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1、Unit 4 Global warmingUnit 4 Global warming,Unit 4 Global warmingUnit 4 Gl,人教版高二英语选修六Unit-4-Global-warming-Grammar课件,To learn the use of the emphatic“it”and its sentence form“It is/was that/who”.,To learn the use of the emphat,观察下面几组句子中it的用法,然后加以总结。1.【语境展示】a.It was cholera that killed him.b.It was Ir

2、is that/who found him there.c.ItsLawrencethat/who/whom you should be talking to.d.It was three weeks later that he heard the news.,【归纳】it用在强调句中,可以对句子中除谓语以外的成分加以强调。,观察下面几组句子中it的用法,然后加以总结。【归纳】,强调句型的基本结构是:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who/whom+句子的其余部分,被强调部分指人时,用who(强调宾语也可用whom)或that,指事物时用_。,that,强调句型的基本结构是:that

3、,2.【语境展示】a.Was it in this year that the war broke out?b.Is itTracythat/who/whom you are looking for?【归纳】强调句型的一般疑问句形式是:Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who/whom+句子的其余部分。,2.【语境展示】,3.【语境展示】a.Why is it that everyone thinks he is selfish?b.What was it that they fought for?【归纳】强调句型的特殊疑问句形式是:_+is/was it that+句子的其 余部分。

4、,疑问词,3.【语境展示】疑问词,4.【语境展示】a.It was because I wanted to buy a dictionary that I went to town yesterday.b.It is what he said just now that makes me angry.【归纳】强调句型也可强调状语从句、名词 性从句等。,4.【语境展示】,5.【语境展示】a.It must be your mother that/who/whom you are thinking of.b.It might be my two sisters that/who know her

5、best.【归纳】在强调结构中,be前可使用表示推 测的情态动词。,5.【语境展示】,6.【语境展示】a.It is not until the end of the year that the traffic laws will take effect.b.It was not until he was thirty that he started to paint.【归纳】not.until句型的强调句的形式是:It is/was not until+被强调部分+that+句子的其余部分。,6.【语境展示】,强调句型与其他句型的比较。1)It is true that I like mus

6、ic.2)It is music that I like.3)It is 3 years since I came to No.1 Middle School.4)It is at 10:30 that we have our lesson.5)It was 10:30 when we had our lesson.6)It is in this school that I got my first scholarship.7)It is this school where we study.,强调句型与其他句型的比较。,【归纳】一、强调句与主语从句句型的区别:从形式上都有:It isthat

7、,所以根据就是把强调结构标志去掉后,原句在结构意义上不成立则是_,结构与意义仍然成立的则是_。,主语从句,强调句,【归纳】主语从句强调句,二、当it泛指时间或地点时,常用以下句型:It is/was+时间段+since 从句(一般过去时/过去完成时)It was+时间点+when从句(一般过去时)It was+时间状语+that强调句It is 地点名词+where从句(定语从句)It is+地点状语+that强调句,二、当it泛指时间或地点时,常用以下句型:,Fill in the blanks.Today I want to tell you a story._ is very inter

8、esting.One day I attended my class as usual._ was so cold that I closed the door.We were having class when suddenly someone knocked the door.We all wondered who _ was because no one was absent that day.It was tough _(guess)who it really was.It was clear _ no one knew.So I went up to the door and ope

9、ned _ curiously.,It,It,it,to guess,that,it,Fill in the blanks.ItItitto g,It was the headmaster _ stood outside.We were confused.He said to me.“I find _ unbelievable that you are late for class again”.It took me a few seconds _(understand)what he said.It was no use _(argue)with him.I smiled,“Sorry,he

10、admaster,you mad e a mistake,again.”He went away disappointedly.Our class burst into laughter.Actually I hate _ when someone interrupts my class.,who/that,it,to understand,arguing,it,It was the headmaster _,Finish Exercise 2 on page 29:Rewrite each sentence with It is that/who to give more emphasis

11、to the underlined part.,Finish Exercise 2 on page 29:,Scientists warned that greenhouse gases would warm the earth by trapping heat energy in the atmosphere.It was scientists who warned that greenhouse gases would warm the earth by trapping heat energy in the atmosphere.,Scientists warned that green

12、ho,2.The greenhouse effect gives the earths surface the average temperature of 15.It is the greenhouse effect that gives the earths surface the average temperature of 15.,3.Much of the energy used to light and heart our homes comes from fossil fuels.It is fossil fuels that much of the energy used to

13、 light and heat our homes come from.,2.The greenhouse effect gives,4.The developed countries consume the most energy in the world.It is the developed countries that consume the most energy in the world.,5.Carbon dioxide has the tendency to stay in the atmosphere for centuries while other greenhouse

14、gases stay in the atmosphere only for a day or less.It is for centuries that carbon dioxide has the tendency to stay in the atmosphere while other greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere only for a day or less.,4.The developed countries con,6.Low-lying countries feel their very existence is in dange

15、r from rising sea levels.It is their very existence that low-lying countries feel is in danger from rising sea levels.,7.Environmentalists have tried to stop the earths temperature rising.It is environmentalists who have tried to stop the earths temperature rising.,6.Low-lying countries feel th,8.Sc

16、ientists want to find out about future climate changes and their effects on our environment.It is future climate changes and their effects on our environment that scientists want to find out about.,8.Scientists want to find out,9.In the years ahead,the level of the sea could rise by several meters b

17、ecause of global warming.It is several meters that the level of the sea could rise in the years ahead because of global warming.,10.In the future outer space might provide us with new energy sources.It is out space that might provide us with new energy sources in the future.,9.In the years ahead,the

18、 lev,ExplanationExplanation,average 阅读下面句子,并试着归纳average的意思及用法。The age of the workers ranged from 29 to 49 with an average age of 37.average 作形容词,意为:_。,平均的,ExplanationExplanation averag,In an average week I drive about 250 miles.average adj.普通的,平常的,一般的 The average of the three numbers 7,12 and 20 is

19、13.average n.平均数,In an average week I drive abo,On average,men still earn more than women.Temperatures are above/below average for the time of year.average n.平均水平,一般水准_ 平均 above/below average 在平均水平以上/以下,on average,On average,men still earn mor,Economic growth is expected to average 2%next year.avera

20、ge v.平均为,Economic growth is expected to,Choose a topic you like(eg global warming,wildlife protection,music,film.etc)for this activity.Work in groups and try to tell the information you know about the topic using emphatic“it”.,Choose a topic you like(eg gl,EXAMPLE:It was during the 20th century that

21、 the temperature of the earth went up about one degree Fahrenheit.It was Charles Keeling who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.,EXAMPLE:,It was only when the car pulled up in front of our house _ we saw Lily in the passenger seat.(2018天津6月)2.What was it _ b

22、rought you two together?Was it your love of music?(2018天津3月),that,that,It was only when the car pulle,I.对画线部分内容进行强调。1.The washing machineneeds repairing._ _2.I metHenryinNew York._ _,It is the washing machine that needs repairing.,It was Henry that/who/whom I met inNew York.,I.对画线部分内容进行强调。It is the

23、washi,3.Tom went toLondonon Tuesday._ _4.We will wait for himat the coach station._ _5.They didnotsee each other againuntil the fall._ _,It was on Tuesday that Tom went toLondon.,It is at the coach station that we will wait for him.,It was not until the fall that they saw each other again.,3.Tom wen

24、t toLondonon Tuesd,II.根据汉语意思运用强调结构补全下面句子。1.三个星期以后他才听到这个消息。_ he heard the news.2.他在会上说的话让我很生气。_ made me really angry.3.是彼得借钱给我们的。_ lent us the money.,It was three weeks later that,It was what he said at the meeting that,It was Peter who/that,II.根据汉语意思运用强调结构补全下面句子。It was,4.他们准备去的是西班牙,不是法国。_ theyre goi

25、ng to,not France.5.直到去年夏天我才接到她的来信。_ I heard from her.6.你昨天是在哪里碰到露西的?_ you met Lucy yesterday?,Its Spain that,It was not until last summer that,Where was it that,4.他们准备去的是西班牙,不是法国。Its Spain,1.Review what we have learned this class.2.Finish the exercises 1,2 on page 64.,1.Review what we have learned,人教版高二英语选修六Unit-4-Global-warming-Grammar课件,


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