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1、Grammar,名词性从句,主语,表语,宾语,名词性,从,句,同位语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,主语从句,同位语,I.名词性从句的引导词:,连接词:that、if、whether,无意义,2.连接代词:who、whom、whose、what、which、whoever、whichever、whatever、whomever,3.连接副词:when、where、why、how,“是否”,作成分 有意义,备注:表从as if,because,1.When we will start is not clear.2.She wont believe that her son has become a t

2、hief.3.My idea is that we should do it right now.4.We heard the news that our team had won.,主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,II.判断是哪种名词性从句,Tom asked me if/whether I could help his sister.Pay attention to what the teacher said.,动宾,介宾,I feel it possible that you will finish the work in a day.,It作形式宾语,(2)like/disl

3、ike/love/hate/appreciate/enjoy+it+if 或when从句,考点1:it 作形式宾语,(1)make/find/feel/consider/think+it+adj/n(宾补)+that从句/to do(真正的宾语),I hate it when people laugh at the disabled.,depend on it that/rely on it that.take it for granted that.,名词性从句在句中要用_语序,从句的引导词必须始终置于_,1.The photographs will show you _ A.what do

4、es our village look like B.what our village looks like C.how does our village look like D.how our village looks like,陈述,2.You cant imagine _ when they received these nice Christmas presents.A.how they were excited B.how excited they wereC.how excited were they D.they were how excited,句首,考点2:语序问题,She

5、 remembered that she had left her keys at the school gate.Our teacher said that light travels faster than sound.,1)主句的动词用过去时,从句谓语动词用过去的某种时态,考点3:时态问题,It looked as if it was going to rain.Her wish is that he could join the army.,主语+系 动词+从句,It surprised us all that he finished writing the composition i

6、n such a short time.Who kept the door open all night was unknown.,It 作形式主语,考点1:it 作形式主语的结构,(1)It is 名词 从句 It is a fact that 事实是 It is an honor that 非常荣幸(2)It is 形容词 从句(s+(should)+v)It is natural that 很自然 It is strange that 奇怪的是(3)It 不及物动词 从句 It seems/appears that 似乎 It happened that 碰巧(4)It is 过去分词

7、从句 It is reported/said that 据报道 It is ordered/suggested/required that s+(should)+v,单个主从作主语,谓单;两个或以上,谓用复,考点4:主谓一致问题,Who kept the door open all night was unknown.,The problem whether we should continue to do the experiment has been solved.I have no idea when he will come back.,构成:n+同位语从句,fact,news,pro

8、mise,truth,belief,thought,idea,answer,information,knowledge,doubt,hope,law,opinion,plan,suggestion,考点5:同位语从句和定语从句的区别,The news _you told me yesterday was really exciting We heard the news _our team had won the game,that,that,定语从句,同位语从句,语义上:定语从句与先行词news是从属关系,修饰限定先行词;同位语从句对中心词news做进一步解释,说明它的具体内容,是同位关系。

9、,2.语法上:引导定语从句的关系代词that在从句中充当成分,可作主语、宾语、表语,作宾语时可以省略,指代先行词,;而引导同位语从句的that不作成分且无意义,一般不可省略。,1.We expressed the hope that they had expressed.2.We expressed the hope that they would come to China again.,定语从句,同位语从句,判断 是 同位语从句 还是 定语从句,考点6:易错易混连接词,1.if/whether2.that/what3.what/which4.wh-/wh-+ever5.wh-+ever/n

10、o matter wh-that的省略,1.I asked her _ she had a bike.2._ we will hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on the weather.3.Were worried about _ he is safe.4.I dont know _ or not he is well.5.The question is _ this book is worth writing.6.I didnt know _to laugh or to cry.,if/whether,Whether,whethe

11、r,whether,1.If/whether,a.主语从句(位于句首)b.表语从句c.同位语从句e.介词后或discuss后的宾语从句f.做动词宾语whether to do.g whether or not 连在一起,if 和whether 的选用,只用whether的情况:,2.that 与what1._ he came late made the teacher angry.2._ he said surprised me.,That,What,that 只起连接作用,无意义,在从句中不充当任 何成分。what 既起连接作用,又在从句中作 主语,宾语,表 语。,3.what(什么)/wh

12、ich(表选择,哪一个),1.-Do you know _ Mr Blacks address is?-He may live at No.18 or No.19 of Bridge Street.Im not sure of _.2.I read about it in some book or other,does it matter _ it was?,what,which,which,_等引导的名词性从句不含有疑问意义,whatever相当于_,whoever相当于_._等引导的名词性从句含有疑问意义。,whoever,whatever,who,what,4.wh-/wh-+ever,

13、Who will take the position isnt decided.Whoever breaks the law should be punished.,anything that,anyone who,5.疑问词ever/no matter疑问词,_ breaks the rule must be punished._breaks the rule,he must be punished.,Whoever,Whoever/No matter who,(1)疑问词 ever可引导名词性从句,还可引导让步状语从句。(2)no matter 疑问词只能引导让步状语从句。(3)如果句中有

14、“,”可确定为让步状语从句。,疑问词+ever no matter+疑问词,that 可省略的情况:,that不可省略的情况:主语从句、同位语从句表语从句原则上不省介词except,in后宾语从句用it做形式宾语的宾语从句当主句谓语动词后接两个及以上的宾语从句时,可省略第一个that,其他的不省。,6.引导词that 的省略,动词单个宾语从句中的that可省略,Classify the function of the following clauses,1.They know that the habit will kill them.4.Where he hid the money is t

15、o be found out.5.Whoever comes is welcome.6.The question is whether we can rely on him.7.Thats because we were in need of money at that time.I have ho idea when he will come back.8.I find it necessary that we should do the homework.11.He looked as if he was going to cry.12.It all depends on whether

16、they will support us.6.The news that Mike would go abroad next year is told by Tom,做题三步曲:步骤一:首先分清主句和从句。步骤二:分析从句缺何种成分。步骤三:根据分析,选择恰当的连词,突破方法,1.Well,_ I dont like the newcomer is none of your business.A.what B.that C.who D.how2.-Dad,can you give me some advice?-Why not try your luck downtown,Bob?Thats

17、_ the best jobs are.A.where B.what C.when D.why 3.-Could you do me a favor,Mr.Brown?-It depends on _ it is.A.which B.that C.what D.who4.Along with the letter was his promise _ he would visit me this coming Christmas.A.which B.what C.that D.whether5._the meeting should last two days or three days doe

18、snt matter.A.That B.Whether C.If D.Where,6.-Are you still thinking about yesterdays game?-Oh,thats _.A.what makes me feel excited B.whatever I feel excited about C.how I feel about it D.when I feel excited 7.It is none of your business_other people think about you.Believe yourself.A.how B.what C.whi

19、ch D.when8.The order _ the political prisoner should be set free arrived too late.A.which B.whether C.that D where9._ is not a dream that we can travel abroad easily.A.What B.As C.That D.It 10.That is_ my grandfather was born and grew up.A.There B.in which C.where D.the place,11.People are trying ha

20、rd to protect and record _ is left of the Aboriginal language.A.which B.what C.that D.all12.He often asked me the question _ the work was worth doing.A.whether B.where C.that D.when 13._ stole the MP3 player is still a complete mystery.A.Who B.That C.How D.Whom14.You are saying that our teachers tre

21、at everyone equally,and this is_ I disagree.A.how B.whatC.where D.why15.In 1642,Columbus and his crew arrived _ was so-called the New World by the westerners.A.what B.in what C.where D.in which 16.We all know the truth _ there are air,water and sunlight there are living things.A.where B.wherever C.wherever that D.that wherever,


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