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1、必修一词汇、短语Unit One,必修一词汇、短语Unit One,Add up the numbers,and youll get the result.,add.to 把加到add to 增加add up to累计,意味着add that 补充说,Add another five people to the group.Three _ five makes eight.The fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night.Books in this library add up to over 10,000.All thes

2、e facts add up to his innocence.,added to,1,add upAdd up the numbers,and,addtion n.加,加法,增加in addtion 除此之外,此外in addtion to 除.之外 eg;Ann will be a very useful addtion to our team.In addtion to the names on the list,there are six other applicants.(申请者)you need money and time,in addtion,you need diligenc

3、e.(努力)addtional adj.额外的,附加的,addtion n.加,加法,增加,upset adj.心烦意乱的,不安的,不适的搭配:be upset about 对感到难过/心烦 We were upset about the death of the dog.be upset that 心烦 I was upset that he ignored me when I passed by her.upset v使不安,打翻,扰乱搭配:upset oneself about 为某事而烦恼 it upsets sb to do sth/that 做某事使某人不安,upset adj.心

4、烦意乱的,不安的,不适的,The news upset us.What upset me most was his attitude towards his mistake.A large wave upset the boat.He upset my plan.联想词 upsetting 令人不快的 upset stomach 不适的胃,The news upset us.,3,A taxi passed by,but she ignored it.He dived into the water,ignoring his own danger,and swam to the struggli

5、ng child.He was in ignorance of the matter.(=He was ignorant of the matter.)同义短语:take no notice of,ignorance n.愚昧,无知,ignorant adj.愚昧的,无知的,不知道的,3ignore A taxi passed by,but,Keep calm in case of emergency.The stewardess tried to calm down the people.Slowly he calmed down.,calm v.使平静,镇定 calm(sb)down,ca

6、lm adj 平静的,镇静的 keep calm,calmly/calmness,calm,Keep calm in case of emergency,4,quiet 悄声的,文静的silent 无声的,沉默的(不发表看法)still 一动不动的,静止的,辨析,She is a quiet but outgoing girl.They are talking in quiet voices.He always keeps silent in class.Remain still when I take your photos.,4quiet 悄声的,文静的辨析She is a qui,con

7、cern vt.concern oneself about 关心挂念 concern oneself with 涉及,与.有关Her safety concerned us deeply.We should concern ourselves with state affairs.concern n.show concern for 担心,关心 with concren 关切地 have no concern for 对 毫不关心My only concern was his ignorance of the local customs.They show great concern for

8、my exam.,concern vt.concern oneself a,concerned adj.担心的,关切的be concerned about 关心be concerned with 涉及,与 有关as far as sb is concerned 就某人而言eg:Present at the meeting were the departments concerned.注意:a concerned look the people concerned 拓展 concerning 关于This book deals with questions concerning educatio

9、n.,concerned adj.担心的,关切的,6,通过 经历(苦难等)完成 用完,花光 浏览 仔细查看,I didnt go through the driving test.The hard years they went through left a deep impression on them.Ive gone through all my work/money.Go through the passage quickly.You must go through your papers before you hand them in.,6go through 通过I didnt g

10、o thro,人教版高一英语必修一词汇全部讲解(Unit-1)课件(共48张),7,Karl Marx was born in Germany,and German was his native language._(恩格斯也是这样).,Germany,Germans,Englishman/womanFrenchman/womanpoliceman/womansalesman/womansportsman/woman注意:这些词的复数都是把man/woman 改为men/women。,So it was with Engels.,7GermanKarl Marx was born in G,8

11、,The girl set down what she had seen in her diary.When the clerk was setting down my ID number,I set down my luggage on the desk.We have to set down rules to make sure that the children are taken good care of.,write down,take down,put down 记下,写下,放下,登记,制定,同义/近义,8set downThe girl set down wha,相关短语,相关短

12、语,9,The outdoor activities are good for our health.I like walking outdoors after supper.Dont stay indoors for too long,as the indoor air are not very healthy to breathe.,=out of doors,adj.outdoor,反:indoors,9outdoorsThe outdoor activitie,10,The boy broke the glass on purpose to attract others attenti

13、on.,deliberately,by design,intentionally,purposefully,with/for the purpose of doing 带着的目的He went to his uncle with the purpose of getting some aids from his company.,同义/近义,相关表达,10on purposeThe boy broke the,11,In order to get a better job,he went to Shenzhen.He kept silent over the accident so as no

14、t to lose his job.He got early so that/in order that he could catch the first bus.,in order 按顺序,秩序井然;状态良好 out of order 次序颠倒,不整齐;出故障 place an order for 订购,相关短语,so as to,in order that,so that,同义/近义,11in order to In order to get,12,相关短语,at dawn at daybreak at dark at night at noon at night at breakfast

15、/lunch/supper at dinner at table at a meeting at work at class,at表示在某个具体的时刻,如:at 7 oclock,at that time/moment。,12at dusk相关短语 at dawn at表示在某,17,rain rainy sun sunny snow snowy fog foggy frost frosty wind windy dirt dirty noisy noisy mud muddy luck lucky weight weighty,n.dust,类似构词,17dusty rain rainyn.

16、dust,13,He heard a thunder of applause.Its thundering.Someone is thundering at the door.,vi.打雷,雷鸣 n.雷,雷声;迅雷(下载软件),13thunder He heard a thunder o,14,The entire country were shocked by the terrorist attack.He was entirely lost in the interesting book.Although they are twins,they look entirely differen

17、t.,completely,wholly,totally,同义/近义,14entirely The entire country,15,Knowledge is power.Some animals have the power to see in the dark.The power went off.停电了。相关短语 in power掌握权力 come to power上台执政 within/beyond ones power在某人能力内/超出某人能力 The government came into power four years ago.The party has been in p

18、ower for 20 years.,n.威力,力量,权力,电力,驱动力,能力,15power Knowledge is power.n.,联想词:1.powerful adj.China is wealthier and more powerful than ever before.2.powerless adj 无力的,无权的 I saw what was happening,but I was powerless to help.,联想词:1.powerful adj.,15,energy 能量,能源;精力,活力 strength 体力,力气;强项,优势 force 武力,军力;外力;效

19、力,约束力,辨析,Although he is already 65,he is still full of _.Ants have great _.They can lift twice as much weight as their bodies.The new law came into _.The eruption has caused great damage,which proves that the _ of nature is great.One should know his _ and weaknesses.,energy,strength,power,force,stre

20、ngths,15 energy 能量,能源;精力,活力辨析 Alth,16,They are talking face to face.=They are having a face-to-face talk.,back to back neck and neck shoulder by shoulder hand in hand arm in arm,adj.face-to-face,类似表达,eye to eye,?,看法一致:Both of us see eye-to-eye on this issue.,16face to face They are talkin,face v.面对,

21、面临be faced with 不是表示的被动,是主语的一种状态。we are faced with a serious problem.注意:face的分词形式做状语,定语和宾补Faced with this situation they are joyful.=Facing this situation they are joyful.(状语)the house facing east is mine.(定)I find myself faced with a dilemma.(宾补),宾补,困境,进退两难,face v.面对,面临宾补困境,进退两难,settle 1.vi.安家,定居,停

22、留 He chose to settle in the countyside.2.vt./vi 解决,结束 settle an argument/differences解决争论/分歧3.vt 确定,安排好 Its all settled.They settled down to their work soon.They decided to settle down in the new continent.She settled herself in the armchair.,settle,人教版高一英语必修一词汇全部讲解(Unit-1)课件(共48张),人教版高一英语必修一词汇全部讲解(U

23、nit-1)课件(共48张),20,Napoleon suffered a great loss in the Waterloo Battle.The lady suffered great pain from her illness.Be careful,or our work will suffer.,suffering n.痛苦,苦难,通常加pain,hardship defeat,loss,damage,illness,pinishment等词作宾语。,from表示原因。a bad back/a cold/a headache/ill health.,20suffer Napoleon

24、 suffered a g,recover,人教版高一英语必修一词汇全部讲解(Unit-1)课件(共48张),22,I got tired of listening to the same music every day.Im tired of the tiring lecture.Are you tired of the food?Not really.I am just too tired from work.,be fed up with be bored with,be tired with/from因而劳累,相关短语,同义/近义,22be/get tired of I got tir

25、ed,联想拓展:1.tire v.使疲劳 tire sb out 2.tireness n.3.tiresome adj 烦人的 She can be a very tiresome child at times.,联想拓展:,23,He bought a pack of cigarettes.Wolves hunt in large packs.Pack your luggage quickly and we are leaving soon.Over 100 people packed the small classroom.,packet package packing,pack sth

26、.up a pack of in large packs,相关短语,同义/近义,23pack He bought a pack of cig,26,The book is exactly what I want.Your answer is exactly wrong.The film is really good.Exactly.,adj.exact,严格的说 确切的说 to be exact exactly speaking,相关短语,26exactly The book is exactly,27,I dont quite agree with him/his opinion/his w

27、ords.They agreed to meet again,but didnt agree on the date for next meeting.No agreement was reached.,agree with agree on agree to do,agreement,agreeable(愉悦的,合适的),27agree agree withagreementagr,disagree-disagreeable(不合意的,讨厌的)1.disagree with 不同意 He said that everyone was born equal.This is where I di

28、sagree.2.disagree with sth 与某事不符 disagree with sb食物/天气使某人不舒服 What he did disagree with what he said.(不符,不一致),disagree-disagreeable(不合意的,,28,Im grateful to you for all you did.A breeze is grateful on a hot day.(=popular)We hardly know how to express our gratitude.,=thankful,be grateful to,n.gratitude

29、,28grateful Im grateful to you,29,I dislike it when people enter without knocking at the door.He dislikes living in such a noisy place.,dislike doing sth.,prep.unlike,29dislike I dislike it when pe,30,join 参加团队/组织 take part in 参加活动 participate in 积极参与某活动 compete in 参加比赛/竞争 attend 参加集会、婚礼等,辨析,Why not

30、 join us in the discussion?To join the army is his greatest wish.Over 10,000 athletes took part in the last Olympics.Many citizens also competed in the Marathon.Are you going to attend the lecture?In China children usually attend school at six.,30join in join,31,The bird measures 15 inches from tip

31、to tip.I had his name on the tip of my tongue.The typhoon nearly tipped over the house.He sat with his chair tipped up.Take my tip and dont run the risk.Its the custom to give waiters tips in Europe.,n.尖端,末梢,小费,技巧,提示 v.(使)倾斜,(使)翻倒at/on the tip of ones tongue就在嘴边(一时想不起来),tipped,tipping,31tip The bird

32、 measures 15 inc,.品句填词She i him and carried on with her work.2.The incident caused a whole s of events that nobody had foreseen.3.The e village was destroyed in Wenchuan Earthquake.4.Many young men d with their parents on most things because of generation gap.5.Would you like to give me some useful

33、t_ on how to save money?,必修一 Unit 1自主检测,ignored,series,entire,disagree,tips,.品句填词必修一 Unit 1自主检测ignoredser,6.This magazine is designed for _(青少年).7.My father has made a full(康复)from the operation.8.We will be(感激的)for any information you can give us.9.The seeds may be sown(户外)in the spring.10.He did i

34、t on(故意),knowing it would annoy her.,teenagers,recovery,grateful,outdoors,purpose,6.This magazine is designed f,1.Why dont you your ideas on paper?2.She has an unhappy time recently.3.Do you often headaches?4.Are you your classmates in the new school?5.We all Jane when she said she believed in ghost

35、s(鬼).,.短语运用,set down,gone through,suffer from,getting along well with,laughed at,1.Why dont you,6.Young people have pop music.7.She has somewhere.8.Can I the game?9.I will finish the job ahead of time.10.Please what I am saying.,grown crazy about,hidden away,join in,make an effort to,pay attention t

36、o,6.Young people have,The country has always_(遭受水灾).2.That crying child soon_(安静下来).3.Everybody knew that_(他是故意这么做的).4.Youd better_(面对面和他谈谈).5.There was a time_(女孩子是不能去上学的).6.He_(对她一见钟情).,.完成句子,suffered from flood,calmed down,he did it on purpose,talk with him face to face,when girls couldnt go to school,fell in love with her at first sight,The country has always_,


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