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1、话题2 优秀品质,话题2 优秀品质1命题探索2教材链接3佳句储备4三阶攻关5,命题探索,分析河北近10年中考真题的书面表达可知,针对“优秀品质”这一话题,考查角度有:感恩:2019年以“什么时候说感谢”为题分别谈谈在家和在学校什么时候说感谢;个人行为规范:2018年以图片中男孩和女士的对话谈谈当看到别人随地扔垃圾时,自己该怎么做。全国关于这个话题相关的命题角度还有:自律、诚信、独立等。,命题探索 分析河北近10年中考真题的书面表达可知,针,教材链接,人教教材中涉及“优秀品质”这个话题的单元具体如下(可参考对应教材单元记背优秀文段):,教材链接人教教材中涉及“优秀品质”这个话题的单元具体如下(,

2、佳句储备,感恩(Gratitude),【好句范例】1.Thank you very much for giving me life and bringing me up.2.Its very kind of you to give me a hand on my homework.3.Whenever I have difficulties,you always cheer me up.,佳句储备1角度感恩(Gratitude)【好句范例】,【句子仿写】1.非常感谢你在我处于困境的时候帮助我。_2.你给了我这么多有用的建议,你真是太善良了。_3.不论什么时候我需要支持,你总是站在我身后。_,T

3、hank you very much for helping me when I was in trouble.,Its very kind of you to give me so much useful advice.,Whenever I need support,you always stand behind me.,【句子仿写】Thank you very much for,行为规范(Code of conduct),【好句范例】4.Dont be late for class.You must be on time.人教七(下)Unit 4 P195.Remember not to

4、 throw rubbish here and there.6.Such bad manners like wasting food should be removed from our school.,2角度行为规范(Code of conduct)【好句范例】,【句子仿写】4.不要对别人撒谎。你必须做一个诚实的人。_5.记住不要在公共场合大声喧哗。_6.像抽烟、打架这些坏行为是坚决不允许做的。_,Dont lie to others.You must be an honest person.,Remember not to speak loudly in public places.,Su

5、ch bad manners like smoking and fighting mustnt be allowed to do.,【句子仿写】Dont lie to others.You,自律(Selfdiscipline),【句子升格范例】7.Selfdiscipline is very important in our life.Selfdiscipline plays an important role in our life.8.I developed the habit of going to bed early and getting up early.My family hel

6、ped me a lot.With the help of my family,I developed the habit of going to bed early and getting up early.,3角度自律(Selfdiscipline)【句子升格范例】,9.Selfdiscipline brings you a healthier life.Selfdiscipline brings you a happier life.Selfdiscipline brings you not only a healthier life,but also a happier life.,9

7、.Selfdiscipline brings you,【句子升格】7.Managing my free time well is very important in my life.(用play an important role升格)_8.I became selfdisciplined a lot.My friend helped me a lot.(用 with the help of升格)_9.Doing exercise helps me to be energetic.Doing exercise helps me to be confident.(用not only.but al

8、so.升格)_,Managing my free time well plays an important role in my life.,With the help of my friend,I became selfdisciplined a lot.,Doing exercise helps me not only be energetic,but also be confident.,【句子升格】Managing my free time we,诚信(Honesty),【好句范例】10.Being honest can help you make more friends.11.No

9、 matter what happens,you are supposed to be an honest man.12.Its important to be honest in the exam as students.13.As for students,honesty is the basic rule that should be followed.,4角度诚信(Honesty)【好句范例】,【句子仿写】10.诚实能够帮你赢得他人的信任。_11.任何时候你都应该遵守你的承诺。_12.告诉老师实情是很有必要的。_,Being honest/Honesty can help you wi

10、n the trust of others.,You are supposed to keep your promise at any time.,Its necessary to tell the truth to the teacher.,【句子仿写】Being honest/Honesty can,独立(Independence),【好句范例】14.I want you to get into the habit of doing your homework as soon as you come home from school.外研九(全)Module 6 P4215.Only by

11、 trying to solve problems by ourselves can we become independent people.16.The earlier children learn to be independent,the better it is for their future.,5角度独立(Independence)【好句范例】,【句子仿写】13.我想让你养成自己做决定的习惯。_14.只有你自己第一次独立完成一项任务,你才会有成就感。_15.你越独立,你的选择就会越多。_,I want you to get into the habit of making dec

12、isions by yourself.,Only by finishing a task by yourself for the first time can you have a sense of achievement.,The more independent you are,the more choices you will have.,【句子仿写】I want you to get into t,三阶攻关,一阶 审好题 定方向,(2019河北)文明礼貌从我做起,从现在做起,从点滴小事做起。请根据下面的提示和要求,以“When to Say Thank You”为题,写一篇短文。,定主

13、题:标题为“什么时候说感谢”定文体:说明文,三阶攻关一阶 审好题 定方向(2019河北)文明礼貌从我,提示:(1)When should we say“thank you”at home?(2)When are we supposed to say“thank you”at school?(3).,定要点1:在家什么时候说感谢定人称:第一人称定时态:一般现在时,定要点2:在学校什么时候说感谢定人称:第一人称定时态:一般现在时,定要点3:补充要点(参考角度:在图书馆、在操场等)定人称:第一人称定时态:一般现在时,提示:(1)When should we say“tha,要求:(1)短文须包括提示

14、中的两个要点和一个补充要点,可适当发挥。(2)短文中不要出现真实的地名、校名和人名。(3)词数80个左右。(开头已给出,不计入总词数)参考词汇:wash,encourage,open,要求:(1)短文须包括提示中的两个要点和一个补充要点,,When to Say Thank YouIts polite to say“thank you”when others help us or say something kind to us._,When to Say Thank You,开篇:引出话题(已给出),正文:分别陈述在家、在学校以及其他需要说感谢的情况,说谢谢的原因(polite),Its p

15、olite to say“thank you”when others help us or say something kind to us.,1.在家什么情况下应该说谢谢(at home),Mom or Dad washes the clothes.We should say“thank you”to them.,二阶 谋布局 写好句,开篇:引出话题(已给出)正文:分别陈述在家、在学校以及其他需,正文:分别陈述在家、在学校以及其他需要说感谢的情况,2.在学校什么情况下应该说谢谢(at school),When someone lends us a pen,please say“thank y

16、ou”to him.,We should say“thank you”to our teacher.,正文:分别陈述在家、在学校以及其他需要说感谢的情况2.在学,正文:分别陈述在家、在学校以及其他需要说感谢的情况,3.其他说感谢的情况,Say“thank you”if someone holds the door open for us.,记得说感谢(thank you),We need to be polite and remember to say“thank you”,结尾:重申主题,正文:分别陈述在家、在学校以及其他需要说感谢的情况3.其他说,三阶 巧衔接 成篇章,【高分范文】,三阶

17、巧衔接 成篇章【高分范文】,写作练兵,万唯原创 随着年龄的增长,我们都想成为独立的、负责任的青少年。请根据下面的提示和要求,以“Being an Independent Teenager”为题写一篇英语短文。提示:(1)Why do you need to be an independent teenager?(2)How to be an independent teenager?(3)What are the influences of being an independent teenager?,写作练兵万唯原创 随着年龄的增长,我们都想成为独立的、负责,要求:(1)短文须包括所有提示内

18、容,可适当发挥。(2)短文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名。(3)词数:80个左右。(开头已给出,不计入总词数)参考词汇:responsible(负责任的),要求:(1)短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。,Being an Independent TeenagerIts necessary for every student to become independent._ _,As a famous saying goes,“Give a man a fish,and you feed him for a day.Teach a man to fish,and you feed him fo

19、r the rest of his life.”We must stop depending on our parents and learn to be independent.Firstly,we should try our best to deal with various situations independently.Besides,we should be responsible for others and be strict with ourselves.If we become independent,we will take good care,Being an Independent Teenager,_,of ourselves when we go out so that our parents will not worry about us too much.The earlier we learn to be independent,the better it is for our future.,_,


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