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1、复习,用所给动词的正确形式填空,1.We _(return)in two days.2.Tom and Sam _(travel)by train tomorrow.3.You _(miss)the bus.Youll be late.,will+动词原形(用于所有人称)shall+动词原形(用于第一人称),一般将来时:,Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys 绿林少年,West life 西域男孩A band from Ireland Established in 1998Won the Record of the Year(年度最佳专辑)four times,You Ra

2、ise Me UpThe RoseSeasons in the SunMy Love,单词讲解,1、group:,n.小组,团体,队,2.pop singers,=popular singers,3.club:,n.俱乐部,4.performance,n.c表演,演出,5.occasion,n.c(特别的)场合,时刻,1.group:n.小组,团体,队 a group of:一群,一组,一片 a group of people a group of trees a group of houses a group of pop singers,group n.合唱团 band n.乐队,2.po

3、p singers=popular singers pop music:流行音乐pop culture:通俗文化pop art:流行艺术be popular with 受欢迎,3.club:俱乐部the football club 足球俱乐部the workers club 工人俱乐部,4.performance n.c表演,演出 perform v.表演,行为表现 eg.They are performing on the stage.,5.occasion n.c(特别的)场合,时刻 on thisthatoccasion:在这种那种场合,听力理解,The Greenwood Boys a

4、re a group of pop singers.,绿林少年”是一个流行歌曲演唱团。,At present,they are visiting all parts of the country.They will be arriving here tomorrow.,目前他们正在全国各地巡回演出,明天就要到达此地,They will be coming by train and most of the youngpeople in the town will be meeting them at the station.,他们将乘火车来,镇上的大部分青年人将到 车站迎接他们,Tomorrow

5、 evening they will be singing at the Workers Club.The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days.,明晚 他们将在工人俱乐部演出。“绿林少年”准备在此逗留5天。,During this time,they will give five performances.As usual,the police will have a difficult time.,在此期间,他们将演出5场。同往常一样,警察的日子不好过,They will be trying to keep order.It is alw

6、ays the same on these occasions.,他们将设法维持秩序。每逢这种场合,情况都这样,(1)group:“组”、“群”、“群体”、“团体”。通常用 a group of表示一群或一个团体,(2)pop是popular的缩写形式,口语,意为“通俗的”、“流行的”、“大众的”,(3)时间状语at present意义与now相同,意为“目前”、“现在”,是个固定短语,(4)all在这里的意思是“各种的”、“各个”,(“所有的”或“一切的”)不同,(5)usual为“通常的”、“平常的”、“惯常的”,as usual是固定短语,“像平常一样”,(6)difficult:“难对

7、付的”、“费劲的”,指麻烦比较多。,(7)order是“次序”、“顺序”。在这句话中它的含义是“治安”、“秩序”,一般用于 keep order(维持秩序),public order(治安)等短语中。,(8)当用occasion表示在某个些场合时,它与介词on连用,1.Who are the Greenwood Boys?2.Why will the police have a difficult time?,Watch the flash and answer the questions:,1.The Greenwood boys are a group of singers.2.Becau

8、se they will be trying to keep order.,a group of pop singersat presentall parts of the country.most of the young people at the station.tomorrow evening at the Workers Club.stay for five days.during this timegive five performancesas usualhave a difficult timekeep orderon these occasions.,1、一个流行歌曲演唱团2

9、、目前3、全国各地4、大部分青年人5、在火车站6、明晚7、在工人俱乐部8、逗留5天9、此期间10、演出5场11、同往常一样12、日子不好过13、维持秩序14、在这种场合,Repeat the story,1.Greenwood Boys-pop singers;2.at present-visit-the country;3.will be arriving-come by train-young people-meet-station;4.tomorrow evening-sing-the Workers Club;5.Greenwood Boys-stay 5 days;6.Greenwo

10、od Boys-give-five performances;7.As usual-police-difficult time-keep order;8.always-the same-occasions,语法讲解,将来进行时 will/shall be doing,1.表示将来某时间正在进行的动作eg.What will you be doing at eight tomorrow evening?What will you be doing on Saturday?2.表示对将来的动作或状态的一种判断和推测eg.The police will be trying to keep order

11、.He will be arriving in a minute.Ill be seeing you tomorrow.3.用将来进行时提问,显的语气更加客气,礼貌,有诚意eg.Will you be teaching us next term?What will you be doing this Sunday?,Key structures 将来进行时,They will be arriving here tomorrow.They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meetin

12、g them at the station.Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers Club.The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days.They will be trying to keep order.,名词所有格,在英语中,特别是表示有生命的名词,可以加s表示所属关系,名词的这种形式我们称之为名词的所有格。-s所有格的构成方法1.一般情况(包括单数名词和不带词尾s的复数名词)加-s。如:the childs bag 这个孩子的书包 childrens books 儿童图

13、书 2.带词尾s的复数名词只加省字撇()。如:girls school 女子学校 the Smiths car 史密斯家的小汽车,3.带词尾s的单数名词,通常仍加s。如:the bosss new car 老板的新车4.带词尾s的人名,可加s 或只加撇()。如:Dickens novels 狄更斯的小说 Charless job 查理斯的工作5.时间名词后面也可以用所有格:in twenty minutes time6.若一样东西为两人所共有,后一个人名加s;如果不是两人共有,而是各有各的,则两个人名都加s,其后的名词应为复数。如:Lily and Lucys mother Lilys and

14、 Lucys mothers,1、我在回家的路上遇见了一群学生,On my way home,I met a group of students.,You can see a group of islands in the middle of the lake.,2、你可以看到湖的中央有一群岛屿。,Do you like pop songs/music?,3、你喜欢流行歌曲音乐吗?,4、医生现在非常忙。你明天上午来吧。,The doctor is very busy at present.Come here tomorrow morning,You can find all kinds of

15、shoes in this store.,5、在这家商店你可以见到各种各样的鞋。,6、那天,他像平常一样,上班又迟到了。,On that day,he was late for work as usual.,7、约翰曾在3个不同的场合见过玛丽,John has met Mary on three different occasions.,虽然将来进行时与一般将来时有时表达的意思差不多,但它们之间还是有一些区别的。一般将来时中的will经常具有蓄意为之的含义(如表示主语的意愿、决心、许诺等),将来进行时不具有这些含义,只表示单纯的将来,或者说只陈述将来的事实,但它具有一种“温和效应”,语气比单用will时委婉客气:,玛丽不付账。(她拒绝付账),Mary wont pay this bill.,玛丽不会付账。(将来的事实),Mary wont be paying this bill.,你什么时候会处理完这些信件?(如上司对下属),When will you finish these letters?,你什么时候会见到怀特先生?(如下属对上司),When will you be seeing Mr.White?,


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