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1、Unit 7Its raining!,Unit 7,教学任务学习七单元重难点、考点 练习册习题练习及讲解六单元单词、笔记听写,教学任务,visit my aunt in Canada,warm and sunny/windy and snowy,on vacation in the mountains,take photos/take a photo of sb,buy bread to take home,6.wear hats and sweaters,7.play in the snow,8.skate on a river,9.have fun,10.be relaxing here,

2、11.see you soon,课时重点回顾,Review,visit my aunt in Canada,课时重点回,-Hows the weather?-Its raining./Its cloudy./Its sunny.-What are you doing?-Im watching TV./Im cooking.-Whats he doing?-Hes studying at his friends home.-What are they doing?Theyre playing basketball in the park.Hows it going?Great./Not bad.

3、/Terrible!,课时重点回顾,Review,-Hows the weather?课时重点回顾Revi,教学重难点,1.询问天气的情况的两种表达方式。2.表示天气的词,名词与形容词的转化3.take a message 4.形容词的用法。5.work的用法。6.just right for doing sth.7.have a good time in doing sth.8.tell sb to do sth.tell sb not to do sth.,教学重难点1.询问天气的情况的两种表达方式。,重难点及考点:Section B1.Visit的用法2.Some of结构3.Be ha

4、ppy to do sth4.介词by表示在.旁边的用法5.Study hard6.On a vacation=on a holiday7.给某人打电话的若干用法8.Write to sb给某人写信的三中表达方式9.反义疑问句的用法介绍10.Take photos照相,重难点及考点:,注意.it在本课中指代天气,翻译时可不译出中文,根据上下文理解其含义。如:Its windy.(天气)在刮风。Its cold today.今天很冷。,注意.it在本课中指代天气,翻译时可不译出中文,根据上下,1.rain(v.)下雨 It is raining in Beijing.(raining为现在分词)

5、=It is rainy in Beijing.(rainy是形容词)n.不可数 There is a lot of rain in Summer.用来形容雨的大小heavy/light There is heavy rain.=It is raining heavily.,1.rain(v.)下雨,2.询问天气状况 Hows the weather?=Whats the weather like?在句末可以加上“in+地点/时间”e.g.Hows the weather in Datong?Whats the weather like in DT?,2.询问天气状况,5.Hows the w

6、eather?天气怎么样?1)后可接时间、地点。如:Hows the weather today?今天天气怎么样?Hows the weather in Sichuan?四川天气怎么样?2)回答用“Its+天气”,如:-Hows the weather today?-Its cloudy.,5.Hows the weather?天气怎么样?,3)同义句为:Whats the weather like?如:Hows the weather in Beijing?=Whats the weather like in Beijing?4)对“天气”提问用:“Hows the weather?”如:-

7、Today is sunny.Hows the weather today?,3)同义句为:Whats the weather lik,3.Its cloudy.多云。it是代词,在本句中做主语,指“天气”。wind windy cloud cloudy sun sunny 这三组表天气的词都是“名词+y=形容词”。snow 名词“雪”,动词“下雪”,其形容词为snowy。“下雪了”可说:Its snowing.或 Its snowy.,3.Its cloudy.多云。,4.表“风、云、雨、雪”等天气的名词都是不可数名词。但有时可在前面加上“a”,表示“一团、阵”等,这时就是可数。如:a wi

8、nd 一阵风,a cloud 一团云,a rain 一阵雨。We can see many clouds in the sky.我们能看到空中有许多云彩。,4.表“风、云、雨、雪”等天气的名词都是不可数名词。但有时,cloudy形容词,名词cloud(云)+y构成。类似天气词汇:sun阳光sunny晴朗的rain雨rainy下雨的snow雪snowy下雪的wind风windy多风的fog雾foggy多雾的,cloudy形容词,名词cloud(云)+y构成。,描述天气的形容词多是由对应的名词派生而来的,常见的如下表:,描述天气的形容词多是由对应的名词派生而来的,常见的如下表:s,1.hot 热的

9、 反义词是:cold hot dog 热狗 hot food 辣的食物2.cold 寒冷的 have a cold 患感冒,1.hot 热的 反义词是:cold,【例句】1.What a cool day today!2.You look very cool in the black coat.3.Why not come to my house and eat dinner with us?Cool!cool作形容词 意为“凉的、凉爽的”,多用来形容天气,其反义词为warm。,cool,词语链接,【例句】cool词语链接,意为“有魅力的、时髦的、酷的”,常 见于非正式用语中,用来形容某人的

10、形象。意为“妙极的、好的”,表示满意或赞 同,多用于口语中。,意为“有魅力的、时髦的、酷的”,常,4.Hows it going?询问对方处境或事情进展如何。后面可跟介词短语with sb./sth.eg.Hows it going with Mary?Hows it going with your study?回答该句型时可根据不同情况来回答:Pretty good!Great!Just so-so.Terrible!Everything is going well.,4.Hows it going?,对“Hows it going?”回答可以用:Not bad.还不错。Pretty goo

11、d.相当好。Great!很好!Terrible!很糟糕!Just so-so.马马虎虎。Fine!很好!Not bad!马马虎虎!,对“Hows it going?”回答可以用:,询问别人的学习、工作、生活等,也可以用如下表达:Hows everything?Terrible!Hows your study?Great!Hows the life?Not bad!,询问别人的学习、工作、生活等,也可以用如下表达:,5.Sounds like youre having a good time.(1)sound like意为“听起来像”,后加名词短语或句子。eg.That sounds like

12、a good idea.Sounds like he is all right now.(2)sound意为“听起来”,后加形容词 eg.That sounds good.,5.Sounds like youre having a,Sounds like youre having a good time!听起来你玩得好开心!这是一个省略句,相当于It sounds like youre。英语It sounds like与It sounds句型近似,都表示“听起来;听上去”。这种省略的用法十分口语化,在日常英语会话中常可听到。如:(It)sounds like hes all right now

13、.听上去他现在病已经好了。(It)sounds like you had a good time on your trip.听起来你旅行玩得蛮开心的。,Sounds like youre having a g,6.Could you just tell him to call me back?(1)tell sb.to do sth.tell sb.(not)to do sth.tell sb.sth.tell sb.about sth.(2)back 副词,意为“回来”或“回原处”call sb.back给某人回电话 eg:Ill call you back.,6.Could you jus

14、t tell him to c,7.Sure,no problem.当然可以,没问题。no problem:可以回答感谢。意为“没问题,小事一桩”Thank you very much.No problem.,人教版七年级英语下册知识点总结总复习Unit7-Its-raining(共76张PPT),(2)可以回答道歉。意为“没关系,没什么”I am sorry to keep you waiting.No problem.(3)用来表示有能力做某事。意为“没问题,不在话下”Can you make a kite?No problem.,(2)可以回答道歉。意为“没关系,没什么”,8.have

15、a good/great time=have fun=enjoy oneself(oneself要随主语的变化而变化)Im having a good/great time.He enjoys himself in learning English.,8.have a good/great time=have,have fun 玩得高兴;过得愉快=have a good time=enjoy+反身代词,如:We are having fun in the park.=We are having a good time in the park.=We are enjoying ourselves

16、 in the park.我们在公园里玩得很高兴。,have fun 玩得高兴;过得愉快,have a good+其他名词,表愉快、高兴,如:Have a good trip.旅途愉快。Have a good summer vacation.暑假愉快。,have a good+其他名词,表愉,Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.我在加拿大看望我的姑姑很开心。have a great time(in)doing sth.享受做某事、喜欢做某事、玩得愉快 相当于have a good time(in)doing sth.We have

17、 a great time(in)playing tennis.我们打网球打得很开心。,Im having a great time visit,have a difficult/hard time(in)doing sth.很吃力/很费力地做某事He is ill in bed for nearly a month,so he has a hard time _ the exam.A.pass B.to pass C.passed D.passing 解析:have a hard time doing sth.“很难做某事”,后面要用动词的-ing形式,所以选D。句意是:“因为他在床上病了将

18、近一个月,所以很难通过考试”。,D,have a difficult/hard time(,9.Can I take a message for her?(当接电话的人发现打电话者要找的人不在时,常用此语。)message为可数名词,消息,信息take a message for sb.为某人捎个口Can I take a message for him?要我给(他)捎个话吗?Could you just tell him to call me back?你能否叫他给我回个电话?以上两句话中的情态动词can和could相当于汉语中的“可以”、“能不能”,用于表达请求,只是could在语气上比c

19、an更加委婉、客气。,9.Can I take a message for her,10.Im having a great time visiting my aunt in China.表示“玩得高兴,过得愉快”的词组:have a good time=have a great time=have fun=enjoy oneselfe.g.The Greens are having a great time_at Water World.A.swimming B.cooking C.hiking,(in)doing sth.,10.Im having a great time vis,11.

20、Im also visiting some of my old friends.some of意为“中的一些”e.g.Some of the apples are green.12.Im so happy to see them again.be happy to do sth.意为“高兴做某事”e.g.I am happy to see you again.13.Its afternoon right now,and Im sittingby the pool and drinking orange juice.(1)right now“立刻,马上”,相当于now,常与一般现在时或现在进行时

21、连用e.g.We are playing football right now.,11.Im also visiting some of m,(2)by,介词,“在的旁边”e.g.They are playing by the village.14.Are you studying hard,or are you having fun?hard副词,意为“努力地,辛苦地”常见词组:study hard努力学习 work hard努力工作/学习e.g.Mary is working hard at her English.,(2)by,介词,“在的旁边”,15.I want to call yo

22、u but my phone isnt working,so Im writing to you.(1)call sb.意为“给某人打电话”call sb.at+电话号码,意为“拨打号码给某人”e.g.Please call the police at 110.(2)write to sb.意为“给某人写信”=write a letter to sb.=write sb.a lettere.g.He writes to me every week.,15.I want to call you but my p,16.Its hot in your country,isnt it?反意疑问句(或

23、附加疑问句)表示提出情况或看法,问对方同意与否。两部分组成,陈述形式+简短问句。遵循原则“前肯后否,前否后肯”,前后两部分主谓在人称、时态和数上要保持一致。e.g.She walks to work,doesnt she?Its a nice day,isnt it?The bag isnt clean,is it?,16.Its hot in your country,17.The weather here is cool and cloudy,just right for walking.be just right for sth/doing sth意为“正好适合”e.g.The coat

24、 is just right for you.18.One girl is skating on a river,and a man is taking a photo of a snowman.take a photo=take photos意为“拍照”take a photo of sb./sth.给拍照 e.g.They are taking photos of the panda.,17.The weather here is cool an,19.Rick:Hello,Rick speaking.Steve:Hi,Rick.Its Steve.这些均是英语中电话通话的交流套语,应注意

25、进行整体学习,不要逐词对译。如:当打电话要求与Rick通话时,可说:May I speak to Rick,please?我找里克。Is that Rick(speaking)?(你)是里克吗?,19.Rick:Hello,Rick speaking,当接听电话,说“我是Rick”时,英语常用:Rick speaking.This is Rick(speaking).Its Rick(speaking).,当接听电话,说“我是Rick”时,英语常用:,Rick speaking.我是里克。Its Steve.我是史蒂夫 电话用语 向外拨打电话 1.May/Could/Can I speak t

26、o?请.接电话好吗?2.Is that(speaking)?你是吗?3.Who is(that)speaking?/Who is that?你是谁?接听电话 This/It is(speaking).我是.Eg:Hello,_Sam Speaking._Tom speaking?喂,我是山姆。你是汤姆吗?Hello,_carol._I _Miss Chen?喂,我是卡罗。可以请 陈小姐听电话吗?,this is,Is that,this is,speak to,May/Could/Can,Rick speaking.我是里克。Its Stev,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 7 语法探究,电话常

27、用语 1.我是This is(speaking)2.你是吗?Is that(speaking)?3.是的,我就是。Yes,speaking.4.请问您是哪位?Who is that speaking?5.我可以和讲话吗?May I speak to?6.他不在这儿。Hes not here 7.我能给捎口信吗?Could I take a message for?8.你能告诉他给我回电话吗?Could you tell him to call me back?9.当然,没问题。Sure,no problem.10.别挂断。Hold on.11.请稍候。Just a moment,please.

28、,英语新课标(RJ)Unit 7 语法探究电话常用语,20 study用法:1.Bob is studying Chinese these days.2.John is reading a book in the study.3.My parents often talk about my study.作动词,意为“学习、研究”,后面可直接跟宾语。作名词,表示“书房”的意思时为可数名词,表示“学习、用功”的意思时为不可数名词。【拓展】常用词组:study for an exam 为考试而用功准备,20 study用法:,21.She is working here and Im going t

29、o summer school.1)在本篇课文的两张明信片中,现在进行时大多用来表示“当前一段时间手头上正在从事的事情”,而非说话的当时正在做的动作。这是现在进行时态的又一主要表意功能。这样使用时,比用一般现在时所写相同概念的句子读起来更加形象、逼真,好像事情就发生在眼前。如:Im reading an interesting book these days.这几天我在看一本有趣的书。,21.She is working here and I,2)summer school 指暑期专门开办的学校或开设的课程,类似于我国的“暑假班”或“暑期补习学校”等。类似的还有night school(夜校)

30、等等。,2)summer school 指暑期专门开办的学校或开设,【例句】1.They are too tired.They need to relax.2.I want to have a relaxing evening at home.3.Jane is listening to music.She is really relaxed.relax作动词,意为“休息、放松”,可单独使用,后面也可以跟宾语。,22.辨析relax,relaxing&relaxed,【例句】22.辨析relax,relaxing&rel,relaxing作形容词,意为“使人放松的、轻松的”,作定语时常修饰物,

31、作表语时其主语通常是物。relaxed也作形容词,意为“放松的、得到休息的”,作表语时其主语通常是人。,relaxing作形容词,意为“使人放松的、轻松的”,作,23.I want to call you but my phone isnt working,so Im writing to you.1)work用来表示仪器、设备的“运作;运行;工作”。这种情形下,若用于否定结构,大多表示某一物件“坏掉了”或“不运作了”。如:The clock isnt working now.现在钟停掉了。,23.I want to call you but my,Can I come to your hou

32、se this evening and watch the NBA game with you?My TV doesnt work.我能今晚来你家跟你一起看NBA比赛 吗?我家电视坏了。2)write to 表示“给某人写信”。如:My friend,Tom,often writes to me.Now Im writing to him.我的朋友汤姆经常给我写信,现在我正 给他写信呢。,Can I come to your house t,24.Its hot in your country now,isnt it?你们国家现在很热,对吧?此句是在一个陈述内容之后附加了一个 简短的疑问部分,

33、来对陈述的内容进行 确认。语法把这样的疑问结构称作“附加 疑问句”,也称为“反意疑问句”。如:It is very cold there,isnt it?那儿很冷,是吧?,24.Its hot in your country n,25.take photos 照相 take a photo of sb/sth 给某人某物照相如:Please take a photo of my baby.请给我的孩子照一张相吧。,25.take photos 照相,Unit 7 语法探究,英语新课标(RJ),【练习吧】()1.Hello,may I speak to John,please?_ A.Who a

34、re you?B.Whats the matter?C.This is John speaking.D.He is John.()2.May I speak to Annie,please?_ A.Yes,youre right B.Speaking C.Thank you D.She is fine,C,B,Unit 7 语法探究英语新课标(RJ)【练习吧】CB,英语新课标(RJ),.单项填空()1.Li Mei usually helps others,_?Yes,she is kindhearted.Adoes she Bis she Cdoesnt she()2._ the weath

35、er _ today?AHows;like BWhats;on CWhats;in DHows;/()3.Why dont we go for a walk?It _ great.Asounds Bsound Cis sounding Dis sound,C,D,A,易错点针对训练,英语新课标(RJ).单项填空CDA易错点针对训练,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 7 易错点针对训练,.翻译句子 这个计划听起来有趣。The plan sounds _ an interesting one./The plan _ _.同义句转换 1.He has a great time talking with

36、me.He _ _talking with me.He _ _ talking with me.2.Whats the weather like today?_ the weather today?,like,sounds,interesting,enjoys,himself,has,fun,Hows,英语新课标(RJ)Unit 7 易错点针对训练.翻译句,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 7 易错点针对训练,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Shall we go fishing this afternoon?_(sound)interesting!2Im having a good time _(

37、visit)the Great Wall.,Sounds,visiting,英语新课标(RJ)Unit 7 易错点针对训练.用所给,1.Its _(sun)today,but its _(wind).2.-Look,What_they _?(do)-They _(play)tennis.3.There _(be)some milk in the glass.4.Can he _(go)shopping with me?5.Lucy _(have)lunch at school now.She usually _(have)lunch at school.,sunny,windy,are,doi

38、ng,are playing,is,go,is having,has,.根据提示完成句子。,1.Its _(sun)today,but,6.Its _(晴朗的)today.The sun is shining brightly.7.In spring,the weather is _(温暖的)in Kunming.8.It often s_ in the north of China in winter.9.In Beijing,the weather is not h_ but dry in spring.,sunny,warm,umid,nows,6.Its _(晴朗的)today.T,.

39、单项选择,1.-What are they doing?-They are _ computer games.A.play B.to play C.playing2.-Hows the weather in Shanghai?-_.A.Not bad.B.Its sunny.C.Hes funny.3.-Hows it going?-_.A.Its raining.B.Its moody.C.Pretty good.4.Thank you for _ me to study English.A.to help B.helping C.help,C,B,C,B,.单项选择1.-What are

40、they doin,5.-Do you like the music?-Yes,it _ really beautiful.A.sounds B.listens C.feel D.sound6._ students like English;_ like Chinese in our class.A.Some,other B.Others,others C.Some,the other D.Some,others 7.Everyone in Class 4 _ TV on Sundays.A.watches B.to watch C.watching D.watched,A,D,A,5.-Do

41、 you like the music?A D,8.Sometimes the ads _ but dont tell you anything about the quality of the product.(2010年 青岛)A.look well B.sound good C.taste good D.seem bad,B,8.Sometimes the ads _ but d,1.Its raining now.(改为否定句)_.2.My uncle is playing basketball.(对划线部分提问)_.3.Its snowing in London.(对划线部分提问)_

42、.,.句型转换,It isnt raining now.,Whats your uncle doing?,Whats the weather like?,1.Its raining now.(改为否定句).,.汉译英,1.天气怎样?热而潮湿。2.你近况怎样?相当不错。3.玛丽正在看电视吗?不,在做饭。,-Is Mary watching TV now?-No.Shes cooking.,-How is the weather?-Its hot and humid.,-Hows it going?-Pretty good.,.汉译英1.天气怎样?热而潮湿。-Is Mary,天气怎么样?_ 天气多

43、云。/天气晴朗。/天在下雨。_2.你在做什么?_ 我在做饭。_,Its cloudy./Its sunny./Its raining.,Hows the weather?,What are you doing?,Im cooking.,天气怎么样?Its cloudy./Its su,3.他们在做什么?_,What are they doing?,他们正在公园里打篮球。_ _4.他在做什么?_ 他在他朋友家里学习。_,Theyre playing basketball in the park.,Whats he doing?,Hes studying in his friends home.,

44、3.他们在做什么?What are they,5.情况怎么样?_ 很好!/不错。/糟糕!_,Hows it going?,Great!/Not bad./Terrible!,5.情况怎么样?Hows it going?Grea,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.Then practice the conversations with a partner.(3a),1.A:What are you doing?B:I _ my homework.I always _ my homework in t

45、he evening.2.A:Whats John doing right now?B:He _ soccer.He _ soccer every Saturday.,be play study talk do make,am doing,do,is playing,plays,Fill in the blanks with the co,3.A:_ Julie _ English right now?B:No,she isnt.She _ Chinese.4.A:What are Julie and Jane doing?B:They _ soup.They can _ very good

46、soup.5.A:_ Lisa _ on the phone again?B:Yes,she _ on the phone for three hours every day!,be play study talk do make,Is studying,is studying,are making,make,Is talking,talks,3.A:_ Julie _ Englis,按要求写出正确的单词形式。1.hot(反义词)_2.lie(现在分词)_3.scarves(单数形式)_4.warm(反义词)_5.winter(对应词)_,scarf,cold,lying,summer,coo

47、l,按要求写出正确的单词形式。scarfcoldlyingsum,按要求改写句子,每空一词。1.Is it raining in Beijing?(作肯定回答)Yes,_ _.2.Its sunny today.(对划线部分提问)_ the _ today?3.Mary is reading in the library.(对划线部分提问)_ Mary _ in the library?,it is,Hows weather,Whats doing,按要求改写句子,每空一词。it isHows,4.They usually stay(停留)at home when its raining.(对

48、划线部分提问)_ do they usually _ when its raining?,What do,4.They usually stay(停留)at h,Translate and write them down.,1.北京天气怎么样?-刮风而且冷。2.-过的怎么样?-还行。,-Hows the weather in Beijing?-Its windy and cold.,-Hows it going?-Not bad.,Translate and write them down.,将所给单词与标点连成完整的句子。,1.boys,in,and,doing,what,girls cla

49、ssroom,the,are,the(?)2.it,sunny,warm,today,is,and,very(.)3.studying,are,you,hard(?)4.your,how,vacation,is,going,summer(?)5.sitting,Im,the,by,drinking,pool,orange juice,and(.),What are the boys and girls doing in the classroom?,It is sunny and very warm today.,Are you studying hard?,Hows your summer

50、vacation going?,Im sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice.,将所给单词与标点连成完整的句子。1.boys,in,a,根据所给汉语完成下列英语句子,每空一词。1.我正坐在泳池边喝橙汁。Im _ by the pool and _ orange juice.2.北京的春天温暖,秋天凉爽。_ _ in spring and _ in autumn in Beijing.,sitting,Its warm cool,drinking,根据所给汉语完成下列英语句子,每空sittingIts,3.这儿是晴天,很暖和,而且很悠闲。Its


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