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1、大家一起来玩串串烧,介绍自己,New Concept English 1新概念英语1,Lesson 3 Sorry,sir!,New Words,1 umbrella mbrel n.伞 2 please pli:z int.请 3 here hi ad.这里 4 my mai 我的 5 ticket tikit n.票 6 number nmb n.号码 7 five faiv num.五 8 sorry sri a.对不起的 9 sir s:n.先生 10 cloakroom klukru:m n.衣帽存放处,umbrella mbrel n.雨伞,an umbrella 一把雨伞在以元音

2、开始发音的单词前用an,如an orange,an apple.在以辅音开始发音的单词前用a,如a man,a bike eg:Its raining,I need _umbrella.A a B an C the D/,an,please pli:z int.请,1.礼貌性用语 eg:May I come in?Come in please!One cup of tea please!请给我一杯茶。My coat and my umbrella please!请把大衣和 雨伞给我2.把please音拖长,表乞求,eg:Mum,give me¥1,please.,here hi adv.这里(

3、地点副词),1 常用在be(am,is,are)动词之后,表示“在这里”eg:Where is Alice?She is here.Where is your book?Its here.2 here 有时也可放在句首,是一种倒装句 here is+某物 表示这里有什么或这是什么 缩写:Here is=Heres eg:Here is your umbrella./Here is your my homework.区别:This is.用于像别人介绍什么东西,强调它是 什么东西。This is a desk.Here is.用于给别人出示什么东西,或者递给某人某物。Here is a desk

4、.,ticket tikit n.票,bus ticket 公交车票 train ticket 火车票 movie ticket 电影票,number nmb n.号码,缩写 No.number five=No.five 第五号 eg:the bus No.77 77路公交车 扩充:No.1 顶级的,最棒的 eg:She is No.1 in our class 注意英语语序:Class Two,Grade Six,Room 201,sorry sri adj.对不起的,I am sorry!对不起,很抱歉。常用于做错事,或伤害到别人,或表示遗憾,请求原谅。回答1.It doesnt matt

5、er.2.Thats ok.与 Excuse me 的区别 Excuse me 常用于与陌生人的搭话,问路,打断别人对话或从别人身边挤过、走过时使用。,练习,几种情况,分别应该用什么?1.I broke your bike.我把你的自行车弄坏了。2.I have to speak to you.我有话跟你说 3.I want to go to the toilet.我要去趟洗手间。4.Are you Mr.Wang?请问你是王先生么?5.I forget my homework,teacher.我忘记带我的作业了,Imsorry,Excuse me,Excuse me,Excuse me,Im

6、sorry,cloakroom klukru:m n.衣帽存放处,扩充:classroom 教室 bedroom 卧室 bathroom 洗手间 workroom 车间,办公室,My coat and my umbrella please.,译文:请把我的大衣和雨伞给我。用法:本句是典型的省略句,全句应该是Give me my coat and my umbrella please.eg:Coffee,please.Give me a cup of coffee please.,Here is my ticket.,译文:这是我(寄存东西的)牌子。用法:本句是典型的倒装句。原句应该是 My t

7、icket is here.here is+某物 表示这里有什么或这是什么 缩写:Here is=Heres eg:Here is your umbrella./Here is your my homework.,Thank you,sir.Number five.,译文:谢谢,先生。是五号。用法:1.当别人说Thank you时 你应该回答 比较常用的表达有:Not at all.别客气;不用谢;哪儿的话.You are welcome.不用谢.Thats OK.没什么;不用谢 2.sir 先生 英美人通常用 sir 来称呼所有自己不认识的男性,也可以用来称呼年长者或者职位高于自己的人,比如

8、在英美国家,学生称呼男老师统一为sir,Here is your umbrella and your coat.,译文:这是您的伞和大衣。用法:本句是“就近原则”本句也是倒装句,倒装后,与Be动词接的最近的词是单数名词umbrella,所以应用 is.而不再去纠缠他的主语是单数还是复数。,This is not my umbrella.Sorry,sir,译文:这不是我的伞。对不起,先生。用法:否定句,是Thisismyumbrella.的否定式,注意not的位置 注意:如果句子中有be动词,变否定句只需要在be动词之 加not即可。Iam_Linda.Heis _ eleven.Sheis

9、_ astudent.Itis_ red Youare _ athome.Theyare_myfriends.,not,not,not,not,not,not,Is this your umbrella?No,it isnt.,译文:这把伞是您的吗?不,它不是。用法:针对一般疑问句的否定回答是 No,it isnt.(isnt=is not),Is this it?Yes,it is.Thank you very much.,译文:这把是吗?是,是这把。非常感谢。用法:本句用代词“it”来指代说话人双方都清楚的物品,总结,1、句子语气:陈述句:陈述一个事实。句末用句号。疑问句:对事实表示疑问或

10、询问。句末用问号。祈使句:让某人做某事。句末用句号或叹号。2 各种陈述句变一般疑问句的方法及其回答:肯定陈述句 否定陈述句 一般疑问句 肯定回答 否定回答:I am Rita.I am not Rita.Are you Rita?Yes,I am.No,Im not.You are Lucy.You are not Lucy.Are you Lucy?Yes,you are.No,you arent.He is Sam.He is not Sam.Is he Sam?Yes,he is.No,he isnt.She is Linda.She is not Linda.Is she Linda?

11、Yes,she is.No,she isnt.It is a book.It is not a book.Is it a book?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.It is my book.It is not my book.Is it your book?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.This is my pen.This is not my pen.Is this your pen?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.,umbrella,please!,My coat and my,一.Fill in the blanks:,Here is my.,ticke

12、t,Thank,you,sir.,Number,five.,?,umbrella,Heres your,and your,coat.,umbrella,This is not my.,Sorry,sir.,your,Is this umbrella?,No,it isnt.,?,your,Is this umbrella?,Yes,it is.,?,Thank,you very much.,二.Translate the following into English:,请把我的大衣和伞拿给我。这是我(寄存东西)的牌子。谢谢,先生。是5号。这是您的伞和大衣 这不是我的伞。对不起,先生。这把伞是您

13、的吗?不,不是!这把是吗?是,是这把 非常感谢。,二:New words and expressions:,1)ticket 票 bus ticket 公交车票 train ticket 火车票 movie ticket 电影票 等等 2)umbrella 雨伞 raincoat 雨衣 Its raining,and I need an umbrella.,3)please 请(礼貌性用语)如:May I come in?Come in please!/把please音拖长 表乞求,Mum,give me¥1,please.4)here 这里 例如:Come here,go there You

14、 should come here to take you toy.你应该到这来拿你的玩具。,5)number five 第五号(简写为 No.)例如:the bus No.102 102路公交车 补充:No.1 顶级的,最棒的 She is No.1 in our class.6)sorry 对不起 I am sorry!回答1.It doesnt matter.2.Thats ok.,三.Answer the questions with Yes or No like the example:,Is this your book?Yes,it is.Its my book.,1.Is th

15、is your coat?,Is this your car?No,it isnt.Its not my car.,2.Is this your ticket?,3.Is this your school?,四.Write these with short forms:,Here is your pen.Heres your pen.,1.Here is my ticket.,2.It is not my umbrella.,3.It is your umbrella.,4.It is my pen.,5.It is not my pen.,五.Chant:,主格代词顺口溜:我是I,你是You;男他He,女她She,动物的它是It;我们We,你们You,他们They.Who are you?,The end!,


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