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1、,Lesson 7Too late,Lesson 7Too late,本课重点,Words and expressionsdetective,expect,valuable,steal,guardGrammar过去进行时动词短语动词短语中介词和副词的区别,本课重点Words and expressions,introduce the story,T:Today well listen to a story about the theft of some diamonds.,introduce the storyT:Today we,Understand the situation,T:What

2、 do you think is happening in the picture?,Understand the situationT:Wha,Listening objective,T:Did the detectives save the diamonds?Answer:No,they didnt.,Listening objectiveT:Did the,Comprehension questions,Was the play early or late?Late.,Comprehension questionsWas the,Who was waiting at the airpor

3、t?Some detectives.,Comprehension questions,Who was waiting at the airport,How long were they there?All morning.,Comprehension questions,How long were they there?Compr,Were they expecting a parcel?Yes,they were.,Comprehension questions,Were they expecting a parcel?C,Was the parcel full of money or di

4、amonds?Diamonds.,Comprehension questions,Was the parcel full of money o,Where was it from?From South Africa.,Comprehension questions,Where was it from?Comprehensio,Did they think some thieves would fly to steal the diamonds?Yes,they did.,Comprehension questions,Did they think some thieves wo,Why did

5、 they think this?Someone had told the police.,Comprehension questions,Why did they think this?Compre,Were some detectives waiting inside the main building?Yes,they were.,Comprehension questions,Were some detectives waiting i,Where were other detectives waiting?On the airfield.,Comprehension question

6、s,Where were other detectives wa,Who took the parcel off the plane?Two men did.,Comprehension questions,Who took the parcel off the pl,Where did they carry it?Into the Customs House.,Comprehension questions,Where did they carry it?Compre,Who was keeping guard at the door?Two detectives were.,Compreh

7、ension questions,Who was keeping guard at the d,Who opened the parcel?Two other detectives did.,Comprehension questions,Who opened the parcel?Comprehe,WORDS,WORDS,detective n.,someone who is paid to discover information about someone or something侦探,New words and expressions,detective n.someone who i

8、s,New words and expressions,New words and expressions,detectiveditektiv侦探,名侦探柯南Detective Conan,case 案件 closed 结束prevail 揭露案件结束时,只有一个真相,New words and expressions,detectiveditektiv侦探名侦探柯南Det,表示职业的词,-or actor(L1)-er waiter(L3)engineer(L4)-ar beggar(L6)-ive detective(L7),act,wait,engine,beg,detect,New w

9、ords and expressions,表示职业的词-or actor(L1)actwait,expect v.,to think that something will happen because it seems likely or has been planned期待,New words and expressions,expect v.to think that some,我们期待一份道歉。We expect an apology.,New words and expressions,我们期待一份道歉。New words and express,expect sth期望某事,New

10、 words and expressions,expect sthNew words and expres,我们对你抱有很高的期望。we expect _.,great things of you,New words and expressions,我们对你抱有很高的期望。great things of yo,好事情总是在不经意间出现。Great things tend to happen when you least expect _.,them,New words and expressions,好事情总是在不经意间出现。themNew words and,New words and ex

11、pressions,New words and expressions,她希望我做全部的家务。She expects me to do all the housework.,New words and expressions,她希望我做全部的家务。New words and expre,expect sb to do sth期望某人做某事,New words and expressions,expect sb to do sthNew words a,你别指望我赞成。You cant expect me to _.,approve of it,New words and expressions

12、,你别指望我赞成。approve of itNew words,别指望我能保持冷静。Dont expect me to _.,keep calm,New words and expressions,别指望我能保持冷静。keep calmNew words a,You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.-Michael Jordan,New words and expressions,You must expect great things o,北京新东方初中新概念,valuable adj.,worth a

13、lot of money贵重的,New words and expressions,北京新东方初中新概念valuable adj.wort,_ is very valuable for me.,Time,New words and expressions,_ is very valuable for,This painting is _.,valuable,New words and expressions,This painting is _.va,valuable diamond,New words and expressions,valuable diamondNew words and

14、,valuable advice,New words and expressions,valuable adviceNew words and e,valuable&priceless&precious,valuable:worth a lot of moneypriceless:extremely valuableprecious:something that is valuable and important and should not be wasted or used without care,New words and expressions,valuable&priceless&

15、preciou,priceless,New words and expressions,pricelessNew words and express,precious,His love is precious to me.,New words and expressions,preciousHis love is precious t,总结,valuable 贵重的,有价priceless 无价的precious 珍贵的,用金钱买不到 的(亲情,爱情等),New words and expressions,总结valuable 贵重的,有价New words,We cannot afford

16、to waste _ time.,precious,New words and expressions,We cannot afford to waste _,Many _ antiques went on the block.,priceless,New words and expressions,Many _ antiques went on,Their most _ belongings were locked in a safe in the bedroom.,valuable,New words and expressions,Their most _ belongin,steal

17、v.,to take something that belongs to someone else偷steal stole stolen,New words and expressions,steal v.to take something t,My boyfriend/girlfriend steals _.,my heart,New words and expressions,My boyfriend/girlfriend steal,guard n.,someone whose job is to protect a place or person警卫,New words and exp

18、ressions,guard n.someone whose job i,A prison guard,New words and expressions,A prison guardNew words and ex,A security guard,New words and expressions,A security guardNew words and,New words and expressions,New words and expressions,Always acknowledge a fault.This will throw those in authority off

19、their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.-Mark Twain,New words and expressions,Always acknowledge a fault.Th,GRAMMAR,GRAMMAR,过去进行时,The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.When the plan

20、e arrived,some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.,Grammar,过去进行时The plane was late and de,It is 9 oclock now.Lily is at work.She is writing paper.,Grammar,It is 9 oclock now.Grammar,At 10 oclock yesterday she wasnt at work.She was at hom

21、e.She was sleeping.She wasnt writing paper.,Grammar,At 10 oclock yesterday she wa,21:00,22:00,23:30,She was sleeping.,She began sleeping,She stopped sleeping,Grammar,21:0022:0023:30She was sleepin,肯定式:was/were+doing否定式:was/were+not+doing疑问式:Was/Were+主语+doing?,Grammar,肯定式:Grammar,What was the girl do

22、ing at 3 oclock yesterday afternoon?,She was seeing a doctor.,Grammar,What was the girl doing at 3 o,Where was the girl doing at 3 oclock yesterday afternoon?,She was having a bath.,Grammar,Where was the girl doing at 3,Where was the girl doing at 3 oclock yesterday afternoon?,She was perming in the

23、 salon.,Grammar,Where was the girl doing at 3,Where was the girl doing at 3 oclock yesterday afternoon?,She was taking photos.,Grammar,Where was the girl doing at 3,What were you doing at 8 oclock yesterday evening?I was watching TV at 8 oclock.,Grammar,What were you doing at 8 oclo,What were they d

24、oing?,Raj,Sheldon,Penny,Leonard,Raj was singing.,Sheldon was playing video games.,Penny and Leonard were drinking alcohol.,Grammar,What were they doing?RajSheldo,Raj was singing when the light went out.Sheldon was playing video games when the light went out.Penny and Leonard were drinking alcohol wh

25、en the light went out.,Grammar,Raj was singing when the light,The light went out while Raj was singing.The light went out while Sheldon was playing video games.The light went out while Penny and Leonard were drinking alcohol.,Grammar,The light went out while Raj w,Time,(while)Raj was singing.,(while

26、)Sheldon was playing games.,(while)they were drinking alcohol.,(when)the light went out.,Grammar,Time(while)Raj was singing.(w,两个动作同时发生,一个短暂性的动作打断一个延续性的动作我们可以使用 when 或 while 来连接,Grammar,两个动作同时发生,一个短暂性的动作打断一个延续性的动作Gra,I was having breakfast.The telephone rang.用when 和while 连接两个句子,Grammar,I was having

27、breakfast.Grammar,I was having breakfast when the telephone rang.When the telephone rang,I was having breakfast.,Grammar,I was having breakfast when th,The telephone rang while I was having breakfast.While I was having breakfast,the telephone rang.,Grammar,The telephone rang while I was,TEXT,TEXT,Th

28、e plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.,Text,The plane was late and detecti,all morning 当时间表达前有all,any,each,next等等词时,前面不加任何介词e.g.next Friday,Text,all morning 当时间表达前有all,any,e,They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.,Text,They were expectin

29、g a valuable,A few hours earlier,someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds.,Text,A few hours earlier,someone h,A few hours earlier,someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds.,Text,A few hours earlier,someone h,try to do sth.努力做某事try not to

30、 do sth.努力不去做某事,Text,try to do sth.努力做某事Text,She was trying not to cry.,Text,She was trying not to cry.Text,Text,Text,When the plane arrived,some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.,Text,When the plane arrived,some o,some othersone the o

31、theranotherother,Text,some othersText,Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried in into the Customs House.,Text,Two men took the parcel off th,Text,Text,Two men took the parcel off the plane.SD6:Come and look at my photograph album.I am looking for my pen.I lost it this morning.,Text,Two men

32、 took the parcel off th,He took off his coat.He put out the fire.She put on her hat.,He took his coat off.He took it off.He put the fire out.He put it out.She put her hat on.She put it on.,Text,He took off his coat.He took h,He is looking for his pen.He is looking his pen for.,?,Text,He is looking f

33、or his pen.?Te,She put her hat.He is looking his pen.,on,副词,for,介词,可换位置,不可换位置,Text,She put her hat.,He gave away all his books.He gave all his books away.,Text,He gave away all his books.Tex,She woke up the children early this morning.She woke the children up early this morning.,Text,She woke up the

34、 children early,He is looking for his umbrella.不能变,Text,He is looking for his umbrella,Take off your shoes and put on your slippers.Take your shoes off and put your slippers on.,Text,Take off your shoes and put on,While two detectives were keeping guard at the door,two others opened the parcel.,Text

35、,While two detectives were keep,keep guard:把守,Text,keep guard:把守Text,To their surprise,the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!,Text,To their surprise,the preciou,to ones surpriseto ones disappointmentto ones despairto ones delight,Text,to ones surpriseText,He _when the UFO arrived.He didnt wake until the UFO disappeared.slept was sleeping C.was doing homework D.was singing,B,Text,He _when the UFO arrived.,Tom rushed into the house_ his mother was cooking.as before whileafter,C,Text,Tom rushed into the house_,重点回顾,重点回顾Words and expressionsGramm,


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