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1、LESSON 101-102A card from Jimmy,Revision,downstairs,help,at once,back,hurt-hurt-hurt,Ow!,fall-fell-fallen,slip,sure,X-ray,review,滑倒落下,跌到下楼伤害,疼背帮助 立即 确信的 X-光透视,hurt-hurt-hurtat oncehelpX-raysureslipfall-fell-fallenbackdownstairs,He says he,She says she,They say they,tired,cold,ill,thirsty,He says he

2、feels,They say they feel,a haricut,an X-ray,some money,He says he needs,They say they need,an earache,a headache,a cold,He says he has got,They say they have got,wait for the bus,catch the bus,Repair the car,Sell the house,He says he must,Scotland n.苏格兰Air whistle SkirtEdinburgh,card n.明信片,卡片post ca

3、rd 明信片credit card 信用卡an ID card 身份证,a birthday card 生日卡片a new year card 新年贺卡扑克打扑克Play cards,She lost her youth.她青春不再,She has kept her youth.她青春依旧,hostel hstl n.招待所,旅馆hotel hutel N.旅馆,Association协会the National Basketball Association,-soon adv.1)不久他不久就会回来。He will be back soon.2)快,早Winter has come too

4、soon.冬天来得太早了The sooner,the better.越快越好sooner or later,-write v.写wrote written请你把姓名,地址写在这里。Write your name and address here,please.用英文写write in EnglishWrite to sb.给某人写信我每周给我家人写两封信。I write to my family every week.,1)Scotland a)n.协会2)card b)adv.不久3)youth c)n.明信片4)hostel d)v.写 5)association e)n.招待所,旅馆6)

5、soon f)n.青年7)write(wrote,written)g)n.苏格兰,Lead in:A card from Jimmy,1,Watch the video and answer questions:Is Penny reading a letter or a card?,2,Play the MP3,ask Ss to read after the MPS.,3,Paraphrase the text.Ask Ss to write down the notes:1)draw a line 2)key points 3)samples,A card from Jimmy,1,Wh

6、at country is Jimmy in now?2.Where is Jimmy staying?3.What association does Jimmy belong to?4.Will Jimmy write a card or a letter soon?5,Does Jimmys grandmother want to know more about Jimmy?6.Is Jimmys grandmother happy?7.Why cant Jimmy write much on a card?,Exercise Page 208,Read Jimmys card to me

7、 please,Penny.请把吉米的明信片念给我听听,彭妮。,祈使句双宾动词+sb.sth.=双宾动词 sth.to/for sb.,1.给我看你的电脑。(show)Show me your computer=Show your computer _ me.2.带个冰欺凌给我。(bring)Bring me an ice cream=Bring an ice cream _ me.3.给他些钱。(give)Give him some money.=Give some money _ him.,Look at the blackboard.,Show me your notebook.,to,

8、for,to,I have just arrived in Scotland and Im staying at a Youth Hostel.He says hes just arrived in Scotland.He says hes staying at a Youth Hostel.,Jimmy,He,引语:引用别人的话。直接引语:直接引用,不做改变,只加引号。I have just arrived in Scotland and Im staying at a Youth Hostel.间接引语:转述别人的话,人称时态有变化,that 可加不可加。He says(that)he h

9、as just arrived in Scotland.He says(that)he is staying at a Youth Hostel.,顺口溜:去掉引号加that,人称变化要灵活,I have just arrived in Scotland and Im staying at a Youth Hostel.just 1、刚刚(完成时态)他刚刚去饭店了。She has just gone to the restauraut.2、正要,刚要(进行时态)他们刚要说话,老 师进来了。They were just talking.The teacher came in.,arrive in

10、+城市/国名(大地点)她昨天到了马德里。She arrived in Madrid yesterday.arrive at+公共场所地点名称(airport,park,the station)(小地点)我们十分钟前到达机场。We arrived at the airport ten minutes ago.他们刚刚到这个旅馆。They have just arrived at the hotel.,You know hes a member of the Y.H.A.The what?The Y.H.A,Mum.The Youth Hostels Association.,What else

11、does he say?Ill write a letter soon.I hope you are all well.What?Speak up,penny.Im afraid I cant hear you.He says hell write a letter soon.He hopes we are all well.Love,Jimmy.,Is that all?He doesnt say very much,does he?He cant write very much on a card,Mum.,反意疑问句由两部分组成,前面是一个陈述句,后面是一个简略问句,中间用逗号隔开,反意

12、疑问句可以用来确认自己的判断,还可以用来表示惊讶,愤怒等感情前肯后否,前否后肯,She was ill yesterday,wasnt she?,You didnt go,He cant ride a bike,They work hard,did you?,can he?,dont they?,Dear Mum,I have just arrive in Scotland and Im staying at a Youth Hostel.Ill write a letter soon.I hope you are all well.Love,Jimmy,自备作业本,1)新单词(共7个)抄写3遍,中文一遍。,Homework,2.将书本上和练习册上的未完成题目完成,,3 听音卡20分钟。(10分钟听力复习+10分钟大声朗读),Thank you!,


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