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1、n do, did, does 强调动作的用词, I do care, he did come. Here: did foresee的确预见到n medium, median become a force in making it so 成为实现这个预想的重要人物n socially prominent passengers 有社会地位的乘客n amateur 业余的,非专业的n to make contact with 与联系n gain fame 出了名n subsidiary 子公司n experimental stage 实验阶段 p217n returns 报告书,情况反馈n be

2、mounted in 安装入n aside from .= in addition to n the profit derived from 来自于的利润n receive national and universal attention 获得国内国际关注n General Electric 通用电气公司 n patents专利n join forces with 与联手n pool vt. 合伙,汇集,共享n take over 接管n wireless station 无线电广播电台n went on the air 开始广播播音n fully licensed commercial br

3、oadcasting station 营业执照齐全的商业广播电台n a toll station 一家收费电台 p218n air time 广播时段n chain broadcasting 联播n forerunner 先驱,排头兵n bail out 原意“跳伞”,here: bail out of 从中脱身 n lease sth to sb 向出租.n subsidiary 子公司,下属单位n This launched an era of :(这件事)引发了一个.时代/时期n boost the sale of :促进、拉动.的销售n exclusively 独家地n eg. We

4、run a cable service exclusively in this area. n regulations 规章、制度、条例n keep/prevent sb fm doing sth: 避免某人做某事 n turn to sb for help 寻求某人的帮助n the Radio Act was passed 广播法得以通过n debut 初次登台,处女秀n newscasts 新闻广播n become firmly entrenched 站稳了脚跟n the popular culture 流行文化,大众文化n popularity n. 流行,走俏n coupled wit

5、h the decline in newspaper advertising revenue .伴随着报纸广告效益的下滑n the Great Depression 大萧条n not only ., but (also).不仅而且n a credible news source 一个可信度高的新闻来源n .as well: (句尾)同样也n without being on the scene 不必在场n be far superior to . 比.要强得多n instant news 即时的消息n convention 集会n the Associate Press 美联社n have h

6、ad enough 受够了n issue an ultimatum to 向发出最后通牒n provide sth to sb: 向提供(p219)n comply with 遵从n to gather news on ones own 靠自己采集新闻n bargain vt. 讨价还价,期望n take the lead in doing sth 在方面带头 n first-rate = first class a. 一流的n news-gathering servicen under the direction of : 在的领导下n open bureaus in 在建立分支机构n th

7、e wire-service ban 新闻社禁令n assisted radio in becoming 帮助广播使之成为n in states of panic over .处于对的恐慌之中n the average peopleaverage Joe 普通百姓n reassuring a. 起镇定作用的,坚强的n keep .informed about .:让.了解到.n report/describe/broadcast live: 现场报道,直播 p220n multiple pickup news broadcast 异地同步新闻播报n the scope and diversit

8、y of radio 广播的报道范围和丰富程度n vicariously身临其境地n eyewitness accounts 目击记,现场采集的报道n impact on 对的冲击/影响n coverage n. 报道n set the stage for 为作了铺垫/预备n radio bulletins 广播公告n inspire a spirit of patriotism and dedication 点燃了爱国主义热情及奉献之情n censorship of news 对新闻的审查 p221n self-imposed as well as governmental 既有自我施加的,

9、也有政府要求的n be downplayed (实情)没有得到充分的反映;被低调处理了n vaudeville1880年代至1950年代流行于美国的一种剧院歌舞杂耍综艺表演n variety shows 综艺节目n comedy series 系列喜剧n dominate the airwaves成为电波媒介主打节目n consist of : 由构成n burlesque comedy 小品类的喜剧n situation comedy (sitcom)情景喜剧n evolve into 演化成n an episode 一集(剧目)n perpetuate the negative stere

10、otype of African-Americans 固化了非洲裔美国人的负面形象n stereotype 刻板印象n provide someone with something p223n tailored for prime-time 专为黄金时段定制的n portable a.便携的 p225n affect the culture 影响到(当时的)文化n helped establish radios credibility为广播成为可信的新闻来源/声誉鹊起助了一臂之力n to adapt to 使适应n commercial n.(电波)广告 p226n tune in to 收听

11、n warn sb of n banned fictional news bulletins from the airwaves. 禁止在广播里播出虚构新闻n lose niche 失去地盘 n prosper vi. 繁荣n the cloud of TV began to cast its shadow over radion apply for TV licenses 申请电视营业执照n advertising revenue 广告收入n succeed in n ratings 收视率 earnings 收益 p227n quiz shows, soap operas, sitcoms

12、, dramas and action/adventure shows 227n network affiliate stations 大广播网旗下的电视台n feature vt. 以为特色n disc jockey (DJ)n controversy 争议n payola sandal 贿赂丑闻n coin the term 发明了这个术语n be charged with被指控n all news stations 全新闻台n to advance political agendas 来推出政治议题n to voice ones protests on 就表达抗议呼声n instrume

13、ntal = helpfuln launch a campaign 发起一场运动n play a major role in p228n call-in shows 热线谈话节目n potpourri 百花香料,集锦n be categorized under 29 formats n contemporary hit stations 当代著名电台n to feature talk shows and radio personalities 以脱口秀及个性化广播节目为特色n to find its new niche in popular culturen FM 调频,AM 调幅 229n

14、distortion 变形、歪曲n to broadcast in stereo 立体声广播n A became an alternative to B: A成为取代B的一个选择n FCC ruling 美联邦传播委员会的政令/条例n be on the airn have yet to catch on 还得加把劲 p230n commercial vs. noncommercialn to generate advertising revenuen elite and specialized vs. mass cultural tastes 精英的、专业化的品味,对应于大众文化趣味n pr

15、ivate foundations n the sources of funding:的资金来源231n station membership fees 电台会员年费n in-depth news programs 深度报道节目n be highly regarded 口碑很好n satellite distribution facilities 卫星传送设备n accomplish: here=achieve 取得n be drastically changed 发生了巨变n to cater to distinct segments of the audience 迎合、取悦于划分清晰的受

16、众群n Chapter Two Television: from soaps to satellitesn be in sharp contrast to the stereotype 与刻板印象形成鲜明对照 (p237)n nuclear family 传统的、几代同堂的家庭n skyrocket to the top of the ratings 直窜收视率榜首n stimulate sales in the consumer culturen pit A against B 使A与B相对抗n undermine values 损害价值观n hype the fact that 就进行宣传

17、造势n offbeat antics 不落俗套的搞笑n to benefit from the clash 从冲突中得益n ticket: here=candidate(p240)n a popularity with audiencen controversial influence on n to magnify the forces of change 张显变动之推力n credit TV with :以来赞扬电视P240n individuality: 独特之处, here = n to apply for a patent on :申请专利n to experiment with:从

18、事实验n It wasnt until (某时间) that.: 直到才n puton hold 使陷于停顿 p241n generate vt. 生成,产生n microwave relay system 微波传送系统n consist of 由组成 p242n advertising agencies 广告公司n sponsors 赞助商n to issue disclosures 公布内情n to ensure compliance with 以确保与相一致 p243n ethical standards 道德标准n dramatic series 连续剧n genre 风格,格调n b

19、onanza 富矿,财富n time slot 播放时间段位n (be) subject to 服从于n appeal to 对有吸引力n A prevails over B A压倒B p244n be referred to as 被称作n to get people hooked on 使人们醉心于 = to keep people glued to p245 n tune in 收听/收看n set ratings records 创下收视纪录n best seller 畅销书n electronically mediated athletics 电子媒介传送的体育竞技 astound

20、sb. by 以使人大为震惊 p246 (in frame) to pigeonhole 定类 all-around ability become more tolerant of 对更加宽容 p247 spouse abuse 家庭暴力 lurid details 耸人听闻的细节 When freedom is abused, anything irrational, bizarre and sinful can happen, and often to the extremes. based loosely on a best-seller 大致基于一个畅销书基础之上 the durabi

21、lity and versatility of the genre 这种类型作品的持久性和多样性 serial 连续剧 appeal to the average persons interest in the rich and elite 迎合上层菁英群体的普遍趣味 be plagued with turmoil and strife 深受混乱和纠纷所困扰 the American cultural myth add a new dimension to 为添加了一个新的范畴/向度 radical 激进的、极端的 melodramatic 通俗剧风格的,夸张闹剧的 p248 witty 机智

22、诙谐的 avant-garde 先锋的、前沿的 cultlike following 近乎崇拜的追随 take liberties with facts 随意处理事实 to heighten 提高= to raise, enhance schlockudrams = schlock dramas 低劣廉价的电视剧 an invasion of privacy 对隐私的侵犯 p249 strive for 力争,力求 bring a complex social issue into focus 把一个复杂的社会争议带入焦点 keep readers up-to-date on 使读者对有最新近

23、的了解 titillating 逗乐的 p250 gain publicity reenact 重演、再现 be keen to do sth = be keen on sth line-ups 节目表 camcorder 摄像机 p251 experiment with做实验 top-notch 一流的 profound a. 意义深远的 p254 involvement in newsman = reporter As someone puts it, 正如某人所言 conduct vt. 进行,承办 p255 investigative hearings money laundering

24、 洗钱 on someones behalf 代表某人 adopt approaches 采用手段 p256 human interest stories 大众趣味的报道 feature reports 新闻特写 talents 人才 deferential to 对态度恭敬 in-depth coverage 深度报道 stay tuned to 收听、收看 popularity 知名度 major news events 重大新闻事件 to boost ratings 提高收视率 p257 host/hostess, anchor, anchorperson, anchorman/anch

25、orwoman find a niche among 在那里有了市场/位置 to go on camera 上镜头 identify with 与相一致 survey 问卷调查 rely on a variety of gimmicks 凭借各种手段、噱头 camcorder videotape vt. 拍下了,摄制了 be acquitted 被宣布无罪 rioting and violence 骚乱 profound 深远的 instantaneous 即时的 sophisticated planning 精心的策划 p258 (in frame) lobbying 游说 hail CNN

26、 as 把CNN赞誉为 request for subscriptions (媒介产品的)阅听订购 commercials, spots (电子媒介里的)广告 the strengths and weaknesses of 的褒贬,优劣 a dramatic reaching around for anything that works 网罗一切奏效的东西 (吸引观众) p259 time-consuming activities p260 replace A with B 以B代替A cherished activities 值得赞扬、积极健康的活动 play an important ro

27、le in civil rights movement 民权运动 call for 要求 gain momentum 开始令人瞩目,开始具有发展势头 p261 stereotyped roles 符合刻板印象的角色 make it on her own 靠她自己取得成功 accelerate their acceptance 加速其(被)认可/接受 into the mainstream popular culture进入主流大众文化 action/adventure show moonlighting 晚上做兼职的副业、第二职业 meet resistance urban intellect

28、uals 城市知识分子 refined and thinking members 有教养有头脑的成员 people in intellectual circles to make inroads into 打进,攻入 suffer a nervous breakdown受精神崩溃的折磨 pacifying effects of TV电视的安抚哄骗效应 p262 shortcomings vs. merits/strong points pick up on 领悟 mental vegetables 植物人 couch potatoes 电视迷,沙发土豆 As far as I am conce

29、rned, 就我来说, you might as well(对熟人、属下用语)你不妨 feminism 女权主义/运动 (见小文章) the work force average 劳动力市场的普遍情况 The studys findings 研究的发现/结果 socioeconomic 社会经济学的 entrepreneurs 企业家 Despite the fact that 尽管 equal opportunities contend 争辩,坚信 p263 bizarre and violent behavior mentally unbalanced and then proceed t

30、o 继而 fuel the arguments 引发了争议 prevent from 使不致,避免 run out of : 用完了 juveniles 青少年 the court ruled that 法院作出裁决 react to found someone guilty of causal relationship between A and B 两者间的因果关系 a positive relationship between A and B两者之间的关系呈现正相关 televised violence respond to p264 =be in response to make-be

31、lieve a. 假装出来的 antiviolence advocates 反暴力倡导者 a deluge of : 的泛滥 aimed at children an effective dramatic device for TV exploit vt. 利用,剥削 have difficulty distinguishing between A and B 不易辨别两者 philosophy 理念 psychological effect p265 physiological effects conduct studies excessive TV viewing harmful vs.

32、beneficial if it is used constructively 如果使用得当 interact with :与互动 see to it that :留意 vocabulary levels 词汇量 Sesame Street 芝麻街 inflict some damage on someone 使遭受伤害 to meet particular interests p267 the elite or the high culture 精英和高雅文化 corporate sponsorship fund-raiser 集资活动,集资人 p268 Despite the fact t

33、hat bypassing 绕过 pay-per-view (按每个节目)付费收看的 Media ethics 新闻道德 p399 respond to by: 以方式对作出反应 a news conference 新闻发布会,记者招待会 reduction of violence p400 the focus of the controversy 争议的焦点 feast on :盘剥,靠发财 describe the scene vividly to spare the grisly details 不过分渲染可怕细节p401 the function and responsibility

34、of the mass media an exclusive story 一条独家新闻 for the sake of :看在的面子上,缘于 Chances are that 有这样的可能性 the coveted Pulitzer Prize令人向往不已的 health-code violations 违反食品条例 screening committee 审查委员会 turn town 拒绝、否定 honesty and integrity 诚实正派 p402 ethical standards for the media The question is 问题是揭露劣迹的好处,是否强于新闻媒

35、体有争议或欺骗性的做法。 accurately reflect the event 如实反映新闻事件 eye-appealing 吸引眼球的 photo-enhancing technology 照片处理技术 (in the frame p402) newsletter 业务通讯 to take advantage of 利用 p403 eg. How can you take advantage of the chance? TV reenactment 场景重拍回放 404 in return for :换取 promotional events 促销活动 news sources 新闻源

36、头,被采访单位 prohibit/stop/prevent/keep from 404-05 questionnaire 问卷 p405 conflict of interest 利益冲突 fairly/objectively report (on) 客观公正地报道 at the expense of the credibility以公信力的代价 When confronted by reporters 当面对众记者时p406 disclose vt. 披露 disclosure n. right to privacy 隐私权 develop policies on the subject 专

37、门就此出台规定 ethical dilemma 道德方面的两难境地 news outlets 新闻播发机构,渠道 invasion of privacy 侵犯隐私 p407 media personnel 媒体从业人员 public scrutiny 公众的严密审视 allow divergent viewpoints to appear 408 adherence to strict ethical standards 遵守严格的道德规范 advertorial 隐性广告文章 p409 media hype 媒体炒作 peddle a developers rosy view of real

38、ity as fact 把发展商(吹嘘)的美好幻境当作事实进行推销 to boost circulation p411 objective coverage 客观报道 p414 issue a strong statement 发布一强烈声明 p415 stem from 来自于 suggestive and titillating language 教唆和挑逗的词语 music lyrics 歌词 p416 Media effects 媒介传播效果 the studies have addressed topics此类调研已涉及到论题 the magic bullet theory 魔弹论12.31.202215:2115:21:1222.12.313时21分3时21分12秒12月. 31, 2231 十二月 20223:21:12 下午15:21:122022年12月31日星期六15:21:1210


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