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1、人教版七年级英语(下册)期末专题复习3,人教版七年级英语(下册)期末专题复习3,一、冠词。1.Can you play _guitar?No,I cant.But I can play _basketball.A.the;the B.a;a C.the;/D./;the,C,【点拨】乐器名词前用the;球类名词前不用the。,一、冠词。C【点拨】乐器名词前用the;球类名词前不用th,2.Do you like _movie Monster Hunt 2?Sure!I think its _great movie.A.a;a B.the;a C.the;the D.a;the,B,2.Do y

2、ou like _movie Mons,3.What _sunny weather it is!Yeah!Lets stay outside and enjoy _sun!A./;/B.the;a C./;the D.the;/,C,3.What _sunny weather it,4.Do you know _woman with long curly hair?Oh,she is _English teacher in our school.A.the;an B.the;a C.a;the D.a;an,A,【点拨】由于with long curly hair起限制作用,所以woman是特

3、指,故前面用the;答语是介绍“她是我们学校的一位英语老师”,故用an。故选A。,4.Do you know _woman with,5.What would you like for _breakfast?Id like some bread,_egg and a glass of milk.A./;an B.the;an C./;the D.a;the,A,5.What would you like for _,二、名词1.Do you want to go to the _to watch the movie Detective Chinatown?A.hospital B.superm

4、arket C.cinema D.store,C,二、名词C,2.There is a _near my home and I often go there to see lions and tigers.A.zoo B.bankC.library D.school,A,2.There is a _near my home,3.Its too hot.Would you like some _?No,thanks.I dont need anything to drink right now.A.water B.breadC.rice D.noodles,A,3.Its too hot.Wou

5、ld you li,4.What do you think of Chinese?Oh,I think its a very difficult _,but its beautiful.A.sport B.personC.country D.language,D,4.What do you think of Chine,5.Bill,how far is it from your home to the post office?About _walk.A.20minutes B.20 minutesC.20 minutes D.20 minutes,C,5.Bill,how far is it

6、 from y,三、动词。1.Dont _ too much time watching the shows on smartphones.Its bad for your eyes.A.take B.spendC.pay D.use,B,【点拨】take表示“花费时间”时,常用结构为“It takes sb.some time to do sth.”;spend表示“花费时间或钱”,常用结构为“Sb.spends some time/some money on/doing sth.”;pay表示“付款”,常用结构为“Sb.pays some money for sth.”;use意为“使用”

7、。分析句子结构和各词的用法结构可知B项正确。,三、动词。B【点拨】take表示“花费时间”时,常用结构为“,2.Oh,no!Its raining._like you dont like rainy days.A.Looks B.LookC.Sound D.Sounds,D,2.Oh,no!Its raining.D,3.Can you _English?Yes,I can.A.talk B.sayC.speak D.tell,C,【点拨】talk意为“说话”,常用结构有:talk to sb.,talk with sb.,talk about;say意为“说”,后常接具体所说的内容;spea

8、k意为“说;讲”,后常接表示“语言”的名词,或用speak to;tell意为“告诉;讲述”,常用结构有:tell a story讲故事;tell a lie撒谎;tell the truth说真话;tell sb.sth.告诉某人某事。本题空格后有English,故选C。,3.Can you _English?C【点拨】t,4.Dont _to take this history book to Helen,Bob.I know,Ms.Jones.Dont worry!A.learn B.forgetC.practice D.leave,B,4.Dont _to take this his,

9、5.Mrs.Black has problems with her ears so she cant _ anything.A.hear B.see C.think D.eat,A,5.Mrs.Black has problems wit,6.Henry,get a banana for that monkey.Mom!Dont do that!We cant _animals in the zoo.A.visit B.watchC.wash D.feed,D,6.Henry,get a banana for th,7.Do you often help your dad work on th

10、e farm?Yes.Sometimes I help him _vegetables and sometimes I help him milk cows.A.eat B.grow C.pay D.order,B,7.Do you often help your dad,8.What do monkeys like doing?They like eating bananas and _trees.A.buying B.pickingC.climbing D.cutting,C,8.What do monkeys like doing,9.Look!Who _soccer with Gina

11、 under the big tree?A.is playing B.playsC.play D.played,A,9.Look!Who _soccer with G,10.From Monday to Friday Mike and his sister Amy _ at school very early.A.arrive B.are arrivingC.is arriving D.arrives,A,10.From Monday to Friday Mike,11.Aunt Maria,is Uncle Toby at home?Yes.He _a newspaper in his ro

12、om.A.reads B.is readingC.buy D.is buying,B,11.Aunt Maria,is Uncle Toby,12.On our trip to the UK last month,we _a lot of photos.A.take B.are takingC.took D.will take,C,12.On our trip to the UK last,13.I think I can have a great time _Nicks cousin Rick.A.to save B.savingC.to visit D.visiting,D,13.I th

13、ink I can have a great,14.If you want to go to the UK,its important for you _ English well.A.studying B.studiedC.to study D.study,C,14.If you want to go to the U,15.It usually takes my grandparents about an hour _in the park every morning.A.to cook B.to exerciseC.cook D.exercise,B,15.It usually take

14、s my grandp,16._more money,Mr.Green found another job in the town.A.Getting B.GetC.To get D.Got,C,16._more money,Mr.Green,17.Mr.Rice is watching his daughter _in the hall right now.A.to dance B.dancedC.dances D.dancing,D,17.Mr.Rice is watching his d,18.On the weekend,Sally enjoys _ping-pong with her

15、 brother.A.making B.to makeC.playing D.to play,C,18.On the weekend,Sally enjo,19.Li Hong and Li Yu are in the classroom.I want them _the library.Please tell them.A.come to B.to come toC.leave D.to leave,B,19.Li Hong and Li Yu are in,20.Sally always practices _the piano on Saturday afternoon.A.plays

16、B.playC.to play D.playing,D,20.Sally always practices _,21.There is a monkey show in the zoo.Lets _it.A.watch B.to watchC.watches D.watching,A,21.There is a monkey show in,22.Dont forget _the classroom when you leave.A.clean B.cleanedC.to clean D.cleaning,C,22.Dont forget _the class,23.Can we run in

17、 the hallways?No,you _.A.dont B.arentC.cant D.neednt,C,23.Can we run in the hallway,24._we arrive at school at 7:00?No,you dont have to.You can arrive at 7:30.A.Can B.MustC.Need D.May,B,24._we arrive at school,25._put your food on the table.The table is not clean.A.Dont B.DoesntC.Mustnt D.Cant,A,25.

18、_put your food on the t,26.Did you visit the fire station yesterday?_.I visited the museum.A.Yes,I do B.No,I dontC.Yes,I did D.No,I didnt,D,26.Did you visit the fire st,四、代词。1.Tina took all the things out of her schoolbag.Now,there isnt _in it.A.everything B.somethingC.anything D.nothing,C,四、代词。C,2.

19、Peter is Cindys cousin and Cindy likes playing with _ very much.A.me B.herC.him D.you,C,2.Peter is Cindys cousin and,3.Lucy and I want to play ping-pong.Do you want to join _?Yeah.Lets go.A.me B.her C.us D.them,C,3.Lucy and I want to play pi,4.Hey,Alice!Your brother asked you to help _do _ homework.

20、A.him;his B.he;his C.he;her D.him;her,A,【点拨】第一空处是考查help sb.do sth.中的sb.作动词help 的宾语,所以填him;第二空格是考查do ones homework,所以填his。故选A。,4.Hey,Alice!Your brother as,5.Hey,Molly!There arent _oranges at home.Would you like to go to the store and get _?A.any;any B.some;anyC.any;some D.some;some,C,5.Hey,Molly!Ther

21、e arent _,五、形容词或副词。1.You look _,Kate.Whats the problem?I didnt sleep well last night.A.difficult B.happyC.well D.tired,D,五、形容词或副词。D,2.Why dont you buy the purple dress,Mary?Its too _.I dont have so much money.A.nice B.expensiveC.bad D.cheap,B,2.Why dont you buy the purp,3.What do you think of the mo

22、vie Forever Young?Its _and I love it.A.excellent B.easyC.hard D.boring,A,3.What do you think of the m,4.Chinese kung fu is very _and more and more people are _in it.A.interesting;interestingB.interested;interestedC.interesting;interestedD.interested;interesting,C,4.Chinese kung fu is very _,5.Hows t

23、he weather in Hainan in winter?Its _.A.hot B.snowyC.cold D.warm,D,5.Hows the weather in Haina,6.Mike does _exercise and eats _vegetables.A.much;muchB.many;manyC.many;muchD.much;many,D,【点拨】exercise是不可数名词,所以用much修饰;vegetables是可数名词,所以用many修饰。,6.Mike does _exercise and,7.Kate cant watch TV on school day

24、s.She cant play computer games,_.A.too B.still C.either D.also,C,7.Kate cant watch TV on scho,8.Bob _goes to the cinema.He just likes watching movies at home.A.always B.oftenC.sometimes D.never,D,8.Bob _goes to the cinema.,9.Last Tuesday morning,I got to the bus stop late,but _the bus was still ther

25、e.A.quickly B.differentlyC.luckily D.easily,C,9.Last Tuesday morning,I got,10.This problem isnt _but Mike works it out _.A.easy;easilyB.easy;easyC.easily;easyD.easily;easily,A,【点拨】easy是形容词;easily是副词。第一空是作表语,所以用形容词;第二空是修饰动词短语work out,所以用副词。故选A。,10.This problem isnt _but,11.Mary can speak _Chinese,and

26、 she learns _from it.A.a lot;a lotB.a lot of;a lotC.a lot;a lot ofD.a lot of;lots of,B,11.Mary can speak _Chinese,六、数词1.Susan will be _this Friday.We want to have a big party for her _birthday.A.thirteen;thirteenth B.thirteen;thirteenC.thirteenth;thirteen D.thirteenth;thirteenth,A,【点拨】句意为:苏珊本周五将十三岁。

27、我们想给她十三岁生日举行一个大聚会。第一空应填基数词,第二空填序数词。故选A。,六、数词A【点拨】句意为:苏珊本周五将十三岁。我们想给她十三,2.In our school,the number of students _about 1,000,and about four _of them are boy students.A.is;hundredsB.are;hundredC.is;hundredD.are;hundreds,C,【点拨】the number of作主语时谓语动词要用单数;第二空前有具体数字four,所以填hundred。故选C。,2.In our school,the n

28、umber o,3.What time do you usually get up?At about _.A.six forty B.forty sixC.forty past six D.forty to six,A,【点拨】根据What time可知答句表示“几点钟”。表示“几点几分”有下面的表达:(1)“整点分钟”;(2)“分钟(半小时之内)past 整点”;(3)“分钟(半小时之内)to 下一个整点”。从四个选项可以看出B、C、D三个选项表达不正确。故选A。,3.What time do you usually g,七、介词1.Jim,please be a good boy.Dont

29、 shout _old people.A.of B.on C.for D.at,D,七、介词D,2.We need six students _the school show.A.at B.asC.for D.with,C,2.We need six students _th,3.Is it far from here?No,it isnt.Its about ten minutes _bus.A.on B.byC.from D.in,B,3.Is it far from here?B,4._her mother,Linda also works at Park School _a math

30、teacher.A.Like;as B.Like;like C.As;as D.As;like,A,4._her mother,Linda also,5.Anna,is your school far _your home?No,it isnt.It only takes me 10 minutes to walk there.A.toB.fromC.by D.with,B,5.Anna,is your school far _,八、连词1.When will Jane visit our school,on Monday _ Tuesday?On Tuesday.A.and B.or C.b

31、ut D.so,B,八、连词B,2._it is sunny tomorrow,Ill go to the zoo.A.Before B.SoC.And D.If,D,【点拨】before意为“在之前”,表示时间关系;so意为“因此;所以”,表示结果;and意为“和”,表示并列关系或顺承关系;if意为“如果;假如”,表示条件关系。此句意为:如果明天天晴,我将去动物园。故选D。,2._it is sunny tomorrow,I,3.We dont want Tommy to play the game _he doesnt follow the rules.A.and B.butC.so D.

32、because,D,3.We dont want Tommy to play,4.Little Timmy likes carrots _potatoes,but he doesnt like onions _cabbages.A.but;and B.and;butC.but;or D.and;or,D,4.Little Timmy likes carrots,九、疑问词1._do you want to go to Beijing from Shanghai?By train.A.How B.WhyC.When D.Who,A,九、疑问词A,2._was your summer vacati

33、on?It was great.A.What B.How C.Where D.When,B,2._was your summer vacat,3._is the post office?Its on Green Street.A.When B.What C.Where D.Why,C,3._is the post office?C,4._do you like pandas?Because they are kind of cute.A.What B.WhyC.How D.When,B,4._do you like pandas?B,5._does it take you to get to

34、school by bike?About twenty minutes.A.How much B.WhenC.How long D.What time,C,5._does it take you to g,十、情景交际。1.I have a history test in the afternoon._.A.Good luckB.Yes,pleaseC.Thats for sureD.Have a good time,A,十、情景交际。A,2.Hey,Monica._?Not bad.A.How old is your fatherB.What do you likeC.Hows it goi

35、ngD.What are you doing,C,2.Hey,Monica._?C,3.Can you show me around your school,David?_.This way,please.A.No problemB.No,thanksC.Youre welcomeD.Here you are,A,3.Can you show me around you,4._?Its cloudy and cool.A.How do you spell it B.Can I help youC.Hows the weather D.How long does it take,C,4._?C,

36、5._?Yes,Id like some beef noodles.A.What kind of noodles would you likeB.May I take your orderC.What would you likeD.How are you,B,5._?B,6._?Hes tall and wears glasses.A.How old is Mr.SmithB.Is Mr.Smith a teacherC.Wheres Mr.Smith fromD.What does Mr.Smith look like,D,6._?D,7.My parents will take me t

37、o China next week._.Its my dream country.A.Lucky you B.Good ideaC.Not much D.Sorry to hear that,A,7.My parents will take me to,8.Can Liu Yu play tennis?_.Lets ask her.A.Me,too B.Im not sureC.Sounds good D.Lets join her,B,8.Can Liu Yu play tennis?B,9.Thank you for helping me with English._.A.No probl

38、em B.Youre rightC.No,thanks D.Thats great,A,9.Thank you for helping me w,10.Could you help me clean the room?_.Im coming right now.A.Sorry,I cant B.No problemC.Youre welcome D.Thats a good idea,B,10.Could you help me clean t,11.Do you want to join me for dinner?_.Lets go now.A.Sorry,I dont B.No,thanksC.Sure,Id love to D.Im not sure,C,11.Do you want to join me fo,12.Hello?_Hi,Anna.Its Carol here.Are you free on Sunday?A.Who are you?B.This is Anna.C.She is Anna.D.Whats your name?,B,12.Hello?_B,thankyou!,thankyou!,感谢聆听,感谢聆听,


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