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1、,Unit 3 Grammar,The ing form as the attributive(定语)the predicative(表语)the object complement(宾补),Music time,A song-Love by John Lennon,Please listen carefully and fill in the blanks.,Enjoy a song,Love is real,real is love.Love is _;_ love.Love is _ to be loved.Love is touch;touch is love.Love is _;_

2、love.Love is _ to be loved.Love is you,you and me.Love is _we can be.Love is free,free is love.Love is _,_ love.Love is _ to be loved.,Love is real;real is love.Love is _;_ love.(爱是感受感受着的爱)Love is _to be loved.(爱是想要被爱)Love is touch;touch is love.Love is _;_ love.(爱是延伸达到彼岸的爱)Love is _ to be loved.(爱是

3、请求被爱)Love is you,you and me.Love is _ we can be.(爱是互相了解)Love is free;free is love.Love is _;_ love.爱是有生命的生龙活虎的爱 Love is _ to be loved.爱是需要被爱,feeling,feeling,wanting,reaching,reaching,asking,knowing,living,living,needing,.You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could

4、 speak and dance as soon as he could walk.(Line 6),.Sentences with ing forms in the Reading.,.Such training was common in acting families.(Line 7),.His subtle acting made everything entertaining.(Line12),.The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has e

5、ver tasted.(Line 30),Discussion and summary,Task,A competition,1,2,3,4,5,Seeing is Believing.,Knowledge is power,Dont disturb me!,6,Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their proper forms.Once I was lucky enough to watch Charlie Chaplin _(make)a film.I observed him _(direct)as well as_(act)in it.His

6、 subtle acting made everything _(entertain).,making,directing,acting,entertaining,Combine the two sentences into one,including v-ing 1.Bin Laden was hiding in a house in Pakistan.2.Bin Laden was shot dead.,Bin Laden hiding in a house in Pakistan was shot dead.,Prince William,Princess Kate,Translatio

7、n,威廉王子和凯特王妃向为他们祝贺大婚的人群招手。(使用v-ing),Prince William and Princess Kate are waving at the crowd celebrating their marriage.,Complete the following sentences using the ving form.1.The news is _.2.My hobby is _.,Take advantage of your imagination,The traffic rule says young children under the age of four

8、and _ less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat.(2010 浙江卷)being weighed weighC.weighed D.weighing,Correct the mistakes.The young man wears long hair is called Mike.2.I found it very surprised that he lost in the competition.,_,wearing,_,surprising,Congratulations!,Finish the exercises

9、on your paper.,Homework,The news that he succeeded in winning the second Oscar is very exciting.His winning two Oscars for directing films makes us very proud.,Writing,1.图中面带笑容,拿着奖杯的人是著名的导演李安,拍电影一直是他的爱好。The smiling man,holding an award cup,is the famous director Li An.Making films is always his hobb

10、y.2.他梦想着让人们更好地认识中国文化。,Writing,What he dreams of is making people understand Chinese culture better.,3.通过努力他实现了自己的梦想。4.家人经常发现他在家看书和研究电影。,Writing,He has realized his dream by working hard.,His family often find him reading books and studying films at home.,5.他有特殊的制作电影的方式。6.人们可以留意到他仔细地挑选最佳的场景,这样使他的电影令人惊叹。,Writing,He has a special method of making films.,People can notice him selecting the best scenes,which makes his films amazing.,


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