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1、Unit 4History and TraditionsDiscovering Useful Structures,过去分词作定语和宾语补足语【情境探究】用所给词的适当形式填空,并指出其在句中充当的成分。1.So many hundreds of _(terrify)people died every time there was a tornado.(定语),terrified,2.He found that it came from the river _(pollute)by the dirty water from London.(定语)3.They had castles _(bui

2、ld)all around England,and made changes to the legal system.(宾语补足语)4.We could get our car battery _(charge)in the square.(宾语补足语),polluted,built,charged,5.We heard it _(announce)that there were no audio guides left.(宾语补足语),announced,【要义详析】一、过去分词作定语1.过去分词作定语时的位置。(1)一般情况下,单个过去分词作前置定语,即放在被修饰词之前。有时为了表示强调,

3、也可放在被修饰词之后。,*The polluted water was to blame for the spread of cholera.(前置定语)污染了的水造成了霍乱的传播。*Many used cars are on sale now,and you can go to find a good one.(前置定语)很多二手车现在正在甩卖,你可以去找一辆好车。,(2)过去分词短语作定语时往往作后置定语,即放在被修饰词之后。*The river polluted by daily waste is now dirty and smelly.(后置定语)被日常废物污染的河水现在脏且难闻。*

4、His novels loved by many readers are well worth reading.(后置定语)他的小说受很多读者欢迎,很值得读。,2.过去分词作定语的时态和语态意义。(1)及物动词的过去分词作定语通常表示被动和完成,即被修饰词通常是过去分词所表示的动作的承受者,且该动作已经完成。*I dont like the book written by Martin(=which was written by Martin).我不喜欢马丁写的这部书。,*Our class went on a trip organized by our school(=which was o

5、rganized by our school)last Monday.上周一我们班参加了一次学校组织的旅行。,(2)不及物动词的过去分词作定语仅表示完成,不表示被动。*The fallen leaves of the wood cover the ground when in fall.秋天时,小树林的落叶覆盖着地面。*The risen sun is shining brightly in the morning.早上已升起的太阳正明亮地闪耀着。,3.过去分词(短语)作非限制性定语,相当于非限制性的定语从句,用来补充说明被修饰词的情况,通常用逗号与主句隔开。*The bridge,built

6、 last year(=which was built last year),is in use now.这座桥,去年建成,现在已通行。,*Paper cuts,used for religious purposes(=which are used for religious purposes),can be bought in the store.用于宗教目的的剪纸可以在这家商店里买到。,【知识延伸】现在分词与过去分词作定语的区别。(1)语态上不同:现在分词表示主动意义,过去分词多表示被动意义。*The running water(=The water which runs)in the r

7、iver is very clear.河里的流水很清澈。,*Nine out of ten women interviewed(=who were interviewed)about the product said they liked it.就这个产品被采访的十位妇女中有九位说她们喜欢这个产品。,(2)时间关系上不同:现在分词表示正在进行的动作,而过去分词表示已经完成的动作。*We are all living in a changing world(=a world which/that is changing).我们都生活在正在发生变化的世界里。*The changed world(=

8、The world which had changed)surprised him.已经变化了的世界令他吃惊。,二、过去分词作宾语补足语1.用于feel,find,hear,notice,see,smell,observe,watch,think等表示感觉或心理状态的动词后作宾语补足语。*Many passers-by saw a tree beside the street knocked down by a car yesterday.昨天很多路人看见路边的一棵树被一辆小汽车撞倒了。,*When he woke up in the hospital,he found himself sur

9、rounded by doctors and nurses.当他在医院醒来时,他发现自己被医生和护士包围着。,2.用于get,have,make,keep,leave等使役动词后作宾语补足语。*He spoke English slowly,and tried to make himself understood while traveling abroad.在国外旅行期间,他说英语的语速很慢,尽力让人们理解自己的意思。,*When he was working,he liked keeping the door of his room closed.当他工作时,他喜欢关着房间的门。*He w

10、ants to have/get his eyes examined tomorrow.他明天想去检查眼睛。*He narrowly had his legs broken while he was riding a horse the other day.几天前当他骑马时,他的腿差点摔断。,【易错精点】“have/get+宾语+过去分词”结构的含义:(1)表示主语请别人做某事;(2)表示主语遭受、遭遇某一不愉快的事情;(3)表示普通的被动含义,意为“使得”。,3.用于with复合结构中作宾语补足语。*With his speech finished,he sat down and went

11、on to listen to the others speeches.结束了自己的演讲后,他坐下继续听其他人的演讲。*The murderer was brought in,with his hands tied behind his back.凶手被带进来了,他的双手被绑在背后。,【易错精点】“with+宾语+过去分词”结构在句中作状语,表示伴随、原因、方式、时间、条件等。,4.用于wish,want,would like,expect,order等表示“意欲”“命令”的动词后面作宾语补足语。*The father wants his daughter taught the piano.这

12、位父亲想让女儿学钢琴。*The boss ordered the plan carried out as soon as possible.老板命令计划尽可能快地被执行。,*She expected a necklace bought as a gift for her birthday.她希望有人买一条项链送给她作为生日礼物。,【即学活用】(1)Suddenly he _ _ _ _ by someone.突然他听到有人在叫他的名字。(2)She has had _ _ _.她已让人修好了电脑。(3)With _ _ _,he began to plan a holiday.所有的工作都做完

13、以后,他开始计划假期。,heard,his,name,called,her,computer,repaired,all,work,done,【知识延伸】过去分词、现在分词与不定式作宾语补足语的区别,*With what he wanted to say said,he hung off before the other side gave any response.说完了他想说的话,未等到电话的另一端给出任何回应他就挂了电话。(此处强调话是被说的且话已说完),*When I came here,I saw Li Lei reading an English book.当我来到这儿时,我看到李蕾正在读一本英文书。(“读书”这一动作正在进行),*With a lot of difficult problems to deal with,the newly-elected president was in a dilemma.有很多棘手的问题要解决,这位新当选的总统处于进退两难的境地。(不定式表示动作将要发生),


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