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1、,ENGLISH FOR CAREERS,旅游英语,Unit 3,Check-in at the hotel,Warming-up,Reading A,Listening,Speaking,4,1,2,3,Reading B,5,Writing,6,Project,7,Vocabulary and Structure,8,Self-evaluation,Grammar,10,9,Warming-up,Task 1,Task 2,Warming-up,A.假日酒店 B.香格里拉大酒店 C.希尔顿酒店D.梅里亚酒店 E.沙威饭店 F.里兹卡尔顿酒店,Task 1,Key,Reading A,Tex

2、t,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Task 4,Background Information,Background Information Sustainable travel is now in the first stages of yet another revolutionmoving from eco-friendly greenhotels to completely carbon-neutral hotels.Hotels have long been cashing in eco-friendliness,touring things from energy-eff

3、icient light bulbs to dual-flush toilets.Some of them really do care,and go out of their wayto get LEED certification.But that still leaves at least some impact on the environment every time you stay at a hotel.The time has now come for every hotel to start offering a completely carbon neutral exper

4、ience.,Reading A,Task 1,Steps:Get Ss to go through the directions.Circulate in the classroom to offer help if necessary and write useful words on the board.Do a whole-class feedback,and get one or two Ss to give a brief report.,Objective:Ss get to know the characteristic of a carbon-neutral hotel.Ti

5、me:10 minutes,Suggested Answers,Every part of a carbon-neutral hotel is devoted to recycling or saving energy.Whether you are sleeping,eating or drinking,you are paying attention to environmental protection.,Reading A,Task 1,URBN Hotel Shanghai is Chinas first carbonneutral hotel.It opened in spring

6、 2008.It is located in the city center,close to shops,restaurants,colonial lane houses and Shanghais famous French concession area.The hotel is developed from the shell of an old post office.The owners aim to operate it as an innovative,stylish hotel,combining locally sourced and recycled materials

7、with modern design.The materials used are part of the local environmenthardwoods and bricks from old Shanghai houses.,URBN Hotel Shanghai,翻译,声音,By doing so,the energy and materials used in the reconstruction have been minimized.URBN is in partnership with Climate Bridge,an international company offe

8、ring eco-friendly solutions and“green”energy development projects for companies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.URBN has committed itself to reducing all carbon emissions related to its operation by investing in emission reduction projects to achieve the goal of“zero emissions”.,URBN Hotel Shangh

9、ai,翻译,声音,When the hotel first opened,the owners signed an agreement with Carbon Green,a carbon trading company,to work together in making URBN Chinas first carbon-neutral hotel.Carbon Green helps the hotel calculate its yearly carbon footprint and f ind suitable environmental protection projects.Bes

10、ides,the hotel has also installed things like a water-based air conditioning system,heat recovery ventilators and roof insulation to maximize its energy efficiency and reduce the hotels carbon footprint.,URBN Hotel Shanghai,翻译,声音,Of course,as well as URBN being an ecofriendly hotel,the welfare and s

11、atisfaction of the guests are not ignored.The hotel offers unique free services such as basic Mandarin lessons,Chinese cooking classes,bike tours and other similar experiences.The hotel also offers uniquely designed rooms.The rooms are all extra large,with huge beds and a super-comfortable seating a

12、rea suitable for entertaining small groups of guests or watching a DVD on the flat screen TV.,URBN Hotel Shanghai,翻译,声音,上海雅悦酒店上海雅悦酒店是中国首家碳中性酒店,于2008年春季开业。酒店位于城市中心,毗邻店铺、餐馆、殖民屋巷和著名的旧上海法租界区。这家酒店是在一家旧邮局的框架上改造起来的。经营者利用当地可回收材料,结合现代设计,力图把它建成一个新颖、时尚的酒店。他们使用的部分材料取自当地上海老房屋的硬木和砖瓦,这样可使重建中使用的能源和材料最少化。该酒店与环保桥一家为其


14、所有的房间都为超大型,配有大床和一个超舒适的休闲区,可供小群客人娱乐或通过纯平电视观看DVD。,Reading A,Objective:Ss scan the passage to find supporting details for main ideas.Time:10 minutes,Task 2,Steps:Clarify the assignment for Ss.Ss work in pairs.Ss compare their work with others.Check the answers by getting individual Ss to read the answe

15、rs aloud.Provide the points Ss have missed.,Key,Reading A,Reading A,Objective:Ss skim the passage for specific information.Time:5 minutesSteps:Ss work individually.Check the answers with the whole class by getting individual Ss to correct the false statementKey1.T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F,Task 3,Reading A,Ob

16、jective:Ss get more information on eco-friendly hotel.Time:10 minutesSteps:Go through the directions with the whole class.Ss work in small groups to explore this topic.Circulate in the classroom while Ss are discussing and write useful words on the board.Ss write a brief report or make an oral prese

17、ntation to the class.Make comments.(open),Task 4,Task 2,Task 3,Task 4,Task 5,Task 1,Listening,Task 1,Objective:Ss can accurately write down the missing information in the conversation.Time:10 minutes,Key1.20 single rooms 2.check in3.receptionist 4.porter5.delivered,声音,Listening,Task 1 Script,Wang Mi

18、n:Mr.White,can we confirm the rooms,please?Weve booked 20 single rooms according to the name list you sent us.Is that right?Mr.White:Yes,thats right.Wang Min:Then,lets go to the desk to check in.Mr.White,the receptionist would like to see the group visa,please.Mr.White:Certainly,here you are.Wang Mi

19、n:Thanks.Here are the registration cards.Could you ask the members of the group to fill them in?Mr.White:Sure!Wang Min:Here are the keys and the list of room numbers.Mr.White:Thanks.But what about the luggage?Wang Min:Thats taken care of.The porter will take the luggage up to the rooms immediately.J

20、ust ask the guests to identify which is their luggage and it will be delivered to the correct rooms.Mr.White:Thank you very much.Wang Min:My pleasure.,Listening,Task 2,Objective:Ss can understand specific information and make correct choices for relevant questions.Time:10 minutes,Key1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C,

21、声音,Listening,Mr.Green:Excuse me,Ms.Wang,would you please tell the porter to take my luggage up to my room?I cant do it by myself.Wang Min:Certainly.Is that all yours?Mr.Green:Yes,three pieces.Wang Min:May I know your room number,please?Mr.Green:Room 3102,on the 16th floor.Wang Min:OK,Ill contact the

22、 porter.Please take this elevator to the 16th floor.Your room is on the right when you exit the elevator.The porter will bring your luggage up in just a few minutes.Mr.Green:Thank you very much!Wang Min:Youre welcome.,Task 2 Script,ScriptMr.White:Ms.Wang,can you spare me a minute?Wang Min:Sure.What

23、can I do for you?Mr.White:All our tourists have gone to their rooms for a rest except Mr.Black.He asked if he could change to a better room with a computer.Wang Min:May I ask why?Mr.White:Oh,he wants to chat online with his daughter for a while before sleeping.Wang Min:OK.I will talk to the receptio

24、nist to see if there is an empty room with a computer.But Mr.Black has to pay for the extra expense,Im afraid.Mr.White:No problem.Mr.Black has already said he agrees to pay the extra money.Wang Min:OK,I will try to persuade the receptionist to give a discount.Mr.White:That would be better!Thank you

25、so much!,Listening,Task 3,Objective:Ss can understand specific information and decide whether the given statements are true or false.Time:10 minutes,Key1.F 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.F,声音,Listening,Task 4,Objective:Ss can find specific information from listening to answer the given questions.Time:10 minutes,声音,L

26、istening,Task 4 Script,Wang Min:And the room numbers are from 3102 to 3121,right?Mr.White:Yes,thats right.Wang Min:OK,Ill contact the operator.Will you inform the tourists?Mr.White:I will.Wang Min:Could you also tell the tourists well gather in the lobby by the main door at 6:45 am?Our bus will be t

27、here for us.Well have breakfast in a restaurant at the foot of the mountain.Mr.White:Thats fine.Ill tell the tourists.Thank you!,Wang Min:Mr.White,according to the itinerary,we will go to visit Mount Tai tomorrow morning.Do you think we need morning calls for everyone?Mr.White:Yes,I think so.Wang Mi

28、n:What time?Mr.White:Im not sure.Youre familiar with the situation here.I think you had better decide.Wang Min:What do you think about getting up at 6:00 am?Were quite far away from the mountain.If we get up early,we can avoid getting stuck in the rush hour traffic.Mr.White:Good idea.,Listening,Task

29、 5,Objective:Ss can record specific information in the conversation.Time:10 minutes,Key1.the itinerary2.four3.Summer Palace4.two5.the Bund,声音,Listening,Task 5 Script,Mr.White:Thank you.Then,we stay in Xian for two days,visiting the Terracotta Warriors and Big Wild Goose Pagoda.Then go to Shanghai by

30、 air and stay for two days,visiting the Shanghai World Expo and the Bund.OK,that all seems as it should be.Wang Min:Great.,ScriptWang Min:Good morning,Mr.White.Did you sleep well last night?Mr.White:Yes,thank you.How about you?Wang Min:Very well!Mr.White:Have you got the itinerary you prepared for o

31、ur group?Wang Min:Yes,I have.Heres a copy of the itinerary.Please read it to see if any changes are needed.Mr.White:(Reading the itinerary)Yes,we stay in Beijing for four days,visiting the Forbidden City,the Birds Nest,the Water Cube,the Summer Palace.Wang Min:A visit to the hutongs in Beijing has a

32、lso been arranged at your request.,Task 2,Task 3,Task 4,Task 1,Speaking,Task 1,Objective:Ss know how to help tourists check in ata hotel.Time:15 minutes,Steps:Ss read Speaking Task 1Ss choose the roles.Ss make a conversation.Ss role-play the conversation in class.,SampleTour guide:Now we have reache

33、d the hotel.Please show your passport and I willhelp you check in.Tourist:Oh,I cant find my passport.Tour guide:Could you check your handbagagain?Tourist:Ive checked it three times,but stillcant find it.Tour guide:Dont worry.Have you checkedthe suitcase?Tourist:No,let me check it.Oh,its here.Imso ca

34、reless.Tour guide:It doesnt matter.We can checkin now.Please be careful with yourpassport.Tourist:Thank you very much!,Speaking,Speaking,Task 2,Objective:Ss know how to help tourists solveproblems at the hotel.Time:15 minutes,Steps:Ss read Speaking Task 2Ss choose the roles.Ss make a conversation.Ss

35、 role-play the conversation in class.,SampleTourist:My room is too dirty.Ill change to aclean one.Tour guide:Could I ask the waiter to clean it?Then you still live in this room.Tourist:No,I really cant stand it.I want tochange the room.Tour guide:OK,Ill ask if there is an emptyroom.(Several minutes

36、later)Tour guide:Sorry,there is no empty room.Could you live in my room?I didntmove anything.If you think my roomis clean,I can change the room withyou.Tourist:OK.(Several minutes later)It is clean.I can live in this room.Thank you.Tour guide:You are welcome.,Speaking,Speaking,Task 3,Objective:Ss kn

37、ow how to deal with the planchanges.Time:15 minutes,Steps:Ss read Speaking Task 3Ss choose the roles.Ss make a conversation.Ss role-play the conversation in class.,SampleTour guide:Mike,we have made a reservationfor 10 double rooms,is it OK?Tour leader:Well,Im afraid we have tomake some changes.I ne

38、ed aconnecting room for a family offour.Tour guide:Sorry,there is no this kind ofroom in the hotel.How about thesuite instead?Tour leader:What about the rate?Tour guide:Its the same as the two rooms.Tour leader:OK.Besides,we want you tochange the morning call timefrom 6:00 to 6:30.Because weare so t

39、ired,we dont want to getup so early.,Speaking,Tour guide:OK,no problem.Ill confirmit.Your rooms are on the fourthfloor,altogether eight twin roomsand one suite.You will get amorning call at 6:30 tomorrowmorning.Tour leader:Right.Thank you very much.Tour guide:You are welcome.One morething,because th

40、e itinerary on thefirst day is quite full,could wemove the visit to the city historymuseum to the second day?Tour leader:OK,its up to you.,Speaking,Speaking,Task 4,Objective:Ss know how to help tourists check in ata hotel.Time:15 minutes,Steps:Ss read Speaking Task 4Ss choose the roles.Ss make a con

41、versation.Ss role-play the conversation in class.,SampleTour leader:Shall we start discussing touritinerary of tomorrow morning?Local guide:Certainly.Tomorrow morning wewill have breakfast at 6:50 am.The dining hall is on the secondfloor.Tour leader:OK.When shall we get together?Local guide:Ill wait

42、 for you in the lobby at7:30 am.Tour leader:Whats the definite route?Local guide:We will go to the TiananmenSquare first,and about one hourlater well go to the ForbiddenCity.After visiting it for twohours,we will go to the QianmenStreet.Well come back at 11:30at noon.And well have lunch at12:00 am.T

43、our leader:OK.See you tomorrow.,Speaking,Task 1,Task 2,Text,Reading B,Task 3,Hotel Reservation LetterDear Sir/Madam,We would like to book ten double rooms and three single rooms for 23American tourists for two nights.This tour group will arrive on January 1 atapproximately 3:00 pm.Departure will be

44、on January 3 at 9:00 am.Please arrange five quiet double rooms far away from any entertainmentfacilities as there are some elderly tourists in the group.We are enclosing a copy of the tourists name list with their details.We understand that the room rates are 300 yuan for a double room and 270 yuan

45、for a single room per night,including taxes and buffet breakfast.Well pay the hotel bill by credit card when the group checks out.Thank you for your prompt attention and we look forward to receiving a letter confirming our reservation.Yours sincerely,John Smith,Reading B,酒店预订函尊敬的先生/女士:我们想为23位美国游客预订1

46、0个双人间和3个单人间,共计两晚。该旅游团将于1月1日下午3点左右抵达,1月3日上午9点离开。由于团里有一些老年游客,因此请为他们安排5个远离任何娱乐设施的安静的双人房。现随信附上游客名单和他们的详细资料。我们知道双人间的房费是每晚300元,单人间的房费是每晚270元,其中包括税和自助早餐,我们会在退房时用信用卡与酒店结账。请从速办理,期盼早日收到贵方确认函。此致敬礼约翰 史密斯,Reading B,Task 1,Objective:Ss scan the passage to find aspects mentioned in it.Time:5 minutes,Steps:Ss read

47、Reading B Task 1.Ss tick off the aspects mentioned in Reading B.Check the answers with the whole class.Key3 4 6 7 8,Reading B,Task 2,Objective:Ss know some useful terms needed to understand the passage.Time:5 minutes,Steps:Ss read Reading B Task 2.Ss work individually and then compare answers with o

48、thers.Check the answers with the whole class.Key1.j 2.i 3.f 4.e 5.g 6.b 7.c 8.a 9.d 10.h,Reading B,Task 3,Objective:Ss can correctly understand a passage and translate it into Chinese.Time:30 minutes,Steps:Ss read Reading B Task 3.If necessary,pre-explain the difficult words or phrases in the passag

49、e.Allow enough time for Ss to read the passage.Ss work individually or in pairs to complete the translating task.Offer help if necessary.Choose two Ss to present their work.Check the answers and make necessary comments on their work.,Key香格里拉大酒店房价为高级单人间每晚120美元,豪华单人间每晚135美元(含1人次早餐)。所有价格另外加收15服务费。机场接机单

50、次为人民币460元。如果需要机场接机服务,请将您的航班明细告知我们。如果有任何特殊用餐要求请标明。,Task 2,Task 1,Writing,Writing,Task 1,Objective:Ss can correctly write a confirmationletter.Time:20 minutesSteps:Ss read Writing Task 1.Ss discuss in small groups to list points thatshould be included in the writing task.Ss work on the task individual


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