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1、111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,Unit 3 Writing Home,JJ 五年级下册,Lesson15 Sending the Postcards,111111111111111111111111111111,冀教版小学英语五5年级下册-Unit-3Lesson-15-Sending-the-Postcards授课课件,1.Wheres th

2、e post office?,Danny and Jenny want to send the postcards.Where is the post office?,Excuse me,wheres the post office?,Go straight.Turn left at the traffic lights.,Thanks!,1.Wheres the post office?Da,Excuse me,wheres the post office?打扰一下!邮局在哪里?Go straight.Turn left at the traffic lights.直走。在交通信号灯处向左转

3、。,知识点1,用法:,用于询问地点,属于wh 问句。而且通常在句首加Excuse me 或者句末加“please”,会显得更有礼貌。,问句句式:Excuse me,where is/wheres+地点名词?,Excuse me,wheres the post o,同义句:,How can I get to+地点名词?Which is the way to+地点名词?Can you tell me the way to+地点名词?,同义句:How can I get to+地点名词?,答语:指路的常用语,Go straight 直着走。Go down/along the street.沿着这条街

4、走。Turn left/right at.在向左/右转。You can go there by./on foot.你可以乘/步行去那里。You will see/find.on the right/left.你将会看见/发现就在右/左边。,例句:,Wheres the bookstore,please?请问书店在哪里?Turn right at the traffic lights.在交通信号灯处向右转。,答语:指路的常用语Go straight 直着走。例句:W,Go straight.直走。,若接宾语则需要加介词,常用的介词有down 或along。,例句:,Please go strai

5、ght down the street.请沿着这条街道直走。,Go straight.直走。若接宾语则需要加介词,常用的,turn/tn/v.转向;转弯,例句:,turn left 向左转 turn right 向右转 turn on 打开,典例,根据句意和首字母提示将句子补充完整。T right at the first crossing(第一个十字路口)and you can find it on your right.,urn,turn/tn/v.转向;转弯例句:turn le,2.At the post office,Jenny:I need stamps for two postca

6、rds to Canada.How much are they?The post office clerk:They are twenty yuan.Jenny:Ill take them,please.Jenny:Do you need stamps,Danny?Danny:Yes,but not now!Jenny:What are you doing?Danny:Im writing nine postcards to my mother.Jenny:Nine?!Danny:Yes!Look!Jenny:Oh,no!Danny,you are wrong.Danny:Oops!,2.At

7、 the post officeJenny:I,Do you need stamps,Danny?丹尼,你需要邮票吗?,知识点 2,用法:,这是一个由Do 开头的一般疑问句,用于询问对方是否需要某物。,例句:,Do you need this bag?你需要这个包吗?Yes,please.是的,谢谢。,句式:Do you need+某物(+其他)?难点,Do you need stamps,Danny?知识点,need 此处为实义动词,意为“需要”。,其后可以接名词、动词的ing形式、动词不定式或代词。,易错点提示,need 作实义动词时,既可用于肯定句,也可用于否定句和疑问句,构成否定句和疑

8、问句时要借助于助动词do 或does。,need 此处为实义动词,意为“需要”。其后可以接名词、动词,例句:,I need some books.我需要一些书。Do you need any help?你需要帮助吗?No,thanks.不用了,谢谢。What do we need to take for the picnic?这次野餐我们需要带些什么?,例句:I need some books.我需要一些书。,wrong/r/adj.错误的,知识点 3,Your answer is wrong.你的答案是错误的。,例句:,Whats wrong with you?你怎么啦?There is n

9、othing wrong with the bike.这辆自行车没问题。,例句:,对应词记忆法:,right 正确的,拓展,wrong 还可以表示“(状况)有问题的;(身体)有病的”。,wrong/r/adj.错误的知识点 3Your,3.Lets do it!,1.Look and write.,How much is.?,How much is.?,_ _ _ _ _ _,How much is this postcard?Its five yuan.,How much are these shoes?,They are thirty yuan.,How much is that cap?

10、Its fifteen yuan.,How much are those postcards?They are eight yuan.,3.Lets do it!1.Look and wri,3.Lets do it!,2.Look and talk.,Excuse me,where is the hotel?Go straight.Turn left at the traffic lights.You will see the hotel on the right.Thank you.,3.Lets do it!2.Look and tal,我当交警来指路。两名同学一组,一人扮演交警,一人扮

11、演路人,根据下面的图片,利用Excuse me,where is the.?进行问路活动。,hospital hotel school park,我当交警来指路。hospital,一、单项选择。(1)_,where is the library?A.Excuse B.Goodbye C.Excuse me(2)Turn left _ the traffic lights.A.on B.at C.of(3)Excuse me,_ is the post office?Go straight.Its on the left of the road.A.what B.where C.how,B,C,

12、B,一、单项选择。BCB,二、按要求改写句子。He needs a car.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ _ _?,Does he need a car,二、按要求改写句子。Does he,三、看图指路。帮助小明找到去银行的路。Step 1:Go _ and turn_ at the first crossing.Step 2:Go _ along Black Street.There is a_ and a school.Step 3:Turn _.Then you can see the bank on your _.,straight,right,straight,hotel,left,right,三、看图指路。帮助小明找到去银行的路。straightrig,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦!,重点词汇:turn,need,wrong重点短语:go straight重点句式:Excuse me,wheres the post office?Go straight.Turn left at the traffic lights.,本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,Thank you!,Thank you!,


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