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1、B8 UNIT3Inventors and inventions,Grammar and writing过去分词作定语、表语和宾补,一、过去分词作定语,1过去分词作定语的位置(1)单个的过去分词:一般情况下,单个的过去分词作前置定语,即放在所修饰词之前。但有时为了表示强调,也可放在所修饰词之后。A watched pot never boils.心急锅不开。Money spent is more than money earned.花的钱比挣的钱多。(2)过去分词短语:过去分词短语往往作后置定语,即放在所修饰词之后。This will be the best novel of its kind

2、 ever written.这本小说将是这类小说中写得最好的。This is the soldier wounded in the battle.这就是在战场上受伤的战士。,2过去分词作定语时扩展成句作后置定语的过去分词往往可以扩展成相应的定语从句。The suggestion(which had been)sent to the committee was adopted.呈送给委员会的建议被采纳了。3过去分词作定语的时态和语态意义(1)及物动词的过去分词作定语通常表示被动和完成,即被修饰词通常是过去分词所表示的动作的承受者,且该动作已完成。the question discussed ye

3、sterday 昨天讨论的问题the person killed last year 去年被杀的人,(2)不及物动词的过去分词作定语时仅表示完成。fallen leaves 落叶 faded flowers 凋谢的花考题回顾(陕西高考改编)The witnesses _(question)by the police just now gave very different descriptions of the fight.(湖南高考改编)You cannot accept an opinion _(offer)to you unless it is based on facts.(天津高考改

4、编)In some languages,100 words make up half of all words _(use)in daily conversations.答案 questioned offered used,二、过去分词作表语,过去分词作表语,通常表示主语所处的状态,这时过去分词可以被看作一个形容词,是形容词化的过去分词。常见的有seated,surprised,astonished,amazed,moved,exhausted,worried,devoted,pleased,inspired,encouraged,excited,delighted,satisfied,sca

5、red,frightened,disappointed等。I am pleased with the result of the experiment.我对试验结果很满意。,点津过去分词作表语时,强调主语所处的状态;动词的被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,强调动作。The cup is broken.杯子破了。(强调杯子的状态)The cup was broken by Jim.杯子是吉姆打破的。(强调动作)考题回顾(新课标全国卷)There were many people waiting at the bus stop,and some of them looked very anxious

6、 and _(disappoint),(广东高考)We got a little _(sunburn),but the day had been so relaxing that we didnt mind.(福建高考改编)In April,thousands of holidaymakers remained _(stick)abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.答案 disappointed sunburnt/sunburned stuck,三、过去分词作宾语补足语,能用作宾语补足语的过去分词一般都是及物动词,表示被动意义或已完成意义,有时候两者兼而有之

7、。作宾语补足语的过去分词与宾语有逻辑上的动宾关系,即宾语是过去分词动作的对象。在下面结构中常用过去分词作补语。(1)在感官动词(see,hear,notice,watch等)和表示心理状态的动词(feel,find等)后。She was glad to see her children well taken care of in the nursery.看到她的孩子们在托儿所受到很好的照顾,她很高兴。,(2)使役动词(keep,make,help,get,have等)后。If you want to make yourself respected,you are above all to re

8、spect others.如果你想让自己被尊重,你必须首先尊重别人。(3)like,want,wish,order等表示“希望;要求”等意义的动词后。He wanted his eggs fried.他愿意吃煎鸡蛋。(4)with的复合结构中。He sat there,with his hands tied behind.他手被捆在后面坐在那里。,考题回顾(北京高考改编)When we saw the road _(block)with snow,we decided to spend the holiday at home.答案blocked,四、专题练习,用适当的连接词填空1China i

9、s a _(develop)country and America is a _(develop)country.2Look,the _(fall)leaves are all yellow.Lots of _(fall)leaves make the road yellow.3We were _(satisfy)with the result.4What is the language _(speak)in Japan?5I heard someone _(call)me when I came in.6I heard my name _(call)when I came in.答案1 de

10、veloping,developed 2 falling,fallen 3 satisfied 4 spoken 5 calling 6 called,五、写作技巧指导,如何写求职信求职信属于公务信函,格式和用词比较正规,其目的在于让聘用方了解自己的经验、能力、成就、愿望等,所以个人情况的介绍应该是求职信的核心内容,应尽可能向对方说明本人的长处,以便留下好印象,获得进一步面谈的机会。求职信一般包括以下内容:1介绍信息来源介绍信息来源通常是英文求职信正文部分的开篇句,它可使求职信显得自然、顺畅。,2表明求职心意介绍完信息来源,应向收信人表明自己写信的目的。3介绍个人简历并表明自己的优势此部分应详

11、写,主要包括:出生日期、性别、教育程度、工作经验、特殊技能等。在介绍情况时,应对自己最适合所申请的工作方面进行详细介绍。4表示感谢并请求答复,求职信的常用语言:1开头语I learned from the newspaper that your company wanted to hire.I learned from the advertisement that your company wanted a.Im writing to apply for.Im writing to you hoping that I may obtain an opportunity to.,2常用短语be

12、in good health,be good at,be expert in,have rich working experience,enjoy doing sth,in ones spare time,be strict with,be kind to,get on well with3结束语I would be very thankful if you would give me an early reply.Thank you for an early reply.Could you please let me know if.Thank you very much.,专题练习假设你是

13、新华中学的学生李华,得知某英文报招聘兼职记者,你有意应聘,请按下列要点给报社写一封自荐信。1表示感兴趣;2说明优势:知识面、英语水平、合作精神、相关经历;3希望得到回复。,注意:词数100左右。Dear Sir or Madam,_Yours sincerely,Li Hua,参考范文:Dear Sir or Madam,I am in the ninth grade at Xinhua Middle School.My English teacher told me that your newspaper is looking for part-time reporters.I believ

14、e I have the right skills and enough motivation to take on the job.I worked as a volunteer at Rio Olympics in 2016.Therefore,I had experience of working in English and interacting with people with different backgrounds.In fact,I made friends with people worldwide.,I also had a chance to practice tea

15、m abilities.When I came back to China,I wrote a front page story about my trip for our school newspaper.I stand out among my peers by keeping a strong interest in learning things beyond my textbooks.By reading newspapers daily,I am able to follow the important events and discuss them with my parents or classmates.Id appreciate it so much if you could possibly consider my application.Im looking forward to your early reply and please email me at li hua Yours sincerely,Li Hua,Thanks for watching!See you next time!,


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