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1、Lesson57An unusual day,不平凡的一天,Lesson57An unusual day 不平凡的一,Whats the time?几点了?(=What time is it?)Its eight oclock.,oclock,8点钟:eight oclock,Whats the time?几点了?o,商 店,购物中心shopping center,逛街 购物go shopping,shop,商 店购物中心逛街 购物shop,moment,片刻、瞬间,1 in a moment 一会儿,马上He will come back in a moment.2 at the momen

2、t 现在,此刻She is doing her homework.,moment片刻、瞬间 1 in a moment,How to ask the time?如何问时间?,What time is it?Whats the time?Could you tell me the time?Excuse me,have you got the time?What time is it by your watch/clock?,How to ask the time?如何问时间?Wh,How to tell the time?如何表达时间?,Whats the time?Its about eig

3、ht three.Its about three past eight.What time is it?Its nine five.Its five past nine.,How to tell the time?如何表达时间?W,How to tell the time?如何表达时间?,Can you tell me the time?Its one thirty-five.Its twenty-five to two.Excuse me,have you got the time?Yes.Its two forty-five.Yes.Its a quarter to three.,How

4、to tell the time?如何表达时间?C,quarter-一刻,15分钟,1/4,past,to,quarter-一刻,15分钟,1/4pastt,half-一半,30分钟,1/2,past,to,过,差,half-一半,30分钟,1/2pastto过,What time is it?,1.Its nine forty-five.(Its a quarter to ten.)现在是九点四十五分。(现在是差一刻十点。),2.Its two seventeen.(Its seventeen past two.)现在是两点十七分。(现在是两点过了十七分。),9:45,2:17,What t

5、ime is it?1.Its nine,3.Its three oclock.现在是三点。,4.Its nine thirty.(Its half past nine.)现在是九点半。(现在是九点半。),3:00,9:30,3.Its three oclock.4,5.Its six fifteen.(Its a quarter past six.)现在是六点十五分。(现在是六点过一刻。),6.Its three fifty.(Its ten to four.)现在是 三点五十分。(现在是差十分四点。),6:15,3:50,5.Its six fifteen.,直接表示法(先时后分)。如:9

6、:25 读作:nine twenty-five添加介词表示法(先分后时)。如:(1)表示“几点过几分”(在 30 分钟之内),用介词 past,其结构是“分钟+past+钟点”。如:11:05 读作:five past eleven(2)表示“几点差几分”(相差在 30 分钟之内),用介词 to,其结构是“分钟+to+下一个钟点”。如:10:58 读作:two to eleven 6:37 读作:twenty-three to seven,直接表示法(先时后分)。如:,另外需要注意的还有:(1)表示“几点整”,可以用数字直接表示,也可以加上 oclock。如:1:00 读作:one ocloc

7、k(2)表示“几点半”,用 half。如:4:30 读作:half past four(3)表示“15 分钟”,常用 a quarter。如:10:15 读作:a quarter past ten 2:45 读作:a quarter to three,另外需要注意的还有:,口诀要记牢!,时刻表达法作用大,衣食住行离不开它。整点时把点钟数打,时分俱全不好表达。请记下列几种方法:先时后分莫给弄差。若要说明几点过几分,可把past和after来抓。前分后时不能搞差,要说几点几分差,to前分后时来表达。,口诀要记牢!时刻表达法作用大,衣食住行离不开它。,How do children go to sc

8、hool today?Where is Mrs Sawyer drinking tea this afternoon?What are children doing this evening?,How do children go to school,It is eight oclock.The children go to school by car every day,but today,they are going to school on foot.。It is ten oclock.Mrs.Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning,410

9、.but this morning,she is going to the shops.。It is four oclock.In the afternoon,Mrs.Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room.But this after,she is drinking tea in the garden.It is six oclock.In the evening,the children usually do their homework,but this evening,they are not doing their homework.

10、At the moment,they are playing in the garden.Mr.Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night.But hes not reading his newspaper tonight.At the moment,hes reading an interesting book.,It is eight oclock.The child,课文知识点讲解,1.by car 乘汽车。by(乘坐)表示乘坐(某种交通工具),但它必须与动词连用。表交通工具的名词前不加冠词by boat 乘船 by bus 乘公共汽车by p

11、lane 乘飞机 by sea 乘船2.on foot 步行。Go to school on foot=Walk to school,课文知识点讲解1.by car 乘汽车。,一理解 一般现在时 和 现在进行时 的区别1 He works very hard every day.He is working hard today.2 We usually watch TV at night.We are watching TV now.,一,现在进行时:本人说话时正在发生的动作.主语+be+动词ing2.一般现在时:经常性,习惯性发生的动作.主语+动词原形/单三+其他,举例:go-goes-go

12、ing look-looks-looking1.do _ _ 2.ask _ _3.drink_ _ 4.play_ _5.read _ _ 6.watch _ _7.arrive_ _ e_ _9.Eat _ _ 10.run_ _11.rise_ _ 12.set_ _,现在进行时:本人说话时正在发生的动作.举例:g,一般现在时现在进行时概念 表示经常性、习惯性、规律性发生的,on foot,by car,8:00,everyday,today,8:00everydaytoday,go to the shops,stay at home,10:00,usually,this morning

13、,go to the shopsstay at home10:,drink teain the garden,drink teain the living room,4:00,usually,this afternoon,drink tea drink tea4:00,play in the garden,do their homework,6:00,usually,this evening,play in the gardendo their hom,A.一般现在时:,1)The children go to school by car every day.否定句:The children

14、_ _ to school by car every day.一般疑问句:_ the children _ to school by car every day?回答:Yes,_ _.No,_ _.提问go to school:_ do they _ every day?提问by car:_ do they _ to school every day?,A.一般现在时:,2)Mrs.Sawyer drinks tea in the living room.否定句:Mrs.Sawyer _ _ tea in the living room.一般疑问句:_ Mrs.Sawyer _ tea in

15、the living room?回答:Yes,_ _.No,_ _.提问drinks tea:_ _ Mrs.Sawyer _ in the living room?提问 in the living room:_ _ Mrs.Sawyer _ tea?,2)Mrs.Sawyer drinks tea in th,B.现在进行时:,1)He is reading in his room.否定句:He _ _ reading in his room.一般疑问句:_ he _ in his room?回答:Yes,_ _.No,_ _.划线部分提问:_ is he _ in his room?,B.现在进行时:,2)They are playing at school.否定句:They _ _ playing at school.一般疑问句:_ they _ at school?回答:Yes,_ _.No,they arent.划线部分提问:_ are they _ at school?,2)They are playing at school.,Have a rest!,Have a rest!,


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