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1、Lesson 25,NCE BOOK 2,Do the English speak English?,Questions:,Who is he/she?Where does he/she come from?What does he/she do?What language does he/she speak?,His name is Yao Ming.He comes from Shanghai.He is a Chinese.He is good at playing basketball.He is a basketball player.He speaks Chinese well.,

2、singer/Chinese,businessman/English,detective/Japanese,New words and expressions,Grammar,Text&Key points,railway n.铁路railway station火车站,porter n.搬运工,some:一些,即可以修饰可数,又可以修饰不可数,several:几个,several:只能修饰可数,foreigner n.外国人,Hello!,wonder v.感到奇怪对.事情感到奇怪I wonder at this.I wonder:want to knowno wonder:难怪wonder

3、n.奇观 Its a wonder.wonderful adj.极好的,Review words,railway porter several foreigner wonder,New words and expressions,Grammar,Text&Key points,1.arrive in/at,到达2.reach,get to 到达3.arrive at+小地点 4.arrive in+大地点,1.reach vt.后面直接加宾语2.你什么时候到达北京?3.When will you reach(arrive in)Beijing?4.get to+宾语 到达5.When will

4、 you get to Beijing?6.How can I get there?,get home到家;get there 到那home/there都是副词,副词跟动词连用的时候不需要加介词。I arrived at last.我终于到了。at last:努力的结果in the end:没经过努力的结果,并列句(compound sentence):把两个或几个简单句用并列连词连接起来,则成为一个并列句。,I turned on the TV.I watched it.I turned on the TV and watched it.I bought my sister a presen

5、t.She didnt like it.I bought my sister a present,but she didnt like it.,并列句,并列句,平行并列连词:转折并列连词:因果并列连词:选择并列连词:,not only but also,and,neithernor,bothand,but,however,while,yet,for,so,or,eitheror,请用合适的并列连词把每组句子合并为一个并列句。1.He was tired.He went to bed.2.The boy hid behind his bed.He was afraid of the dog.,H

6、e was tired,so he went to bed.,The boy hid behind his bed,for he was afraid of the dog.,He made a promise.He didnt keep it.,He made a promise,but He didnt keep it.,Mary is opening the door.John is greeting her guests.,Mary is opening the door,and John is greeting her guests.,How to do these exercise

7、s?He isnt a student.(She)2.She doesnt swim.(Mary)3.They didnt play football yesterday.(we),She isnt a student,either.Neither is she.,Mary doesnt swim,either.Neither does Mary.,We didnt play football yesterday,either.Neither did we.,4.Jim always works hard.Marys mother is a Chinese.6.She said she wou

8、ld come to see me.,So he does.,So she is.,So she did.,对上文所说的事加以肯定,某人(事)怎么样.这种情况也适合另一个人(事).肯定式.too,also,so 否定式.either,neither,但是,either,neither也可以做代词,either两个中的 任何一个,neither 两个都不,Will you come tonight or tomorrow tonight?Either is OK.Im free.(Neither.Im very busy.)2.I have an apple.Either of you can

9、take it.I want to eat it.Neither of you can take it.,句中 eitheror是连词,意为”或或,是还是,不是就是”Either my dad or mom cooks dinner on Sat.常见的结构有:1.连接并列主语,谓语一般和邻近的主语一致.Either you or he has to go there.Either you or I am right.Either he or his brother knows the way there.,2.连结并列谓语或表语,状语You may either watch TV at ho

10、me or play basketball outside.Either come in or go out.He is either a doctor or a teacher.Do you speak either English or French.You may come either before class or after class.Either you stay or I do.,neithernor.,(既不也不)not only but also(不但而且),连结两个主语时与either or一样Neither you nor he is wrong.Neither Da

11、d nor my brother helps.Not only you but also your teacher was wrong.Not only Li but also his wife works in the USA.与以上句子不同的是,bothand(两者都)连结两个主语时,句中谓语动词应是复数形式。Both you and your teacher are wrong.Both Li Ming and his wife work in USA.,Choose the right verb to complete the sentences.1.Both my brothers

12、_ in Italy.(lives/live)2.Neither of his parents _ butter and cheese.(likes/like)3.Neither John nor Mary _ at home.(was/were)4.Both Peter and Mike often _ football match but neither of them_ football very well.(watches/watch)(plays/play),live,likes,was,watch,plays,Choose the right verb to complete th

13、e sentences.5.Either you or I _ going to cook supper tonight.(are/am)6.Either my father or my mother _ dinner.Both my brother and I _ them on weekends.(cooks/cook)(helps/help)7.All the people in my family _the housework.(does/do),am,cooks,help,do,Fill in the blanks with“eitherorneithernorboth(and)My

14、 father and my mother are _ teachers.They teach in the same school.2._he _she can join us.We want both of them.3.The trousers are _ too short_ too long.Neither of them is the right size.4.She is _Chinese _ Japanese.She comes from Korea.5.Everyone helps parents with the housework because my parents _

15、 work.,both,Either or,either or,neither nor,both,New words and expressions,Grammar,Text&Key points,Reading,What was the railway station like?Did the writer know his way to the hotel?Can the porter understand the writer at first?Why couldnt the writer understand the porter?,Q,Key structures,arrive in/at,reach/get to arrive/get/reach home/here/there/back2.at last/finally/in the end3.like that/this 介词 like walking/would like to go/feel like eating,4.wonder=want to know,wonderful/Its a great wonder.5.The English/The English people/Englishmen6.并列句 P.123,Key structures,Thank you!,


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