔偿,希望您能理解和配合!客房物品清单详见清单表。In order to

34、 keep the best condition of our hotel facilties, and to provide you with the most delightful and safe living environment, please do not to smoke on bed or throw cigarette ends wantonly, not to litter the room carpet with rubbish or shift the fixed room facilities. We appreciate your understanding an

35、 cooperation! The details are as follows.客房用品价目表Price List of Room Aticles品名item价格/元price(RMB)品名item价格/元price(RMB)地巾bath mat40灯罩lamp shade(大)big300方巾head towel10(小)small200浴巾bath towel60电水壶eletrical pitcher150面巾face towel20服务指南service directory60棉被bedquilt(大)big280文件夹file holder60(小)small200便签夹notep

36、aper holder20被套blanket case(大)big280茶叶盒tea box40(小)small200洗衣袋laundry bag20床裙bedskirt(大)big190皂碟soap saucer10(小)small130咖啡勺coffee spoon5床单bedsheet(大)big120玻璃杯具coffee cup or saucer10(小)small100咖啡杯碟coffee cup or saucer15枕芯pillow(大)big80凉水壶cold water bottle30(小)small50烟缸ashtray10枕套pillow case50茶杯tea cu

37、p10靠垫cushion50酒水架liquor frame40浴衣shower bath robc280衣架hanger10浴帘shower cutain80衣刷bursh5窗纱sheer800鞋拔shoe horn5厚窗帘drape1000鞋篮shoe basket20电视机TV set 1500毛巾篓hamper60遥控器TV controller100吧单夹bill holder20电话机phone set400垃圾筒trash tube50电脑computer 6000花瓶vase15电冰箱freezer1000放大镜make up mirror120备用网线Mesh wire10淋浴

38、房玻璃showers the room glass2000吹风机Air blower80抽水马桶flush toilet1500保险箱Safety deposit box800洗脸盆washbasin15001、 沙发烟洞500元/个;家具烫损300元/处;地毯烟洞200元/处;垃圾筒烟焦50元/个;靠垫烟洞20元/个,严重另计。Smoke burn the sofa, household wares, carpet, dustbin, cushion, and so on. Will separatly pay RMB 500, 300, 200, 50, 20yuan each place

39、, except serious.2、 划烂或划花墙纸,每处150元,严重另计。Scrath on the wall paper, will pay RMB150yuan each place, except serious.3、 茶水、可乐等饮料泼洒地毯,每处100元,严重另计。Dirty the carpet with the beverage, for example tea or cocacola, will pay RMB 100 yuan each place, except serious.餐饮服务FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICE餐饮服务Food & Beverag

40、e Service本宾馆拥有多处餐饮服务设施,设有高贵典雅的中式餐厅、情趣浪漫的咖啡厅、温馨雅致的大堂吧以及近20个装修豪华的餐饮包厢,并拥有技能精湛的服务人员,热情高效的服务运作,定能给您的美食之旅留下深刻的回忆。The hotel has its special food and beverage culture. Be furnished with noble and elegant Chinese Restaurant, romantic coffee bar, refined lobby bar and nearly 20 well-decorated private dining

41、rooms. There are employees with exquisite service skills and service operation with enthusiasm and high efficiency. It will give you a deep memory for your delicacies trip.请拨/DIAL龙苑大堂吧LONGYUAN LOBBY BAR 8793位于宾馆大堂,环境自然优雅,提供各式精美小食、饮料、酒水及咖啡,悠扬的音乐、轻松的氛围,是您休憩商谈的理想场所。营业时间:08:00-23:30Loccted in the lobby, provide snacks, drinks, liquors and coffee etc, It is prefect choice for business and leisure with friend. Business time: 8:00-23:30龙馨咖啡厅LONG XIN COFFEE BAR 8795位于宾馆四号楼二楼,营养全面的自助早餐,精美的西式餐点,更有全天候的客房送餐服务,让您在轻松愉快的就餐氛围中,享用特色菜肴。


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