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1、Isnt there anyone at home?,eniwn,Everything is quiet.,evrii,kwait,Im sure theres no one at home.,Carol and Tom invited us to lunch.,invait,Look through the window.,Isnt there anyone at home?e,Can you see anything?,enii,Nothing at all.,ni,Look!Everyones in the garden.,evriwn,Can you see anything?enii

2、,Everyone wants to have lunch in the garden.,Come and have something to drink.,Theres none left.,She is only joking.,smi,dk,Everyone wants to have lunch i,nk,kwait,impsbl,invait,lemneid,duk,nkkwaitimpsblinv,新概念英语一lesson115116(共24张)课件,Questions,Q1:what will Jim do?Q2:Is everything quiet?Q3:Is there a

3、nyone at home?Q4:Who invited Jim and Carol?Q5:What does Helen ask Jim to do?Q6:can Jim see anything?Q7:where do they go?Q8:Where are Tom and Carol?,Questions Q1:what will Jim do?,Q9:where do they want to have lunch?Q10:what do they want to do in the garden?Q11:how about the weather?Q12:what does Jim

4、 want?Q13:Is there any beer left?,Q9:where do they want to have,Isnt there _at home?,_is quiet.,Im sure theres _at home.,anyone,Ill knock it again,Helen.,Everything,no one,Isnt there anyone at home?Im sure theres no one at home.Look!Everyone is in the garden.Theres someone in the classroom.,不定代词ever

5、yone,someone,anyone,no one表单数,Isnt there _at home?_,But thats_.Carol and Tom _us _lunch.,Look _the window.,impossible,invited,to,through,Can you see_?,_at all.,anything,Nothing,But thats_.Look _,Everything is very quiet.Can you see anything?Nothing at all.Come and have something to drink.,不定代词everyt

6、hing,something,nothing,anything,Everything is very quiet.不定代词e,Lets try the back door.Look!_in the garden.,Everyones,Hello,Helen.Hello,Tom._wants to have lunch in the garden.Its_.,Everybody,nice and warm out,Lets try the back door.Everyo,Everybody wants to have lunch.Is there anybody in the garden?N

7、obody wants to read this book.Somebody has swept the floor.,不定代词everybody,anybody,nobody,somebody,Everybody wants to have lunch.,Come and have _to drink.Thanks,Carol.May I have _please?Beer?Theres_.You can have some lemonade.Lemonade!,Dont believe her,Jim.She is only_.Have some beer.,something,a gla

8、ss of beer,none left,joking,Come and have _to dri,Everyone is asleep.,Everybody is asleep.,Everyone is asleep.Everybody i,Everything is untidy.,Everything is untidy.,I looked for my pen everywhere.,Somewhere,anywhere,everywhere,nowhere,I looked for my pen everywhere,_?_?,Is there anyone at home,Is t

9、here anybody at home,_?Is there a,_?,Is there anything in that box,_?Is,I couldnt _.,find my pen anywhere,I couldnt _,There is _.,There is_.,no one at home,nobody at home,There is _,There is _.,nothing in that box,There is _,Where did you go yesterday?_.I stayed at home.,Nowhere,Where did you go yesterday?Now,Theres_.Theres_.,someone in the garden,somebody in the garden,Theres_,Theres something under that chair.,My glasses must be somewhere!Youre wearing them!,Theres something under that c,


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