1、人教版英语选修六课件Unit-5-单元要点归纳提升,单元要点归纳提升,单元要点归纳提升,appoint sb.(as/to be).appoint sb.to.appoint sb.to do sth.have an appointment withmake an appointmentkeep/break an appointment,appointment,appoint sb.(as/to be).appoi,suits,match,fit,suitable,suitable,suits matchfitsuitablesuitable,in actual fact/as a matte
2、r of fact/in factActually,actually,in actual fact/as a matter of,be anxious about/forbe anxious to do sth.be anxious for sth.be anxious that.,anxiously,anxiety,be anxious about/foranxiously,is anxious about,for,is anxious aboutfor,get into a panicbe in a panicpanic over/about.got into a panic,get in
3、to a panic,have/show appreciation ofshow/express ones appreciation of,I would appreciate it if,appreciation,have/show appreciation ofI wou,guarantee to do sth.guarantee sb.sth.under guarantee,I guarantee(that)youll love this film.,guarantee to do sth.I guarante,make way forgive way tobe/stand in one
4、s/the way feelwindpush,make,make way formake,made our way,make his way,made our waymake his way,vary from place to placevary from person to personvary with the seasona variety of/varieties of,vary from place to place,人教版英语选修六课件Unit-5-单元要点归纳提升,Sb.was on the point of doing.when.,Sb.was doing.when.,Sb.
5、had hardly/scarcely/just done.when.,We were about to leave when it began to rain.,Sb.was on the point of doing.,I was doing my homework when the light went out.,She had hardly/scarcely/just sat down when the doorbell rang.,I was doing my homework when t,permitting,permitting,fixed,The meeting over,k
6、nife in hand,fixedThe meeting overknife in,Having lived,having,Having livedhaving,Understanding,staring,being recognized,Understandingstaringbeing reco,speaking,Having used,carrying,speakingHaving usedcarrying,saying,having been given,sayinghaving been given,人教版英语选修六课件Unit-5-单元要点归纳提升,人教版英语选修六课件Unit-5-单元要点归纳提升,人教版英语选修六课件Unit-5-单元要点归纳提升,人教版英语选修六课件Unit-5-单元要点归纳提升,人教版英语选修六课件Unit-5-单元要点归纳提升,