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1、Reward for virtue,对美德的奖赏,【New words and expressions】(10)reward n.报偿virtue n.美德diet n.节食forbid v.禁止hurriedly adv.匆忙地embarrass v.使尴尬guiltily adv.内疚地strict adj.严格的reward v.给奖赏occasionally adv.偶尔地,reward n.报偿;v.给奖赏give sb.a reward 给报偿reward sb.with sth.用奖赏.reward sb.for sth.因为给某人奖赏reward him for the fir

2、st prize,virtue n.美德strongpoints n.长处,shortpoints n.短处,weak points 弱点merit n.优点diet n.节食go on a diet=be on a diet 实行节食,forbid(forbade,forbidden)v.禁止forbid sb.to do sth.禁止某人做某事allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事Forbidden City 紫禁城(被禁止的城市);Forbidden fruit 禁果,embarrass v.使尴尬sth.embarrass sb.让感到尴尬You embarrassed

3、me.你让我感到尴尬embarrassing adj.令人尴尬embarrassed adj.感到尴尬 embarrassment n.尴尬To my embarrassment让我感到尴尬的是,Guilty conscience 问心有愧 clear conscience 问心无愧,guiltily adv.内疚地,strict adj.严格的be strict with sb.对某人严格My father is strict with me.be strict in sth.对严格他在画画方面很严格He is strict in drawingBe strict with sb in st

4、h对某人在某方面很严格妈妈对我在交朋友方面很严格Mom is strict with me in making friends.,Answer the questions,What did Hugh do when he decided to go on a diet?He worte out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden.What did Hugh do when the writer entered his room?He led me into his room and hurriedly did a large pa

5、rcel under his desk.Why did Hugh say that he had to reward himself occasionally(偶尔)?,Because the diet was too strict,What did he recently decide to do?,1.My friend,Huge,has always been fat,but things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet.我的朋友休一直很胖,但是近来情况变得越发糟糕,以致他决定节食。本句包含sothat引导的结果状语

6、从句。Has always been fat是现在完成时,表示休从过去到现在一直很胖。go on a diet=be on a diet节食;减肥,When did he begin his diet?,2.He began his diet a week ago.他是一星期前开始节食的。表示过去的时间状语 a week ago对应过去式began.,What did he do first of all?,3.First of all,he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden.首先,他列了一张长长的单子,上面

7、列了所有禁吃的食物。“最高级+of all”结构表示“最的是”最好的是best of all 最坏的是 worst of all最重要的是most important of all,Which foods were on the list?,4.The list included most of the things Hugh loves:butter,potatoes,rice,beer,milk,chocolate,and sweets.这张单子上的大多数食物都是休平时喜欢吃的:黄油、土豆、米饭、啤酒、牛奶、巧克力和糖果。Hugh loves 是things 的定语从句,该定语从句省略了关

8、系代词that/which冒号后的所有内容都是对休喜欢吃的东西作补充说明。,What are the foods Hugh loves?,Hugh loves:butter,potatoes,rice,beer,milk,chocolate,and sweets.,My friend,Hugh,_ _ _ fat,but things got so bad_ that he_ _ go_ _ _.He _ his diet a week ago.First of all,he _ _ a long list of all the foods_ _ _.The list included mos

9、t of the things_ _:butter,_,rice,beer,_,chocolate,and sweets.,When did you visit him?,5.Yesterday I paid him a visit.昨天我去看望了他。表示“拜访某人”的表达有1)visit sb.2)call on sb.3)look sb.up4)pay sb.a visit,Were you surprised?,6.I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Hugh was still as fast as ever.我按响了门铃

10、,当看到休仍和往常一样胖时,我并不感到惊奇。ring the door bell按响门铃,as.as ever.和以往一样,你和以前一样漂亮JIM 和以前一样努力Jim works as hard as ever他还是和以前一样愚蠢He is still as stupid as ever不要关注他的话,因为和以前一样无聊Dont pay attention to his words,because it is as boring as ever我会像以前一样那么照顾你I will take care of you as much as ever,He hadnt got any thinne

11、r,had he?,Yes,he had.,Yesterday I _ _ a visit.I _ the bell and _ _ _ to see Hugh was still_ _ _ ever.,Where did he lead you?,7.He led me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk.他把我领进屋,慌忙把一个大包藏到了桌子下面。lead sb.into somewhere把某人领进某地。show sb.out of somewhere.把某人带出某地。,How did he look

12、?,It was obvious that he was embrrassed.,it was obvious that.,很明显他在撒谎it was obvious that he was lying很明显他没写作业it was obvious that he didnt do his homework很明显火车不能停下来it was obvious that the train cant stop很明显我没听他的意见it was obvious that I didnt follow his advice,He _ _ _ his room and _ hid a large parcel

13、_ _ _.It was obvious that _ _ _.,What did you ask him?,9.When I asked him what he was doing,he smiled guiltily and then put the parcel on the desk.当我问他正干什么时,他内疚地笑了,然后把那个大包子拿到了桌上。句中包含由when引导的时间状语从句和由what 引导的宾语从句。,Why did Hugh say that he had to reward himself occasionally?,10.He explained that his di

14、et was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally.他解释说,他的饮食控制得太严格了,以致他不得不偶尔奖赏自己一下。be strict with sb.对某人要求很严格。当我还是个孩子的时候,我的父亲对我要求非常严格。When I was a kid,my father was strict with me.be strict in sth.对某事要求严格。我对写作的要求很严格。I am strict in writing.,What did the parcel contain?,When I asked him_ _ _

15、_,he _ _ and then put the parcel on the desk.He _ that his diet was _ _ that he had to _ _ occasionally.Then he showed me the _ _ the parcel.It contained _ _ _ of chocolate and _ _ of sweets!,give sb.a reward of$1/for doing sth.reward sb.with$1/for doing sth./reward sb.for sth.2.decide to do sth.=ma

16、ke a decision to do sth.=make up ones mind to do sth.2.go/be on a diet3.pay sb.a visit4.Contain,include 5.first of all/worst of all/best of all/least of all尤其6.raise/rise;lay/lie;beat/win,key structures,【Special difficulties】Raise and Rise.raise作动词时只能作及物动词,即它必须跟宾语。它可以表示“举起,往上提,使升高”等含义:rise作动词时通常为不及物

17、动词,表示“起立,起床,(日、月等)升起”等含义 Will those who agree with me please _their hands?Why did they _prices?Youre still in bed and the sun has already_!All the students _when the teacher came into the classroom.Heavy rains have _the level of the river this year.,raise,raise,risen,rose,raised,Lay and Lie.lay(laid

18、,laid)vt.搁,铺,准备lie(lay,lain)vi.躺,平卧 I _your clothes on the bed so you could put them away.If you cant cook the dinner,you can at least _the table.Are you going to spend the whole morning _ in bed?Beat and Win.beat vt.打败,战胜,胜过,超过.表示一个球队打败另一个球队也用beat。win vt.在获胜(成功),赢得,获得,夺得beat后面接对手,win不能接对手。They _the

19、ir enemy,though they were fewer in number.I _you.我打败了你。Who the race/the war?,laid,lay,lying,beat,beat,won,双宾语,yesterday i paid him a visitThen he showed me the contents of the parcelgive sb sth/give sth to sb给某人xx东西pass sb sth/pass sth to sb递给某人xx东西bring,ask,buy,fetch,sell,teach,tell,别忘了给我带樱桃Dont fo

20、get to bring me cherry他把护照递给了乘客He passed the passenger passport你能替我问她下面的这些问题吗Could ask her the following questions for me?我妈妈给我取了一盒子巧克力My mom fetched me a box of chocalate那个大约27岁的高个子男孩卖毒品That tall boy who is about 27 years old sells drug刘长亮每周三都交我们英语Chirs teaches us English every Wednesday告诉他这个消息Tell him the news告诉他下个暑假我准备拜访他Tell him that I want to pay him a visit next Summer vocation,


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