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1、Lesson 29 Funny or not?,Largely adv.在很大程度上,-His success was largely due to luck.,Universal adj.普遍的,universal agent n.全权代理人 Universality n.普遍性,一般性,多方面性,广泛性Universally adv.普遍地,全体地,到处-Acknowledged adj.公认的-Its universally acknowledged that English is get more and more important.Universe n.宇宙,世界,万物,Comic

2、 adj.喜剧的,可笑的 Comedian n.滑稽演员,喜剧演员,Comedy n.喜剧,喜剧性的事情-Tragic adj.悲惨的,悲剧的-Tragedy n.悲剧,惨案,悲惨,灾难-Tragedian n.悲剧演员,悲剧作家,Distasteful adj.讨厌的(adv.distastefully),Unpleasant adj.使人不愉快的,讨厌的Displeasing adj.使人不愉快的,令人发火的-The idea is distasteful to me.,Pester v.一再要求,纠缠(assail vt.攻击,困扰),pester sb.to do sth.以某事烦扰某

3、人;pester sb.with sth.以某事烦扰某人;-He continually pesters his boss with demands.pester sb.for sth.以某事烦扰某人;-Dont pester me for the trifle.(n.小事,琐事,微不足道的东西),Dread v.惧怕,Dread+名词,动名词,动词不定式-We were dreading his arrival.我们正担心他来呢!-He dreaded having to meet his parents.-I dread to think what will happen if he fi

4、nds out.Dreadful adj.令人恐惧的,令人不快的-a dreadful disaster 可怕的灾难dreaded adj.感到恐惧的in dread of.害怕某人某事-We are in dread of insects.(insect n.昆虫)terrify vt.使恐怖,恐吓 horrify v.使恐怖,使极度厌恶,惊骇 fear v.害怕,畏惧,为.担心,Recovery n.康复 Plaster n.熟石膏,console v.安慰,慰问,-Grief n.悲痛,伤心事,不幸,忧伤-He is consoling his friend in grief for t

5、he loss of child.,hobble v.瘸着腿走,-I hurt my foot while getting off the bus,and had to hobble home.我在下公共汽车时脚受了伤,只好一拐一拐地走回家。Hobble n.困难,窘惑-be in(get into)a hobble 陷于窘境,compensate v.补偿,to compensate sb.For 为向某人赔偿-Nothing can compensate the young mother for the loss of her favrourite daughter.年轻的妈妈丧失了自己心

6、爱的女儿是任何东西也弥补不了的。Compensate v.酬报(for)-The company compensates her for extra work.公司因她的额外工作而给她报酬。,mumble v.喃喃而语,-He mumbled sth.to me but I could not hear what he said.他对我咕哝了几句,可是我没听清他说的什么。mumbler n.说话含糊的人,补充词汇,basis n.基础,基本,根据basic adj.基本的 n.基本,要素,基础 n.计BASIC语言,基本高级语言bring up 教育,养育mysteriously adv.神秘

7、的bind vt.vi.(bound,bound,binding)缚,绑-be bound up with 与.有密切关系sense n.意思,意义 n.感觉,知觉,感知characteristic n.特性,特征Russian n.俄国人,俄语 adj.俄国的,俄国人的,补充词汇,Situation n.情形,境遇-Comic situation 喜剧情节appeal n.魅力,吸引力,感染力stem vi.美起源,发生 n.【植】茎,干,花梗,叶柄tragic adj.悲惨的,悲剧的violent adj.猛烈的,狂暴的,剧烈的-a violent death 横死,暴死judge vi.

8、下判断,作出裁判celebration n.庆祝,庆典eve n.前夕,前日 n.节日的前夜(-New Years Eve除夕)n.(重大事件的)前夕(-on the eve of the great war 大战前夕),Whether we find a joke funny or not largely depends on where we have been brought up.The sense of humour is mysteriously bound up with national characteristics.A Frenchman,for instance,migh

9、t find it hard to laugh at a Russian joke.,I found it difficult to finish the work in a day.It was difficult not to be attempted.,In the same way,a Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke which would makean Englishman laugh to tears.Most funny stories are based on comic situations.,be b

10、ased upon 基于-This news report is based entirely on fact.这篇新闻报导是完全根据实际情况写成的。,In spite of national differences,certain funny situations have a universal appeal.No matter where you live,you would find it difficult not to laugh at,say,Charlie Chaplinsearly films.,However,a new type of humour,which stems

11、 largely from the U.S.,has recently come into fashion.,stem from 源自,起源于-His feeling of hate stem from envy.(n.羡慕,妒嫉)stem from 源自,起源于=come from 出身于,由.引起,=arise from 由.而引起,由.而产生=originate from 由某人发起(首创)Originate vi.发源,开始,发生-The quarrel originated in a misunderstanding.争吵是由于误解而引起的。come into fashion 流行起

12、来,开始风行come into power(开始)掌权,上台call into being 使产生,使出现,建立,成立,It is calledsick humour.Comedians base their jokes on tragic situations like violent death or serious accidents.Many people find this sort of joke distasteful.The following example ofsick humourwill enable you to judge for yourself.A man wh

13、o had broken his right leg was taken to hospital a few weeks before Christmas.From the moment he arrived there,he kept on pestering his doctor to tell him when hewould be able to go home.He dreaded having to spend Christmas in hospital.,Dread to do=dread doing,Though the doctor did his best,the pati

14、ents recovery was slow.On Christmas Day,the man still had his right leg in plaster.He spent a miserable day in bed thinking of all the fun he was missing.,Miserable adj.痛苦的,悲惨的,可怜A miserable day=a terrible daythink of 考虑,设想,想象-When I saw you I thought of my sisterthink of doing sth-He is thinking of

15、 setting a school.Spend time doing sth.By通过某种方式-I arrive here by train.,The following day,however,the doctor consoled him by telling him that his chances of being able to leave hospital in time for New Year celebrations were good.,Chance在表达机会这个概念的时候,经常采用复数形式。Ones chances of doing sth are good 某人做某事的

16、可能性很大-My chances of passing the examination are good.-His chances of being dismissed are good.remote adj.遥远的,偏僻的adj.极小的,细微的,模糊的(=slight adj.轻微的,微小的)Ones chances of doing sth are remote 某人做某事的可能性很小-His chances of arriving here by bicycle are remote,The man took heart and,sure enough,on New Years Eve

17、he was able to hobble along to a party.,take heart 鼓起勇气,打起精神-He took heart when he got the good news.lose heart 灰心,泄气-If they knew how difficult it was to drill through the hard rock they will lose heart.,To compensate for his unpleasant experiences in hospital,the man drank a little more than was g

18、ood for him.,To=in order toMore than 超出范围-The cake is more than I can eat.More than后面可以引导省略主语的比较从句,从句中常见的形容词有:necessary,good,Possible,anticipate,expect,feel,suggest,report,require,think.-The man drank a little more than was good for him.=The man drank a little more than what was good for him.-There

19、were more accidents than(what)was reported.-He eats more than(what/it)is good for him.,As后面可以引导省略主语的比较从句-He arrived as I expected.=He arrived as(what)was expected.-He eats as much as(what/it)is good for him.-The man drank as much as(what)was good for him.比较:1-He eats more than is good for him.他总是吃的正

20、好。-He eats as much as is good for him.他总是吃的过多。2-The man drank a little more than was good for him.-The man drank as much as was good for him.,In the process,he enjoyed himself thoroughly and kept telling everybody how much he hated hospitals.,in the process of 在.的过程中In the process=during the party(上

21、文中的party)27-04-Yesterday I went swimming.In the process,I have a very good time.-I was looking for your house and got lost in the process.Keep telling=keep on tellingHow much=To what extent-How much can I trust him?=To what extend can I trust him?Extent n.程度,范围,广度,宽度,长度,He was still mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg.,When=at that moment,


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