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1、单项选择(27道),词义、句意、句信息,上下文意思合理,句结构 主语+谓语动词,时态功能意识,词语搭配,单项选择(27道)词义、,( ) 1. Tom and Mike are good friends. _ often help each other. A. He B. Him C. They D. Them ( ) 2. Where is Mary? She asked me to go shopping this evening. Maybe she _ TV in the living room now. A. watched B. watches C. is watching D.

2、will watch ( ) 3. I dont mind _ to the cinema if you want to. A. walk B. walked C. to walk D. walking ( ) 4. Im leaving for the exam. Bye-bye, Mum. Well, make sure youve got _ ready. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing,They,C,is watching,C,walking,D,everything,C,上下文,上下文、时态,搭配,句意,( ) 1.

3、 Tom and Mike are good,( ) 5. Were going to have an evening party _ Friday evening. A. in B. on C. at D. for ( ) 6. Were glad that the air in our city is _ than it used to be. A. much better B. very good C. rather bad D. even worse( ) 7. _ money are you going to spend on books today? About one hundr

4、ed yuan. A. How many B. How much C. How often D. How far( ) 8. Please drive _ . You see there are so many people here. A. slow B. slowly C. quiet D. quietly,on,much better,How much,slowly,B,A,B,B,搭配,语法,搭配,句意、语法,( ) 5. Were going to have an,( ) 9. Pets always listen quietly _ children like talking to

5、 them. A. and B. but C. so D. because ( ) 10. It _ heavily when I left the cinema. A. rains B. will rain C. is raining D. was raining ( ) 11. The football team _ well, but they didnt win the game. A. plays B. played C. is playing D. will play ( ) 12. Uh-oh! I forgot to invite Aunt Louise to the part

6、y. Its okay. I _ her later. . A. call B. called C. was calling D. will call,C,D,B,D,so,was raining,played,结果,句意,时态,( ) 9. Pets always listen qui,( ) 13. Were going to have a swimming class. We _ excited about it. will be B. must be C. are D. were ( ) 14. Can I wear any clothes I like to school? No,

7、you cant. You _ wear the school uniform.must B. may C. will D. can ( ) 15. Why not come over at the weekend? My family _ seeing you again. enjoyed B. enjoy C. are enjoying D. will enjoy ( ) 16. Can I help you, Sir? I bought this watch here yesterday, but it _ work. A. wont B. doesnt C. didnt D. must

8、nt,C,A,D,B,( ) 13. Were going to have a,B,B,A,B,( ) 17. The classroom is _ for fifty students. as big B. big enough C. enough big D. quite big ( ) 18. When _ your mother _ you that blue dress, Mary? Sorry, I really cant remember. A. doesbuy B. didbuy C. dobuy D. willbuy ( ) 19. There is _ wrong with

9、 this computer. It doesnt work well. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing( ) 20. Granny often tells us _ water in our daily life. A. save B. to save C. saving D. saves,BBAB( ) 17. The classroom i,( ) 21. Bob is preparing _ his monthly test. Hes busy now. in B. on C. at D. for ( ) 22. I fin

10、d this long word _ hard _ it by heart. soto learn B. veryto learn C. enoughto learn D. too to learn( ) 23. Money is important, _ it cant buy everything. A. and B. but C. so D. because ( ) 24. My sister went _ with Lisa yesterday afternoon. A. shop B. to shop C. shopping D. shopped,D,D,B,C,( ) 21. Bo

11、b is preparing _,( ) 25. It _ me over two hours to finish my homework. It was so tiring. takes B. took C. will take D. was taking( ) 26. Susan, I wont be back for dinner this evening. Dont worry, Mom. I can take care of _. yourself B. herself C. ourselves D. myself ( ) 27. This math problem is _ and

12、 I can solve it _. A. easy; easily B. easily; easily C. easily; easy D. easy; easy,B,D,A,( ) 25. It _ me over two h,连词成句(共22道),连词成句(共22道),1. How often do you go to the concert? About once a year.,2. I am going to learn new words by reading in English.,3. This book is more expensive than the book on

13、the desk.,4. My father is too busy to spend much time with us.,5. What do you think of the book? It is a bit boring.,1. How often do you go to the,7. How about going to the movie tonight? Thats a good idea.,6. How long did Tom stay with you? Three days.,8. Dont worry about making mistakes in English

14、 learning.,9. I am two years older than Peter.,10. Tom wanted Mary to walk more quickly.,6. How long did Tom stay with,11. They had to act immediately.,12. They are preparing for the New Year Party.,13. They got everything ready for the New Year Party yesterday.,14. Its time for CCTV news now.,15. M

15、y mother was cooking When I got home yesterday afternoon,11. They had to act immediatel,16. I dont think we did anything special.,17. Its not easy to make my father understand how I feel.,18. I dont mind walking to the store if you want to.,19. Amy is more interested in Science than she used to be.,

16、20. Xiao Ming is not confident enough to accept the weakness of his.,16. I dont think we did anyth,21. What kind of person do you think Xiao Ming is? He is a generous person.,22. Another Christmas traditon is giving gifts to family members and friends.,21. What kind of person do you,方框选词(共四篇),方框选词(共

17、四篇),Last summer vacation I had a trip to Dalian with my parents by train. We 1_to the beach and 2_in the sea. I am 3_at swimming. I prefer swimming in the sea 4_ it is more exciting. I walked on the beach and took a lot of 5_. We ate the sea food for dinner and it was delicious. I also went shopping

18、 and bought some souvenirs for 6_ friends in Dalian. I had a good time.,my, because, swam, went, photos, good,went,swam,good,because,photos,my,1,Last summer vacati,friend, went, them, high, new, thought,Wei and I were good friends in primary school. Then we 1_ to the same class in junior 2_. Not lon

19、g after, I found that she had two 3_ friends. I thought they werent right for her. They never 4_ about studying. I asked my friend to stop hanging with (与来往) 5_. But she thought I was just jealous(嫉妒的). We broke up. Luckily a 6_we share helped us make up(和好).,went,high,new,thought,them,friend,2,frie

20、nd, went, them, high,One sunny afternoon, when I was happily riding home, I heard Help! Help!. I 1_ to the riverside and found a boy of about five in the river. I jumped into the water, 2_ to the boy and dragged him to the river bank. The boy said 3_ was trying to catch a fish near the river bank an

21、d carelessly fell into the 4_. I asked him where his home was 5_ took him home. Thank you very much! the boys parents said, when I left his home. Though I got home 6_ that afternoon, I was very happy.,and late he rode water swam,rode,swam,he,water,and,late,3,One sunny afternoon, when I wa,Yesterday

22、when I was walking along the street, I saw an old lady in front of me. She wanted to 1_ the street. Suddenly, a bicycle ran into her at a 2_ speed. The old 3_ fell to the ground. The cyclist was very frightened and 4_away. I hurried to help the lady up, 5_a taxi and sent 6_ to the nearest hospital.

23、Luckily she was not badly hurt.,cross high woman ran called her,cross,high,woman,ran,called,her,4,Yesterday when I was walk,作文(共三大篇。注意:第三篇有三种情况),作文,1. Topic: My free time activities at homeTitle: How do I spend my weekend?Background: 英语演讲小竞赛:介绍自己喜爱的业余活动2-3项及其个人从中的收获或得到的好处Support: like doing, my big

24、interest is, sports, play the guitar, surf the Internet, see a movie, visit friends; healthy, know more, happy,1. Topic: My free time activit,I like doing a lot of after-school activities, such as reading books, playing the piano, watching TV and so on. On weekends, I like surfing the Internet at ho

25、me because it can make me relaxed and I can learn a lot from it. My big interest is doing sports. I usually play football on Saturday afternoon and swim on Sunday morning. Its good for my health and it can make me strong and healthy.,I like doing a lot of after-sc,2 Topic: my hometownTitle: I find m

26、y hometown different from BeijingBackground:去年暑假你回了趟农村老家,发现和自己生活的北京有很多不同,你用英文写了篇日记,记录你感受到的不同,老家的农村生活有长处,也有短处V form: 过去一般时,现在一般时Support: the country, fresh air, less people, friendly, less shops, than, traditional, modern,2 Topic: my hometown,Last summer vacation , I went back to the country where I

27、was born . I found the life in the countryside was different from it in the city .In the county ,the air is fresher and the roads are quieter because there are fewer people . Whats more, the people are more friendly than those in the city. On the other hand ,shops in the country are smaller and simp

28、ler than those in the city , so people have to go to the city to buy things they like.,Last summer vacation ,3 topic: Relationship with my parentsTitle: A problem I have with my parent Background: 最近你为自己和爸爸/妈妈之间的一个问题而苦恼,你决定给Anna写信倾诉求助。请描述自己对家长不满意的一点是什么,并举例说明,再说明自己当下的突出感受是什么,希望在哪方面得到Anna的解答与帮助。苦恼的问题从

29、下表选一个。V form: 过去一般时,现在一般时,情态V,3 topic: Relationship with my,always compare me with someone else, to show Im not good enough 2. allow me too little time for fun and rest3. only care about my study and the results of my exams unhappy with, a exam, got a pass, tell me to do/ not to do, learn from the b

30、etter students, hopeless about,always compare me with someone,Dear Anna , (1)My big prblem right now is that my parents only care about my study and results of my exams. For examle , last week , I didnt pass the English exam , they were unhappy with me , and then they told me not to watch TV or play

31、ed games . I dont think they understand me. I also hope to pass the exam and I work hard every day. Its not easy to make them understand how I feel. What can I do ?,Dear Anna , (1),Dear Anna, (2)My big problem right now is that my parents always compare me with someone else to show Im not good enoug

32、h. For example, last week, I didnt get good grades in an English exam, they were unhappy with me. They said I didnt study hard enough so they asked me to learn from the better students. I dont think they understand me. I also hope to get good grades and I work hard every day. Its not easy to make th

33、em understand how I feel ! What can I do?,Dear Anna, (2),Dear Anna, (3)My big problem right now is that my parents always allow me too little time for fun and rest. Life is boring! Last week, I didnt get good grades in an English exam. They were unhappy with me. They said I didnt study hard enough s

34、o they allowed me less time for fun and rest! I think they dont understand me. I also hope to get good grades and I work hard every day. Its not easy to make them understand how I feel ! What can I do?,Dear Anna, (3),看图回答问题(共幅,14个问题),看图回答问题(共幅,14个问题),Does Mary want to join a sport club? / Is Mary a

35、good guitar player?,1,She wants to join the music club. /,Yes, she is.,She is playing the guitar now.,No, she doesnt.,Does Mary want to join a sport,What did Tom and his friends do last weekend? / What are Tom and his friends doing this weekend?,2,They had a picnic last weekend.,They had a good time

36、.,They are having a picnic this weekend.,They will have a good time.,What did Tom and his friends,What is the life in the countryside now? / Where is your mothers hometown?,3,Its getting better.,Now we live in a nicer and bigger house than before.,It is in the countryside.,The house in the countrysi

37、de is nicer and bigger than before.,What is the life in the co,What does your father do? / What kind of person is Amys uncle?,4,He is a driver.,He is very friendly.,He is very friendly.,He is a driver.,What does your father do? /,What is Alice holding in her arms? Why? / How good is it to keep a pet

38、 for children?,5,She is holding a cat.,It can make them feel better.,When they are with the cat, they calm down and relax.,Because it can make her feel better,What is Alice holding in her a,What are the boy and the girl doing? / Who has the trouble with his/ her study?,6,They are studying.,The boy i

39、s helping the girl with her lessons.,The girl has the trouble with her study.,The boy is helping her with her lessons now.,What are the boy and the girl,What special time is it now? / How was Jane on Christmas Day?,7,It is Christmas Day.,They are having a good tine at home.,She had a good time.,She

40、spent the Christams Day with her parents.,What special time is it now?,功能句应答 (共8组),功能句应答 (共8组), Whats the weather like today? Its sunny/ foggy. 2. Whats your favorite sport? Basketball. I like both watching and playing basketball a lot. 3. Tom, can you look after my dog today? Certainly. Ill be glad

41、 to. 4. How about going to the theater tonight? Sorry. I cant. I have guests./ Thats a good idea., Whats the weather like toda,5. Can I leave a message? Sure. 6. Whats wrong with the computer? It doesnt work. 7. How many bananas do we have at home? We still have six. 8. What kind of person is Mary?

42、Shes friendly.,5. Can I leave a message?,补全单词 (共16个),补全单词 (共16个),1. Its dangerous if a small child plays with a kn_i_f_e_. 2. My grandpa learned to ride a h_o_ _r_se about the age of six. 3. Alice is very beautiful with cl_e_ _a_ _r_ blue eyes and long straight blonde hair. 4. My parents were always

43、 finding me little j_o_bs for me to do. 5. Lets leave her m_e_ss_a_ge to meet us at the school library. 6. Wed like to know the r_e_ _a_son why you didnt come last Fr_i_day. 7. One of my h_o_bbies is collecting stamps. 8. Mid-autumn Day is both a traditional festival and a p_u_bl_i_c holiday in Chin

44、a.,1. Its dangerous if a small c,9. We tr_u_st the people who are honest and able. 10. Please t_u_ _r_n down TV a bit. Im doing my homework. 11. My mother _e_ _a_ _r_ns more than ¥40,000 a year. 12. She has a h_a_bit of playing with her hair when she is nervous. 13. She showed a t_a_lent for acting at an early age. 14. I got this dictionary from Bright Bookst_o_ _r_ _e_. 15. Dont w_a_st_e_ money on that junk f_o_ _o_d. Its bad for your health. 16. My mother usually has l_u_ _n_ch at her workplace.,9. We tr_u_st the people who a,


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