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1、Lesson 4 The Double Life Of Alfred Bloggs,CONTENTS,New Words,Phrases&Expressions,Homework,New Words:,manual adj.体力的 corporation n.公司,collar n.衣领 overall n.工作服,sacrifice v.牺牲,献出 shower n.淋浴,privilege n.好处 secret n.秘密,dustman n.清洁工 status n.地位,1.manual,体力劳动 manual work,体力劳动者 manual worker/laborer,n.手册

2、;指南,adj.体力的,adj.手动的,manual pump,instruction manual 使用说明书,manual of civil servant examination 公务员考试指南,2.collar,blue-collar worker,n.衣领,n.(宠物带 的)项圈,white-collar worker,gold-collar worker,3.corporation,n.公司,multinational corporation 跨国公司,enterprise n.企业,adj.整体上的,e.g:the overall situation 整体的局势,adv.整体上地

3、,n.工作服,4.overall,5.privilege privilid n,a special advantage 特权underprivileged adj.没有特权的,贫困的,下层阶级的for the privilege of 为获得殊荣例:许多人为了获得成为白领的殊荣而宁愿放弃高薪。Many people are willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.eg.Its my great privilege to make your acquaintance,6.

4、corporation,k:prein n.大型股份有限公司multinational corporation 跨国公司company 小公司 enterprise entpraiz 企业joint-venture vent 彼此共同承当风险join-venture enterprise 合资企业state-owned enterprise_township enterprise 乡镇企业non-government run school _,Phrases&Expressions,Thesedays,peoplewhodomanualworkoftenreceivefar moremoney

5、thanpeoplewhowork inoffices.,make money;earn money,花钱:,存钱:,receive money 拿工资,spend money,save money,挣钱,Peoplewhoworkinofficesarefrequentlyreferred toaswhite-collarworkersforthe simplereason thattheyusuallywearacollarandtietogotowork.,be referred to as,被称作,被当作,be regarded as 被称作,被当作,e.g:A new metro i

6、s referred to as the lifeline of the city,runs under the square,carrying hundreds of thousands to work.,Peoplewhoworkinofficesarefrequentlyreferred toaswhite-collarworkersforthe simplereason thattheyusuallywearacollarandtietogotowork.,a collar and tie,collar and tie 共用一个冠词a,说明两者是一整套的东西,是不能分离的,一副刀叉,a

7、 fork and knife,一个歌舞演员,a singer and dancer,当一个人或者一个物身兼二职时,共用一个冠词a/an,Suchishumannature,that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.,为了获得。好处/殊荣,for the privilege of,e.g:At the very beginning,Jay Chou was invited to the programe

8、 called the voice of China for the privilege of winning the audience rating.,privilege n.好处,荣幸,Thiscangiverisetocurioussituations,asitdid inthecaseofAlfred Bloggswhoworkedasadust manfortheEllesmereCorporation.,give rise to 引发,导致,=leadto,cause,resultin 引起,e.g:Staying up late frequnently may give rise

9、 to a lot of diseases.,Thiscangiverisetocurioussituations,asitdid inthecaseofAlfred Bloggswhoworkedasadust manfortheEllesmereCorporation.,e.g:Dont forget to bring the umbrella in case of rainning.,in the case of,就。而言,至于,in case of,万一,以防,e.g:Imitating others is never something difficult in the case of O.D.,Homework:,1.New Words and Expressions 2.Comprehension&Vocabulary,


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