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1、1,Revision for 7A Unit 3,2,重要词汇:动词:1.引,带,领 _ 2.需要.时间,费时 _ 3.借入,借用 _ 借出,借给_名词:1.地理 _ 2.历史 _ 4.日期_5.点钟 _ 6.地面_ 8.建筑物,楼房 _9.日记(单数/复数)_,show,take,borrow,lend,geography,history,date,oclock,ground,building,diary/diaries,3,重要短语:1.在学校开放日 _ 2.开家长会_ 3.带某人参观某地 _ 4.在教学楼前面在教学楼的前部_5.在一楼 _ 6.一个艺术教室 _ 7.开会 _ 8.在我们校

2、足球队 _9.在电话里 _ 10.干净又明亮 _ 11.看起来现代化的 _,on the School Open Day,have a parents meeting,show sb around,in front of the classroom building,in the front of the classroom building,on the ground floor,an art room,have a meeting/have meetings,in our school football team,on the phone,clean and bright,look mod

3、ern,4,12.在那边_13.穿着白色衬衫的那个男子_14.向.借._15.从.到._16.开放_17.各种各样的_18.几间教室_19.住得离.远_20.步行去上学_21.一切顺利,万事如意_22.向她问好_,over there,that man in a white shirt,borrow.from.,from.to.,be open,all kinds of,a few classrooms,live far away from,walk to school/go to school on foot,all the best,say hello to her,5,重要句式:1.你最

4、喜爱的科目是哪一门?_ 2.今天是什么日期?_3.现在是几点?_ 4.让我们一点半在学校门口见。_5.你的学校看起来很漂亮。_ 6.让我告诉你有关它的情况。_7.我喜欢放学后和他们一起玩。8.请再说一遍,我在电话中我听不清你的话。,Which of the subjects do you like best?,Whats the date today?,What time is it?/Whats the time?,Lets meet at the school gate at 1:30.,Let me tell you about it.,Pardon?I cant hear you we

5、ll on the phone.,Your school looks beautiful.,I like to play with them after school.,6,9.你怎样到达学校?10.他乘公交车去上学。11.你骑自行车去上学。12.到达学校花费我20分钟。13.从我家到学校是很长一段路。14.它什么时候开放?它从早上8点到下午5点半开放。15.阅览室只在下午开放。16.谢谢你的来信。,How do you get to school?,He goes to school by bus./He takes a bus to school.,You go to school by

6、bike./You ride a bike to school.,It takes me 20 minutes to get to shcool.,Its a long way from my home to the school.,When is it open?,Its open from 8 a.m.to 5:30 p.m.,The reading room is only open in the afternoon.,Thanks for your letter.,7,重难点及易混知识:1.同义转换:a.go to school on foot=b.ride to work=c.go

7、home by bus=d.It takes sb some time to do sth.=Sb_some time _sth.e.I live far away from my home to the school.=_ _ _ _from my home to the school.,walk to school,go to work by bike/on ones bike,doing/on,spend,take a/the bus home,Its a long way,8,1.He goes to school on foot every day.He_ _ school ever

8、y day.2.Millie goes home on her bike.Millie_ her bike_.3.Simon comes here by bus.Simon_ _ _ here.4.I spend about an hour walking to shcool._ _ _ about an hour _ _ to school.5.Can you lend me an interesting book?Can I _ an interesting book_ _?6.Millie lives near her school.Millie _ live_ _ _ her scho

9、ol.,walks,to,home,rides,takes,bus,a,It takes me,to walk,borrow,from you,doesnt,far away from,9,2.易混知识:(1)in front of 和in the front of a.Mr.Wang is a driver.He sits_ the bus.b.Dont stand _ the bus when you cross the street.Its not safe.(安全的)(2)open与be open;close与closed(选择填空)The supermarket_at 8:00 ea

10、rly in the morning,and it_from 8 a.m to 9 p.m.A.opens;opens B.is open;is openC.opens;is open D.is open;opens(3)borrow与lendCan you_ten yuan _me?I dont have enough money.A.borrow;to B.borrow;fromC.lend;to D.lend;from,in the front of,in front of,C,C,10,(4)few/a few;little/a littlea.Our club is very sma

11、ll,and we only have_members here.A.little B.a few C.few D.a littleb.There is_meat in the fridge.So I have to buy some on my way home.A.little B.a few C.few D.a little(5)good,well,bestHe is a _ singer.He sings_.He is the_among the young singers.6.It takes sb some time to do sth Sb spends some time do

12、ing/on sthKitty sometimes_the whole afternoon_TV with her family.A.takes;to watch B.spend;on watchingC.cost;to watch D.spends;watching,B,A,good,well,best,D,11,(6)对下列划线部分提问:a.He walks home after school._ _ he _ home after school?b.We go to Shanghai by train._ _ you go to Shanghai?c.The man in a white

13、 shirt teaches us English._ _teaches you English?d.It takes me 20 minutes to get to school.it take you to get to school?e.I like biology best._ _ do you like best?,How does go,How do,Which man,How long does,Which subject,12,f.Its October 9 today._ the _ today?_ _ is it today?g.Its 2 p.m.now._the_now

14、?/_ _ is it now?(7)重要的短语或句型结构:a.Thanks for_(带领我参观)your school.b.Lets _(meet)at the school gate at 1:30 p.m.c.On the Open Day,parents can come_(watch)our lessons.d.Can you _with me,Mum?A.going shopping B.to go shoppingC.go shopping D.goes shopping,Whats date What date,Whats time,What time,showing me

15、around,meet,to watch,C,13,e.I like _(play)with my friends after class.f.Let me_(tell)you_(介词)my new shcool.g.I want_ _ _(向问好)him.h._ _ _(所有的学生)like their teachers because their teachers _ _ _ _(对他们好).i._ _ _ _(很长一段路)from my home to the school,but I_ _ _ _ school.(从不迟到)j.How long does it take her_ _

16、_(练习读)English every morning.k.When_the library_(开放)?From 8 a.m.to 5:30 p.m.l.Are there_ _(各种各样的)books in your library.,playing,tell about,to say hello to,All the students,are nice to them,Its a long way,am never late for,to practise reading,is open,all kinds of,14,语法再现(人称代词),第二人称:单数_ 复数_,第三人称:单数_ 复数

17、_,人称代词 主格,第一人称:单数_ 复数_,第一人称:单数 _ 复数 _,人称代词-宾格,第二人称:单数 _ 复数 _,第三人称:单数 _ 复数 _,me us,you you,him/her/it them,I we,you you,he/she/it they,15,用人称代词的适当形式填空1._ cant carry the box.Can you help _?(我)2.Mike has a sister._(她)often looks after _.(他)3.Jack likes reading books._ is a member of the Reading Club.Do

18、 you know _?(他)4.Mr.White is a good teacher.He teaches _(我们)Science5.Mike has a few friends._(他们)often look after _.(彼此,互相)6._ are good friends.A.He,I and you B.You,I and he C.You,he and I D.I,you and he 7.Are these books his?Yes,please give _to _.A.it;him B.them;he C.it;he D.them;him,I me,She him,H

19、e,him,us,They,each other,C,D,16,巩固练习I.根据句子意思,汉语注释、英文解释或首字母提示,写出适当的单词。1.There are two _(read)rooms in the library2.The _(parent)meeting starts at two oclock in the afternoon.3.Do you often have class _(meet)?4.Can you help me with my English,Millie?-_(当然).5.Tom likes playing basketball very much,and

20、he plays _(最好地)in his class.,reading,parents,meetings,Of course/Sure,the best,17,6.How many_(图书馆)are there in your city?7.Keeping_(日记)is good for us.8.I like animals and plants,so my dream is to be a B_ teacher.9.China is a great country(国家)with a long h_.10.They like walking_(到处)after dinner.11.Loo

21、k at these tall_(build).They look_(现代化).12.The classrooms look_(明亮的),right?Yes,I think s_.13.Mary is new here.So f_ of us know her.,libraries,diaries,iology,istory,around,buildings,modern,bright,o,ew,18,1.I go to school_7 Oclock.A.in.at.on.to2.It_me two hours to do my homework.A.spends.takes.gets.ma

22、kes3.-_do you go to school?-By bus.A.Why.Which.when.How4.-_is the reading room open?-From 8a.m.to 5P.m.A.How.Who.Where.When5.I usually come to school _ bus but sometimes _ foot.A.by,by B.on,on C.by,on D.on,by6.It takes him about an hour_ to school.A.get B.gets C.to get D.getting,B,B,D,D,C,C,19,7.We

23、have _ Art lesson every Monday.A.a,on B.an,on C.an,in D.an,/8.There is _“u”in the word“hour”.There are 60 minutes in_ hour.A.a,an B.an,an C.the,a D./,the9.Can you _ me well _the phone?A.listen to,in B.hear,at C.hear,on D.listening,on,A,D,C,20,书面表达。假设米莉要向外宾介绍她学校的情况,请帮助她写一篇英文讲稿。内容要点如下。1.我的学校不是非常大,但看起来

24、非常现代化;2.教学楼里有十八个教室,都干净明亮;3.教学楼前面有一个图书馆。我们可以从图书馆借各种各样的书。4.学校还有一个礼堂。我们在那开会。5.我们的老师都很友好。我们在学校每天都过得很开心。Welcome to Sunshine Middle School!,21,Welcome to Sunshine Middle School!Our school is not very big,but it looks very modern.There are 18 classrooms in the classroom building.All the classrooms are clea

25、n and bright.There is a modern library in front of the classroom building.We can borrow all kinds of books from the library.There is also a big hall in our school.Its for meetings.Sometimes we have meetings there.We students usually help and learn from each other.Our teachers are all nice to us.We a

26、lways have a good time at school.,22,附加题:大家一起来辨音从每组中选出一个划线部分与其它单词划线部分不同读音的选项。()1.A.where B.why C.whose D.which()2.A.jacket B.face C.bat D.apple()3.A.teach B.read C.team D.bread()4.A.little B.kind C.library D.kite()5.A.music B.but C.student D.cute,C,B,D,A,B,23,Homework:复习7A第4单元,默写单词20个,默写练习册34页短语10个+句子5个。2.完成大课堂1-8单元测试题。3.完成第3单元复习讲义剩余部分。4.订正错题本,巩固整个错题本。,


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