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1、M P M中 文 操 作 手 冊Ultraprint (forAP )軟體版本7.1A適用Frank製Start Cycle開始循環按鈕Emergency Stop警急停止開關3D雷射鑰匙開關Power電源燈門鎖鑰匙開關Power電源燈Off電源關閉開關On電源啟動開關警急停止開關主電源開關斷路器電源線主電源圓形開關1.聲明:UP2000中文手冊節錄自MPM公司UltraprintAP英文手冊,僅做為琋瑪企業員工及客戶教育訓練之用,特此聲明,若有不詳之處,敬請見諒。 2.系統簡介:UPAP印刷機特性視覺自動對準裝置 Vision Alignment System慢速脫模功能 Slow Snap

2、-off Function可程式設定刮刀頭 Programming Squeegee自動擦拭鋼板系統Stencil Wipper 2.1關於印刷週期Printing Cycle印刷週期包含下列過程1. 基板搬入Loading Board2. 基板定位 Locating Board3. 視覺系統對位 Vision Alignment4. 印刷平台上升 Z Tower UP5. 刮刀向前後刮印錫膏 Printting6. 慢速脫模 Slow Snap-Off7. 印刷平台下降 Z Tower Down8. 基板搬出 Unloading Board2.2硬體2.2.1操作介面軌跡球或螢幕(Track

3、ball or Monitor)你可以從螢幕上知道Ultraprint 2000的狀態,以及它提供給你的相關訊息,並且經由軌跡球,來採取各項的操作程序。Trackball軌跡球:1. 移動螢幕上的指標2. 移動各軸3. 數入數字、參數等等.SELECT按鈕:在指標所在的地方,按了SELECT按鈕,即是啟動操作、功能、或子功能、或輸入狀態NEXT按鈕:按了NEXT按鈕,表示你已認知目前機器的提示或狀態EXIT按鈕:按了EXIT按鈕,表示離開目前的狀態上述使用方法,在螢幕右下方的對話框(訊息顯示區)會顯示操作方法3.軟體介面開機後,顯示如下的畫面For 7.0以上(因軟體版本新舊不一樣而不同)Ul

4、traprint AP內全部馬達,都是步進馬達,所以剛開機必需RESET重新回原點後才能開始使用。Print Teach File Utilities Maintenance CHANGEDFRANKFILE:SUPERVISOROEX AXIS BOARD COUNT REJECTSRESET 0 00.000Y AXISSqueegee starting in back0.000Z AXIS0.000CLEAR FAULTTHETA AXIS0.000SQUEEGEE STROKESETUP MENUS0.000TRANSPORT 1230.000VX AXISVY AXIS0.0000.


6、 COUNT REJECTSRESET 0 00.000Y AXISSqueegee starting in back0.000Z AXIS0.000CLEAR FAULTTHETA AXIS0.000SQUEEGEE STROKESETUP MENUS0.000TRANSPORT 1230.000VX AXISVY AXIS0.000復原(機器歸零)和設定程式參數按鈕0.000SQUEEGEE HEIGHT基板計數區(RESET :數量歸零COUNT:印刷片數、REJECT:退貨)和刮刀行程指示(指出刮刀在前或後)0.000TACTILE0.000各軸移動區STENCILLIGHTVACUU


8、UEEGEEUP/DOWN 啟動刮刀組上下鈕 啟動照基板燈泡鈕WIPERPAPERVACUUMMOTOR 啟動真空馬達閘門鈕 啟動捲紙馬達鈕3.1.1下拉式功能表PrintAuto PrintManual PrintPass ThroughDemo PrintSPC DataAuto Print自動印刷模式Manual Print手動印刷模式Pass Through將機器當做輸送帶Demo Print展示印刷模式SPC Data生產統計過程資料1.Auto Print自動印刷,機器會做印錫膏的動作Press SELECT to begin or(按SELECT開始自動印刷)Next to ch

9、ange Cycle Limits : No Limit 如下圖(按NEXT,以更換印刷片數:不限制)-Print Cycle Limits-Roll Trackball To Change ValuePrint Cycle Limit : 3 Press Exit When Done.-Print Cycle Limits-(印刷週期設定)Roll Trackball To Change Value(滾動軌跡球,以變更印刷片數)Print Cycle Limit : 3 (限定印刷週期: 3片)最高999片Press Exit When Done. (當設定完成後,按EXIT)PAUSE暫時

10、停止印刷按鈕DISPENSERPENDING啟動加錫膏按鈕(必須在設定第2頁Enable Buttons內將Dispense打開為Yes)Press SELECT to raise squeegeeto allow move room when adding paste,or Press Next to continuePress SELECT to raise squeegee(按SELECT後刷刀會上昇,以便產生to allow move room when adding paste, 足夠空間,讓操作員加錫)or Press NEXT to continue(按NEXT後在原地,讓使操作

11、員加錫) WIPERPENDING啟動一次擦拭鋼板按鈕 (必須在設定第2頁Enable Buttons內將Wiper打開為Yes)SPCDATA進入生產統計過程資料視窗按鈕2.Manual Print手動印刷,機器會做印錫膏的動作3.Pass Through將機器當做輸送帶4. Demo Print展示印刷模式5.SPC Data生產統計過程資料Cycle Time 顯示機器在印刷時所花的時間,如有擦拭,時間必加長Idle Time 機器在印刷時所等待送板與出板時間Correction 顯示PCB板進入印刷位置與鋼板對位時X、Y、THETA軸修正值Shape Score 視覺系統辨別PCB板與

12、鋼板Mark點亮度接受值顯示圖表Alignment 視覺系統辨別PCB板與鋼板Mark點X、Y修正補償顯示圖表2D Data 2D錫面覆蓋率檢查顯示圖表(需有此項功能才能顯示)3D Data 3D錫膏厚度檢查顯示圖表(需有此項功能才能顯示)Temperature 顯示機器內的溫度(需有ECU溫溼度監控配備此項功能)Humidy 顯示機器內的濕度(需有ECU溫溼度監控配備此項功能)Save Info將生產統計過程資料存入磁片Clear All 將生產統計過程資料全部刪除Pan Left將放大過資料與圖形向左邊移動Pan Right 將放大過資料與圖形向右邊移動Zoom In將生產統計過程資料內(

13、值及曲線)放大與縮小圖形Return toMain Menu回到主畫面按鈕S P COptions選擇預覽生產統計過程資料Enable Box:使用SPC對話盒Enable SPC:使用SPC Data資料顯示功能Enable DCA SPC: 使用DCA SPC Data資料顯示功能Enable Cpk: 使用Cpk Data資料顯示功能Prompt to Clear: 使用即時清除SPC Data資料並重新載入新資料功能Cpk Calc Range Box:Cpk計算範圍對話盒Start Board:設定起始PCB數量End Board: :設定結束PCB數量Graph Type Box:

14、使用圖形顯示對話盒Line Graph:顯示曲線圖形Bar Graph: 顯示長條形圖形Save As Box:使用存檔資料對話盒Text:資料以ASCII資料格式存檔 Binary: 資料以二進制資料格式存檔Save As Default:存檔為目前SPC資料預設架構。TeachTeach BoardTeach VisionDevice LayoutTeach IDTeach Custom BGATeach Offset MovesTeach Vision OffsetTeach Board做一片PCB板新程式Teach Vision做一片PCB新程式的Mark點Device Layout做

15、2D檢查時,所要檢查零件Teach ID做辨識鋼板身分Teach Custom BGA編輯自行設計的BGA零件檔案Teach Offset Moves設定”印刷前的焊墊”與” 印刷後的焊墊”位置修正值Teach Vision Offset設定”視覺系統” 位置修正值1.Teach Board重做新程式About to begin TEACH operation(開始設定操作)Press SELECT to teach a new board or(按SELECT,設定新基板)Press NEXT to continue on this board setup (按NEXT,繼續這基板的設定)按

16、SELECT之後,出現下列訊息視窗:CAUTION, The machine must move toTEACH POSITION before teach can beginThe machine is now going to move.Press NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to Quit.CAUTION, The machine must move to(警告,設定開始前,機器必須移動到TEACH POSITION before teach can begin”設定位置”)The machine is now going to move. (機器即將移動)Pre

17、ss NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to Quit. (按NEXT繼續, 按EXIT離開)1.1 選擇Board Parameters 進入PCB參數設定Board ParametersHardware Required:BoardBoard Parameters基板(PCB)參數設定X size 228.600(PCB)基板X軸方向長度Y size 406.400(PCB)基板Y軸方向寬度Thickness 1.570(PCB)基板厚度PCB板Y XEnter Board Dimensions into setup menu.Click on Y size to adj

18、ust Track Width.Press Done when finished.Enter Board Dimensions into setup menu. (輸入基板X、Y、厚度)Click on Y size to adjust Track Width. (點取Y方向尺寸,可調整軌道寬度)Press Done when finished. (當你做完上述之步驟,按Done)點取X size,輸入基板寬度X size,按EXIT完成輸入,單位mm。例14.5cm = 145mm點取Y size輸入基板寬度Y size,按EXIT之後出現如下訊息視窗:About to adjust the

19、 TRACK WIDTH for the board.Press NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to Quit.About to adjust the TRACK WIDTH for the board. (調整基板的軌道寬度)Press NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to Quit. (按NEXT繼續, 按EXIT離開)按NEXT之後,出現下列訊息視窗:This is the current Track widthPress SELECT to fine adjust Press NEXT to acceptThis is the current

20、Track width(這是目前的軌道寬度)Press SELECT to fine adjust (按SELECT微調軌道寬度)Press NEXT to accept(按NEXT,接受目前的軌道寬度)如果,你按SELECT之後,出現下列訊息視窗:Jog ACTIVETRK WIDTH 126.136Press NEXT to quit(調整完後,按EXIT)Jog ACTIVE(這段訊息告訴你,用Jog方式去調整基板的軌道寬度)TRK WIDTH 126.136Press NEXT to quit(調整完後,按NEXT)點取Thickness,輸入基板厚度。使用游標卡尺測量。Press D

21、one when finished. (當你做完上述之步驟,按Done)Stencil Dimensions鋼板尺寸設定參數Inner 660.400鋼板尺寸Enter stencil inner dimensionPress Done when finished.Enter stencil inner dimension(輸入內部鋼板尺寸)Press Done when finished. (當你做完上述之步驟,按Done)1.2 選擇Worknest 進入印刷工作平台參數設定WorknestHardware Required:Board ,Tactile , Vacuum ChucksPl

22、ease remove the stencil.Squeegee will now move back.Press SELECT when ready.Please remove the stencil. (請移開鋼板)Squeegee will now move back. (刮刀組現在將移動到後面)Press SELECT when ready. (準備好後按SELECT)按NEXT之後,出現下列訊息:Now, adjust the vacuum rear and side platesIf you have a dedicated work holder, install it nowP

23、ress NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to Quit.Now, adjust the vacuum rear and (現在請調整後隔板和側(左右)隔板)side platesIf you have a dedicated work holder, (若有使用專用PCB板支撐架,請現在install it now 把他裝上)Press NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to Quit. (按NEXT繼續, 按EXIT離開)按NEXT之後,出現下列訊息:The Z TOWER is about to loadto tooling heightPress

24、NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to Quit.The Z TOWER is about to load (Z軸上升到tooling height的位置)to tooling heightPress NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to Quit. (按NEXT繼續, 按EXIT離開)你按NEXT之後,出現下列訊息:If you have X snuggers,adjust snugger pins now.Press NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to Quit.If you have X snuggers,adjust snug

25、ger pins now. (若有使用X方向夾板,請調整好)Press NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to Quit. (按NEXT繼續, 按EXIT離開)你按NEXT之後,出現下列訊息:CAUTION, The machine is now going toCenter itself for this size board. The Y AXIS is about to move forward.Press NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to Quit.CAUTION, The machine is now going to(注意,機器現在將移動到

26、基板Center itself for this size board. 中心點)The Y AXIS is about to move forward. (Y軸即將移動到前面(基板中心點)Press NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to Quit. (按NEXT繼續, 按EXIT離開)Board Parameters基板(PCB)參數設定Detent12.7PCB停於中心印刷位置值Load speed 432進板軌道皮帶轉速值(數字越大,轉速越快)Unload speed 381出板軌道皮帶轉速值(數字越大,轉速越快)Enter board loading paramet

27、ers.Click on detent field to test.Press Done when finished.Enter board loading parameters. (輸入PCB進板參數)Click on detent field to test. (點取detent,測試PCB停於中心印刷位置值)Press Done when finished. (按Done完成全部動作)1.3.選擇Teach Boardstops進入基板停止位置參數設定Teach BoardstopsHardware Required:, Stencil , Tactile1.3.1 選擇Teach Bo

28、ardstops-Y進入基板Y方向板邊停止位置參數設定Teaching Boardstop-YPlace a board on the input track.Press SELECT to Continue.Place a board on the input track. (請將PCB板放到軌道輸入端)Press SELECT to Continue.(按SELECT 繼續)你按SELECT之後,出現開始做板邊視窗:Jog to the leading edge of the board.Stay 1/2 inch in from the rails. Press EXIT!Jog to

29、the leading edge of the board. (請將十字游標移動到基板板邊Stay 1/2 inch in from the rails. Press EXIT! 中間位置後,按EXIT離開)此動作最主要是讓視覺系統內基板停止感應器,感應基板是否停止在印刷平台中心點位置 1.3.2 選擇Teach Boardstops-X進入PCB板停止到印刷平台中心點位置參數設定與PCB板和鋼板對位Mark點)Teaching Boardstop-XIs the board centered correctly?Press SELECT to accept location.Press NE

30、XT to-locate board.Press EXIT to abort process.Is the board centered correctly? (基板有無正確停止到印刷平台中心點位置)Press SELECT to accept location. (按SELECT接受目前位置 )Press NEXT to-locate board. (按NEXT調整基板正確停止到印刷平台中心點位置)Press EXIT to abort process. (按EXIT 中止這一項步驟)你按NEXT之後,出現下列視窗:(將基板往前及往後送到印刷平台中心點位置)你按SELECT之後,出現下列訊息

31、:Please insert a stencil. Press NEXT to continue!Please insert a stencil. (請放入鋼板)Press NEXT to continue! (按NEXT繼續)你按NEXT之後,出現下列訊息及視窗:Jog to any target on the board!Center the object. Press EXITJog to any target on the board! (請移動到基板上任一個對位Mark點)Center the object. Press EXIT(對正Mark中心點,按EXIT離開)你按EXIT之後

32、,出現下列訊息及視窗:Jog to the same target on the stencil!Center the object. Press EXITJog to the same target on the stencil!(請移動到鋼板上任一個對位Mark點Center the object. Press EXIT,對正Mark中心點,但必須與基板上Mark點一樣,按EXIT離開)但如果X軸方向,超過軟體保護極限會出現下列訊息,可能需重做對位點。-Warning Message-X AXIS SOFTWARE LIMIT WARNING!Press NEXT to Continue.

33、1.3.3選擇Calc. Pre-Boardstops-X進入基板X方向停止位置參數設定Calc. Pre-Boardstop-XPre board stop position learnedPress SELECT to continuePress Done when finished.Pre board stop position learned (機器自行計算基板停止位置)Press SELECT to continue(按SELECT 繼續)Press Done when finished. (當你做完上述之步驟,按Done)1.4選擇Stencil進入測鋼板高度參數設定Stencil

34、Hardware Required:Board , Stencil , Tactile , Please install a stencil now. The FRAME CLAMPS will activate whenyou press NEXT. Press NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to Quit.Please install a stencil now. (請現在放入鋼板)The FRAME CLAMPS will activate when (按NEXT後,啟動鎖住鋼板)you press NEXT. Press NEXT to Continue, or

35、EXIT to Quit. (按NEXT繼續, 按EXIT離開)你按NEXT之後,出現下列訊息及視窗:The next step is to set STENCIL HEIGHT.Press NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to Quit.The next step is to set STENCIL HEIGHT. (然後進行測鋼板高度)Press NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to Quit. (按NEXT繼續, 按EXIT離開)你按NEXT之後,出現下列訊息及視窗:CAUTION, The machine is now going tomove.

36、 STAY CLEAR.Press NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to Quit.CAUTION, The machine is now going to(警告,機器現在要移動,內部不能有move. STAY CLEAR.任何東西,需清除)Press NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to Quit. (按NEXT繼續, 按EXIT離開)你按NEXT之後,出現下列訊息及視窗:Press SELECT to JOG the sensor clear ofpaste or stecil apertures,or Press NEXT to CONTINUE.

37、Press SELECT or NEXT to Continue.Press SELECT to JOG the sensor clear of(按SELECT移動偵測感應器,勿paste or stecil apertures,碰到鋼板上錫膏及鋼板上PAD孔)or Press NEXT to CONTINUE. (按NEXT馬上開始在本位置偵測鋼板高度)Press SELECT or NEXT to Continue. (按SELECT 或 NEXT繼續)你按SELECT之後,出現下列訊息及視窗:JOG ACTIVESQUEEGEE STROKE -112.050Press EXIT to

38、quit.JOG ACTIVE(移動現在刮刀行程位置)SQUEEGEE STROKE -112.050Press EXIT to quit. (按EXIT離開)你按NEXT與EXIT之後,出現下列訊息及視窗:Locating the boardCAUTION:Auto height sensor in progress. Please wait (開始載入PCB,自動偵測鋼板高度)Stencil height FOUND.Press NEXT to Continue.Stencil height FOUND. (完成偵測鋼板高度)Press NEXT to Continue. (按NEXT繼續

39、下一步驟)1.5選擇Squeegee進入測刮刀高度與刮刀行程參數設定SqueegeeHardware Required:Squeegee Blades , Stencil , TactileThis Utility will set the SQUEEGEE height.Press NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to quit.This Utility will set the SQUEEGEE height.(使用測刮刀高度)Press NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to quit. (按NEXT繼續, 按EXIT離開)按NEXT之後,出現下列訊息視窗:Please install a stencil now.The REAME CLAMPS will activate when you press NEXT.Press NEXT to Continue, or EXIT to quit.Please install a stencil now. (現在請放入鋼板)The REAME CLAMPS will activate when(按NEXT之後,啟動鋼板固定夾)you press NEXT.


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