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1、,Lesson 55 The sawyer family 索耶一家人,New words and expressions:live v.住,生活 usually adv.通常stay v.呆在,停留 together adv.一起home n.家;adv.在家,到家 evening n.晚上housework n.家务 arrive v.到达lunch n.午饭 night n.夜间afternoon n.下午,1,2,1,2,3,3,1,1,1,4,2,2,2,2,usually,2,stay,3,housework,lunch,home,night,together,arrive,stay

2、,usually,night,afternoon,housework,lunch,live,arrive,home,together,live,home,Mine sweeping(扫雷游戏,单词下埋着6颗雷,学生选择单词读出,如果单词下没雷则可得分,如果所读单词下有雷,不能得分。),Hot potato,教师用纸团做一个“烫手的土豆”,学生围成一个圈。教师把“土豆”扔给某个学生,该学生迅速说出要说的单词,然后再扔给下一个学生,接到土豆的学生立刻再说出另一个注意:不能说和上一个同学一样的单词或将土豆掉在地上。,87 King Street,The Sawyers live at 87 King

3、 Street.,Mr.Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school.,In the morning,Their father takes them to school every day.,Mrs Sawyer stays at home every day.She does the housework.,待在家里,做家务,She always eats her lunch,at noon.,She usually sees her friends.They often drink tea together.,In the afterno

4、on,the children come home from school.They arrive home early.,In the evening,Mr.Sawyer comes home from work.He arrives home late.,but sometimes he and his wife watch television,At night,the children always do their homework.Then they go to bed.,Mr.Sawyer usually reads his newspaper,主语是第几人称?这些红色单词用的是

5、什么形式?The children come home from school.They arrive home early.She does the housework.Mr.Sawyer comes home from work.,Look at the passage again and tell me:,这篇短文是用什么时态来描写的呢?,表示:经常或反复发生的动作或状态,一般现在时,时间标志:always,often,usually,sometimes等,Lesson 56 What do you usually do?,Answer these questions,What do y

6、ou usually do in the morning?,dust the cupboards,给橱柜除尘。,I usually dust the cupboard in the morning.,Answer these questions,What do you usually do in the morning?,make the bed,整理床铺,I usually make the bed in the morning.,Answer these questions,What do you usually do in the morning?,shave,刮胡子,I usually

7、 shave in the morning.,Answer these questions,What do you usually do in the evening?,listen to the stereo,听立体声音响,I usually listen to the stereo in the evening.,Answer these questions,watch TV,drink milk,eat lunch,washthe dishes,clean the blackboard,read newspaper,Answer these questions,What does he

8、usually do in the morning?,dust the cupboards,给橱柜除尘。,He usually dusts the cupboard in the morning.,Answer these questions,What does he usually do in the morning?,make the bed,整理床铺,He usually makes the bed in the morning.,Answer these questions,What does he usually do in the morning?,shave,刮胡子,He usu

9、ally shaves in the morning.,Answer these questions,What does he usually do in the evening?,listen to the stereo,听立体声音响,He usually listens to stereo in the evening.,主谓结构,主语+实义动词原形,主语不是单三:,主语是第三人称单数:,主语+实义动词单三形式,动词原形变单三,2.以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i加-es。,3.以s,sh,ch,x,o 结尾的加-es,1.一般动词末尾直接加-s,Practice1:写出下列动词的单三形式,

10、like-help-dust-play-shave-try-pass-fix-wash-watch-go-do-,写出下列动词的单三形式,like-likes help-helpsdust-dusts play-playsshave-shaves try-triespass-passes fix-fixeswash-washes watch-watchesgo-goes do-does,Answer these questions,watches TV,drinks milk,eats lunch,washesthe dishes,cleans the blackboard,reads new

11、spaper,The Sawyer family,“姓的一家人”:,1.The+姓氏+family,The Green family are playing cards in the garden.,2.The+姓氏复数,做主语视为复数,谓语动词用复数,The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.,live 住、生活,live in 住在(国家或城市)live at 住在(有确切地址的小地方),KEY WORDS,I live _ 5 Zhushan Road.,KEY WORDS,at,He lives _ England.,in,lunch n.午饭,breakf

12、ast n.早餐supper n.晚饭have breakfast 吃早餐have lunch 吃午饭have supper 吃晚饭,arrive 到达,arrive in 到达(大地方)arrive at 到达(小地方),My father will arrive _ London tomorrow.I often arrive _home early in the evening.,in,/,get to/reach 到达,arrive/get/reach home 到家,home本身可以做为副词,所以其前面不加介词。,evening n.晚上,night n.夜间,一般指下午以后和上床睡觉前这段时间比night的时间要早。night 一般指夜里,good night 晚安at night 在夜里all night along 一整夜,dusts the cupboard,makes the bed,shaves,cleans the blackboard,go to bed,washes the dishes,type some letters,drinks some milk,watch television,eats her lunch,reads her newspaper,listen,Bye-bye!,


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