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1、一般将来时被动语态,The future passive voice,高一(8)班 陈建妍,When we are called to help our friends in needYou can count on me like 1 2 3I_ _ thereAnd I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2You_ _ thereCause thats what friends are supposed to do, oh yeahWooooh, WoooohYeah YeahYou_ always _ my shoulder

2、when you cryI_ never _ goNever say goodbye,Step Lead in: Enjoy a song,When we are called to help our friends in needYou can count on me like 1 2 3I_ _ thereAnd I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2You_ _ thereCause thats what friends are supposed to do, oh yeahWooooh, WoooohYeah YeahYo

3、u_ always _ my shoulder when you cryI_ never _ goNever say goodbye,will be,will be,will,have,will,let,一般将来时:表示在将来某一时刻要发生的动作或存在的状态,will / shall do,be going to do,be to do,be doing,常见结构:,单纯表达将来,有迹象表明将要发生,现在进行时表将来,预定、计划将要发生的事,1.We will hold the sport meeting in ten days.,2.The sport meeeting will be he

4、ld (by us) in ten days.,Try to compare two sentences,主动语态,被动语态,StepII Presentation and practice,We will hold the sport meeting in ten days.,主语,宾语,The sport meeting主语,will be held,(by us)宾语,一般将来时主动语态变成被动语态,shall/will do: 一般将来时,be done: 被动语态,一般将来时的被动语态:shall/will be done,in ten days.,一般将来时主动变被动语态总结:1.

5、找宾语即动作的承受者2.判断be动词的单复数3.原句动词改为过去分词4.原句主语改为宾语,1.The 2020 Olympic Games _ _ _ (hold)in Tokyo.2.A new stadium _ _ _ (build) in Tokyo.,will be done,will,be held,will be,built,4.,The meeting(by us).,be going to be done,3.The problem tomorrow.,is going to be put off,is going to be discussed,5.The machine

6、( by us ) tomorrow.,His new book _ _ _ _ next week,be to be done,is to be repaired,is to,be published,6. 他的新书将在下周出版。,一般将来时被动语态的结构: 1.will/shall do 2.be going to do 3.be to do, be to be done, will/shall be done, be going to be done,游戏规则:每组派出组长选择金钱数目,回答出相应的题目即赢得金额。注意:第一轮为必答题,需在规定时间内答对,否则由补答组加分。第二轮为抢答题

7、,最少时间内答对的组加分。,Step III Competition,$300,$100,$100,$100,$200,$200,$200,$200,$300,$300,$100,$300,Step III Competition,All those old buildings _ _ _ (knock) down tomorrow.,will be,$100,knocked,Correction:A new film is going to be show at the cinema next month.,shown/showed,$200,Correction: The library

8、is to finished soon.,be,$200,It is said that a new robot _ _ _ (design) by him in a few day.,will be designed,$100, Your job is be kept open for your return.Thanks.,$100,to,Correction:,We _ _ _(invite)to speak at the opening ceremony tomorrow.,$100,will/shall be,invited,_the trees_in the park next S

9、aturday?AWill;be planted BWill be;plantedCWill;plant DWill;planted,解析一般将来时的被动语态,构成一般疑问句时,只需将will/shall提前即可,故选A项。,$200,Are you going to plant a great many trees in this area?Yes.The soil_away in this way.Adoesnt wash Bwont washCisnt washed Dwont be washed,解析根据前句的“Are you going to plant.”可知后一句应用一般将来时的

10、被动语态。,$ 200,LiuQians magic will be loved by more people,$300,Will teachers be replaced by robots in the future?,$300,2.The construction workers are going to pull down the old temple.(改为被动语态),The old temple is going to be pulled down.,$ 300,We are to repair the machine tomorrow.(改为被动语态),The machine is to be repaired by us tomorrow.,$ 300,一般将来时被动语态的结构:, be to be done, will/shall be done, be going to be done,StepIV Summary,Homework,1. Revise the grammar.2. Find out the Future Passive voice sentences in the reading part .3. Do the exercises on the papers .,thank you!,


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