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1、技术标Customer:丽珠集团利民制药厂Project:中药提取三车间及新质检中心洁净管道分配系统Package No.:Revision:01Date:2012/06/13(3)项目管理计划Issued by/作者:Title/职位Signature/签名Company /公司Date/日期Reviewed by/审核:Title/职位Signature/签名Company /公司Date/日期Approval by/批准:Title/职位Signature/签名Company /公司Date/日期Revision Control/版本控制Revision/版本Change/变更Date/

2、日期Initials/首字母01New document/新文件TDContent目录1.适用范围Scope of Works42.文件描述Description of Document43.项目管理 Project management4A.组织架构表Organization Chart4B.现场人员名单FieldPersonnelList5C.职责描述 Responsibilty description6D.人力资源计划表Human resources planning chart12E.主要劳动力曲线图Labor Supply Curve14F.施工设备及机具配置表Constructio

3、n Equipment and Tools15G.进度计划(见附表)Construction schedule (see the attached list)164.质量控制方案 Quality control scheme24A.质量体系管理人员质量责任 Quality liability of management personnel in quality system24B.质量保证措施 Quality assurance measures29C.HSE管理计划 HSE management plan41D.调试及交工 Debugging and delivery701. 适用范围Sco

4、pe of Works 适用于丽珠集团利民制药厂中药提取三车间及新质检中心洁净管道分配系统改造项目。2. 文件描述Description of Document本文件是对利民制药利民制药中药提取三车间及新质检中心洁净管道分配系统实施中的工艺用水系统施工作业计划进行明确。3. 项目管理 Project management施工现场成立项目经理部,实行项目法管理,项目经理将全面领导本工程的施工工作,全面履行对业主的承诺,成员包括项目经理、项目总工程师、各专业工程师、质检师、安全主任、专业班长、材料员等。 A. 组织架构表Organization ChartB. 现场人员名单FieldPersonn

5、elList公司序号职务姓名职称专业备注CompanyNo.PostNameProfessional tileSpecialized fieldRemark浩鑫公司Haoxin1项目经理邹日雄工程师工程项目管理Project managerZou RixiongEngineerProject management2施工经理田纪成工程师Engineer设备安装Construction managerTian JichengEquipment installation3项目总工程师蔺宁工程师Engineer工艺管道配置各专业工程师Allocate professional engineerProj

6、ect engineerLin NingProcess pipes3.1综合管线设计高卫星工程师Engineer化工工艺后台设计Design supportComprenhensive piping designGao WeixingChemical procedure3.2工艺系统工艺设计卢炳春工程师Engineer化工工艺后台设计Design supportProcedure systerm procedure designLu BingchunChemical procedure3.3不锈钢平台及构件设计赵华融工程师Engineer钢结构后台设计Design supportSS plat

7、form & structrual elements designZhao HuarongSteel structure4安全主任易继洪安全主任Safety director安全管理 Safety managementSaftey directorYi JihongSafety directorSecurity management5质量经理蔺宁工程师Engineer工艺管道Quality managerLin NingProcess pipes6.1质检员欧阳邦柱助理工程师机电一体化InspectorOuyang BangzhuMechanical&Electrical intergrati

8、on7验证工程师(资料)王丹工程师Engineer化工工艺Witness engineer(information)Wang DanChemical procedure8采购负责人邝志忠采购主管采购 ProcurementProcurement responsible officerKuang ZhizhongProcurement supervisorC. 职责描述 Responsibilty description a) 项目经理 Project Manager 负责组建项目管理机构,恰当配备人员,建立健全项目管理制度。 Be responsible to establish the pr

9、oject management organization, carry out proper staffing and build a well-developed project management system. 负责组织编制并实施工程施工组织设计,对工程项目的质量、安全、工期、成本以及现场施工全面负责,进行全过程管理。 Be responsible to organize, compile and implement the engineering construction organization planning, be fully responsible for the qua

10、lity, construction period, cost and on-site construction of the project and carry out the overall process management. 组织制定项目工作规划,落实项目所需的人、财、物等各生产要素,严格按照国家工程建设管理政策和法规以及公司和业主的规章制度,组织工程项目施工。 Organize and compile the project work planning, identify various production factors, such as the manpower, finan

11、cial resources, materials, etc., and organize the project construction in strict accordance with the national engineering construction and management policies and laws, as well as the rules and regulations prescribed by the company and the Employer. 参与承包合同条款的研究,确保完成项目的承包合同任务,提高公司的社会信誉。 Participate i

12、n the research of contract terms, ensure the completion of contract tasks for the project and improve companys social reputation. 组织协调项目内部各部门、施工班关系,及时解决出现的问题。处理好外部的各种关系和对外的经营活动。 Organize and coordinate the internal relationships among departments and among construction teams, timely settle problems,

13、 well handle various external relationships and the external business operations. 定期向公司报告工作和及时反馈信息,接受公司职能部门监督。 Regularly report work to the company, timely feed back information and receive the supervision of companys functional departments. 全权合理调配项目部各种资源。 Be fully authorized to reasonably coordinat

14、e various resources of the Project Department.b) 施工经理Construction Manager 施工经理协助项目经理的上述工作,并在其分管范围内对工程质量负责。Assisting the Project Manager for the works mentioned above and being responsible for the engineering quality within the range under his/her control. 协助项目经理在施工作业方面的指挥者和管理者,要组织施工人员根据设计文件、施工组织设计或施

15、工方案的要求进行施工。Assisting Directors and Supervisors of the Project Manager on construction operation and organizing constructors to construct as per the requirements of the design documentation, construction organization design or construction scheme.c) 项目总工程师 Chief Project Engineer 全面负责本项目的技术管理工作。 Be fu

16、lly responsible for the technical management work of the project. 领导和组织施工图纸的会审工作,对提出的问题要组织研究或提交设计院解决。 Lead and organize the joint examination for the construction drawings, and organize researches on the proposed problems or submit problems to the designing institute for settlement. 负责施工技术准备及组织编制施工组

17、织设计。 Take charge of the construction technical preparation, and organize and compile the construction organization planning. 组织解决施工生产中的技术问题,组织召开项目技术会议,审批重大技术方案。 Make organizations to solve technical problems in the construction and production, hold project technical meetings, and examine and approve

18、 major technical schemes. 督促有关部门和各施工班认真做好工程质量的检查验收工作,组织工程竣工验收工作。 Supervise and urge relevant departments and construction teams to seriously carry out inspection and acceptance for the project quality, and organize the acceptance work for completed project. 负责重大安全技术方案的审批,参加安全大检查,解决施工中存在的安全技术问题。 Be r

19、esponsible for the examination and approval for major safety technical schemes, participate in the major safety inspections, and solve safety technical problems existing in the construction. 督促有关部门做好原始资料的积累,负责组织竣工资料的整理移交。 Supervise and urge departments concerned to well accumulate the source documen

20、ts and be responsible to organize the sorting and handover of as-built documents.d) 各专项工程师all responsibility engineers 各专项工程师是项目总工程师的工作助手,向总工程师负责。 All responsibility engineers are the assistants of chief engineer and are responsible to the chief engineer. 负责对口顾问公司工程师的业务技术工作。 Being responsible for bu

21、siness technical works of the engineers from the suited consultant firm. 参加图纸汇审,并对施工班组进行施工技术交底。 Taking part in the drawing review and give technical clarification to the construction t eams and groups. 指导项目质检人员检查督促施工人员遵守施工工艺纪律和执行施工验收规范,填写各类检测报告,整理归纳本专业交工资料。 Instructing the quality inspector to inspe

22、ct and supervise the constructors to comply with the construction technology disciplines and carrying out the code for construction acceptance; filling in all kinds of detection reports and process and concluding the acceptance data of the work. 向施工班组进行技术交底,督促施工班组执行施工工艺纪律、施工规范和质量标准,对现场不合格的设备、材料、零部件等

23、拒绝使用。 Carry out the technical disclosure to the construction teams, and supervise and urge the construction teams to implement the construction technology discipline, construction specification and quality standard and not to use on-site unqualified equipment, materials, elements and parts, etc. 对所负

24、责的单位工程或分项工程负直接的技术责任。 Take the direct technical responsibility to the unit project or item project under his/her responsibility. 对填写的各种技术数据的真实性负责。 Be responsible for the trueness of filled-out various technical data. 整理所负责的工程交工技术资料并参加单位工程竣工验收。 Sort the technical data of project handover and participa

25、te in the final acceptance for the project.e) 质量工程师 Quality Engineer 对现场设备材料的交接验收,重要分项工程的施工安装全过程中的复检验确认工作。 Carry out the handover and acceptance for on-site equipment and materials and take charge of the recheck and confirmation for the entire construction and installation process of important item

26、projects. 负责收集本职范围内的设备、材料及安装过程的有关证书、通知单、各种检验(查)报告等资料整编成册,分类保管,以备竣工验收。 Be responsible to collect the certificates, advice notes, various verification (inspection) reports and other data, related to the equipment, materials and installation process that are under his/her responsibility, reorganize the

27、m into volumes and save them according to the classification for final acceptance. 负责施工全过程有关工程质量内外控制联系工作,并督促有关操作人员执行施工工艺和施工规范。 Be responsible for the liaison work about the internal and external control of project quality throughout the construction process, and supervise and urge relevant operators

28、 to implement the construction technology and construction specification. 参加压力性试验、调试、试运行等工作,并在职权范围内进行确认。 Participate in the pressure test, debugging, commissioning, etc. and make confirmations within limit of his/her functions and powers. 参加工程质量大检查和工程质量事故的调查工作。 Participate in the major quality inspe

29、ction and the investigation for engineering qualitative accidents.f) 安全主任Safety Director 参与制度有关本项目的安全目标计划,技术措施,监督检查执行情况。 Participate in the development of the safety target plan and technical measures related to the project, and supervise and inspect their implementation. 负责组织员工进入现场前的安全教育,岗位安全教育。 Be

30、 responsible to organize the safety education and post safety education before personnel enter the site. 监督、检查、参加、指导班组每周安全活动及班前讲话 Supervise, inspect, participate in and guide the construction teams weekly safety activity and toolbox talk. 深入现场巡回检查,对各种直接作业环节进行安全监督,及时纠正违章和失职,督促检查隐患整改措施,遇到紧急情况有权令其停止作业。

31、 Go to the site for patrol and inspection, inspect the safety of various direct work links, timely correct the work against rules and negligence of duty, supervise, urge and inspect the rectification measures for hidden dangers; be authorized to give order of ceasing construction in case of emergenc

32、y. 及时向领导反映问题,提出建议,为领导安全决策提出建设性意见。 Timely report problems to leaders, give suggestions and propose constructive opinions about safety decision-making for leaders. 参加本项目安全检查、安全管理年审及事故的调查处理。 Participate in safety inspection, annual examination of safety management, and investigation and treatment for a

33、ccidents of the project. 负责有关安全管理记录、台帐、资料的整理、归档和上报工作。 Be responsible for the record, machine account, sorting of data, filing and reporting, which are related to the safety management. 编制各单项施工方案的安全评估。 Prepare the safety assessment of each single construction scheme. 填写每天安全管理文件和各种专项表格。 Fill out the d

34、aily safety management document and various special tables.g) 质检员Quality inspector 保证经检验合格入库的设备材料符合技术标准。严格执行不合格不得转入下道工序的原则,对所签发的交工技术文件的符合性负责。 Ensuring that the equipment and materials being put in storage after acceptance can meet the technical standard. Strictly holding the principle of not turning

35、 to the next process if unqualified; being responsible for the conformance of the technical document for acceptance issued. 负责与监检部门联系,建立正常有益的监检关系。 Being responsible for contacting with the supervision and inspection department, to establish normal and profitable supervision and inspection relationsh

36、ip. 贯彻A、B、C质量控制点检查制度。 Carrying out the inspection system for A, B, C quality control points. h) 采购工程师 Procurement Engineer 对原材料从编制采购计划到分承包方评价直至材料到施工班组使用的各阶段进行全过程的质量控制。Carrying out the overall-process quality control in stages from making the purchasing plan for raw materials, evaluation of subcontra

37、ctor, to the application of construction teams and groups. 对材料的代用合法性负责、控制不合格品不交付安装。 Being responsible for the validity of materials substitution and the control of unqualified products not to be delivered for installation. i) 施工班组长Leader of construction teams and groups 负责贯彻实施质量管理文件和工艺技术文件的各项规定,组织本单

38、位施工.Being responsible for carrying out and implementing the regulations of quality management system and process engineering document, and organizing the construction. 负责组织本单位作业人员的施工前技术交底和质量安全教育,负责组织施工过程的自控、自检,接受质检人员的监督、检查和指导,对本单位的施工质量负责。Being responsible for organizing the technical clarification a

39、nd quality and safety education for the operation staffs of the unit before the construction; taking charge of the self-control and self-check during the construction; receiving the supervision, inspection and instruction of the quality inspector; being responsible for the construction quality of th

40、e unit. 参加质量问题的调查分析,并组织纠正和预防措施的实施。 Taking part in the investigation and analysis on quality problems, and organizing the implementation of corrections and precautions. 有权对从事项目施工人员的技术水平和工作质量作出评价,并及时组织业务培训或进行工作调整。Being entitled to evaluate the technical level and working quality of the constructors en

41、gaged in the project, and organizing the operation training or work accommodation on time. D. 人力资源计划表Human resources planning chart专业工种2012-82012-92012-102012-112012-122013-12013-22013-32013-4Process Part工艺部分设备安装钳工4 8 10 管工6 10 12 焊工2 6 8 防腐保温工2 4 6 综合普种4 4 6 8 BULK LIQUID大宗液体设备安装钳工2 2 4 管工2 3 4 焊工1

42、 1 2 防腐保温工1 2 2 综合普种1 2 3 CIP StationCIP站设备安装钳工2 4 管工3 4 5 焊工1 2 2 防腐保温工1 2 综合普种2 2 3 Nitrogen Distribution System氮气分配系统设备安装钳工2 2 管工2 4 4 焊工1 1 2 防腐保温工1 1 2 综合普种1 2 2 DI, Potable Water & Process Heating Water System去离子水,饮用水和工艺热水系统设备安装钳工2 4 管工2 4 6 焊工1 2 2 防腐保温工1 2 2 综合普种1 2 3 PCS (PROCESS CONTROL SY

43、STEM)过程控制系统线槽及电柜电箱安装工2 5 5 线管及线盒安装工4 8 10 接线及调试电工2 2 2 支吊架安装工2 4 4 综合普种2 2 4 4 辅助设施制作安装安装钳工4 不锈钢制作铆工4 8 10 不锈钢氩弧焊焊工2 3 4 综合普种2 2 3 合计6.00 61.00 113.00 150.00 E. 主要劳动力曲线图Labor Supply CurveF. 施工设备及机具配置表Construction Equipment and Tools序号No.名 称Name单位Unit数量Amount备注Remarks1进口自动氩弧焊机Automatic thin wall gasshielded welder台set2不锈钢薄壁卫生管道焊接 Welding of thin stainless steel sanitation pipe2电动管子切割机Electric pipe cutter套set2不锈钢薄壁卫生管道开料Cutting of thin stainless steel sanitation pipe3手动氩弧焊机Argon welder台set4焊不锈钢件Welding of stai


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