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1、Lesson 17,Always young,1.If he_(not,do it),I_(do)it.,2.If you _(be)late for school,your teacher _(be)angry.,are,will be,3 If she_(win)the prize,we _(be)happy.,wins,will be,4.If I _(not,eat)so much,I _(get)thinner.,5.If you _(tell)them,they _(not,believe)you.,dont eat,will get,tell,wont believe,6.I _

2、(stay)at home,If it _(rain).,7.If it _(not,rain),I _(go)out.,8.we _(play)football,If it is _(sun).,9.If she _(become)a star,her parents _(not,send)her away.,10.He _(watch)TV,if he _(be)free.,will stay,rains,doesnt rain,will go,will play,sunny,becomes,wont send,will watch,is,doesnt do,will do,Exercis

3、e Time,Listen in class,or you wont understand what to do.,If you dont listen in class,you wont understand what to do.,1)Eat some breakfast,or youll get hungry at school.2)Hurry up!Well be late!3)Read the instructions carefully.Then youll know what to do.,If you dont eat some breakfast,youll get hung

4、ry at school.,If you dont hurry up,well be late.,If you read the instructions carefully,youll know what to do.,Practice 1,I want to get high scores.If _(work hard/do well),you work hard,you will do well.,1.-how can I remember my friends birthdays?-If_(keep a note in your diary/remember).2.-Its late,

5、but I dont want to go to sleep.-If _(not get enough sleep/feel tired at school).,you keep a note in your diary,you will remember.,you dont get enough sleep,youll feel tired at school.,Partice 2,3.-I dont like speaking English outside the classroom.-If_(not practice/not improve).4.-Should I tell my t

6、eacher I dont understand the homework?-If_(tell her/can help you).5.-Is it OK if I watch TV for six hours?-If_(you watch too much/eyes hurt).,you dont practice,you wont improve.,you tell her,she can help you.,you watch too much TV,your eyes will hurt.,New words,appear v.扮演,登台appearance n.外貌disappear

7、 v.,disappearance n.,appear as:扮演.角色,We cant judge by his appearance,stage n.舞台 阶段on the stage:在舞台上in the stage:在某一阶段,At an early stage of the playappear on the stage,bright,the sun was very bright.the boys are very bright.he has a bright future.,Sock n.短袜 Stocking n.(女用)长筒袜,情态动词must,Key structures,

8、Must,表达义务,have to 必须,Must,2.表达推测 must+v.(原)表示对现在情况的肯定推测e.g.Mary must have some problem:She keeps crying.must+have+done 表示对过去情况的肯定推测e.g.I called very loud.He must have heard me.,Must,3.mustnt 表示禁止 e.g.You mustnt smoke here.,4.表示抱怨 e.g.Why must it rain again on Sunday?,Summary,must 主观 必须 have to 客观 ha

9、ve got to 客观 现在must do 表推测 过去must have done,eg.你必须少抽些烟。You must cut down on smoking.Im afraid I must go now.eg.Must you leave now?Yes,I must./No,I neednt.,Special difficulties,Special difficulties,as:prep.=in the position of 作为(1)e.g.He works as an engineer He works like an engineer(他不是工程师,但行为举止像工程师

10、)conj.=because 因为(2)e.g.I cannot come as I am busy.=at the time when(3)e.g.As I was leaving the house,the postman brought a letter.=in the way that 按照的方式(4)e.g.Do as you are told.,Special difficulties,2.dress:”女服”“女礼服”suit:“男装”“(一套)衣服”costume:在特别场合下穿的衣服,如戏 服,化装舞会上的服装 e.g.All the actors wore the fift

11、eenth-century costumes,Grow and Grow up grow vi.生长,成长,发育 Trees of the kind dont grow in our country.How tall youve got!Youve grown a lot.grow up 长成,成熟(其被动态表示长大成人)Lucy has grown up a lot since I last saw her.,Special difficulties,Lets learn the text!,She is an actress,too.Which picture do you think i

12、s her now?,Now,before,She often appears on the stage as a young girl.,She is an actress,too.Which picture do you think is her now?,Now,16 years ago,Does she look young?,Do you think how old she is?She must be at least,Discussion,1.How old is your mother/father?2.Do they look young?3.Does your mother

13、 have any good way to stay young?4.Do they do a lot of exercises?5.Do they use any cosmetics【kzmetiks(化妆品)?6.Do you have any good suggestions for staying healthy?,怎么保持容颜青春永驻,每天一斤水果 一杯牛奶(不含三聚氰胺)一小时有氧运动(较缓和的运动)一个友情故事(书)一个爱情故事(尽量 少看电视 伤皮肤的!)一个笑话故事,How to keep young?,Key phrases!,at least 至少,in spite of

14、 this 尽管,appear on the stage as 在舞台扮演,have to 不得不,take part in 参加,a new play一个新剧,a girl of seventeen17岁的女孩,bright red dress 鲜艳的红色,A long black stocking长黑丝,Wear short socks 穿短袜,A bright orange coloured dress,grown up 成长,Listening to the tape and answer the questions:,What is my aunt?How old is she?Wh

15、at does she wear in her new play?What does she answer if anyone asks her age?Which singer do you think looks younger than his/her age?Would you like to be always young?And why?Do you like to guess others age or not?,a girl of seventeen,Darling,it must be terrible to be grown up!,My aunt Jennifer is

16、an actress.She must be at least thirty-five years old.,以-ess结尾的是女性;以-or、-er结尾的是男性actor 男演员;actress 女演员:waiter 男服务员;waitress 女服务员prince 王子;princess 公主god 神;goddess 女神(God 上帝,注意“G”大写),at least,at+(the)+最高级表示“最”,“至”,at most 至多,最多,at first 最初,首先,at least 至少,最少,起码,at last 最后,终于,e.g.There can be no more t

17、han fifty people in the audience at(the)most.At least two hundred have left.,In spite of this,she often appears on the stage as a young girl.,in spite of:but,however,appear:show,in spite of,e.g.We went out in spite of the rain.,In spite of the fact that he was angry,he helped me.Although he was angr

18、y,he help me.,尽管,虽然,不管,appear v.appearance n.,appear as:扮演.角色,on the stage;在舞台上,My aunt Jennifer is an actress.She must be at least thirty-five years old.In spite of this,she often appears on the stage as a young girl.,我的姑姑詹尼弗是位演员,她至少也有35岁了。尽管如此,她却常在舞台上扮演小姑娘。,5元奖卷哦,Jennifer will have to take part in

19、 a new play soon.This time,she will be a girl of seventeen.,take part in(参加某种活动):join(参加团体),enter for(报名参加),a girl of 17:a 17-year-old girl,What does a girl of 17 look like?What will she wear?,In the play,she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings.,In+(颜色/衣服):穿衣服,bright red:亮红,da

20、rk green,Stocking 长筒袜,long socks,sock n.短袜 Old socks=buddy老兄 Pull up your socks!【谚语】鼓起劲来!,Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon.This time,she will be a girl of seventeen.In the play,she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings.,詹尼弗很快又要参加一个新剧的演出。这一次,她扮演一个17岁的少女。演出时她必须穿一

21、条鲜红色的裙子和黑色的长统袜。,Last year in another play,she had to wear short socks and a bright,orange-coloured dress.,have to:must,orange coloured:orange,orange colored,n.+ed=adj.,a pair of high-heeled shoes 一双高跟鞋,a white-haired doctor 一个白发苍苍的医生,a big eyed girl 一个大眼睛女孩,If anyone ever asks her how old she is,Dar

22、ling,it must be terrible to be grown up!,grown up:aldut 作为一个成年人,darling:dear must be:一定(肯定推测),ever=at any time 任何时候(时间副词),Last year in another play,she had to wear short socks and a bright,orange-coloured dress.If anyone ever asks her how old she is,she always answers,Darling,it must be terrible to

23、be grown up!If anyone ever asks her how old she is,Darling,it must be terrible to be grown up!,去年在演另一个剧时,她不得不穿短袜和一件鲜艳的橘红色的衣服。一旦有人问起她有多大年纪,她总是回答:“亲爱的,长成大人真可怕啊!”,1._ aunt Jennifer_an actress.,My,is,2._ _at least _ years old.,She,must be,thirty-five,3.In spite of this,_ _appears_ the stage _a young gir

24、l.,she,often,on,as,1.Jennifer_ _take part in_ _.,will,have to,a new play,soon,2.This time,_ _a girl of seventeen.,she,will be,3._ the play,_ _ appear _ _ bright red dress _ long black stockings.,In,she,must,in,a,and,1.Last year_ _ play,_had to wear short socks _ _bright,orange-coloured dress.,in,ano

25、ther,she,and,a,2._anyone_asks_how old_ _,_ _ answers,Darling,_ _ terrible_ grown up!,If,ever,her,she,is,she,always,it,must be,t o be,at least 至少,in spite of this 尽管,appear on the stage as 在舞台扮演,have to 不得不,take part in 参加,a new play一个新剧,a girl of seventeen17岁的女孩,bright red dress 鲜艳的红色,A long black stocking长黑丝,Wear short socks 穿短袜,A bright orange coloured dress,grown up 成长,Homework,1.背诵课文的指定部分.2.单词10个句子2个.3.抄写笔记.4.摘要写作.,


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