人教版新目标九年级英语UNIT2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 全课件.ppt

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1、Unit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious!,Unit 2I think that mooncakes a,Look at the pictures and say what festivals they are.,Warming up,Look at the pictures and say w,The Lantern Festival 元宵节,The Lantern Festival,Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节,Mid-Autumn Festival,The Dragon Boat Festival 端午节,The Dragon

2、 Boat Festival,The Water Festival 泼水节,The Water Festival,Christmas Day 圣诞节,Christmas Day,April Fools Day 愚人节,April Fools Day,1a Match the pictures with the descriptions.,1a Match the pictures with the,1._ The Water Festival in Thailand2._ The Dragon Boat Festival in Hong Kong3._ The Chinese Spring F

3、estival in Beijing4._ The Lantern Festival in Jiangxi,d,a,b,c,1._ The Water Festival in T,1b、Listen and answer the question.,1、Does Mary like the races best?2、Were there a lot of people there?3、Do both Mary and Bill like to eat zongzi?4、Can Mary see the Dragon Boat Races every year?,1b、Listen and an

4、swer the quest,1.Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch.T F2.Mary thinks that the teams were fantastic.T F3.Bill wonders whether theyll have zongzi again next year.T F4.Bill and Mary believe that theyll be back next year to watch the races.T F,1b Listen and circle T for true o

5、r F for false.,1.Bill thinks that the races,1b、Listen again and fill in the blanks.,Mary:What a day!Bill:Yes,it was really fun!Mary:What did you like best?Bill:I loved the!They were really to watch.How fantastic the boat teams were!Mary:Yes!And look at the colors of the boats.How they were!Bill:I ag

6、ree!But I guess it was a little too.,1b、Listen again and fill in th,Mary:I dont knowI kind of like to have more people around.It makes things exciting.Bill:Thats true.Oh,and I really liked zongzi.Mary:Oh,me too!The sweet ones are my favorite.Bill:I if theyll have the races again next year.Mary:Of co

7、urse!They have them every year.Bill:Then I believe that Ill be back again next year to watch the races!Mary:Me,too!,Mary:I dont knowI kind of l,1c Talk about the festivals in 1a.,A:What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?B:I love the races.I think that theyre fun to watch.,1c Talk about

8、 the festivals i,A:What do you like best about the?B:I love the.I think that theyre.,Pair Work,A:What do you like best about,Talk about the festival in 1a with your partner.,What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?,I love the races.I think that theyre fun to watch.,Talk about the festiv

9、al in 1a,What do you like best about the Chinese Spring Festival?,I love the food,I think that they are delicious.,What do you like best about th,What do you like best about Water Festival?,I dont like Water Festival,I think that getting wet is terrible.,What do you like best about Wa,What do you li

10、ke best about?,I love.I think.,Now lets talk about the festival with your partner and make your own conversation.,What do you like best about?,Memorize,泼水节 Water Festival 龙舟节 the Dragon Boat Festival春节 The Spring Festival 元宵节 the lantern Festival,Memorize 泼水节 Water Festival,1.What a great day!2.kind

11、 of like3.sweet rice dumplings 粽子4.a little crowded 有点拥挤 5.be fun to do sth.做某事有趣6.will be back 将要回来7.It makes things more exciting,1.What a great day!,1.wonder v.想知道,Language points,I wonder if hes eating well every day.我想知道他是不是每天都吃得好。I wonder what they call those flowers.不知道那些花儿叫什么。I wonder whethe

12、r they will arrive on time.我不知道他们能不能准时到。,1.wonder v.想知道Language po,I wonder.,I dont know.这两个短语都可译成“不知道”。其区别是:I wonder.作“不知道”解时,其中含有“想知道”的意思;I dont know只是用来陈述对某事“不知道”这一事实。例如:I wonder what you call this.不知道你们把这个叫做什么。-Do you know what they call this?你知道他们把这个叫做什么吗?-I dont know.我不知道。,I wonder.,I dont kno

13、w.,wonder n.惊奇;惊愕;奇迹There was a look of wonder in his eyes.他眼中露出惊奇的神色。They were filled with wonder at the new waterfall.他们对新瀑布感到非常惊奇。Its a wonder that the child came through without a scratch.这孩子竟能安然无恙地脱险,真是奇迹。,知识拓展,wonder n.惊奇;惊愕;奇迹知识拓展,wonder about 想知道;对感到奇怪;考虑wonder at 对感到惊讶/奇怪in wonder 在惊奇中no wo

14、nder 难怪,怪不得with wonder 惊奇地the wonders of the world 世界奇观,wonder about,I wonder _ he will come before 9:00 p.m.A.what B.that C.when D.if【解析】主句“I wonder”(我想知道)带有疑问色彩,因此,答案不能选不带疑问意思的关联词that。又由于后半句宾语从句对时间已有所交代,而且用的come是不及物动词,不用跟宾语。故答案选if(是否)。,D,I wonder _ he will come be,【2013 福建漳州】They wonder _ robots w

15、ill make humans lose their jobs or not.A.that B.if C.whether,C,【2013 福建漳州】They wonder _,Exercise,()1.Which do you like _,English or Chinese?A.best B.well C.better D.good()2.Who do you like_,Tom,Jim or Li Lei?A.best B.well C.better D.good,Exercise()1.Which do you,()3.I like these photos and they can

16、_me _ the life living in the countryside.Athink;of Bremind;of Clet;down Dwake;up,()3.I like these photos and,()4.2013黄冈 How heavily it is raining!What a pity!We have to _ our sports meeting.Aput off Bput out Cput on Dput up,()4.2013黄冈,()5.2013常州 Many social workers went to Yaan to help _ clean water

17、 and food to local people to reduce their pain from the earthquake.Aput outBcome out Cwork out Dgive out,()5.2013常州,2a Listen to the conversation between Wu Ming and Harry and circle the correct words in the sentences.,2a Listen to the conversation,1.Wu Ming and Harry are cousins/strangers/friends.2

18、.Wu Ming went to Singapore/Hong Kong/Macao for his vacation.3.Wu Ming visited his relatives/friends/classmates.4.Wu Ming liked eating out/shopping/the Dragon Boat Festival best.,n.陌生人,n.亲属,亲戚,1.Wu Ming and Harry are cousi,2b Wu Ming did a lot of fun activities,but there were also downsides.Listen ag

19、ain and fill in the chart.,He has put on five pounds!,He spent so much money.,Its quite hot in June.,增加(体重);发胖,2b Wu Ming did a lot of fun ac,2c Role-play conversations between Wu Ming and Harry.Use the information in 2a and 2b or make your own conversations.,Speaking,2c Role-play conversations bet,

20、A:What did you do on your vacation?B:I visited my cousins.I think that we ate five meals a day!Ive put on five pounds.A:I guess the food was delicious,right?,A:What did you do on your vac,Water Festival is the most popular festival in Thailand.,How much do you know about Water Festival?,Water Festiv

21、al is the most pop,It is the largest and most culturally significant city in northern Thailand.It attracts over 5 million visitors each year.Its on the list of 25 Best Destinations in the World.,It is the largest and most cul,1.Ben is going to Chiang Mai in two weeks.()2.Clara believes that April is

22、 the hottest month of the year there.()3.The Water Festival in Thailand is from April 13th to 15th.()4.The Thai New Year is a time for cleaning and washing bad things.(),F,F,T,T,Read the conversation and tell“True”or“False”.,1.Ben is going to Chiang Mai,Role-play the conversation.,Clara:Guess what?.

23、Ben:Wow,sounds like fun!.,Role-play the conversation.Cla,1.stranger n.陌生人(可数名词)strange adj.陌生的,奇怪的 e.g.Dont talk to strangers.不要和陌生人说话。There is nothing strange in the room.房间里没有奇怪的东西。2.relative n.亲属,亲戚(可数名词)e.g.They have a lot of relatives.他们有许多亲戚。,Language points,1.stranger n.陌生人(可数名词)Langu,3.put o

24、n 增加(体重);发胖;穿上 e.g.Theyve put on five pounds.他们体重增加了5磅。Its cold outside.Please put on your coat.外面冷,请穿上大衣。4.pound n.磅;英镑(可数名词)e.g.The desk weighs 5 pounds.这张课桌重5磅。,3.put on 增加(体重);发胖;穿上,5.People go on the streets to throw water at each other.throw at 抛向;泼向;洒向 动词throw后接所投掷的物体,用介词at引入泼洒的对象。e.g.On our

25、way here,someone threw a stone at our car,but fortunately we were not hit.在我们来的路上,有人向我们的车 投掷石块,所幸的是我们没被砸中。,5.People go on the streets to,Its the first snow of the year,and the children are happily throwing snowballs at each other.这是今年的第一场雪,孩子们高兴地拿雪球相互抛着。,Its the first snow of the yea,6.Sounds like f

26、un.听起来很有趣。,省略了it这个形式主语,完整的句子是:It sounds like fun.sound like 听起来像It sound like a nice room.Can we take a look at it?听起来房间不错,我们能看一看房间吗?Their love story sounds like a fairy tale.他们的爱情故事听起来像童话。,6.Sounds like fun.听起来很有趣。省略,感官动词+like feel like 摸起来像 smell like 闻起来像 look like 看起来像 taste like 尝起来像,知识拓展,感官动词+

27、like 知识拓展,7.similar to 跟.类似的;与.同样的,My problems are very similar to yours.我的问题与你的差不多。His dress is very similar to mine in colour.他衣服的颜色和我衣服的很相似。be similar to 的反义短语是be different from(与不同),7.similar to 跟.类似的;与.,On my visit to Australia,I feel Australians are similar _ us in many ways.A.with B.in C.to D

28、.at Can you tell the differences between these two pictures?Differences?Oh,no.They look quite _.A.different B.similar C.strange D.interesting,C,B,On my visit to Australia,I fe,(2013山东烟台)五、词语运用 A.根据句意和所给的中文提示,写出句子中的单词。The customs in Qingdao are _(相似的)to those in Yantai.Linda is her mother in many way

29、s.For example,they are both tall and thin.A.similar to B.kind to C.friendly to,similar,A,(2013山东烟台)五、词语运用 similar A,The Water FestivalThe Dragon Boat FestivalThe Chinese Spring FestivalThe Lantern Festivalwatch the racesa littlelike bestgofor ones vacationenjoy doing sth.eat out,泼水节龙舟节春节元宵节看比赛有点 最喜欢

30、去度假喜欢做某事在外面吃,The Water Festival泼水节,five meals a day put on in two weekssound likefromtobe similar tothrow at wash awayhave good luckin the new year,每天5顿饭增加(体重)在两周之后听起来像从到与相似朝扔洗掉有好运气在新的一年里,five meals a day 每天5顿饭,Sentences:Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch.比尔认为那些比赛看起来不那么有趣。

31、Bill wonders whether theyll have zongzi again next year.比尔想知道他们明年是否还有粽子吃。What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?端午节你最喜欢什么?,Sentences:,What did you do on your vacation?你假期干什么了?But I believe that April is the hottest month of the year there.但我相信四月是那儿最热的月份。I wonder if its similar to the W

32、ater Festival of Dai people in Yunnan Province.我想知道它是否与云南省傣族的泼水节相似。,What did you do on your vacati,I think that mooncakes are delicious,Unit 2,Period 4Section A 3a 3c,I think that mooncakesUnit 2Pe,The 1st period,New words learning;Use the new words;Scan the text;,The 1st periodNew words learni,folk

33、goddesswhoeversteallaylay outdessertgardentraditionadmire,adj.民间的;民俗的n.女神pron.无论谁;不管什么人v.偷;偷窃v.放置;安放;产卵;摆开;放置n.(饭后)甜点;甜食n.花园;园子n.传统v.欣赏;仰慕,Words and Expressions,folkadj.民间的;民俗的Words and Expr,steal,v.,偷,窃取,To take something that belongs to someone else.,Sean has a long history of stealing cars.,肖恩偷汽车

34、有很长时间了。,Look and say,stealv.偷,窃取To take something t,lay,v.,放置;安放,产(卵);下(蛋),1.To put someone or something down.,2.If a bird etc lays eggs,it produces them from its body.,He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.,摆开,布置,Look and say,layv.放置;安放产(卵);下(蛋)1.To put s,dessert,n.,(饭后

35、)甜点;甜食,Sweet food served after the main part of a meal.,There is ice-cream for dessert.,甜品是冰淇淋。,Look and say,dessertn.(饭后)甜点;Sweet food ser,garden,n.,花园;园子,Grace is out in the garden growing the grass.,格雷斯在外面庭园里种草。,Look and say,gardenn.花园;园子Grace is out in t,admire,v.,欣赏;仰慕钦佩,I really admire the way

36、 she brings up those kids all on her own.,We stopped half way up the hill to admire the view.,Look and say,admirev.欣赏;仰慕I really admire t,What is your favourite festival?Why do you like it most?,Free Talk,Lead-in 2,What is your favourite festiva,What are they?When do we usually eat them?,mooncakes,W

37、hat are they?mooncakes,minimooncake 迷你月饼 mooncakes with meat/nuts 肉馅/果仁/蛋黄月饼 ham mooncake 火腿月饼 ice cream mooncakes 冰淇淋月饼 fruit and vegetable mooncakes 果蔬月饼seafood mooncakes 海鲜月饼,Have you ever tried these mooncakes?,minimooncake 迷你月饼 mooncakes,Mid-Autumn Festival,How do you celebrate this festival?,M

38、id-Autumn FestivalHow do y,Talking,Do you know the story about Change?Can you tell us this story in English?,How do people celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival?,TalkingDo you know the story a,Full Moon,Full Feelings,Full Moon,Full Feelings,objectives,To learn some key words and useful expressions.To know a

39、bout the story about Change.To learn to use objective clauses and exclamatory statements.,objectivesTo learn some key wo,Words:admire;steal;lay;dessert;garden,Phrases:lay out;,Patterns:so.that.He found thatHow he wished that,Words:Phrases:Patterns:,Look at the photo,the questions in 3a and the title

40、 to the story on page 11.Then answer the questions below.,Who is the girl in the picture?What does the passage talk about?Whats the meaning of“Full Moon,Full Feelings”?,Before you read,Change,It talks about the Mid-Autumn Festival.,圆圆的月亮,满满的相思。,Look at the photo,the questio,The 2nd period,Read the t

41、ext;Underline some phrases and recite them;Careful reading and understanding.Retell the text;Fill in the mind-map;,The 2nd period,Read the first sentence in each paragraphs and answer the questions.,What does the passage mainly talk about?,This passage mainly talks about the traditional folk stories

42、 about Mid-Autumn Festival.And it tells us why we admire the moon and sharing mooncakes with our families.,Read the first sentence in eac,While you read,Read Para.1 and answer the questions below.,1.What do we eat on Mid-Autumn Festival?2.Whats mooncakes look like?3.Why we eat them on Mid-Autumn Fes

43、tival?,Mooncakes.,Mooncakes are in the shape of a full moon on Mid-Autumn Festival.,Because many people believe that mooncakes could carry their wishes to the families they love and miss.,While you readRead Para.1 an,默读课文第2段,判断正误:()There is only one traditional folk story about Mid-Autumn Festival.(

44、)A goddess gave Hou Yi magic medicine beforer he shot down the nine suns()Change refused to give the medicine to Hou Yi and drank it all()One night,Feng Meng found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there.()Change quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the

45、 garden.,默读课文第2段,判断正误:,Feng Meng,tried to steal the medicine,goddess,thanked Hou Yi by giving him magic medicine,Change,refused to give Feng Meng the medicine and drank it all,Hou Yi,became light and flew up to the sky.,planned to drink the medicine with his wife.,shot down the nine suns and saved t

46、he people on the earth,Read Para.2 and find What they have done.,Feng Meng tried to steal the m,1.People like to a_ the full moon on Mid-Autumn night.,2.The story of Change is one of many t_ folk stories.,3.Hou Yi got m_ medicine for shooting down the nine suns.,4.Feng Heng wanted to s_ the medicine

47、.,5.Hou Yi l_ out fruits and desserts in the garden.,Read Para.3 and fill in the blanks,dmire,raditional,agic,teal,aid,3c,1.People like to a_ the,Read again and put the events in the correct order.,The keys:,3b,4-2-5-1-7-6-3,Read again and put the events,Retell the story of Change according to the w

48、ords and phrases below.,Change,Hou Yi,the nine suns,a magic medicine,live forever,a bad man,steal,refuse,fly up,sad,lay out,wish,Retell the story of Change ac,The story of Change is one of _ about Mid-Autumn Festival.Change was Hou Yis wife.Hou Yi got some _ from a goddess.Feng Meng,a bad man,_ when

49、 Hou Yi was not home.But Change _ give it to him and drank it all.She became very light and flew up to the moon.One night,Hou Yi found that _ that he could see his wife.He quickly laid out her favorite food and wished that she could come back!,traditional,folk stories,magic medicine,tried to steal t

50、he medicine,refused to,the moon was so bright and round,The story of Change is one of,Memorize,Full moon,full feelings圆圆的月亮,饱满的感情celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival庆祝中秋节.for centuries 几个世纪.the shape of 的形状.a full moon 满月on mid-autumn night 在中秋之夜,Memorize Full moon,full feeli,carry peoples wishes to寄托人们对的祝


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