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1、期中复习提示,1、试卷分数100分,考试时间90分钟,试卷难度为5:3:2(易:中:难)。2.考查内容紧密结合教材(单选,句子填空,阅读话题)重点词语落实到位,熟读课文。3.单选:课文原文+冠词+代词4.完成句子:出自课文原句及改编,用动词正确形式4.语法方面U18:would 和used to;turn 有关短语U19:名词性从句;情态动词表推测U20:将来进行时和将来完成时5.作文:四幅图记叙文,有开始有结束,抓要素,适当增加细节,有一定开放性。,3个单元词汇表动词短语,die out完全消失,灭绝hang on a second等一下catch on学会give away泄露(秘密)ta

2、ke over接收,接管wrestle with something努力解决难以处理的事情,Unit 18,不变的观点十分之一看上去有点胖精确的标准毕生的责任灭绝各种各样的依赖于内在美外在美11.仍然是一个重要的因素12.为做准备13.在的影响下,consistent viewone in tenlook overweightprecise criterialifelong commitmentdie outa wide range ofrely oninner beautyphysical beauty remain a major part in preparation forwith t

3、he influence of,used to do be used to doingbe used to do,我过去常常走路上学。,I used to go to school on foot.,他习惯饭后散步。,He is used to taking a walk after a meal.,This tool is used to open the box.,这个工具是用来开盒子的。,过去常常,而现在不做了,习惯于做某事,被用于,主语通常是物,There used to be a hospital here,but now there is a beautiful garden in

4、stead.,would do 表过去习惯性的动作,“过去总是会,The old man would sit in front of the house,waiting for his son to come to visit him.那位老人(过去)总是坐在屋前,等儿子来看他。,区别1:would+动作 used to+动作/状态,We would/used to sit in the yard and listened to his story.There used to be a tall tree.She isnt what she used to be.I used to have

5、long hair.She used to have more friends than anyone.,静态动词,思维,喜好,(典型:be),区别2:would 只表过去重复性动作 used to表今非昔比(有线索),We used to sit in the yard and listened to his story,but the yard no longer exists.She used to climb the hill but now she lives in the city.I used to live in Beijing.She would sit there for

6、hours,deep in thought.,would 与often,always,sometimes,for hours,frequently,everyday连用used to 不与表频率的副词连用,She would sit there for hours,deep in thought.She used to sit there,deep in thought.He would often make the same excuse for his being late.He used to make the same excuse for his being late.,区别3,tu

7、rn up turn on sb.turn down an offer turn up ones collar turn off sb.turn off the main road*,出现/调大音量袭击某人拒绝提议竖起衣领令某人厌烦开出主干道,turn的词组,be derected by。为依据treat。as 把.当。看待get lost 迷路offer to do 主动提出做某事be trapped in 被困在。里deal with the theme of 关于的主题look in the mirror 照镜子be transformed into 被转变成back and forth

8、 前前后后In addition 此外all things considered全面地考虑at times 有时convey a message 传达了一个寓意be evident to sb 对某人来说是显而易见的neither。nor 既不,也不people of all ages 各个年龄段的人,Unit 19,1.据预测2.突出3取得成功4.缺乏5.一种高水平的流利程度6.被包围7.有机会做8.讲英语的国家 9、做毫无意义,Its predicted that,stand out,get ahead with sth,in the absence of,a high level of

9、fluencybe surrounded byhave the opportunity to doan English-speaking countryThere is no point in doing sth.,10、以形式出现 11、具有高质量的 12、扩大词汇量13、看新闻14、与朋友一起学习15、通知某人某事16、很值得学17、牢记18、更加光明前程的关键,take the form ofbe of high qualityenlarge your vocabulary,watch news,study with friends,be well worth learning,info

10、rm sb.of sth.,keep sth in mind,the key to a brighter future,19.设定可达到的目标20.把.调整到;适应21.概率很小*,19.set achievable targets20.adjust to,21.The chances that he will turn up in 5 minutes are small.There is a small chance that he will turn up in 5 minutes.,情态动词表推测,情态动词表对现在或将来推测:情态动词+动词原形They live on a busy ro

11、ad.There must be a lot of noise from the traffic.I may be slow,but at least I dont make stupid mistakes.情态动词表对过去的推测:情态动词+have donemust have done过去一定做了某事should have done本应该做某事Steve must have come back because the window is open.There isnt any water on the road;It(cant)couldnt have rained last night,(

12、09上海)6.It_ have been Tom that parked the car here,as he is the only one with a car.A.mayB.canC.must D.should2.(2007 福建卷)My MP4 player isnt in my bag.Where_I have put it?A.can B.must C.should D.would3.(08重庆卷)I cant find my purse anywhere.-You _ have lost it while shopping.A.may B.can C.should D.would

13、,It was predicted as early as the 1700s that English would one day be the global language2.But sadly,the chances that we will all have the opportunity to live in an English-speaking country are small.3.What this means is that they make sure there is an adequate amount of input in English 4.Experts s

14、ay that just 15 minutes of extra-curricular study a day can really accelerate foreign language learning.,主语从句,宾语从句,主语从句、表语从句,同位语从句,名词性从句,名词性从句,主语,宾语,表语,同位语从句复习笔记本周报等错题注意连词that,what的区别注意it做形式主语或形式宾语的用法It is said that与sb/sth is said to do to have done be doing 的转化,what/that的区别?,what 在从句中可作主语,宾语,表语that

15、 从句中不作任何成分,China is not what it used to be.I hope that China will develop faster.,At this point,it suddely struck me that I was wasting my time.我突然想到It worries me a lot that I am not good at listening.(主语从句)It worried him a lot that the food was becoming less and less.,人们认为食品价格涨得太快。,People think tha

16、t the price of food rises too rapidly.宾语从句,It is thought/believed/said that the price of food rises too rapidly.主语从句,据说学生数量已经下降了。,It is said that the number of the students has reduced.The number of the students is said to have reduced.,That they won the game was what we had expected.,Father made a

17、promise that if I passed the exam,he would buy me a bicycle.,他们赢得比赛是我们已经预料到的(主从,表从),爸爸许诺如果我通过考试他就给我买辆自行车。(同位语从句),5.What I want to know is how I can remember so many new words.(主从、表从)6.The fact that I am not good at listening worries me a lot.(同位语从句),1.拍某人的后背2.祝贺某人某事3.赛跑取胜4.传递信息5.全世界6.由组成7.与不同,1.pat

18、sb.on the back2.congratulate sb.on sth.3.win a race4.convey messages5.across/throughout the world6.consist of/be made up of 7.differ from/be different from,8.故意地做某事9.意识到危险10.在不安的状态11.讨价还价12.不言而喻13.发生14.每一天15.面部表情,8.do sth on purpose9.be aware of danger10.in a state of unrest11.negotiate the price12.

19、speak for itself13.go on 14.every single day15.facial expression,16.加入;增加17.这个问题的答案18.意识到19.显得镇定20.共用一种语言21.勾勒出/比划出 外形22.不管;不顾*,add to sth,the answer to the question,be aware of sth,appear calm,share a common spoken language,outline the shape,regardless of,Unit 20,几世纪以来 对未来好奇登陆月球 出席研讨会,over the cent

20、uries wonder about the future land on the moon attend the seminar,5.在预测的基础上6.登录网络7.若干年后8.变得更加便利,5.based on the prediction6.click into the websites7.in the next few years8.become handier,9.对发出指令10.下载任何档案11.更新电脑12.保持无污点13.磨损14.饿死*,9.give instruction to10.download any file11.update the computer12.remai

21、n stainless13.get worn14.die of starvation,15.靠福利生活16.在和平与平等中生活17.评估健康18.进行修复工作19.把AB连接20.适合居住*,15.live on welfare16.live in peace and equality17.assess health18.carry out repairs19.link A to B20.be suitable for living,将来进行时和将来完成时,She will be having supper at 8:30 tomorrow evening.So dont call her a

22、t that moment.,我们到明年这个时候会学完这整本书。,We will have learned this whole book by the time next year.,她明天8点会在吃饭,所以别给她打电话。,两个新学时态的比较:We will still be working this time tomorrow.We will have arrived there by 10 oclock tomorrow.,相同点:不同点:,都属将来时态,将来完成时指“在将来某一时间以前已经完成的动作”。,将来进来进行时指“在将来某个特定的时间点或时间段正在进行的动作”。,谓语动词进行时

23、态的比较He is watching TV now.He was watching TV this time yesterday.He will be watching TV this time tomorrow.谓语动词完成时态的比较He has learned 2,000 words by now.He had learned 2,000 words by the end of last year.He will have learned 2,000 words by the end of next year.,Read aloud1,-Can you attend the party t

24、onight?-No,I will be meeting the boss about something urgent.,In the middle of the century,we will be linking our brain to computers.,This time next week Ill be lying on the beach.,Dont phone me between 7 and 8 p.m.Well be having dinner then.,Read aloud 2,They will have been married for 20 years by

25、then.,We will have learned 24 units by the end of this term.,When winter comes,the animals will have saved enough food.,Before you get home,I will have cleaned the house from top to bottom,I will have finished all the work by the time you are back this evening.,从句用一般现在时表将来,1.have a real dilemma on y

26、our hands 2.not to mention 3.range fromto 4.figure out 5.single out 6.make breakthrough7.natural form of 8.turn to sb(for help)9.wrestle with 10.nothing like 11.go out 12.be dedicated to sth/doing,1.处于两难的境地2.更不必说3.从到范围内4.想出;算出5.挑出6.做出突破7.的天然形式 8.求助于某人9.全力对付、克服10.一点也不象11.(灯)熄灭12.专心致力于.,accompany sb.t

27、o sp.陪去,你陪我去一趟火车站好吗?,Would you accompany me to the railway station?,The singer was accompanied on the piano by her father.The heavy rain was accompanied by strong winds.Your application form should be accompanied by two recent photographs.,一些重点短语,Plastics today contribute to a wide range of(a variet

28、y of)industries.He has seven children and their ages range(v.)from two to eighteen.,她做过许多不同的工作从厨师到游泳教练。,She has had a great number of different jobs,_chef _swimming instructor.,ranging from,to,I must adjust my watch because it is slow.He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country.,使适应,

29、inform v.通知 an informed man 消息灵通的;见多识广的 inform sb of sth/inform sb that S+VPlease inform us of any possible change.,如有任何可能的变化请通知我们。,我已接到通知他明天不来了。,I have been informed that he wont come tomorrow.,guarantee v./n.保证,担保;保证书The policy guarantees us against all loss.,这项政策保证了我们免受全部损失。,guarantee to do,我们保证一周内把书给您送过去。,We guarantee to deliver your books within one week.*,祝大家期中考试取得好成绩!-Phoebe,


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