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1、Functionalist approaches to translation德国功能派翻译理论简介,由来,“The theorists of equivalence tend to accept non-literal translation procedures more readily in the translation of pragmatic texts(instructions for use,advertisements)than in literary translation.Different or even contradictory standards for the

2、selection of transfer procedures are thus set up for different genres or text-types.This makes the equivalence approach rather confusing.”,“This may be the reason why some translation scholars working in training institutions started to gibe functionalist approaches priority over equivalence-based a

3、pproaches.”,沿革,凯瑟琳娜莱斯(Katharina Reiss)汉斯费米尔(Hans Vermeer)贾斯塔赫兹曼塔利(Justa Holz Mantari)克里丝汀诺德(Christiane Nord),文本类型理论(Text typology)翻译目的论(Skopostheorie)翻译行为理论(theory of translation action)功能加忠诚理论(function plus loyalty),Basic Aspects of Skopostheorie,Skopos Rule,“The translation purpose justifies the t

4、ranslation procedures.”,翻译会遇到的三大类purpose,The general purpose aimed at by the translator in the translation process(perhaps to earn a living)The communicative purpose aimed at by the target text in the target situation(perhaps to instruct the reader)The purpose aimed at by a particular translation st

5、rategy or procedure(for example,to translate literally in order to show the structural particularities of the source language),Real Life Example,Initiator:my fellow friendsTranslator:meTarget Text receiver:Nordic girlsSource Text:北欧中心就在校史馆边上,相辉堂那里,Purpose of my friends:越简单越好,等着我一起去上课(已经迟到了)Expectati

6、on of the girls:清楚明白地让她们知道北欧中心的位置My evil intension:speak as long as possible with the girls in order to impress them with the gentility of students of our university.,Initiator:Its near the school history museum and Xiang!Hui!Tang!TT receiver:The Nordic center is just next to our school history muse

7、um and that part of campus is always called Xiang Hui Tang by students.Translator:After a careful discussion with gentlemen over there,we came to the conclusion that the Nordic center is most likely to be located next to our school history museum,which we believe very few students have heard of.Unde

8、r this circumstance,we humbly recommend you to ask the name Xiang Hui Tang,thats the frequent word we students use to refer to that part of campus.,SkoposAimPurposeIntention Function and Translation Brief,An important advantage of Skopos theory is that it allows the possibility that the same text ma

9、y be translated in different ways depending on the purpose of the TT and on the commission which is given to the translator.,Intratextual Coherence,A translation should be acceptable in a sense that it is coherent with the receivers situation,being part of the receivers situation.,Fidelity(Intertext

10、ual Coherence),A translation should be as faithful as possible to the original.,Intratextual Coherence和Fidelity(Intertextual Coherence)均从属于Skopos Rule!,总的来说 The nature of the TT is primarily determined by its skopos and adequacy(Adquatheit),comes to override equivalence as the measure of the transla

11、tional action.Equivalence is reduced to functional constancy between ST and TT.,Two interdependent limitations to the Skopos model,One concerns the culture-specificity of translation modelsThe other has to do with the relationship between the translator and the source-text author,The translator,who

12、is always acting within the boundaries of a particular culture community,cannot,in fact,take the liberty of choosing any translation scope for a particular text even if that is what the customer asks him to do.,Difference between Loyalty and Fidelity,让我们回顾一下最开始提到的功能翻译理论的发展由来以及之前提到的Skopostheorie然而In

13、Vermeers words:What the Skopos states is that one must translate,consciously and consistently,in accordance with some principle respecting the target text.The theory does not state what the principle is:this must be decided separately in each specific case.,Examples given by Nord,一个Nord反对的例子,一个Nord认

14、可的例子,Other Examples,基于译语读者文化背景的目的论出于为了让读者更好地理解原文的目的,译者遵循道德责任、文化责任的原则进行比起对等翻译更好的翻译方式。,1.几个名词的翻译,Facebook 校内网(现在再翻译可能就是朋友圈了)Yelp 大众点评网Uber 滴滴打车,2.The Big Bang Theory 生活大爆炸中,Sheldon:Is there a plot a foot?Ill have no truck with plots.Penny:No,theres Theres no plot,no trucks,no feet.译文:谢尔顿:你们在搞什么阴谋?我绝不参

15、与任何阴谋。佩妮:不是,这儿什么都没有没有阴谋,没有诡计,没有密谋。,Penny:Look,do you have a second?Sheldon:A second what,a pair of underwear?译文:佩妮:你有时间嘛?谢尔顿:十件什么?内衣吗?,Rajesh walked into the apartment,where his friends are waiting for him.Rajesh:Hello,sorry Im late,but I was in the hallway,chatting up Penny.Howard:Really,you,Rajesh Koothrappali,spoke to Penny?Rajesh:Actually I was less the chatter than the chat-ee.Version1:拉吉:抱歉我现在才来,刚刚我在走廊里和佩妮聊天来着。霍华德:真的假的,你拉吉库萨帕里和佩妮说话了?拉吉:实际上我说得比哑巴还少。Version2:拉吉:抱歉我来晚了,我刚在走廊里和佩妮聊天。霍华德:真的假的,你拉吉库萨帕里和佩妮说话了?拉吉:实际上我是被聊天。,Q&A,


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