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1、,Revision of important words,Unit 2 Robots,words,渴望;欲望 2.满意;满足 3.警报 4.服从;顺从 5.离婚 6.喜爱;偏袒 7.全体员工 8.宣告;宣布,desiresatisfactionalarmobeydivorcefavo(u)rstaffdeclare,检查学过的单词短语,9.小说,虚构或想象出来的事n.10同情,同感,同情心n.11.事务,暧昧关系,私通n.12.陪伴,伴奏vt.13.额外津贴,红包n.14.章,篇,回n.15.手指甲n.,fiction,sympathy,affair,accompany,bonus,chapt

2、er,fingernail,16.软垫,靠垫n._17.烹饪(风味),菜肴n._18.数码的adj._19.上帝的,神圣的adj._20.较年幼的,资历浅的adj._,cushion,cuisine,digital,holy,junior,phrases,1.希望/渴望做某事 _2.一定做某事 _3.考验,试验 _4.打电话 _5.做-使某人尴尬/害羞 _6.同情某人 _7.陪伴某人去 _8.转身,转向 _9.不管,不理会,让独自待着 _10.一堆/叠,一堆堆 _11.严肃对待;认真对待 _12.将放在一边,节省或保留 _,desire to do sth.,be bound to do st

3、h.,test out,ring sb.up,embarrass sb.with sth./by doing sth,feel/have sympathy for sb.,accompany sb.to a place,turn around,leave.alone,a pile of/piles of,take.seriously,set aside,Revision of important words,turn around=turn round 意思为:_【归纳拓展】turn up _ turn down _turn off _ turn on _turn out _ turn in

4、_turn over _ turn to _,转身;翻转;(变的)好转,把(音量等)调高;找到;出现,把(音量等)调低;拒绝,关掉(电,煤气,自来水等),打开(灯;电视等),生产,(出乎意料的)结果是,提出;递交;向内弯曲,翻查;接管;仔细考虑,向求助;翻到页,开始做,着手做,这个工厂一天生产300辆汽车。,The factoryturns out300 cars a day.,如果你拼不出单词,就去查字典。,Turn to the dictionary if you can not spell the word.,他很穷却很傲气,拒绝了所有的帮助。,He was poor but proud

5、 andturned down every offer of help.,obey 词性:_ 词义:_归纳总结 obey 的反义词是:_,obey the order _obey the law(rules)_【即学即用】Translate:他告诉我遵守诺言,我照做了。He told me to _ _ _,and I _.,vt.&vi.,服从;顺从,disobey,服从命令,遵守法律(规则),keep my word,obeyed,desire n渴望;欲望;渴求 vt.想要;希望得到,短语回顾渴望得到某事_希望/渴望做某事_希望某人做某事_满足某人的愿望_照某人的希望_,desire s

6、th.=have a desire for sth.,desire to do sth.=have a desire to do,desire sb.to do sth.=desire that sb.(should)do,meet/satisfy ones desire,at ones desire,他有强烈的成功欲望。我们要求她马上把信打出来。,Hehasastrongdesireforsuccess.,Wedesirethatshe(should)typetheletteratonce.Wedesirehertotypetheletteratonce.,他要求立即答复。,Hedesire

7、sanimmediateanswer.,sympathy n.同情【短语回顾】出于同情_同情某人_赞同某人,和一致_赞同/不赞同某人的观点/某事_,out of sympathy,feel/have sympathy for sb,be in sympathy with sb.,have some/no sympathy with sb./sth.,有些话很刻薄,很伤人,对那些在几十个小时的旅途中承受巨大身心压力的人毫无同情之心.,Some of the words are so mean and hurtful,showing no sympathy for those who have s

8、houldered huge physical and mental pressure during dozens of hours of travel just to get home.,accompany vt.陪伴;伴随;补充;为伴奏 vi.伴奏;伴唱【词语回顾】陪伴某人去某地_与某事物同时存在或发生_陪伴某人,和某人做伴_在某人陪同下_,accompany sb.to a place,accompany sth.with/by sth,keep sb company,in the company of sb.,我必须让你陪我去警察局,I must ask you accompany m

9、etothe police station.,leave alone 意思为:_ leave alone=let(sb.)alone【归纳拓展】leave behind_ leave out _ leave aside _ leave over _【即学即用】别不管我。Dont _.忘记带行李了.The luggage has been _.暂且先把谁是正确的这个问题搁到一边吧。_ _,for a moment,the question of whos right.不要漏掉一个字母。Dont _ a letter.聚会结束后剩了很多事物。There was a lot of food _ af

10、ter the party.,不管;别惹;让一个人呆着,落下;忘带;留下,遗漏;省略;忽视,把放在一边,剩下的食物;把(工作)留到以后再做,leave me alone,left behind,Leave aside,leave out,left over,prevent-from意思为:_【归纳拓展】其他表述“阻止”的方式还有:stop(from)doing sth.keepfrom doing sth.【思考】为什么keepfrom doing sth 中的from 不能省略?keep doing 的意思为:_有时相当于keep on doing sth.keep还可以做系动词,后加_(词

11、性)做_语。即:keep+adj.Translate:她一直在哭。_Translate:请保持沉默。_,阻止做某事,一直、反复做某事,adj.,表,She kept crying.,Keep silent,please.,用本单元学过的词汇补全下文:I have a seven-year-old son.He has _(渴望)a robotic toy for a long time.To meet his _(渴望),we went to a supermarket.There are many robotic toys and we chose a robotic dog.After _

12、(试验),it works well.To my sons _(满意),it can also bark.My wife bought a diamond _(项链).We paid 4,000 yuan _.(一共;总计)On our way home,I heard a scream when crossing the street.I _(转身)and found a car driver _(不遵守)the traffic rules and knocked down an old man.We all felt _(担心的).I _(打电话)120 at once,and then

13、I _(陪同)him to the hospital with the ambulance.When I left the hospital,I think on sake of safety,everyone _(一定)_(遵守)the traffic rules.,desired,desire,testing out,satisfaction,necklace,in all,turned around,disobeyed,alarmed,rang up,accompanied,is bound to,obey,翻译,Translation,1.一位多才多艺的初级医师对知识极其渴望。A ju

14、nior doctor,a man of many talents,had a desire for knowledge.2.人生道路不会总是平坦的.3.我的父亲满意地笑了.,The path in life will not always be smooth.,My father smiled with satisfaction.,4.比他小两岁的妻子和他离婚了,我很同情他。His wife,who was junior to him by two years,divorced him and I had sympathy for him.5.这个小姑娘被独自留在那个房子里.,The lit

15、tle girl was left alone in the house.,寻觅,Zou Shuyue,a journalism student in London,said unfriendly behavior by some locals toward people wearing masks was one of the factors prompting Chinese students to return home.I was walking on the street and a stranger came close to me and yelled coronavirus a

16、long with some dirty words,which shocked me a lot,the 20-year-old said.He had paid attention to the development of the virus since January,but the situation in the UK really began to deteriorate in March.He said his Chinese friends were very concerned,but many locals in the UK didnt take the situati

17、on seriously.We were very afraid because we knew how hard things had been in China since late January,both from news reports and conversations with friends.I believe people who know how dangerous the virus is are not satisfied with the control and prevention measures announced by the UK government,h

18、e said.In February,like many of his friends,Zou stocked up on daily necessities,masks and disinfectant,and also asked relatives in China to send masks through the post.When he spoke with students who planned to return home,the comment he heard most was that they felt much safer in China than in the

19、UK.Local prevention and control measures disappointed a lot of people,resulting in them facing the virus in a panic.Also,I thought the UKs public health system was ill-equipped to cope with widespread infection,although the ExCel Center in London was being transformed into a Nightingale Hospital,he

20、said.The hospital,a 4,000-bed makeshift facility,started admitting patients on April 7,but it is expected to close on Friday after being deemed surplus to requirements.Zou started planning to return to China on March 14 as he waited for his school to suspend activities,and he finally arrived in Shan

21、ghai on March 21.The journey took about 65 hours,including 22 hours waiting to transfer at Hong Kong International Airport.Zou wore protective gear all the way and only ate and drank a few times because he was concerned about exposure in open places.To his disappointment,he found some netizens on social media platforms were hostile to students returning from overseas.It is everyones personal choice to study abroad.Our decision to return to China at this hard time does not mean we should be condemned or suffer unfair treatment like this,he said.,


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