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1、,制作人:刘陈皓,I have watched an encouraging movie which named“The Pursuit of Happyness”.It is based on a true story of famous self-made millionaire Chris Gardner.,我看过一个鼓舞人心的电影:当幸福来敲门,它是基于一个真实的百万富翁 Chris Gardner 白手起家的故事,The way of seeking happiness is so difficult and frustrating that all that enjoy it mu

2、st be a fearless man,寻求幸福的方式是如此的困难和沮丧,所有享受它的人都必须是一个无所畏惧的人。,Starring 领衔主演,Will Smith,Will Smith acted as Chris and did a fantastic job which really moved and inspired me.Will Smith was starred an ordinary person who lived in San Francisco in 1980s.,威尔史密斯扮演Chris并且做了一个出色的工作,这些都真正的感动和鼓舞勒沃。威尔史密斯饰演了一个再198

3、0年代住在旧金山的平凡的人,The story briefly 故事简介,The story is as follows:Chris was an ordinary salesman rushing about presuading doctors to buy his secanners.Though he was diligent enough,the scanners was not popular with people.Sometimes,Chris could hardly sell out one.,故事是这样的:克里斯是一名普通的推销员,他在忙着给医生买他的医生。尽管他很勤奋,

4、但这种扫描仪并不受人们欢迎。有时候,克里斯很难卖出一个。,It could be seen that Chris could not inprove his famliy life through his hard work.What was worse,his wife Linda left him because of the hard life.However,Chris did not give in and give up.He tried his best to bulid a happy life for his little son and finally he became

5、a successful investor.,可以看出,克里斯不能通过他的努力来证明他的家庭生活。更糟糕的是,他的妻子琳达因为生活艰难而离开了他。然而,克里斯并没有屈服,放弃了。他尽力为自己的小儿子过上幸福的生活,最终他成为了一个成功的投资者。,I was moved by the touching movie.Moreover,I was impressed by some of the scene.,In order to catch up with the lost scanners,Chris was knocked down by a car.He looked for his sh

6、oe groveling on the road whithout checking himself being hurt or not.,我被感动的电影感动了。此外,一些场景让我印象深刻。,为了赶上丢失的扫描仪,克里斯被一辆车撞倒了。他在路上寻找他的鞋子,在路上他检查自己是否受伤了。,Is shoe so important to him?,Of course,for someone with a$21 account,his crazy behavior is easy to understand.,当然,对于一个账户只剩21美元的人来说,他疯狂的行为是容易被理解的。,Chris is a

7、 man with purpose.He said that got a dream,you gotta protect it.He encouraged his son“dont ever let somebody tell you.you cant do something.”I think this sentence was said to himeself too.,Chris 是一个意志坚定的人。他说:有梦想,你就应该捍卫它。他鼓励他的儿子:永远不要让别人告诉你,你成不了才。我认为这句也是他告诉自己的。,When he was on his way to the interview,

8、he encountered a series of problems that led him to the interview without a formal suit and a dirty look.When the interviewer asked him:why did you do this,he didnt lie,he told the truth.The interviewer hired him.,他在前往面试的路上时,遇到一系列的麻烦,导致他面试时并没有穿着正装,并且身上脏兮兮的。当面试官问他:你为什么搞成这样时,他并没有编造谎话,而是实话实说。最终面试官录用了他,

9、Tears welled up in his eyes as he was hired.In the first ten minutes,he worried about how to feed his own son and what to eat tonight,but the moment the interviewer agreed,the pressure on his shoulder was relieved.From his eyes I saw surprise and sincerityAnd gratitude.,当他被录用的时候,他眼中闪着泪水。就在前十分钟,他还担心着

10、自己如何养活自己的儿子,今晚住哪吃什么,但是这一秒,面试官的认同,让他肩上的压力顿时减轻不少。从他的眼中我看到了惊喜、真诚和感恩。,Im not a professional film critic,but from this movie,I see the heros spirit of not giving up,even in the face of what we cant imagine.Perhaps because of his son,his responsibilities,perhaps because of something else,I think his spirit is what we should learn.,我不是专业的影评人,但是从这部电影上,我看到了主人公即使面对我们所想象不到的困境,也没有放弃的精神。或许是因为他的儿子,他所肩负的责任,或许是因为别的,我想他的精神是我们所应该学习的。,谢谢观赏,


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