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1、冀教版英语课件七上lesson44,冀教版英语课件七上lesson44,学练优七年级英语上(JJ)教学课件,Unit 8,Countries around the World,学练优七年级英语上(JJ)Unit 8 Countries,Lesson 44:Jacks Goodbye Party,Lesson 44:,United States=U.S.(美国),Canada(加拿大),Australia(澳大利亚),United Kingdom=U.K.(英国),Lead-in,Do you know these countries?,Lead-in,United States=U.S.(美国

2、)Canad,New York纽约,London伦敦,Lead-in,New YorkLondonLead-in,掌握本课的单词和短语。学会主要国家的英语表达。学会看世界地图。了解各个国家在地图上的位置。,Learning Aims,Presentation,掌握本课的单词和短语。Learning AimsPresen,sooninviteeveryoneheySydneyLondoncapitalU.K.Washington D.C.Vancouver,adv.不久v.邀请pron.每个人;所有的人int.嘿;喂悉尼(地名)伦敦(地名)n.首都英国(地名)华盛顿特区温哥华(地名),Words

3、,Presentation,soonadv.不久WordsPresentation,Thank you for inviting me.a lot ofcome/be from,谢谢你邀请我。许多;打量来自,Phrases,Presentation,Thank you for inviting me.谢谢你邀,Where are they from?Jane is from_.Greg is from _.John is from _Mike is from_,Australia,Canada,the U.K.,the U.S.,Text Reading,Presentation,Where

4、are they from?AustraliaC,Presentation,Presentation,Australia,Presentation,Where are you from,Lucy?Austr,the USA,Presentation,Where are you from,Alice?the,China,Presentation,ChinaWhere are you from,Xiaom,the UK,Presentation,Where are you from?the UKIm f,Japan,Presentation,JapanWhere are you from?Im f

5、r,Read and answer,Where is Jane from?Where is John from?Where is Mike from?Where is Greg from?,Sydney,Australia.,London.,The U.S.,Vancouver,Canada.,Reading Task,1,Presentation,Read and answerWhere is Jane f,Where are Jacks friends from?Read the passage and then match the names and countries below.,2

6、,GregJaneMikeJohn,the U.S.the U.K.SydneyVancouver,Presentation,Where are Jacks friends from?,Look at the map on page 117 and answer the questions using full sentences.,3,What direction is the U.K.from China?2.What direction is Canada from Australia?3.Is Canada north of the U.S.?,The U.K.is northwest

7、 of China.,The Canada is northeast of Australia.,Yes,it is.,Presentation,Look at the map on page 117 an,4.What direction is Australia from the U.S.?5.Is China northwest of the U.K.?,The Australia is southwest of the U.S.,No,it isnt.,Presentation,4.What direction is Australia,Complete the passage wit

8、h the words in the box.,4,Look at this photo from my goodbye party.I am so happy all of my friends were there.Let me tell you about _ in the photo.This pretty girl is Jane.She is from Sydney,_.John is to her left.,everyone,Australia,Canada everyone London U.S.Australia,Presentation,Complete the pass

9、age with the,He is from _,the U.K.See the boy with blond hair?He is Mike,and he comes from Washington,D.C.in the _.The tall boy,to Mikes right,is Greg.He is from Vancouver,_.And the boy in front of him is Li Ming,my best friend in China.,U.S.,Canada,London,Presentation,He is from _,the U.K,Language

10、Points,1.Where are you from?你从哪里来?I am from Sydney,Australia.我来自澳大利亚的悉尼。1)be from 和come from 两者均可表示“来自哪里”,指明说话者的家乡。例如,I come from America.=I am from America.不过come from 属于短暂性动词短语,不和延续时间连用,be from 可以。2)come from 还可表示从某个地方来,be from 则不行。例如,I came here from my uncles.我从叔叔家来这的。,Presentation,Language Poin

11、ts1.Where are yo,2.Jack is going back to Canada soon.soon 副词,意为“不久”,指不久将发生某个动作或出现某种情况,也可以指过去某一时间或动作以后不久发生了另一动作或产生某种情况,强调时间快。Miss Zhang will come back soon.张老师马上就回来。,Presentation,2.Jack is going back to Canad,3.Thank you for inviting me!Thank you for意为“因而感谢你”,介词for后面表示原因,可接名词、代词或动名词。例如:Thank you for

12、your camera.谢谢你的相机。Thank you for helping me.谢谢你帮助我。注意Thank you for还可写成Thanks for 如:Thanks for your gift.谢谢你的礼物。,Presentation,3.Thank you for inviting me!P,invite 动词,意为“邀请”,常见的固定搭配有:invite sb.to do sth.意为“邀请某人做某事”。例如:We invite Mr.Li to give a report.我们邀请李老师做演讲。invite sb.to+地点意为“邀请某人去某地”。Mary invites

13、us to her new apartment.玛丽邀请我们去她的新公寓。【拓展】invitation是invite的名词形式,意为“邀请”。例如:I got Dicks invitation yesterday.昨天我收到了迪克的邀请函。,Presentation,invite 动词,意为“邀请”,常见的固定搭配有:invi,4.Come and meet everyone.来见见大家吧。everyone 代词,意为“每个人”,做主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。如:Everyone wants to go shopping.大家都想去购物。,Presentation,4.Come and

14、 meet everyone.Pres,【辨析】everyone;every one everyone 意为“每个人;所有人”,只能用来指人,相当于everybody,不能与of短语连用。例如:Everyone in the room is quiet.房间里的每一个人都很安静。every one 意为“每人;人人”,可以与of短语连用,既可指人,也可指物,做主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。例如:Every one of them has a dictionary.他们每个人都有一本词典。,Presentation,【辨析】everyone;every onePresent,Practic

15、e,一、完成句子Danny 来自哪里?Where _ Danny _ _?2.伦敦是英国的首都。London is _ _ of the U.K.3.我很高兴见到你。I am _ _ _ _ you.,does come from,the capital,very happy to see,Practice,Practice一、完成句子does,1.Li Hong is coming back _(不久).2._(每个人)in our class likes music.3.London is the _(首都)of the U.K.4.We want to _(邀请)Danny to the

16、 meeting.5.His _(朋友的)names are Li Ming and Jenny.,soon,Everyone,capital,二、根据括号中所给汉语用适当词语填空,invite,friends,Practice,1.Li Hong is coming back _,1.Thank you _ your help.2.Please look _ the map.Where is China?3.Its time _ the party now.4.They have a lot of fun _ the party.5.I want to go to New York _ my

17、 father.,for,at,for,at,with,三、根据句意用适当的介词填空,Practice,1.Thank you _ your help.fo,四、翻译,1.这是一张地图。2.美国在哪里?3.这支钢笔是什么颜色的?,This is a map.,Where is the United States?,What colour is this pen?,Practice,四、翻译1.这是一张地图。This is a map.Wh,掌握本课的单词和短语。学会主要国家的英语表达。学会看世界地图。了解各个国家在地图上的位置。,Summary,Summary,掌握本课的单词和短语。SummarySummary,Homework,完成同步练习册第44课的练习。Work in groups of six.Role-play the dialogue in this lesson.,Homework,Homework完成同步练习册第44课的练习。Homewor,初中英语课件金戈铁骑整理制作,初中英语课件金戈铁骑整理制作,感谢聆听,感谢聆听,


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