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1、神崎保教授退官記念業績集鹿児島大学大学院医歯学総合研究科先進治療科学専攻感覚器病学講座皮膚疾患学著書【英文著書】)Ultracytochemistry of glycoconjugates in extramammary Pagets cells.Yotsumoto S, Setoyama M, Kanzaki T, Murata F.Elsevier Science : 265-270 (1994)【和文著書】)神崎保皮膚疾患最新治療(1993-1994):135(1993)接触皮膚炎神崎保93医学食品辞典:500(1993)接触皮膚炎樺澤、神崎保皮膚科診断治療大系補遺巻3:16-17(19


3、神崎保皮膚科診断治療大系補遺巻4:116-117(1995)12)外陰部腫瘍性疾患神崎保今日皮膚疾患治療指針第2版:64-65(1996)13)悪性腫瘍皮膚病変神崎保今日皮膚疾患治療指針第2版:523-524(1996)14)【皮膚科領域脂質代謝異常見脂質】神崎病神崎保The Lipid8:6-10(1997)15)皮膚付属器腫瘍生物学神崎保病理臨床15:879-887(1997)16)皮膚悪性腫瘍神崎保家庭医学辞典(法研):968-972(1997)17)亜鉛欠乏症候群神崎保日経(1998)18)皮膚科学教科書(分担)神崎保南山堂(1998)19)蓄積症(Fabry Kanzaki)神崎保K

4、EY WOED 1990-2000(1999)20)皮膚病及性病彩色図譜(神崎病、ATL 15疾患)神崎保広東人民出版社(1999)21)接触皮膚炎神崎保今日治療指針(1999)22)神崎保皮膚疾患最新治療2001-2002(2002)23)皮膚症神崎保今日治療指針(2002)24)汗腺疾患神崎保皮膚科専門医【改訂版】(2002)25)貨幣状湿疹、自家感作性皮膚炎神崎保皮膚疾患最新治療2005-2006(2004)総説【英文総説】)New concepts and management in ichthyosiform dermatosis. Kanzaki T.Penyakit Kulit

5、Pan Kelamin Di Indonesia Akhir. Ahadzo. 2 : 469-477 (1995))Early diagnosis in skin cancer.Kanzaki T.Penyakit Kulit Pan Kelamin Di Indonesia Akhir. Ahadzo. 3 : 890-898 (1995))Human T lymphotyropic virus-1 infection.Kanzaki, T., Setoyama, M., Katahira, T. Australas. J. Dermatol.37 (suppl 1) : S20-22 (

6、1996))The incidence, clinical features and gene mutations of cardiac fabry disease.Nakao, S., Yoshida, A., Kanzaki, T., Tanaka, H.Mol. Gene. Approch. Dis. Immunology, Hematology, Oncology : 85-94 (1998)【和文総説】)性疾患皮膚病変接触皮膚炎神崎保日本医事新報(3707):37-40(1995)加水分解酵素異常症 Schindler病神崎病神崎保日本臨床53:2982-2987(1995)病Kan

7、zaki病Schindler病神崎保Molecular Medicine32(臨増):144-145(1995)性体幹被角血管腫伴病神崎保日本臨床53:3062-3067(1995)Munchausen症候群山元祥子、金蔵拓郎、神崎保皮膚科臨床38:239-240(1996)Malassezia Folliculitis福丸聖太、金蔵拓郎、神崎保皮膚科臨床38:1671-1672(1996)Laugier-Hunziker-Baran症候群大竹直樹、福丸聖太、中野律子、神崎保、川平正公皮膚科臨床38:1379-1380(1996)皮膚付属器腫瘍概念皮膚付属器腫瘍生物学in vitro世界考神崎

8、保病理臨床15:879-884(1997)【電顕皮膚病迫】神崎病神崎保細胞29:538-541(1997)10)座談会小川秀興、濱田稔夫、神崎保、八木晟漢方研究11月号:17-28(409-420)(1997)11)【皮膚欠損修復瘢痕拘縮試】皮膚伸展法新皮膚伸張 Sure-ClosureTM tissue expander対抗西正行、神崎保医学181:1063-1066(1997)12)【先天代謝異常症候群遺伝子解析進歩成果】Schindler病神崎病-N-acetylgalactosaminidase deficiency神崎保日本臨床別冊先天代謝異常症候群(下巻):372-374(1998

9、)13)良性皮膚腫瘍神崎保皮膚科学EXT:255-268(1998)14)性疾患現在単純疱疹水痘帯状疱疹永田祥子、神崎保Pharma Medica17:111-119(1999)15)糖脂質代謝異常症皮膚疾患金蔵拓郎、神崎保Excerpta Medica Newsletter Dermatology Update3:1-3(2000)16)代謝異常症20世紀、100年間進歩神崎保日本皮膚科学会会誌110:1966-1969(2000)17)神崎病神崎保皮膚科148:4-7(2000)18)皮膚炎宇宿一成、四本信一、谷暁子、神崎保皮膚科臨床42:2106-2107(2000)19)【高齢者外来検

10、査薬物治療】外来検査薬物治療実際皮膚疾患掻痒症三好逸男、神崎保月刊臨床研究78:85 (299) - 89 (303)(2001)20)性体幹被角血管腫蓄積症(1)神崎保西日本皮膚科63:66-74(2001)21)【COX2基礎臨床】表皮分化増殖COX2金蔵拓郎、神崎保医学197:156(2001)22)性体幹被角血管腫蓄積症(2)神崎保西日本皮膚科63:181-185(2001)23)性体幹被角血管腫蓄積症(3)神崎保西日本皮膚科63:303-308(2001)24)私診療経験性皮膚炎接触皮膚炎接点神崎保臨床研究78:1482-1488(2001)25)【成人代謝性神経疾患】代謝性神経疾患

11、皮膚症状神崎保Clinical Neuroscience19:1352-1354(2001)26)先天代謝異常症免疫電顕解析(脱法用)神田彰、神崎保日本皮膚科学会雑誌111:1918-1921(2001)27)融合性細網状乳頭腫症関山光弘、片平充彦、神崎保臨床皮膚科55:744-745(2001)28)皮膚痒症三好逸男、神崎保外来診療2002:275-279(2002)29)性皮膚炎皮膚炎本当存在?神崎保臨床22:406-407(2002)30)病巣感染関山光弘、神崎保21世紀乾癬治療日本乾癬学会編(手塚正他):62-68(2002)31)13.皮疹病気神崎病神崎保皮膚科診療:252-253(

12、2002)32)最近話題被角血管腫治療神崎保Clinical Derma:1-2(2002)33)【皮膚疾患分子医学】臨床Angiokeratoma(被角血管腫)神崎保現代医療34:1880-1883(2002)34)【 湿疹皮膚炎】接触皮膚炎神崎保皮膚疾患最新治療2003-2004:9-10(2003)35)【好中球皮膚疾患】腫瘍神崎保Monthly Book Derma.75:85-89(2003)36)糖代謝異常(糖尿病症候群Fabry病神崎病Gaucher病)神崎保最新皮膚科学大系10内分泌代謝異常症脂肪組織疾患形成異常症異物沈着症:67-80(2003)37)【皮膚疾患追!体幹被角血

13、管腫】病神崎保医学207:214-215(2003)38)Mnchhausen syndrome島田祥子、神崎保最新皮膚科学大系 特別巻2【皮膚科症候群】:238-239(2004)39)【最近2005Clinical Dermatology 2005】皮膚科医臨床疫学調査基皮膚癌予防食品尾藤利憲、市橋正光、神保孝一、金子史男、斎田俊明、大塚藤男、石川治、瀬戸山充、神崎保臨床皮膚科59:152-154(2005)原著【英文原著】)Electron microscopic studies of harlequin fetuses.Hashimoto K., De Dobbleer G., and

14、 Kanzaki T.Pediat. Dermatol. 10 : 214-223 (1993))Pigmented fungiform papillae of the tongue. Isogai Z, Kanzaki T. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 29 : 489-490 (1993))Angiokeratoma corporis circumscriptum neviforme with transepidermal elimination. Miwa N, Kobayashi T, Kanzaki T, Tsuji T. J. Dermatol. 20 : 247

15、-251 (1993))Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum with glycopeptiduria due to deficient lysosomal alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase activity : clinical, morphologic and biochemical studies. Kanzaki T, Yokota M, Ilie F, Hirabayashi Y, Wang A.M., Desnick R.J. Arch. Dermatol. 129 : 460-465 (1993))The molecular

16、lesion in the alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase gene that causes angiokeratoma corporis diffusum with glycopeptiduria.Wang A.M., Kanzaki T, Desnick R.J. J. Clin. Invest. 94 : 839-845 (1994))Multiple annular erythema. Miyoshi H, Kanzaki T. J. Dermatol. 21 : 699-700 (1994))Is human skin immunologically

17、mosaic ? Kanzaki T, Sakakibara N. Contact Dermatitis 30 : 112 (1994))Pachydermoperiostosis with angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia. Kanekura T, Mizumoto J, Kanzaki T. J. Dermatol. 21 : 133-134 (1994))Lichen sclerosis et atrophicus with prominent telangiectasia. Kanekura T, Kawamura K, Kanza

18、ki T.J. Dermatol. 21 : 447-449 (1994)10)Three cases of organoid nevus on the trunk and extremity. Kanekura T, Kawahira M, Kanzaki T. J. Dermatol. 21 : 771-775 (1994)11)Cutaneous arterial fibromuscular dysplasia: a case report and electron-microscopic study. Setoyama M, Shimada T, Kanzaki T, Moriya K

19、, Okahara K, Asakura T. J. Dermatol. 21 : 205-210 (1994)12)HTLV-I messenger RNA is expressed in vivo in adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma patients : an in situ hybridization study. Setoyama M, Fujiyoshi T, Mizoguchi S, Katahira Y, Yashiki S, Tara M, Kanzaki T, Sonoda S. Int. J. Cancer 57 : 760-764 (199

20、4)13)Normalization of hair growth in sparse fur-abnormal skin and hair (SPF-ASH) mice by introduction of the rat ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) gene.Shimada T, Tashiro M, Kanzaki T, Noda T, Murakami T, Takiguchi M, Mori M, Yamamura K, Saheki T.J.Dermatol.Sci. 7(Suppl) : S27-32 (1994)14)p53 gene mu

21、tations in skin cancers with underlying disorders. Kanekura T, Kanzaki T, Kanekura S, Kawahara K, Nakashima T, Kitajima I, Maruyama I. J. Dermatol. Sci. 9 : 209-214 (1995)15)A case of steatocystoma multiplex with prominent cysts on the scalp treated successfully using a simple surgical technique. Ka

22、nekura T, Kawamura K, Nishi M, Kanzaki T. J. Dermatol. 22 : 438-440 (1995)16)Nicotine for pyoderma gangrenosum. Kanekura T, Usuki K, Kanzaki T. Lancet 345 : 1058 (1995)17)Successful treatment of pyoderma gangrenosum with nicotine chewing gum. Kanekura T, Kanzaki T. J. Dermatol. 22 : 704-705 (1995)18

23、)In vitro induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes against HTLV-I-infected T-cells from adult T-cell leukemia patients, asymptomatic HTLV-I carriers and seronegative healthy donors. Katahira Y, Yashiki S, Fujiyoshi T, Nomura K, Taira M, Mori M, Setoyama M, Kanzaki T, Shida H, Sonoda S. Jpn. J. Cancer Re

24、s. 86 : 21-27 (1995)19)Topical 5-fluorouracil ointment for senile comedones: a case report. Yoshinaga K, Kanzaki T. J. Dermatol. 22 : 376-377 (1995)20)Multiple bursitis - a case with an unusual skin manifestation. Setoyama M, Fukumitsu T, Mizoguchi S, Kanzaki T. Dermatology 191 : 318-320 (1995)21)Cu

25、taneous metastasis of an osteosarcoma. A case report. Setoyama M, Kanda A, Kanzaki T. Am. J. Dermatopathol. 18 : 629-632 (1996)22)Multiple milia localized to the vulva. Kanekura T, Kanda A, Higo A, Kanzaki T. J. Dermatol. 23 : 427-428 (1996)23)Successful treatment of scleroderma with PUVA therapy. K

26、anekura T, Fukumaru S, Matsushita S, Terasaki K, Mizoguchi S, Kanzaki T. J. Dermatol. 23 : 455-459 (1996)24)Photoallergic contact dermatitis due to Daconil. Matsushita S, Kanekura T, Saruwatari K, Kanzaki T. Contact Dermatitis 35 : 115-116 (1996)25)A case of localized pemphigus foliaceus. Yamamoto S

27、, Kanekura T, Gushi A, Sekiyama M, Shimada T, Shimada K, Kanzaki T. J. Dermatol. 23 : 893-895 (1996)26)Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) produced by eccrine adenocarcinoma resulting in remarkable peripheral neutrophilia. Kawamura K, Mizoguchi S, Suga T, Kanzaki T. Eur. J. Dermatol. 6 : 5

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29、th tumor-like growth. Usuki K, Yotsumoto S, Hamada H, Shimada T, Fukumitsu K, Kanzaki T. J. Dermatol. 23 : 643-647 (1996)30)Contact anaphylaxis due to para-phenylenediamine. Fukunaga T, Kawagoe R, Hozumi H, Kanzaki T. Contact dermatitis 35 : 185-186 (1996)31)Photoallergic contact dermatitis from man

30、cozeb, an agricultural fungicide. Higo A, Ohtake N, Saruwatari K, Kanzaki T. Contact Dermatitis 35 : 183 (1996)32)International diploma course in dermatology: educational impact and prospective. Butt K.I., Kanzaki T, Kullavanijaya P, Ogawa H. Int. J. Dermatol. 35 : 888-889 (1996)33)Epidermal nevus s

31、yndrome with hemangioma simplex. Kawachi R, Kanekura T, Higashi Y, Usuki K, Kanzaki T. J. Dermatol. 24 : 66-67 (1997)34)A case of disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis subsequent to renal transplantation. Matsushita S, Kanekura T, Kanzaki T. J. Dermatol. 24 : 110-112 (1997)35)A case of adul

32、t T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) with angiocentric and angiodestructive features. Ohtake N, Setoyama M, Fukumaru S, Kanzaki T. J. Dermatol. 24 : 165-169 (1997)36)Steatocystoma multiplex: a case with unusual clinical and histological manifestation. Setoyama M, Mizoguchi S, Usuki K, Kanzaki T. Am. J.

33、 Dermatopathol. 19 : 89-92 (1997)37)Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma presenting with digital gangrene. Setoyama M, Yamamoto S, Kanzaki T. Dermatology 195 : 150-152 (1997)38)Localized myxedema associated with diabetes mellitus. Fukunaga T, Kanekura T, Kanzaki T. J. Dermatol. 24 : 345-346 (1997)39)Leiom

34、yoma of the scrotum. Ohtake N, Maeda S, Kanzaki T, Shimoinaba K. Dermatology 194 : 299-301 (1997)40)Encapsulated fat necrosis in a patient with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Ohtake N, Gushi A, Matsushita S, Kanzaki T. J. Cutan. Pathol. 24 : 189-192 (1997)41)HTLV-I-infected T cells activate autologous CD4+

35、 T cells susceptible to HTLV-I infection in a costimulatory molecule-dependent fashion. Takamoto T, Makino M, Azuma M, Kanzaki T, Baba M, Sonoda S. Eur. J. Immunol. 27 : 1427-1432 (1997)42)Granuloma annulare associated with Hodgkins disease. Setoyama M, Francisco A.Kerdel, John J.Byrnes, Kanzaki T.

36、Int. J. Dermatol. 36 : 445-448 (1997)43)Case of dermatofibroma with monster cells: a review and an immunohistochemical study.Setoyama M, Fukumaru S, Kanzaki T. Am. J. Dermatopathol. 19 : 312-315 (1997)44)Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma associated with noninfectious epithelioid granuloma in the skin:

37、a clinicopathologic study. Setoyama M, Katahira Y, Kanzaki T, Kerdel F.A., Byrnes J.J. Am. J. Dermatopathol. 19 : 591-595 (1997)45)Dramatic improvement in acquired elephantiasis with a diuretic. Kawamura K, Setoyama M, Usuki K, Higashi Y, Kanzaki T, Mera S. Int. J. Dermatol. 36 : 878-879 (1997)46)SL

38、E with death from acute massive pulmonary hemorrhage caused by disseminated strongyloidiasis. Setoyama M, Fukumaru S, Takasaki T, Yoshida H, Kanzaki T. Scand. J. Rheumatol. 26 : 389-391 (1997)47)Unusual polyp-like structures in lobular panniculitis of a patient with Behcets disease. Ohtake N, Kaneku

39、ra T, Kawamura K, Kanzaki T.Am. J. Dermatopathol. 19 : 185-188 (1997)48)Subcorneal pustular dermatosis: a follicular variant. Higashi Y, Kanekura T, Miyoshi H, Kanzaki T. J. Dermatol. 25 : 205-206 (1998)49)Prurigo as a clinical prodrome to adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma. Setoyama M, Mizoguchi S, Kanzaki T. Br. J. Dermatol. 138 : 137-140 (1998)50)Drug eruption (erythema multiforme type) due to a digestive enzyme drug. Miyoshi H, Kanzaki T. J. Dermatol. 25 : 28-31 (1998)51)Lin


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